Template:NCKU Tainan/template test

/* Transitive by TEMPLATED templated.co @templatedco Released for free under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license (templated.co/license)

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(function($) {

skel.breakpoints({ xlarge: '(max-width: 1680px)', large: '(max-width: 1280px)', medium: '(max-width: 980px)', small: '(max-width: 736px)', xsmall: '(max-width: 480px)' });

$(function() {

var $window = $(window), $body = $('body'), $header = $('#header'), $banner = $('#banner');

// Disable animations/transitions until the page has loaded. $body.addClass('is-loading');

$window.on('load', function() { window.setTimeout(function() { $body.removeClass('is-loading'); }, 100); });

// Prioritize "important" elements on medium. skel.on('+medium -medium', function() { $.prioritize( '.important\\28 medium\\29', skel.breakpoint('medium').active ); });

// Fix: Placeholder polyfill. $('form').placeholder();

// Header. if (skel.vars.IEVersion < 9) $header.removeClass('alt');

if ($banner.length > 0 && $header.hasClass('alt')) {

$window.on('resize', function() { $window.trigger('scroll'); });

$banner.scrollex({ bottom: $header.outerHeight(), terminate: function() { $header.removeClass('alt'); }, enter: function() { $header.addClass('alt'); }, leave: function() { $header.removeClass('alt'); $header.addClass('reveal'); } });


// Banner.

if ($banner.length > 0) {

// IE fix. if (skel.vars.IEVersion < 12) {

$window.on('resize', function() {

var wh = $window.height() * 0.60, bh = $banner.height();

$banner.css('height', 'auto');

window.setTimeout(function() {

if (bh < wh) $banner.css('height', wh + 'px');

}, 0);


$window.on('load', function() { $window.triggerHandler('resize'); });


// Video check. var video = $banner.data('video');

if (video) $window.on('load.banner', function() {

// Disable banner load event (so it doesn't fire again). $window.off('load.banner');

// Append video if supported. if (!skel.vars.mobile && !skel.breakpoint('large').active && skel.vars.IEVersion > 9) $banner.append('<video autoplay loop><source src="' + video + '.mp4" type="video/mp4" /><source src="' + video + '.webm" type="video/webm" /></video>');


// More button. $banner.find('.more') .addClass('scrolly');


// Scrolly. if ( $( ".scrolly" ).length ) {

var $height = $('#header').height() * 0.95;

$('.scrolly').scrolly({ offset: $height }); }

// Menu. $('#menu') .append('<a href="#menu" class="close"></a>') .appendTo($body) .panel({ delay: 500, hideOnClick: true, hideOnSwipe: true, resetScroll: true, resetForms: true, side: 'right' });

