
Any goal can be efficiently and quickly realized, only if the procedure of achieving it, follows a meticulously tested, standardized protocol. After an extensive research on the how-tos and methods to investigate issues regarding our project and receive feedback on a synthetic biology idea, we came up with next to nothing results; at least nothing that included an across-the-board approach to our objective. Hence, we developed our own methodology with that goal in mind. OSIRIS protocol guides the implementation of a course of actions to take under consideration a wide range of opinions, across multiple fields, evaluating them and elucidating various weak points. From risk analysis and prediction of health/environmental hazards to anticipatory governance and the integration of ethical considerations, OSIRIS covers every step of the way. For a step-by-step guide in implementing OSIRIS, check here. The results of our widespread analysis and the integration of experts’ opinion in our design can be viewed here.
Considering safety an issue of utmost importance, we have received biosafety training by the advisors and attended seminars in order to get accustomed with emergency crisis management in the laboratory. Such seminars are organized in Greece by the Hellenic Institute for Occupational Health and Safety, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Pasteur Institute in Greece and the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas. We have taken part in the seminar titled "Health and safety in research laboratories" (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, March 5, 2017) organized by the aforementioned authorities. In addition to that, our project was redesigned, after extensive conversations with clinicians and biologists, in order to introduce a 5-star safety system, on regard of the environment and the users. Check out more about integrating feedback about safety here.
In order to properly identify various Human Practices issues, our launching pad was our multi-level public engagement and education campaign. The public’s valuable feedback enabled us to isolate significant issues and weaknesses that needed to be strengthened. Check out our efforts here.
Every major project is affected by multiple factors. On that ground, we analyzed possible risks, effects and stakeholders that could influence our work negatively, by creating a Risk Map. Hover over the points of the map for more info!
Check out how we evaluated and managed those risks here.
Having a wide picture of the current policies, regulations and official risk assessment methods is a matter of significant importance. The chaos of multiple initiatives, committees and panels all over the world might seem frightening to anyone that attempts to initiate a synthetic biology project. Our Societal Impact Assessment Handbook contains analytically current EU Directives and Regulations, while offering guidelines to anyone that wishes to get a concrete, au courant idea of the existing regulations. Adding to that, it describes how iGEM Greece complied to the various aforementioned Acts. View our Handbook.
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