We would like to thank all our sponsors. They do not realize how valuable their help has been to us. We wish to specially thank our university, Université catholique de Louvain, the Fondation Louvain, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, BIOLabs, Agilent technologies and ISV for financing us. Moreover, we'd particularly like to thank the AGL for helping us with the movie making. Last but not least, a great thank you to all the people who have believed in us and who have invested in our crowdfunding website.
An enormous thank to our four amazing PIs who helped us during this project: Pr. Patrice Soumillon, Pr. Charles Hachez, Pr. Bernard Hallet, Pr. Pascal Hols. Thank you for lending us some space in the lab, we hope we didn't take too much. Thank you for your advice and your accessibility. A huge thank you to all of your staff, Ph.D students and other who supported us during all this year.
We are especially gratefull to some external people: Pr Annick Sonck for the time she spent correcting our English, Thierry Orens for the amazing picture of Louvain-la-Neuve, Dirk Vanden Elshen for the beautiful video, the AREC for helping us in communication, Jonathan Ferooz and Loïc Germain for their support and technical advice concerning 3D printing.