

General information

Age ______
Sex ______

Part 1

1]Are you more interested in art or science?
d)None of them

2]Do you think it is possible to unite art and science?
a)Absolutely yes
b)Maybe yes
c)Maybe no
d)Absolutely no

3]Do you think it is possible to use science for recreational purpose?
a)Absolutely yes
b)Maybe yes
c)Maybe no
d)Absolutely no

4]Indicate the meaning of synthetic biology
a)A branch of engineering regarding organism clonation through organic chemistry.
b)branch of biology that studies synthetic materials for life support.
c)branch of biology that builds artificial biological systems for research and practical.
d)A branch of information technology able to build virtual models of all forms of life.

5]In your opinion, how much common is science in everyday life?
a)Very common
b)Somewhat common
c)Somewhat uncommon
d)Very uncommon

6]In your opinion, how much important is science in the industrial sector?
a)Very important
b)Somewhat important
c)Somewhat unimportant
d)Very unimportant

7]Do you consider yourself informed of late science news?
a)Very informed
b)Somewhat informed
c)Somewhat uninformed
d)Very uninformed

8]If you answered to question 7 with “Very informed” or “Somewhat informed”, which is your major source of information? (It is possible to sign multiple answers)
g)Other (specify)

9]If you answered to question 7 with “Somewhat uninformed” or “Very uninformed”, why do you consider yourself in general uninformed?
a)I don’t mind
b)I don’t have time enough
c)I don’t know how to reach the informations
d)I don’t feel motivated
e)Other (specify)

Part 2

10]In your opinion which goal can be achieved with science art?
a)Get the public in touch with scientific world
b)Sensitize the public on recent progress in scientific fields
c)Entertain the audience
d)Give an different perspective on scientific world
e)Science art has no objective
f)Other (specify)

11]If you indicated one or more specific goals, would you consider it/they has/have been reached?
a)Absolutely yes
b)Maybe yes
c)Maybe no
d)Absolutely no

12]Do you think it is useful to invest resources in science art?
a)Very useful
b)Somewhat useful
c)Somewhat useless
d)Very useless

13]Do you think it morally acceptable to use simple organisms (e.g. bacteria) for art purpose?
a)Absolutely acceptable
b)Maybe acceptable
c)Maybe not acceptable
d)Absolutely not acceptable

14]Do you think it morally acceptable to use superior organism (e.g. fishes, cats, rabbits) for art purpose?
a)Absolutely acceptable
b)Maybe acceptable
c)Maybe not acceptable
d)Absolutely not acceptable

15]Did you find the presentation interesting?
a)Very engaging
b)Somewhat engaging
c)Somewhat boring
d)Very boring

We expect to produce music with our strains of Escherichia coli and we expect such music to be in large part casual, in other words composed by the bacteria themselves. Nonetheless we could change the software in order to decide how music should develop.

16]Would you prefer the melody obtained with Escherichia coli to be driven by us with the software or to be almost completely random?
a)Predefined, driven
b)Random, casual

17]Do you think it morally acceptable to use simple organisms (e.g. bacteria) for science purpose?
a)Absolutely acceptable
b)Maybe acceptable
c)Maybe not acceptable
d)Absolutely not acceptable

18]Do you think it morally acceptable to use superior organism (e.g. fishes, cats, rabbits) for science purpose?
a)Absolutely acceptable
b)Maybe acceptable
c)Maybe not acceptable
d)Absolutely not acceptable

Team Unifi