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| <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> | | <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> |
| <title>Team:NUDT_CHINA</title> | | <title>Team:NUDT_CHINA</title> |
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− |
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| |
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| |
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| |
− |
| |
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− |
| |
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| |
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| |
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| |
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| |
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| |
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| |
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| |
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| |
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| |
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− |
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− |
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− |
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− |
| |
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| |
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− | { text : 'three layer'},
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− | { text : 'four layer'}
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− |
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− | aLi1[this.index].className = 'leftShow';
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| |
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| |
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| |
− |
| |
− | var timer = setInterval(change,3000);
| |
− |
| |
− | oHomeContent.onmouseover = function(){
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− | clearInterval(timer);
| |
− | };
| |
− |
| |
− | function change(){
| |
− | iNowHome++;
| |
− |
| |
− | if(iNowHome == aLi2.length){
| |
− | iNowHome = 0;
| |
− | }
| |
− |
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− | aLi2[i].className = '';
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− | aLi1[oldIndex].className = 'leftHide';
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− | aLi1[iNowHome].className = 'rightShow';
| |
− |
| |
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| |
− |
| |
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− |
| |
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− |
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− |
| |
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| |
− | arr.push( aElem[i] );
| |
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| |
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| |
− | return arr;
| |
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| |
− | }
| |
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| |
| <style type="text/css"> | | <style type="text/css"> |
| .myheader { | | .myheader { |
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| | | |
− | <div id="loading">
| + | |
− | <div></div>
| + | |
− | <div>
| + | |
− | <a class="next-button" id="next-button">Get Started!</a>
| + | |
− | </div>
| + | |
− | <span></span>
| + | |
− | </div>
| + | |
| <div id="layout"> | | <div id="layout"> |
| <a href="#menu" id="menuLink" class="menu-link"> | | <a href="#menu" id="menuLink" class="menu-link"> |
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− | <div id="content"class="content">
| + | |
− | <ul id="lay-menu">
| + | |
− | <li class="active"></li>
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− | <li></li>
| + | |
− | <li></li>
| + | |
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| + | |
− | <ul id="Qidilist">
| + | |
− | <li id="abstract" class="liList">
| + | |
− |
| + | |
− | <div class="Myheader"><div class="myheader">
| + | |
− | <h5>NUDT_CHINA</h5>
| + | |
− | <h6>MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been proven to play important roles on post-transcriptionalregulation of the gene expression by direct base pairing to target sites within untranslated regions of messenger RNAs.</h6>
| + | |
− | <br><h6>However, the functions of most microRNAs remain to be discovered. Our project attempts to develop a novel sponge for miRNAs, which would knock down the abundance of target miRNA in the cells. </h6>
| + | |
− | <br><h6>Thus the sponge will be a miRNA inhibitor to be used to induce miRNA loss-of-function phenotypes or other further applications like small non-coding RNA-based diagnostic and therapeutic applications.</h6>
| + | |
− | </div></div>
| + | |
− | <a class="button-after" id="button-after-1">Our Story</a>
| + | |
− | </li>
| + | |
− | <li id="home" class="liList">
| + | |
− | <div id="homeContent" class="divList">
| + | |
− | <ul class="homeContent1">
| + | |
− | </ul>
| + | |
− | <ul class="homeContent2">
| + | |
− | </ul>
| + | |
− | </div>
| + | |
− | <a class="button-after" id="button-after-2">Daily Pics</a>
| + | |
− | </li>
| + | |
− | <li id="Team" class="liList">
| + | |
− |
| + | |
− | <a class="button-after" id="button-after-3">Back</a>
| + | |
− | </li>
| + | |
− |
| + | |
− |
| + | |
− | </ul>
| + | |
− | </div>
| + | |
− |
| + | |
− | </div>
| + | |
| | | |
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