<p> This part of the form is for you to tell us about your laboratory space and your safety equipment. If you need help, please consult your faculty advisor or laboratory manager. You can also read the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Safety">Safety page</a> and the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Safety/Risk_Groups">Risk Groups page</a> for basic information about different types of biology labs. </p>
<p class="question">2. What is the Safety Level of your lab? <a target="_blank" href="https://2016.igem.org/Safety/Risk_Groups">[Help about Risk Groups and Safety Levels]</a></p>
<li><label><input type="radio" name="1. Lab Safety Level" data-form-field="lab_bsl" value="bsl_none"> Our team is not doing any wet-lab work</label></li>
<div class="column half_size message_box">
<h4> Note </h4>
iGEM teams should not use Risk Group 3 or 4 organisms, and they should not work in Safety Level 3 or 4 labs.
If you are planning to work at Safety Level 3 or 4, contact safety (AT) igem (DOT) org right away!!
<li><label><input type="radio" name="1. Lab Safety Level" data-form-field="lab_bsl" value="bsl_multiple"> We have several different lab spaces with different Safety Levels:</label> <textarea rows="2" name="Different safety levels (describe)" data-form-field="bsl_multiple_describe" data-validation="[value=bsl_multiple]" placeholder=" Please describe what experiments you do in each space"></textarea></li>