Team:UST Beijing/InterLab

USTB-Beijing | Welcome


Wiki of InterLab

by UST_Beijing


“All of the 2017 iGEM teams are invited and encouraged to participate in the Fourth International InterLaboratory Measurement Study in synthetic biology.” The goal of our team is to use the InterLab protocol and Measurement Kit provided by iGEM official to do measurements which can help to establish a GFP measurement protocol based on engineering principles that anyone with a plate reader can use in their lab. The specific task for us is to measure GFP fluorescence and standard curve by using plate reader.

Materials & Methods

Plasmids used

Kit Plate 7
Positive Control (BBa_I20270): well 21B
Negative Control (BBa_R0040): well 21D Test Device 1 (BBa_J364000): well 21F Test Device 2 (BBa_J364001): well 21H Test Device 3 (BBa_J364002): well 21J Test Device 4 (BBa_J364003): well 21L Test Device 5 (BBa_J364004): well 21N Test Device 6 (BBa_J364005): well 21P curve by using plate reader.

  • A
  • B
  • C
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  • E

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