Team:CCU Taiwan/assets/js/js anchor

window.onload = function() {

var toc_nav = document.querySelector( '.toc_nav' ); var tocPath = document.querySelector( '.toc-marker path' ); var tocItems;

// Factor of screen size that the element must cross // before it's considered visible var TOP_MARGIN = 0.1, BOTTOM_MARGIN = 0.2;

var pathLength;

window.addEventListener( 'resize', drawPath, false ); window.addEventListener( 'scroll', sync, false );


function drawPath() {

tocItems = [] toc_nav.querySelectorAll( 'li' ) );

// Cache element references and measurements tocItems = function( item ) { var anchor = item.querySelector( 'a' ); var target = document.getElementById( anchor.getAttribute( 'href' ).slice( 1 ) );

return { listItem: item, anchor: anchor, target: target }; } );

// Remove missing targets tocItems = tocItems.filter( function( item ) { return !!; } );

var path = []; var pathIndent;

tocItems.forEach( function( item, i ) {

var x = item.anchor.offsetLeft - 5, y = item.anchor.offsetTop, height = item.anchor.offsetHeight;

if( i === 0 ) { path.push( 'M', x, y, 'L', x, y + height ); item.pathStart = 0; } else { // Draw an additional line when there's a change in // indent levels if( pathIndent !== x ) path.push( 'L', pathIndent, y );

path.push( 'L', x, y );

// Set the current path so that we can measure it tocPath.setAttribute( 'd', path.join( ' ' ) ); item.pathStart = tocPath.getTotalLength() || 0;

path.push( 'L', x, y + height ); }

pathIndent = x;

tocPath.setAttribute( 'd', path.join( ' ' ) ); item.pathEnd = tocPath.getTotalLength();

} );

pathLength = tocPath.getTotalLength();



function sync() {

var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;

var pathStart = pathLength, pathEnd = 0;

var visibleItems = 0;

tocItems.forEach( function( item ) {

var targetBounds =;

if( targetBounds.bottom > windowHeight * TOP_MARGIN && < windowHeight * ( 1 - BOTTOM_MARGIN ) ) { pathStart = Math.min( item.pathStart, pathStart ); pathEnd = Math.max( item.pathEnd, pathEnd );

visibleItems += 1;

item.listItem.classList.add( 'visible' ); } else { item.listItem.classList.remove( 'visible' ); }

} );

// Specify the visible path or hide the path altogether // if there are no visible items if( visibleItems > 0 && pathStart < pathEnd ) { tocPath.setAttribute( 'stroke-dashoffset', '1' ); tocPath.setAttribute( 'stroke-dasharray', '1, '+ pathStart +', '+ ( pathEnd - pathStart ) +', ' + pathLength ); tocPath.setAttribute( 'opacity', 1 ); } else { tocPath.setAttribute( 'opacity', 0 ); }

