Team:TCFSH Taiwan/Team

School Introduction

In 1915, under Japanese occupation, Taiwanese forefathers Lin Lie-tang, Lin Hsien-tang, Lin Hsiung-cheng, Tsai Lien-fang, and Ku Hsien-jung pooled resources and donated land to build the high school to educate Taiwanese students with a view to awakening Taiwanese people's nationalism and cultural senses. After the foundation of the school in 1915, it has undergone several changes in the name of the school. Not until the year 2000 did the school finally get the name it now adopts, National Taichung First Senior High School. There are now 75 classes, including 63 general classes, 3 classes of high achievement in math and science, 3 class of high achievement in language, and 3 art-oriented classes.

Team member

Improvement of Previous BioBrick

This year, we have designed fusion proteins of spider toxin in conjunction with snowdrop lectin by the three-alanine linker. Through the reference searching, we found that the previous research all used the three-alanine linker. In the experiment, we hypothesized that an elongated linker would enhance the function of the fusion protein for the original linker is too short for the proper folding of the two domains. So we went to the linker library in iGEM part registry website to search for a longer linker. At first, we planned to use the Flexible Peptide GS Linker(BBa_K416001) from 2010 NYU iGEM team. However, we found no result in the previous history using this linker. Therefore, we modified the sequence and added three more amino acids into the linker in case it was still too short for proper protein folding. In the experiment(See the Link), the fusion protein with the elongated GS linker did show the enhanced repellent effect. Observed from the phenomenon, we did prove the enhanced function of the fusion proteins, so we speculate that the fusion protein has a better secondary structure than the original ones. As a result, we have submitted a basic part for the improved elongated GS linker.(See the Link)
