Team:Fudan China/Member

Student team members

Tian Huang

Junior Student in Life Sciences
Age: 21
Favorites outside of iGEM:
McDonald's & Korean drama, Getting fat & Wasting time
Harvest from iGEM:
Learn to debug
Expectation for this new technological era:
A future device may be built in mind to memorize ideas which have came up with

Yixin Ma

Thrid year in clinical medicine
Age: 20
Favorites outside of iGEM:
Overwatch, Lord of the rings and Vampire Diary series
Harvest from iGEM:
Knowing a lot of great iGEMers
Expectation for this new technological era:
To live a live without synthetic biology and to live a happy life ever after.

Xinyu Dai

Age: 19
Favorites outside of iGEM:
Harvest from iGEM:
Expectation for this new technological era:

Suning Zhao

Junior Student in Basic Medicine
Age: 19
Favorites outside of iGEM:
Harvest from iGEM:
Just learn by doing! Always trust your team members!
Expectation for this new technological era:
Hope there will be real “bacteria computers” making our lives easier and easier!

Haiyun Liu

Age: ?
Favorites outside of iGEM:
Harvest from iGEM:
Expectation for this new technological era:

Xinyi Xu

Junior Student in Ecology
Age: 20
Favorites outside of iGEM:
Philosophy\Phytology\Film Editing
Harvest from iGEM:
Enhancing my designing skill and getting more engaged in synthetic biology.
Expectation for this new technological era:
Looking forward to the new age of bio-computer.

Hanzhen Zhang

An undergraduate student in Clinical Medicine
Age: 21
Favorites outside of iGEM:
Tennis, Swimming and International pop music
Harvest from iGEM:
Just learn by doing! Always trust your team members!
Expectation for this new technological era:
It could pave the way for groundbreaking findings and new method for medical research and treatment.

Team PIs, instructors and advisors

Thank you for your help and supports!

Prof. Xiaoming Din
Prof. Daru Lu
Yucong Yu
Yang Xie