Difference between revisions of "Team:Lethbridge HS/Description"

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<p class="center"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut neque dolor. Sed ex orci, ornare quis eros in, porttitor volutpat augue. Sed eros quam, aliquet ut tellus sit amet, dignissim cursus sem. Morbi consequat odio sed auctor malesuada. Morbi finibus quis odio a malesuada. Morbi efficitur velit vel malesuada tempor. Nam euismod venenatis posuere.</p> </br> </br> </br> 
<p class="center">
<p class="center"> Ut eget risus eu metus consectetur porta ac vitae nunc. In id nisi a mi rhoncus malesuada. Proin velit ex, lobortis et augue sed, sodales euismod lorem. Pellentesque vel auctor urna. Praesent maximus euismod mi nec rutrum. Vestibulum mollis gravida finibus. Aenean auctor lectus a enim pretium, vel accumsan est vestibulum. Aliquam vestibulum at tortor ut imperdiet. Aliquam sollicitudin eros et tellus convallis sagittis. Mauris in vestibulum est. Integer aliquam tempor tellus, et rutrum dolor pellentesque in. Nam sit amet fringilla est. Morbi justo risus, dignissim nec erat sit amet, tincidunt egestas erat. Integer cursus, libero et accumsan volutpat, erat eros semper enim, eu ultricies dui dolor eu nibh. Donec sed augue est. Aenean eu mauris ante. </p>
SynthetINK is our solution to the harmful byproducts of the ink production industry. We have created constructs that can be put into cells which will then use the DNA to produce enzymes which can make pigments. These pigments can then be used to create inks. We will be using these to create inks without the production of all of the harmful byproducts of the current manufacturing processes. We chose to work on this problem because it seemed relevant in all of our lives, as students we use ink frequently, and after communications with the general public we found out that it is almost universally used very often. After looking into ink manufacturing, we found that it is very harmful to the environment and the most serious part was the colorant and in our case the pigment. We decided to use synthetic biology to solve this problem because it will be effortless to continually produce the pigments as cells are self-replicating if provided with a food source. The use of synthetic biology also allows us to create the pigments without any of the harmful byproducts that current processes create.
<p class="center"> Sed vitae tellus lacus. Praesent enim nulla, ornare id est sed, condimentum aliquet erat. Donec ornare dapibus molestie. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque sed lobortis ante. Morbi faucibus nulla non feugiat fringilla. Nunc augue neque, congue nec lectus eu, varius iaculis elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam posuere tempus arcu eu mattis. Cras feugiat, enim non laoreet tempor, quam augue fringilla eros, vitae consequat augue dui sit amet ante. Morbi dignissim cursus augue. Cras dapibus lobortis volutpat. Maecenas felis ipsum, pharetra eget pulvinar ut, efficitur laoreet est. Aenean ullamcorper fringilla ligula nec posuere.</p>  

Revision as of 00:24, 6 October 2017

SynthetINK is our solution to the harmful byproducts of the ink production industry. We have created constructs that can be put into cells which will then use the DNA to produce enzymes which can make pigments. These pigments can then be used to create inks. We will be using these to create inks without the production of all of the harmful byproducts of the current manufacturing processes. We chose to work on this problem because it seemed relevant in all of our lives, as students we use ink frequently, and after communications with the general public we found out that it is almost universally used very often. After looking into ink manufacturing, we found that it is very harmful to the environment and the most serious part was the colorant and in our case the pigment. We decided to use synthetic biology to solve this problem because it will be effortless to continually produce the pigments as cells are self-replicating if provided with a food source. The use of synthetic biology also allows us to create the pigments without any of the harmful byproducts that current processes create.