- <li><span style="font-weight: 400;">Jun Jun Liu, Rona Sturrock, and Abul K.M. Ekramoddoullah, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The superfamily ...00;"> Palva, I., Pettersson, R. F., Kalkkinen, N., Lehtovaara, P., Sarvas, M., Söderlund, H., Kääriäinen, L., </span><em><span style232 KB (33,473 words) - 02:45, 2 November 2017
- ...Leads for our team, as well as a member of Website Content and Wetlab. I’m a senior at Stuyvesant High School, and I love eating and watching TedEd vi ...7;m a member of Outreach/Fundraising, Website Content, and Wetlab. I’m a senior at Stuyvesant High School, and during school hours my mind is most30 KB (4,475 words) - 02:25, 2 November 2017
- ...t on the bench overnight; they will be put in the fridge tomorrow morning. Jason had cleared out a spot for us in the Glick fridge for our use! ...d six different DNA concentrations of the 126 ng/μl plasmid sample (AJ43) Jason gave us onto LB + amp plates <br>30 KB (4,353 words) - 03:03, 1 November 2017
- <p class="content">Hi! I'm Bo-Ching, Wu, and I am in 11th grade now. I like science and music. Hope to <p class="content-1">Jason Yang</p>14 KB (1,597 words) - 08:27, 1 November 2017
- ...//parts.igem.org/Help:Terminators/Measurement/Jason_Kelly" target="_blank">Jason Kelly in Drew Endy's lab</a>:</p> ...3.full" target="_blank"><p style="font-size:70%;">[16]: Pyne ME, Moo-Young M, Chung DA, Chou CP. Coupling the CRISPR/Cas9 system with lambda red recombi68 KB (10,146 words) - 17:37, 15 December 2017
- <span class="title">Jason Chu</span> <p>Hey I’m Jared a 3rd year bio-medical student, outside of school I’m interested in food, house music, and beach volleyball. My favorite condimen14 KB (1,464 words) - 21:06, 1 November 2017