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         <li>We want to give a thanks to all our of our mentors/teachers for providing us with the support and assistance throughout this entire iGEM journey:</li>
         <li>We want to give a thanks to all our of our mentors/teachers for providing us with the support and assistance throughout this entire iGEM journey:</li>
            <li>A special thanks to Dr. Joseph Harrison from UNC-Chapel Hill, our main adviser, for providing an invaluable service to our team from teaching us the complexities of synthetic biology to guiding us during our lab experiments, to always motivating and inspiring us to do better.
            <li>Bo Zhao and Minnie Langlois for teaching us different and useful lab techniques, that expanded upon our basic classroom knowledge.
<li>Dr. Randy Stockbridge for troubleshooting and providing us with possible explanations/reasons about the unexpected ∆crcB growth and the relationship between Fluoride and pH.</li>
<li>Siyu Wang for his assistance and time dedicated to helping us develop our wiki.</li>
<li> Mr. William Vincent, Dr. Stephen Snyder, and Ms. Patricia Berge for supporting us with the logistics about how to run a team and always being organized so that we can stay on top of things.</li>

Revision as of 14:27, 7 October 2017

East Chapel Hill Highschool iGem
  • We are proud to say that all members of the 2016-2017 iGEM team members helped contribute to every aspect of our project, including lab work, outreach like human practices and fundraising, collaborations, designing the website and poster.
  • We want to give a thanks to all our of our mentors/teachers for providing us with the support and assistance throughout this entire iGEM journey:
    • A special thanks to Dr. Joseph Harrison from UNC-Chapel Hill, our main adviser, for providing an invaluable service to our team from teaching us the complexities of synthetic biology to guiding us during our lab experiments, to always motivating and inspiring us to do better.
    • Bo Zhao and Minnie Langlois for teaching us different and useful lab techniques, that expanded upon our basic classroom knowledge.
    • Dr. Randy Stockbridge for troubleshooting and providing us with possible explanations/reasons about the unexpected ∆crcB growth and the relationship between Fluoride and pH.
    • Siyu Wang for his assistance and time dedicated to helping us develop our wiki.
    • Mr. William Vincent, Dr. Stephen Snyder, and Ms. Patricia Berge for supporting us with the logistics about how to run a team and always being organized so that we can stay on top of things.
  • We would also like to give our thanks to UNC-Chapel Hill for providing us with the lab space and the Kuhlman lab for its lab equipment and reagents.
  • Our sponsors for giving us the chance to compete by helping with finances and providing us with lab parts.