Team:JNFLS/HP/Gold Integrated


Gold Integrated

First, we interviewed the doctor working in Qilu Hospital, knowing that current effective and relative safe treatment of colon cancer is surgery. But some patients are not willing to accept it because the surgery needs to cut out anus, and sometimes consequent infections may be lethal. Doctors never tried gene therapy. Molecular targeted anti-tumor agents are sometimes used. Nonetheless, the price of drugs is very high, most of the patients can not afford it. So we were going to develop a gene therapy for colon cancer with cheap and convenient way. Then we participated in 5th Cancer Parents' Association and Mutual Organization Meeting as volunteers to know more about cancer treatment questions. And we did some survey to achieve some valuable informations as followings.

Interviewing doctors working in Qilu Hospital

On August 24th, Qi Lu hospital offered us a great opportunity for communicating with doctors. It was surely meaningful to all of us. The cool experience we had was to exchange our ideas with the doctors as well as to have a counsel for our next step about our project. The doctors were surgeons of healing the colon cancer. During the communication, we enquired many questions. Here are the details:(S=Students, D=doctor)

1.Diagnosis of Colon Cancer

S: How to diagnose colon cancer?

D: Many people are diagnosed by routine check-ups. We suggest that people who are over 45 years old check their health situation every year. Using enteroscope, doctors can identify the polyp inside the colon. We normally cut out the polyps as long as it occurs. Small polyps can be cut by endoscopic resection, however sometimes the polyps are too big so we do surgery. Because most of the tumor comes from the deteriorated polyps. It required at least 7-10 to turn polyps into tumor. The definite diagnosis are made by the final analysis of pathological examinations.

2.Therapy of Colon Cancer

S: What are the general treatments of colon cancer?

D:Surgery. It is still effective and relatively cheap.

S: Are there any adjuvant therapy after surgery? For example: chemotherapy?

D: This depends on the states of illness. There are different standards to define the states. T1-T4 stands for the invasion of tumor. N stands for lymph node and M, stands for the movements of cancer. At the very early stage, only the surgery is enough for patients, the survival rate is quite high. We only use chemotherapy seldom as a precaution.

S: Is the surgery risky for patients?