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<p>Morbi suscipit, mi et eleifend venenatis, purus erat venenatis lacus, eu congue neque lacus et lorem. Integer in facilisis nunc. Fusce et tellus venenatis, egestas tellus luctus, elementum mi. Vestibulum in nibh vel nisi bibendum porttitor. Etiam et semper nunc. Vivamus efficitur vehicula tortor. Nam ullamcorper malesuada cursus.</p>
<p>Ut ut felis nibh. Phasellus lobortis turpis sit amet libero maximus congue. Morbi vitae leo at felis rhoncus feugiat ut eget ipsum. Fusce id vestibulum lorem, sed sodales enim. Maecenas posuere eros ligula, at varius ex venenatis eget. Nam hendrerit nibh ac nulla ultrices, semper venenatis velit feugiat. Sed sit amet felis bibendum, placerat eros ut, aliquam nibh. Cras dictum diam sed odio faucibus iaculis.</p>
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<h1>GUPPI: Gelation Using Protein Protein Interactions</h1>
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<h2>The TU Eindhoven team of 2017 has won a golden medal and was nominated for Best New Application!</h2>
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<td><a href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:TU-Eindhoven/Project">Project</a></td>
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Cancer is a major cause of death worldwide. With our project, GUPPI, we hope to set the basics of a system that can encapsulate the cancerous tissue to prevent metastasis in an early stage. GUPPI utilizes Protein Protein Interactions and is inspired by the formation of membraneless organelles by multivalent interactions. A designed protein scaffold and its binding partner, both having sequential repeating units, will respond to an inducer and form a gel-like structure. We envision that later on, GUPPI can respond to extracellular conditions that will act as an inducer of the gelation to specifically target and encapsulate the desired tissue. The GUPPI system has some major advantages, such as the tunability of the protein’s multivalency and the possible adaptation of interactions. Furthermore, a rule-base-model is developed to predict, verify and characterize the wet-lab experiments and act as an additional support.<br/><br/>
Below, an animation is shown which shows the formation of the gel-like structure. The scaffold protein is depicted in light-blue and its binding partner is depicted in orange.<br/><br/>
<video width="1000" height="600" controls>
<source src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/74/Construct720c.mp4" type="video/mp4">

Latest revision as of 10:35, 15 December 2017



GUPPI: Gelation Using Protein Protein Interactions


The TU Eindhoven team of 2017 has won a golden medal and was nominated for Best New Application!

Cancer is a major cause of death worldwide. With our project, GUPPI, we hope to set the basics of a system that can encapsulate the cancerous tissue to prevent metastasis in an early stage. GUPPI utilizes Protein Protein Interactions and is inspired by the formation of membraneless organelles by multivalent interactions. A designed protein scaffold and its binding partner, both having sequential repeating units, will respond to an inducer and form a gel-like structure. We envision that later on, GUPPI can respond to extracellular conditions that will act as an inducer of the gelation to specifically target and encapsulate the desired tissue. The GUPPI system has some major advantages, such as the tunability of the protein’s multivalency and the possible adaptation of interactions. Furthermore, a rule-base-model is developed to predict, verify and characterize the wet-lab experiments and act as an additional support.

Below, an animation is shown which shows the formation of the gel-like structure. The scaffold protein is depicted in light-blue and its binding partner is depicted in orange.
