Team:Amazonas Brazil/Notebook




From an impressive idea to an impressive project.

Brainstorming: the genesis

On February 25th, we got together for our weekly meeting, after a month absorbing new team members and preparing for our season. For a good start, we had a brainstorming session, to let as many ideias as possible flow and discuss them as a group. On this day, we decided which paths we were willing to follow on our Human Practices approaches and roughly divided the tasks between the team members.

Jamboré Brazuca

On March 16th, a national meeting of brazilian iGEM teams happened in Sao Paulo: the Jamboré Brazuca (a slang for Brazilian Jamboree). The event took place at the University of Sao Paulo and, gladly, eight of our team members could participate and share a bit of our history and plans for the season. It was a great experience of exchanging information and discussing the brazilian science scenery with teams that are referece on synthetic biology in Brazil.

Data analysi

This is Amazonas_Brazil 2017 season'

Data analysi

This is Amazonas_Brazil 2017 season'

Data analysi

This is Amazonas_Brazil 2017 season'

Data analysi

This is Amazonas_Brazil 2017 season'

Data analysi

This is Amazonas_Brazil 2017 season'

Data analysi

This is Amazonas_Brazil 2017 season'