
Attribution of team members

    Our project involved in a large amount of work in varies aspects. To clearly figure out what has been done by each member, we designed a novel method-a table where team members declare and take responsibility their attributions. Also, by adding names of other organizations or teachers in the Name Line and detailed attributions they’ve made in the Events Line, this table can also help to figure out the overall attributions made by all the people involved in the project. What’s more, instead of just ticking for the listed events in the table, people can also write down their significant attribution in the box by description. In the end, people who have filled out the table should sign personally to further prove its validation.

    If other teams also need to figure out each member’s attribution, we’ve simplified this table into a template as follows for the sake of their convenience.

    Name Line: Names of team members or any other organizations and teachers, who have made attribution to your project.

    Events Line: Descriptions of detailed attributions

    Box: Ticks or words are all available.

Attribution of others

1.General Support

    Generally, our project has gained many advice and encouragements from many people, including professors from many different schools of Wuhan University(WHU). College of Life Sciences(CLS-WHU) gave us primary support in every aspect of our project.

2.Project support and advice

    Our project is fully supported Primary PI Prof. Xie, Second PI Prof. Chen, Teacher Long Yan and CLS. During the whole process of establishing and optimizing our project, we got a plenty of precious advices from Prof. Guo Lin, Prof. Yin Lei, Prof. Tang Xiaofeng, Prof. Xie Zhixiong, Prof. Chen Yu, Pro. Cao Zhijian Prof. Liu Qingzhen Associate Prof. Huang Yuping and Associate Prof. Peng Fang of CLS-WHU, researcher Qiu Dongru, and researcher He Feng of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences(IHCAS), Prof. Liu Tiangang of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Wuhan University(SPS-WHU), Prof. Mao Xuhui of School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University(SRES-WHU), a Coach of NCTU, graduates of Prof. Xie’s research group, Prof. Chen Xiangdong’s research group and A.Prof. Huang’s research group, undergraduate Bie Yuanyuan, Wu Lin and Gao Guoming of CLS-WHU.

3.Fundraising help and advice

    Our project is fully funded by CLS-WHU and we mainly received advice about fundraising from Prof. Xie, Prof. Chen and Mr. Long.

4.Lab support

    Our experiments were mainly carried out in Scientific Training Room and Room 6132-6135 of CLS. Experimental materials and instruments are mostly provided by CLS, Prof. Chen’s research group and China Center for Type Culture Collection(CCTCC). Wuhan AuGCT DNA-SYN Biotechnology Co., Ltd synthesized primers and sequenced DNA samples for us. BGI helped us in synthesizing RdhANP.

5.Difficult technique support

    We learned electroporation from Zhang Xiaoming, a graduate of Prof. Chen Xiangdong’s research group and conducted soil sample testing by HPLC in testing center of WHU.

6.Project advisor support

    Two advisors gave us advices in different aspects of our project. Advisor Bie Yuanyuan helped us in actual experiments by suggesting and Advisor Wu Lin offered guidance on personnel management and Jamboree.

7.Wiki support

    Our wiki is entirely completed by ourselves. Nearly every team member is involved in its construction and its final completion is achieved by members of Group of Wiki (See Team Members). Additionally, 7 undergraduates of CLS, including Xin Yuan, Tang Daijiao, Gao Huiqing, Zheng Zhizhen, Wang Xiwei, Liu Yuyan and Zhang Wenhui, helped us in translating Chinese protocols in English.

8.Presentation coaching

    Our presentation is all done by ourselves, not receiving any coaching from any other people.

9.Human Practices support

    Our Human Practices are mostly supported by CLS-WHU.

    There are many other people involved in our project, such as those strangers we‘ve interviewed and surveyed and iGEMers from teams Though its hard to express our sincere thanks to them here in a specific way, we are still really grateful for their warm-hearted help.