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            <p id="homepageheadline1">Snakebite Detectives</p>
    <p id="homepageheadline2">iGEM 2017</p>
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             <h1 class="bottomborder">The most neglected tropical disease</h1>
            <div class="row imgmenu">
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                                <h3 class="rmvpadmarg">What is the problem</h3>
                                <p>Some very informative text that will make the user click the link and learn more about our project</p>
                <div class="col-2 rmvpadmarg" style="white-space: pre;"><p> </p></div>
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                                <h3 class="rmvpadmarg">Where is the problem</h3>
                                <p>Some more very informative text that will make the user click the link and learn more about our project</p>
         <h2 class="bottomborder">Project description</h2>
         <h1 class="bottomborder">Project description</h1>
        <p>Envenomation by snakebite is one of the most neglected diseases with an estimated 5 million bites each year. These result in about 100,000 deaths and 400,000 disabilities annually. The only effective treatment is animal derived antivenoms, which frequently causes adverse reactions. As a result they are often only administered as a last resort.
        <p>We aim to develop a detection-assay that enables us to determine what type of snake a snake bite patient is envenomed by. The strategy is to target distinguishable enzymatic features in the different snake venoms by developing suitable substrate-based diagnostic. We hope our diagnostic tool can be useful in identifying the relative composition of specific venom components in a blood sample and thereby allow for the safest course of treatment. See our <a href=https://2017.igem.org/Team:DTU-Denmark/Description>Project Description</a>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a felis sed enim feugiat hendrerit. Curabitur id vulputate risus. Donec porta volutpat posuere. Morbi metus lectus, laoreet quis elit in, bibendum vehicula massa. Vestibulum sit amet tempor libero. Nam urna tellus, suscipit id est sit amet, volutpat ullamcorper ante. Sed venenatis interdum nisl. Nam consectetur libero quis ipsum porttitor, sed placerat diam hendrerit. Cras sit amet massa sit amet nunc tristique tincidunt. Nunc pellentesque, erat et ullamcorper cursus, lacus ligula ultricies tortor, vel suscipit est diam quis nisi. Ut erat sem, aliquam at tortor rutrum, varius lobortis dui. Maecenas ac augue ac arcu blandit commodo eget sit amet sem.
Nulla ac iaculis nunc, et pretium purus. Nulla sagittis enim et turpis commodo auctor. Vivamus ac faucibus tellus. Curabitur viverra libero nec ligula ornare, vel gravida metus vehicula. Nam congue id neque sit amet suscipit. Integer commodo est sit amet lorem vestibulum, ac pharetra magna blandit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed ultricies, tellus vel blandit gravida, nibh justo mollis enim, in laoreet libero enim eget ante. Vivamus luctus volutpat euismod. Vivamus bibendum sit amet quam vitae suscipit. Proin vel hendrerit nisl. Mauris malesuada tincidunt eros eu volutpat.
Nunc et elit turpis. Nulla a felis felis. Aenean in ipsum finibus, ornare mauris et, tempor tellus. Donec non arcu eget ipsum ultricies pellentesque. Donec sagittis, orci eu sollicitudin efficitur, ex elit aliquam mi, tincidunt lacinia dui erat quis arcu. Ut tincidunt neque urna, nec sodales diam faucibus non. Cras convallis finibus elit, sit amet pulvinar erat pretium sit amet. In vel fermentum arcu, a hendrerit lacus. Proin posuere nibh eget diam laoreet, ac vehicula leo cursus. Nullam sit amet sem semper, ornare odio in, luctus nunc. Quisque eu massa ultrices, euismod eros a, feugiat erat. Curabitur vitae scelerisque augue, non luctus libero. Nullam ac nulla quis elit auctor blandit. Aliquam non consequat leo.
Fusce massa justo, rutrum nec elit eget, aliquet cursus magna. Aliquam non fringilla diam, id bibendum enim. Integer tristique tortor sit amet porta accumsan. In scelerisque turpis enim, id ornare nibh euismod sit amet. Aenean sem velit, ultrices sed tristique nec, eleifend id elit. Duis ac nisi in quam feugiat euismod eu ut metus. Morbi eget scelerisque felis. Nullam malesuada ex et risus convallis pretium. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Cras orci justo, aliquet a felis nec, mattis posuere lacus. Nullam eleifend imperdiet est at facilisis. Maecenas nulla massa, tincidunt eget vulputate sit amet, ultricies sed urna. Ut viverra viverra augue, eu interdum ligula posuere in. Etiam consequat iaculis enim, at interdum leo porta id. Pellentesque pretium massa vitae consequat rutrum. Vestibulum hendrerit egestas urna non venenatis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a felis sed enim feugiat hendrerit. Curabitur id vulputate risus. Donec porta volutpat posuere. Morbi metus lectus, laoreet quis elit in, bibendum vehicula massa. Vestibulum sit amet tempor libero. Nam urna tellus, suscipit id est sit amet, volutpat ullamcorper ante. Sed venenatis interdum nisl. Nam consectetur libero quis ipsum porttitor, sed placerat diam hendrerit. Cras sit amet massa sit amet nunc tristique tincidunt. Nunc pellentesque, erat et ullamcorper cursus, lacus ligula ultricies tortor, vel suscipit est diam quis nisi. Ut erat sem, aliquam at tortor rutrum, varius lobortis dui. Maecenas ac augue ac arcu blandit commodo eget sit amet sem.
Nulla ac iaculis nunc, et pretium purus. Nulla sagittis enim et turpis commodo auctor. Vivamus ac faucibus tellus. Curabitur viverra libero nec ligula ornare, vel gravida metus vehicula. Nam congue id neque sit amet suscipit. Integer commodo est sit amet lorem vestibulum, ac pharetra magna blandit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed ultricies, tellus vel blandit gravida, nibh justo mollis enim, in laoreet libero enim eget ante. Vivamus luctus volutpat euismod. Vivamus bibendum sit amet quam vitae suscipit. Proin vel hendrerit nisl. Mauris malesuada tincidunt eros eu volutpat.
Nunc et elit turpis. Nulla a felis felis. Aenean in ipsum finibus, ornare mauris et, tempor tellus. Donec non arcu eget ipsum ultricies pellentesque. Donec sagittis, orci eu sollicitudin efficitur, ex elit aliquam mi, tincidunt lacinia dui erat quis arcu. Ut tincidunt neque urna, nec sodales diam faucibus non. Cras convallis finibus elit, sit amet pulvinar erat pretium sit amet. In vel fermentum arcu, a hendrerit lacus. Proin posuere nibh eget diam laoreet, ac vehicula leo cursus. Nullam sit amet sem semper, ornare odio in, luctus nunc. Quisque eu massa ultrices, euismod eros a, feugiat erat. Curabitur vitae scelerisque augue, non luctus libero. Nullam ac nulla quis elit auctor blandit. Aliquam non consequat leo.
Fusce massa justo, rutrum nec elit eget, aliquet cursus magna. Aliquam non fringilla diam, id bibendum enim. Integer tristique tortor sit amet porta accumsan. In scelerisque turpis enim, id ornare nibh euismod sit amet. Aenean sem velit, ultrices sed tristique nec, eleifend id elit. Duis ac nisi in quam feugiat euismod eu ut metus. Morbi eget scelerisque felis. Nullam malesuada ex et risus convallis pretium. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Cras orci justo, aliquet a felis nec, mattis posuere lacus. Nullam eleifend imperdiet est at facilisis. Maecenas nulla massa, tincidunt eget vulputate sit amet, ultricies sed urna. Ut viverra viverra augue, eu interdum ligula posuere in. Etiam consequat iaculis enim, at interdum leo porta id. Pellentesque pretium massa vitae consequat rutrum. Vestibulum hendrerit egestas urna non venenatis.
<!-- <p>Envenomation by snakebite is one of the most neglected diseases with an estimated 5 million bites. These result in about 100,000 deaths and 400,000 disabilities annually [1]. The only effective treatment is animal derived antivenoms, which frequently causes adverse reactions [2]. As a result they are often only administered as a last resort.</p>
<p>Envenomation by snakebite is one of the most neglected diseases with an estimated 5 million bites. These result in about 100,000 deaths and 400,000 disabilities annually [1]. The only effective treatment is animal derived antivenoms, which frequently causes adverse reactions [2]. As a result they are often only administered as a last resort.</p>
<p>One of the major problems related to treatment of snake bites concerns the lack of identification of the snake. When bitten, it is difficult for most people to remember details about the snake, which makes it almost impossible to confidently administer the correct specific antivenom. Currently, if the snake cannot be identified, multispecies antivenom is used in a consequently higher dose leading to more severe side effects. By solving the venom identification problem it could potentially increase the survival rate of snake bite victims. This is due to decreased diagnosis time and less amount of antivenom necessary for treatment, thereby causing fewer adverse reactions in the patient [3].</p>
<p>One of the major problems related to treatment of snake bites concerns the lack of identification of the snake. When bitten, it is difficult for most people to remember details about the snake, which makes it almost impossible to confidently administer the correct specific antivenom. Currently, if the snake cannot be identified, multispecies antivenom is used in a consequently higher dose leading to more severe side effects. By solving the venom identification problem it could potentially increase the survival rate of snake bite victims. This is due to decreased diagnosis time and less amount of antivenom necessary for treatment, thereby causing fewer adverse reactions in the patient [3].</p>
<p>We aim to create a novel diagnostic platform by using synthetic biology derived protease activity assay to identify specific venom enzymes that, by developing suitable substrates, can investigate the relative composition of specific venom components in a blood sample. Our goal is to create a diagnostic tool that would make it possible for a clinician to quickly determine which antivenom is necessary, or if it is necessary at all.</p><br /><br />
<p>We aim to create a novel diagnostic platform by using synthetic biology derived protease activity assay to identify specific venom enzymes that, by developing suitable substrates, can investigate the relative composition of specific venom components in a blood sample. Our goal is to create a diagnostic tool that would make it possible for a clinician to quickly determine which antivenom is necessary, or if it is necessary at all.</p><br /><br />
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[1] Chippaux JP (1998). <em>Snake-bites: appraisal of the global situation.</em> Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 76(5),515-24.<br />
[1] Chippaux JP (1998). <em>Snake-bites: appraisal of the global situation.</em> Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 76(5),515-24.<br />
[2] Gutiérrez JM, León G, Lomonte B, Angulo Y (2011). <em>Antivenoms for Snakebite Envenomings. Inflammation and Allergy.</em> Drug Targets 10(5), 369–80.<br />
[2] Gutiérrez JM, León G, Lomonte B, Angulo Y (2011). <em>Antivenoms for Snakebite Envenomings. Inflammation and Allergy.</em> Drug Targets 10(5), 369–80.<br />
[3] Warrell D, Gutierrez JM, Padilla A (2007). <em>Rabies and Envenomings: a Neglected Public Health Issue: Report of a Consultative Meeting.</em> World Health Organization, Geneva.</p>-->
[3] Warrell D, Gutierrez JM, Padilla A (2007). <em>Rabies and Envenomings: a Neglected Public Health Issue: Report of a Consultative Meeting.</em> World Health Organization, Geneva.</p>
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Revision as of 18:47, 17 July 2017

Project description

Envenomation by snakebite is one of the most neglected diseases with an estimated 5 million bites. These result in about 100,000 deaths and 400,000 disabilities annually [1]. The only effective treatment is animal derived antivenoms, which frequently causes adverse reactions [2]. As a result they are often only administered as a last resort.

One of the major problems related to treatment of snake bites concerns the lack of identification of the snake. When bitten, it is difficult for most people to remember details about the snake, which makes it almost impossible to confidently administer the correct specific antivenom. Currently, if the snake cannot be identified, multispecies antivenom is used in a consequently higher dose leading to more severe side effects. By solving the venom identification problem it could potentially increase the survival rate of snake bite victims. This is due to decreased diagnosis time and less amount of antivenom necessary for treatment, thereby causing fewer adverse reactions in the patient [3].

We aim to create a novel diagnostic platform by using synthetic biology derived protease activity assay to identify specific venom enzymes that, by developing suitable substrates, can investigate the relative composition of specific venom components in a blood sample. Our goal is to create a diagnostic tool that would make it possible for a clinician to quickly determine which antivenom is necessary, or if it is necessary at all.


[1] Chippaux JP (1998). Snake-bites: appraisal of the global situation. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 76(5),515-24.
[2] Gutiérrez JM, León G, Lomonte B, Angulo Y (2011). Antivenoms for Snakebite Envenomings. Inflammation and Allergy. Drug Targets 10(5), 369–80.
[3] Warrell D, Gutierrez JM, Padilla A (2007). Rabies and Envenomings: a Neglected Public Health Issue: Report of a Consultative Meeting. World Health Organization, Geneva.


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