
Pattrick Wilke

Masters Biochemistry (TUM)

He is currently in the Master in Biochemistry at TUM and is part of our Wet Lab Team. After spending too much time in the lab he has developed some side effects: he turned into a pipetting-robot and started to perceive reality in terms of incubation times. While he waits for the experiments to be done, he likes to play table football with Julian (you will know about him soon). Also, his laugh is very contagious.

Benedikt Dürr

Bachelor Biology (LMU)

Our youngest member and official paparazzi of Team Munich 2017. He is currently in the 4th semester of the Bachelor in Biology at LMU and begins to find the scientist in himself. However, this doesn’t hold him back from doing artsy stuff besides being in the lab. For that reason, he is in charge of the media and photography in our team. He designed not only our awesome project logo but also learned how to make videos just for the sake of the team!