Team:Newcastle/Model Jack


Our Models

For our project, we built three types of models. The first was an agent-based model which simulated our multicellular biosensor framework. This model gave insight into the optimal ratio of cell-types to have in the system. This information was used during experimental characterisation to optimise our system.

Our second model was a statistical, multifactorial Design of Experiments (DoE) approach towards optimising Cell-Free Protein Synthesis (CFPS) systems. This statistical model was used to generate an experimental design to gather data on the importance of certain supplements in CFPS systems, and then use the experimental data to optimise CFPS systems.

Our third model was an agent-based model designed to replicate the functions of a digital microfluidic chip and schedule the tasks for the device. The final piece of software controls agents which are the microfluidic droplets and moves them around the simulated chip according to predefined movement plans which can be read from either the program itself or custom external files. This provides a quicker, more inexpensive means of testing the chip than repeated real-world experiments.


Bonabeau, E. (2002). Agent-based modelling: Methods and techniques for simulating human systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(Supplement 3), pp.7280-7287.

Gong, J. and Kim, C. (2008). All-electronic droplet generation on-chip with real-time feedback control for EWOD digital microfluidics. Lab on a Chip, 8(6), p.898.

Gorochowski, T. (2016). Agent-based modelling in synthetic biology. Essays In Biochemistry, 60(4), pp.325-336.

Haeberle, S. and Zengerle, R. (2007). Microfluidic platforms for lab-on-a-chip applications. Lab on a Chip, 7(9), p.1094.

Liu, Y., Banerjee, A. and Papautsky, I. (2014). Precise droplet volume measurement and electrode-based volume metering in digital microfluidics. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 17(2), pp.295-303.

Macal, C. and North, M. (2010). Tutorial on agent-based modelling and simulation. Journal of Simulation, 4(3), pp.151-162.

Whitesides, G. (2006). The origins and the future of microfluidics. Nature, 442(7101), pp.368-373.