clc clf clear % All equations and values are taken from the article: % "Modelling the dynamics of the yeast pheromone pathway." % by Kofahl et. al % % This is the Main file that uses f.m for solving the ODEs. %intial concentrations for the different species, all are expressed in nM x0=zeros(41,1); x0(1) = 100.0; %alpha x0(2) = 1666.67; %Ste2 x0(3) = 0.0; %Ste2active x0(4) = 1666.67; %Galphabetagamma x0(5) = 0.0; %GalphaGTP x0(6) = 0.0; %Gbetagamma x0(7) = 0.0; %GaGDP x0(8) = 235.72; %C x0(9) = 0.0; %D x0(10) = 158.33; %Ste5 x0(11) = 158.33; %Ste11 x0(12) = 105.94; %A x0(13) = 36.4; %Ste7 x0(14) = 686.4; %Fus3 x0(15) = 77.87; %B x0(16) = 1000; %Ste20 x0(17) = 0.0; %E x0(18) = 0.0; %F x0(19) = 0.0; %G x0(20) = 0.0; %H x0(21) = 0.0; %I x0(22) = 0.0; %L x0(23) = 0.0; %Fus3PP x0(24) = 0.0; %K x0(25) = 200; %Ste12 x0(26) = 0.0; %Ste12active x0(27) = 200; %Bar1 x0(28) = 0.0; %Bar1active x0(29) = 0.0; %Bar1activeex x0(30) = 500; %Far1 x0(31) = 0.0; %Far1PP x0(32) = 0.0; %Far1ubi x0(33) = 0.0; %M x0(34) = 0.0; %N x0(35) = 300; %Cdc28 x0(36) = 0.0; %Sst2 x0(37) = 0.0; %Cre/Fus1 x0(38) = 0.0; %Cas9 x0(39) = 0.0; %Mated diploids x0(40) = 1000; %Haploids x0(41) = 0.0; %Cas9-gRNA complex % %plots time courses for the different species % voc=[0.011;0.006;0.052]; % x0(1)=voc(1); % [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 100],x0); % plot(t,x) time=100; voc=[0.011;0.006;0.052]; figure('Name','Protein expression for different octanal levels in breath (original yeast parameters, median values)') subplot(3,2,1) x0(1)=voc(1); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time],x0); plot(t,x(:,26),'r'),hold on x0(1)=voc(2); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time],x0); plot(t,x(:,26),'m') x0(1)=voc(3); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time],x0); plot(t,x(:,26),'b') xlabel('time (mins)') ylabel('Concentration of Ste12 (nM)') legend('Control - 11pM','Smokers - 6pM','Lung cancer patients - 52pM') legend('Location','northeast') legend('boxoff') % title('Cre expression for different octanal levels in breath (original yeast parameters, median values)') subplot(3,2,2) x0(1)=voc(1); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time],x0); plot(t,x(:,37),'r'),hold on xcontrol=x(:,37); x0(1)=voc(2); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time],x0); plot(t,x(:,37),'m') x0(1)=voc(3); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time],x0); plot(t,x(:,37),'b') xcancer=x(:,37); xlabel('time (mins)') ylabel('Concentration of Cre/Fus1 (nM)') legend('Control - 11pM','Smokers - 6pM','Lung cancer patients - 52pM') legend('Location','southeast') legend('boxoff') % ratio=xcancer/xcontrol; % subplot(2,2,3) % plot(t,ratio,'g') % xlabel('time (mins)') % ylabel('Cre expression ratio between cancer and control') subplot(3,2,3) x0(1)=voc(1); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time],x0); plot(t,x(:,38),'r'),hold on x0(1)=voc(2); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time],x0); plot(t,x(:,38),'m') x0(1)=voc(3); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time],x0); plot(t,x(:,38),'b') xlabel('time (mins)') ylabel('Concentration of Cas9/gRNA (nM)') legend('Control - 11pM','Smokers - 6pM','Lung cancer patients - 52pM') legend('Location','southwest') legend('boxoff') xlabel('time (mins)') ylabel('Concentration of Cas9/gRNA (nM)') % figure('Name','Mating and ADE2 deletion') time2=1440; subplot(3,2,4) x0(1)=voc(1); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time2],x0); plot(t,x(:,39),'r'),hold on x0(1)=voc(2); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time2],x0); plot(t,x(:,39),'m') x0(1)=voc(3); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time2],x0); plot(t,x(:,39),'b') xlabel('time (mins)') ylabel('Ammount of mated diploids') legend('Control - 11pM','Smokers - 6pM','Lung cancer patients - 52pM') legend('Location','northwest') legend('boxoff') subplot(3,2,5) x0(1)=voc(1); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time2],x0); plot(t,x(:,41),'r'),hold on x0(1)=voc(2); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time2],x0); plot(t,x(:,41),'m') x0(1)=voc(3); [t,x]=ode23s(@f,[0 time2],x0); plot(t,x(:,41),'b') xlabel('time (mins)') ylabel('Cas9:gRNA per diploid (nM)') legend('Control - 11pM','Smokers - 6pM','Lung cancer patients - 52pM') legend('Location','northwest') legend('boxoff')