

Human Practices

General Overview

Our project refers to innovative matters such as genetically modified organisms. We have aimed to achieve the safeness GMO´s requires due to the impact in the economic, social and legal aspects. As a result, our Human Practices are divided into two big groups; Integrated Human Practices and Public Engagement.

Integrated Human Practices

In our concern of the biosafety of the development and usage of GMO´s, we developed a thoughtful and complete project that integrates the legal, social and entrepreneurship aspects. Respect to the legal, we created two projects of law-protocols which regulates the creation and liberation of GMO´s due to the lack of legal biotechnology regulations in the Mexican Law. As social, we aimed to make biotechnology products, as Erwinions, available for all those with serious social necessities through the creation of public policy that establishes the guidelines Mexico must follow to eradicate starvation. The entrepreneurship proposal refers that based on a reinforced business plan we developed an economical novel technology that efficiently solves the fire blight and that without it, it could not be possible to materialize our legal and social projects because each of them compliments and make a more strengthened plan.

Public Engagement

Tec-Chihuahua developed two subprojects to address two different but equally important challenge in Mexico; the lack of educational tools that sparks scientific curiosity at young ages and the disinterest in dialoguing about new technologies and their risks like synthetic biology. The first way to tackle this is by the creation, with the collaboration of TecCEM and TecMonterrey_GDA, of an Experimental Handbook for elementary education created with consideration of the National Program of Education, established by the Minister of Public Education (SEP by its acronym in Spanish). On the other hand, we organized an event for approximately 400 high school students called TecChMun, where students will roleplay delegates of different nations and will try to create real diplomatic solutions to various problems like antibiotic resistance and on the spot crisis like bioterrorism. This event will enhance problem-solving and decision making to real-world problem and interests.

Please click on the links below to know more about our HP:

HP Silver

HP Gold

Public Engagement

Integrated HP