
/* DD Full Screen Slider

  • Created: May 20th, 2015 by
  • Visit for full source code
  • /

var pageColors = ["#3498db", "#FFC930", "white", "#FF6530", "#115d8e"]

var ddfullscreenslider = (function($){

document.createElement('section') document.createElement('article')

var defaults = { addHash: true, sliderstate: 'open', // reserved for future use keycodeNavigation: [40, 38], // keyCode codes for down and up naivagion, respectively transitionDuration: '0.5s', swipeconfig: {peekamount: 100, mousedrag: true}, onslide: function($slide, index){ console.log(index)

     var nav = document.getElementById("nav")
     var options = document.getElementsByClassName("navbar-nav")[0] = pageColors[index] var list = options.classList list.forEach(function (x) { if (x.startsWith("page-")) list.remove(x) }) options.classList.add("page-" + (index + 1)) } }

var transformprop = // variable to contain browser supported version of "transform" property

function supportstranslate3d(){ // based on if (!window.getComputedStyle) { return false; } var $el = $('<div style="position:absolute" />').appendTo(document.body) var has3d $el.css('transform', 'translate3d(1px,1px,1px)') has3d = $el.css('transform') var findtransformprop = $el.get(0).style.cssText.match(/(\w|\-)*transform/i) // get "-vendor-transform" portion of CSS Text transformprop = (findtransformprop)? findtransformprop[0] : 'transform' $el.remove()

return (has3d !== undefined && has3d.length > 0 && has3d !== "none"); }

var $window = $(window) var $root = $('html')

function ddfullscreenslider(setting){ var translatesupport = supportstranslate3d() var s = $.extend({}, defaults, setting) var $slider = $('#' + s.sliderid) var $wrapper = $slider.find('div.slidewrapper').css({transitionDuration: s.transitionDuration}) var $slides = $() var slideslength = 0 var $nav = $() var thisslider = this var selectedindx = 0 var hasharray = [] var mouseslidetimer var swipeevts = {start:"", move:"", end:""}, swipestart = false, dy = 0, bounds = [,], scrollableclass = 'scrollable', bypassdrag = false var initialrun= true // indicate whether this is first time slider has run. After page loads, variable becomes false

if (!translatesupport){ s.transitionDuration = parseFloat(s.transitionDuration) * 1000 }

/** Function to call always after a slide is shown */

function onslidealways($slide, index){ if (!initialrun && s.addHash){ var newhash = $nav.find('li').eq(selectedindx).find('a:eq(0)').attr('href') if (history.replaceState){ history.replaceState(null, null, newhash) } else{ window.location.hash = newhash } }

     s.onslide($slide, index) // user defined event handler


function hashtoselectedslide(hash){ for (var i=0; i<hasharray.length; i++){ if (hasharray[i][0] == hash){ return i break } } return 0 }

function applybounds(val, swipedir){ if (swipedir == "down"){ return (translatesupport)? Math.max(-parseInt(bounds[1]), val) : Math.max(-bounds[1], val) } else{ return (translatesupport)? Math.min(bounds[0], val) : Math.min(bounds[0], val) } }

function isscrollable($target){ // check element finger is on is contained inside a "scrollable" element that's actually scrollable (scrollHeight exceeds container height) var $scrollel = $target.closest('.' + scrollableclass) var scrollel if ($scrollel.length == 1){ scrollel = $scrollel.get(0) if (scrollel.offsetHeight < scrollel.scrollHeight){ return true } } return false }

/** Mousewheel and keyboard scroll related code. Requires jquery.mousewheel.min.js **/

function mouseslide(deltaY){ var targetindx = selectedindx if (deltaY < 0) // mouse down var targetindx = Math.min(slideslength-1, selectedindx+1) else if (deltaY > 0) var targetindx = Math.max(0, selectedindx-1) if (targetindx != selectedindx) thisslider.slideTo(targetindx) }

$slider.on('mousewheel', function(event){ clearTimeout(mouseslidetimer) var deltaY = event.deltaY mouseslidetimer = setTimeout(function(){ mouseslide(deltaY) }, 100) return false })

$(document).on('keyup', function(e){ var targetindx = selectedindx if (e.keyCode == s.keycodeNavigation[0]) // key to go to next slide var targetindx = Math.min(slideslength-1, selectedindx+1) else if (e.keyCode == s.keycodeNavigation[1]) // key to go to previous slide var targetindx = Math.max(0, selectedindx-1) if (targetindx != selectedindx) { thisslider.slideTo(targetindx)



/** Swipe/ Mouse Drag scroll related code **/

swipeevts.start = 'touchstart' + (s.swipeconfig.mousedrag? ' mousedown' : ) swipeevts.move = 'touchmove.dragmove' + s.sliderid + (s.swipeconfig.mousedrag? ' mousemove.dragmove' + s.sliderid : ) swipeevts.end = 'touchend' + (s.swipeconfig.mousedrag? ' mouseup' : )

if (s.swipeconfig.mousedrag){ $wrapper.bind('click', function(e){ if ($'dy') != 0) // if dragging on belt instead of clicking on it e.preventDefault() // prevent default action }) }

 	$wrapper.bind(swipeevts.start, function(e){

bypassdrag = false

 		var e = (e.type.indexOf('touch') != -1)? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] : e

if ( isscrollable( $( ) ){ // if target is contained inside a "scrollable" element bypassdrag = true return } swipestart = true var mousey = e.pageY dy = 0 // reset swipe amount if (translatesupport){ $wrapper.css({transition: 'none'}) } var initialy = -$window.outerHeight() * selectedindx ${dy: dy})

 		$(document).bind(swipeevts.move, function(e){

if (bypassdrag){ return }

 			var e = (e.type.indexOf('touch') != '-1')? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] : e
 			dy=e.pageY-mousey //distance to move horizontally

var newy=initialy+dy newy = applybounds(newy, (dy < 0)? 'down' : 'up') if (translatesupport){ $wrapper.css('transform', 'translate3d(0, ' + newy + 'px, 0)') } else{ $wrapper.css('top', newy) } ${dy: dy})

 			return false //cancel default drag action

if (e.type == "mousedown")

 			return false //cancel default drag action
 	$(document).bind(swipeevts.end, function(e){

if (!swipestart || bypassdrag) return if (dy != 0){ // if actual swipe has occured if (dy < 0 && dy < -s.swipeconfig.peekamount) // if swipe down and more than peek amount var targetindx = Math.min(slideslength-1, selectedindx+1) else if (dy > 0 && dy > s.swipeconfig.peekamount) // if swipe up and more than peek amount var targetindx = Math.max(0, selectedindx-1) else targetindx = selectedindx thisslider.slideTo(targetindx) if (e.type == "mouseup") return false } swipestart = false


/** CSS3 transition ontransitionend event set up */

$wrapper.on('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd', function(e){ if (/transform/i.test(e.originalEvent.propertyName)){ // check event fired on "transform" prop // onslidealways($slides.eq(selectedindx), selectedindx) } })

/** Public functions **/

this.reloadSlides = function(){ $nav.remove() hasharray = [] $nav = $('<ul class="fssnav" />') $slides = $('article.slide').each(function(i){ var $curslide = $(this) var anchorval = $curslide.attr('id') || 'slide' + (i+1) anchorval = "#" + anchorval hasharray.push([anchorval, i]) var title = $'title') || anchorval

var $navli = $('
  • <a href="' + anchorval +'" title="' + title +'">' + (i + 1) + '</a>
  • ').appendTo($nav)

    var $navlink = $navli.find('a:eq(0)') $navli.on('click touchstart', function(e){ thisslider.slideTo(i) }) }) $nav.on('click touchstart touchend', function(e){

     			var e = (e.type.indexOf('touch') != '-1')? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] : e

    return false }).appendTo($slider) slideslength = $slides.length bounds = [0, $window.outerHeight() * (slideslength-1)] }

    this.openSlider = function(){ initialrun = false bypassdrag = false s.sliderstate = 'open' $root.addClass('fssopen') $slider.css('visibility', 'visible') }

    this.closeSlider = function(){ s.sliderstate = 'close' bypassdrag = true $root.removeClass('fssopen') $slider.css({visibility:'hidden'}) }

    this.slideTo = function(indx, noanimation){

         onslidealways($slides.eq(selectedindx), indx)

    var newy = $window.outerHeight() * indx $nav.find('li').eq(selectedindx).removeClass('selected') $nav.find('li').eq(indx).addClass('selected') selectedindx = indx if (translatesupport){ $wrapper.css({transition: (noanimation)? 'none' : transformprop + ' ' + s.transitionDuration}) $wrapper.css('transform', 'translate3d(0, -' + newy + 'px, 0)') if (noanimation){ // run callback immediately onslidealways($slides.eq(selectedindx), selectedindx) } } else{ $wrapper.stop().animate({top: -newy}, (noanimation)? 0 : s.transitionDuration, function(){ onslidealways($slides.eq(selectedindx), selectedindx) }) } }

    /** Initialize and show slider **/

    this.reloadSlides() selectedindx = hashtoselectedslide(window.location.hash) this.slideTo(selectedindx, true) if (s.sliderstate == 'open'){ this.openSlider() }

    $(window).on('resize', function(){ thisslider.slideTo(selectedindx, true) bounds = [0, $window.outerHeight() * (slideslength-1)] })

    } // end fullscreenslider def

    return ddfullscreenslider
