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<p> Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork chop ribeye pastrami turkey. Landjaeger burgdoggen kevin sausage short ribs jowl, rump shank. Burgdoggen frankfurter ball tip short ribs jowl. Cow pig ribeye kevin. Cow short ribs jerky beef tenderloin swine beef ribs alcatra short loin pork chop shank tail sausage shankle pork loin. Biltong jerky short loin, pastrami corned beef sausage meatloaf cow leberkas ham hock ground round chicken tri-tip fatback.</p>
<p> Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork chop ribeye pastrami turkey. Landjaeger burgdoggen kevin sausage short ribs jowl, rump shank. Burgdoggen frankfurter ball tip short ribs jowl. Cow pig ribeye kevin. Cow short ribs jerky beef tenderloin swine beef ribs alcatra short loin pork chop shank tail sausage shankle pork loin. Biltong jerky short loin, pastrami corned beef sausage meatloaf cow leberkas ham hock ground round chicken tri-tip fatback.</p>
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Revision as of 11:34, 16 August 2017

Integrated Human Practices

iGEM Goes Green

The collaboration

As part of a Human Practices collaboration project the iGEM team of TU Dresden invited us to participate in iGEM Goes Green. The main idea of the collaboration is to calculate and think about the emission of CO2 related to iGEM.

Our carbon footprint

Not unlike the coastline paradox presented by Mandelbrot, our total carbon footprint is hard to measure. Calculating our total footprint is therefore virtually impossible, and we cannot take the following into account: Every single kilometer we have driven, the exact size of our trees and so forth.
The estimated carbon footprint of a flight from Copenhagen, Denmark to Boston, Ma, USA and back again is 3.430 kg/person (kilde). With a team of 14 persons this yields a total of 48.020 or roughly 48 tonnes of carbon dioxide for our team. Just from flying intercontinental. Added to this is the carbon footprint of the Danish trains at 30 g/km/person (kilde). With the same 14 persons and 175 km to Copenhagen from Odense this yields a total of 147 kg. We have been on a total of three trips, one to Langeland, Denmark, one to Copenhagen, Denmark and one to Delft, Holland. We have travelled to these destinations in two Volkswagen Transporter vans. The carbon footprint of these is 188 kg/km/car (kilde). With a total of 2320 km travelled our trips yield a total of 844,5 kg of CO2.
Thus our total carbon footprint of travelling is roughly 49 tonnes of CO2.

Our Solution

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