



Validated Part / Validated Contribution

CEAS2 was successfully worked as expected to produce acrylic acid detected by HPLC. Validation found on our Proof of concept page, and in the registry here.


This year, we have collaborated with 8 teams on Interlab, Model, Project design, HP and so on.Check out all the teams and people we've worked with on our Collaborations page.

HP silver

Human practices extensively informed our project and it's development, and our outreach program was extremely successful. Check our Silver page.

Integrated Human Practices

Integrated human practices extensively informed our project and its development, and our outreach program was extremely successful. Check our Gold_Integrated page.

Model your project

This year, we not only model our core part to gain a higher production but also analysis our pathway based on the Metabolic flow modeling. Check our Model page.

Demonstrate your work

Check our Demonstrate page to see the higher production we gained after modifying our chassis organisms.

Register and attend

We have registered and attended the Giant Jamboree.


All deliverables were met!


Check our attribution page to see those who've helped us along the way!

Characterization / Contribution

We have signed up for the InterLab Measurement Study and finished our measurement. Check our interlab page to see our result!