Competition/Deliverables/Part Pages


Part Pages on the Registry of Standard Biological Parts

Along with the competition, iGEM Headquarters maintains and runs the Registry of Standard Biological Parts, which houses a growing collection of genetic parts that can be mixed and matched to build synthetic biology devices and systems. During the competition, iGEM teams have access to parts, samples, data, and tools to work on their synthetic biology projects.

One of the expectations for participating iGEM teams is that they will submit any new biological parts they created to the Registry in order to help the Registry grow. Teams are also encouraged through the medal system to characterize their new parts along with existing parts from the Registry and submit that data to the Registry in order to help future teams use those parts. This expectation is a part of our "Get and Give" philosophy, where iGEM teams receive existing and contribute new biological parts to the Registry.

Part Categories

The Registry breaks down parts into two major categories: Basic Part and Composite Part. It's critical that teams understand the differences between these categories as the category denotes the type of Registry Part Page they will create. We clearly define these two categories on the Add a Part page on the Registry. All teams should read through this page and email us at hq AT igem DOT org with any questions prior to making their page(s).

Creating New Part Pages

Once you have determined if you are creating a Basic Part or Composite Part page, you should read through our Guidelines for the Main Part Page which will house the major information about your part (including, but not limited to: the DNA sequence, where the part originally comes from, some general information on how to use the part, and any data you have collected for the part).

For specific guidelines for a Basic Part page, please see our Add a Basic Part page. For specific guidelines for a Composite Part page, please see our Add a Composite Part page. BBa_K863006 is an example of a well documented Basic Part and BBa_K1150020 is an example of a well documented Composite Part.