<p class="question"> 3 Which work areas do you use to handle biological materials? Please check all that apply.</p>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="3. Work Areas" data-form-field="openbench"> Open bench </label></li>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="3. Work Areas" data-form-field="bsc"> Biosafety cabinet </label></li>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="3. Work Areas" data-form-field="workarea_other"> Other work area: </label> <textarea rows="2" name="Other work area (describe)" data-form-field="workarea_other_describe" data-validation="[data-form-field=workarea_other]" placeholder="Please describe"></textarea></li>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="3. Work Areas" data-form-field="workarea_unknown"> Unknown: </label> <textarea rows="2" name="Work area unknown (comment)" data-form-field="workarea_unknown_describe" data-validation="[data-form-field=workarea_unknown]" placeholder="Please comment"></textarea></li>
<p class="question">4. Have your team members received any safety training yet?</p>
<div class="column half_size">
<li><input type="radio" name="3. a) Safety Training" data-form-field="training" value="training_already"> Yes, we have already received safety training.</label></li>
<li><input type="radio" name="3. a) Safety Training" data-form-field="training" value="training_notyet"> We plan to receive safety training in the future: </label> <textarea rows="2" name="Plan to receive safety training in future (when?)" data-form-field="training_notyet_describe" data-validation="[value=training_notyet]" placeholder="Please specify approximately when"></textarea></li>
<li><input type="radio" name="3. a) Safety Training" data-form-field="training" value="training_none"> We will not have safety training:</label> <textarea rows="2" name="No safety training (comment)" data-form-field="training_none_describe" data-validation="[value=training_none]" placeholder="Please comment"></textarea></li>
<div class="column half_size message_box">
<h4> Note </h4>
For the purposes of iGEM, biosafety and biosecurity training covers the procedures and practices used to manage risks to your team, colleagues and institution, communities and the environment - from accidents or deliberate misuse of your projects. All team members are expected to be aware of these risks and to work to manage them
This form is for you to tell us all about your project, the organisms/parts you are using, the potential risks of your project, and what you are doing to reduce those risks.