Growth curve measurement
- Staphylococcus aureus solution (37℃, 200rpm, overnight culture);
- Anti-microbial peptides stock solutions (1mg/ml) (or AMPs: LL-37, Grammistin-Pp1, GF-17) (China peptides, Suzhou)
- LB Broth.
- Add 100ml LB Broth into each 250ml conical flask (5 in total);
- Label each of conical flask as LL-37, Grammistin-Pp1, GF-17, Mix, and Staphylococcus aureus.
- Add 300μl Staphylococcus aureus solution (OD600≈4) into each conical flask.
- Culture at 37℃, 180rpm.
- Measure OD600 value after each hour, when OD600 value is 0.05, add 300μl anti-microbial peptides into each conical flask except the one labeled Staphylococcus aureus (the concentration of peptides is 1mg/ml). Measure OD600 value every 2 hour until the Staphylococcus aureus grow into the stationary phase (12 hours)