Before our research, we asked each member to receive safety training through a certain curriculum provided by our department. All of us have successfully acquired skills in waste disposal, accident prevention, fire procedures, and cleanliness. During our research, we carried out experiments within the biosafety guidelines established by WHO. Each member strictly adhered to experimental procedures with appropriate personal protective equipment, such as lab coats and lab gloves.

In all of the experiments in our project, we used laboratory strains of E. coli bacteria. This bacteria is ranked in the Level 1 risk group of organisms, which means that it will not cause any threat to the environment. Even though the E. coli we work with is not harmful to the environment or health, we still assume that they may threaten the ecology, so we wear rubber gloves and lab coats when we do the experiments to keep it from making direct contact with our skin. We also do all experiments with these living organisms in the laminar flow bench to prevent them from getting to the outside air. Furthermore, every time after we finish our work, we use UV light to sterilize the lab.

The following figures show some of the facilities in our laboratory: