

We'd like to thank our sponsors. With their generous financial support and helpful guidance, we were able to develop CascAID to be the project we had envisioned. Their sponsorship allowed us to make the most out of the iGEM-competition and attend the Giant Jamboree. We're glad we could call this companies our sponsors

Eurofins Genomics

Eurofins Genomics is an international provider of genomic services. With their proprietary technologies and protocols, they offer high quality next generation sequencing, gene synthesis, DNA oligos, RNA oligos and many other solutions all-around genomics. A comprehensive client support and an extensive portfolio makes Eurofins Genomics a strong partner for both research and industrial fields. Their over-night sequencing and oligo synthesis services were a great help for our project and their support for our team t-shirts is something we are greatly thankful for.

New England Biolabs

New England Biolabs provides many labs around the world with enzymes and a wide array of essential buffers for life sciences applications. As a industry leader, NEB has become one of the best suppliers for kits and enzymatic assays. We'd like to thank them for their products, as their enzymes played a central part on our experiments and their kits and assays were important benchmarks. specialises in the synthesis of oligonucleotides of all kinds. From primers to modified RNA-sequences, is an amazing partner for all scientist working with nucleotides. Their rigorous quality control and helpful support make sure that products are always a good choice. We are deeply thankful for their generous sponsorship, which allowed us to synthesise primers, target RNA and crRNA sequences, among others.

GATC Biotech

GATC Biotech is one of Europe's most renowned sequencing companies. Funded in 1990, they were one of the first providers of non-radioactive sequencing and have been innovating in the field ever since. Be it transcriptomics, genomics, single samples or whole genomes, GATC Biotech presents a high quality solution. Many thanks to GATC Biotech for offering their sequencing service to us and helping us validate our plasmids and biobricks.

GE Healthcare Life Sciences

GE Healthcare Life Sciences has the mission of pushing the medical field further by providing products and solutions ranging from nucleic acid research and microscopy to quality control and cell therapy. They also support and help develop new technologies that will be become future standards. We'd like to thank GE Healthcare Life Sciences for providing us with different membranes and materials that came to be an integral part of CascAID and for their guidance and consulting.

Integrated DNA Technologies

Integrated DNA Technologies is one of the largest manufacturers of oligonucleotides in the world, offering also solutions in genome editing, gene synthesis and sequencing. IDT is a reliable partner for oligo-synthesis and, thanks to its vast expertise and experience, delivers a high quality product in record time. Many of our cloning and sequencing primers were synthesised by Integrated DNA Technologies and without their help, this project wouldn't have been possible.


Promega is a worldwide provider of technical solutions for researches worldwide. With a wide portfolio of over 3000 products covering genomics, cellular expression and drug discovery among others, Promega is a strong partner for life sciences researches. Promega's proprietary technologies also present unique and powerful solutions for research and the development of new ideas. We thank Promega for their RNA purification kits and enzymes.


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different.

Carl Roth

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different.


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different.


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different.