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    <p style="font-family: Poppins;font-size: 16px">Gene therapy has been expected in cancer therapy for years. An interesting therapy for cancer using anaerobic bacteria as a carrier has been developed, but after the anaerobic cancer region is diminished, the bacteria cannot stay there anymore. If anti-cancer bacteria can stay in affected area, they promptly respond to cancer recurrence. Co-existence of bacteria and host cells should be quite difficult in our body or human cell culture systems, because bacteria grow so fast. It is important to control bacterial proliferation in them. So, we try to establish a new living system that human cells control the population of bacteria by engineering the both cells by creating two signaling pathways of 1) Bacteria-Mammals and 2) Bacteria-Plants. We expect that this system will lead to a new experimental approach and a new medical therapy. Moreover, we imagine about "A boundary between cellular groups and living organisms" with general public.
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<p>You can look at what other teams did to get some inspiration! <br />
Here are a few examples:</p>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:METU_Turkey_team">METU Turkey </a></li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Colombia/Members">Colombia</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Stony_Brook/Team">Stony Brook</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:OUC-China/Team">OUC-China</a></li>
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<li> Include pictures of your teammates, don’t forget instructors and advisors! </li>
<li>You can add a small biography or a few words from each team member, to tell us what you like, and what motivated you to participate in iGEM.</li>
<li>Take team pictures! Show us your school, your lab and little bit of your city.</li>
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Revision as of 05:31, 21 October 2017

<!DOCTYPE html> Coli Sapiens

iGEM Tokyo Tech

Team Introduction

Gene therapy has been expected in cancer therapy for years. An interesting therapy for cancer using anaerobic bacteria as a carrier has been developed, but after the anaerobic cancer region is diminished, the bacteria cannot stay there anymore. If anti-cancer bacteria can stay in affected area, they promptly respond to cancer recurrence. Co-existence of bacteria and host cells should be quite difficult in our body or human cell culture systems, because bacteria grow so fast. It is important to control bacterial proliferation in them. So, we try to establish a new living system that human cells control the population of bacteria by engineering the both cells by creating two signaling pathways of 1) Bacteria-Mammals and 2) Bacteria-Plants. We expect that this system will lead to a new experimental approach and a new medical therapy. Moreover, we imagine about "A boundary between cellular groups and living organisms" with general public.

Hajime Fujita: All Rights Reserved