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Human Practice

Integrated & Gold

This year the Peking iGEM 2017 team involved themselves in three major aspects of Integrated human practices work.

First of all, we visited both electrical engineering expert and synthetic biologist, creating a interdisciplinary communicating environment. Based on their feedback, we further designed a handbook for synthetic biologists and a lecture for electrical engineering students.

We then evaluated the possible impact of our work in “real world” by visiting two of the distinguish synthetic biology companies, SynBioTech and Bluepha.

It is the 10th anniversary of Peking iGEM, we organized a series of activities to commemorate the culture and spirit of the team.

Interdisciplinary Communication


Our project serves as an exploration at the aspect of biological computer which refers to an engineered biological system that can perform computer-like operations. To consider the potential and limitation of our project, we interviewed two experts of their domains.



A great number of synthetic biologists have built and characterized a variety of logic gates in a number of organisms, and are familiar to combinational logic, Boolean algebra and design automation, which used to be terms of electrical engineering and computer science. Therefore, communications should be established and mutual understanding should be promoted.

Through the interview with two experts, we recognized that both sides showed a strong willingness to know the other domain more and was confronted with some barriers, from basic concepts to perspective of analysis. We, as a team of mixed backgrounds, pioneered the bridging between two types of researchers.

We designed a handbook for synthetic biologists, which……(Content)……

We gave the EE students a lecture on synthetic biology……(Content)……

Industry visit

The ethical, social, legal, or environmental impact of a project usually unfold when it is converted from a novel idea to “real world”, especially when it is applied to the practice of production. Sometimes it’s too late to solve the problems at that time, therefore making a thorough consideration in advance is quite essential. Teams concerning a theoretical project of the iGEM competition are often limited to talking to other researchers about their work and somehow ignore the application to the “real world”. We do think it is not to say that we do not need to consider wider implications of our work. We surveyed two of the distinguish synthetic biology companies, SynBioTech and Bluepha. We focused on two questions during the investigation:

  1. When an idea is converted into application, what should be thoroughly considered?
  2. What do we expect for sequential logic programming from the perspective of industry?


It has been 10 years since the first Peking team join the iGEM competition as well as iGEM community. We organized a series of Peking iGEM 10th Anniversary activities, such as team reunion, reminiscence collection, trying to keep a detailed document of the culture and spirit alongside the development of a decade. ……(Content)……

Public Engagement and Education

This year, Peking iGEM made much effort outside the lab to establish a dialogue about synthetic biology between we and the public. Besides sharing synthetic biology knowledge with professors and students from the department of electrical engineering and computer science, we developed a web game, constructed a wiki-based idea sharing community, co-organized 4th CCiC(Conference of China iGEMer Committee) and impressed middle school students with interactive classes and OpenLab activities.


……(Content)…… We hope by playing our games, people are able to:
  1. Recognize what sequential logic is and why it is essential
  2. Figure out where sequential logic appears in nature and how it can be beneficial to people
  3. Voice their own ideas for novel design of sequential logic


Peking iGEM is hoping to cooperate with researchers and students enthusiastic about synthetic biology, to build a wiki-based encyclopedia exclusive for synthetic biology – SynBioWiki(

Our long-term goal is to make it a knowledge repository organized in the interdisciplinary view of synthetic biology, and form an open idea sharing community with active social functions based on this website. SynBioWiki would serve as a bond between the practitioners of synthetic biology, and also a window for the public to gain knowledge of the booming subject.



