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         <h4 id="intro">Description</h4>
         <h4 id="intro">Description</h4>
<h3>The Mine </h3>
             The Consolidation Mine forms a part of the <a href="http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1215">Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site</a>. After collapsing in 1992, it has been abandoned and currently contains approximately 220 000 m<sup>3</sup> of tailings (mine waste). Numerous controlled water risk assessments show that the site is causing pollution of waters by leaching of arsenic, cadmium, copper, chromium, iron, lead, nickel and zinc through the lower lagoon (the site consists of two lagoons separated by three dams) into the St. Day stream. The stream is a tributary of the Carnon River, carrying the harmful metals across Cornwall and, eventually, into the La Manche Channel. The site is also regularly used by motorcyclists and four wheel drivers. It is in close proximity to numerous footpaths, commonly used by walkers and mountain bikers, who are exposed to the threat through inhalation, ingestion and dermal absorption pathways from soil. Although the mine was proven to be a harmful site after an <a href="https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/media/3625647/2008-09-16-Record-of-Determination.pdf">environmental quality inspection</a> conducted by the Environment Agency in 2007, not much has been done in order to decrease its influence on the surrounding areas.
             The Consolidation Mine forms a part of the <a href="http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1215">Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site</a>. After collapsing in 1992, it has been abandoned and currently contains approximately 220 000 m<sup>3</sup> of tailings (mine waste). Numerous controlled water risk assessments show that the site is causing pollution of waters by leaching of arsenic, cadmium, copper, chromium, iron, lead, nickel and zinc through the lower lagoon (the site consists of two lagoons separated by three dams) into the St. Day stream. The stream is a tributary of the Carnon River, carrying the harmful metals across Cornwall and, potentially, into the English Channel. It is in close proximity to numerous footpaths, commonly used by walkers and mountain bikers, whose inhalation, ingestion and dermal absorption pathways are under threat. Although the mine was proven to be a harmful site after an <a href="https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/media/3625647/2008-09-16-Record-of-Determination.pdf">environmental quality inspection</a> conducted by the Environment Agency in 2007, not much has been done in order to decrease its influence on the surrounding areas.

Revision as of 12:55, 24 October 2017


The Mine

The Consolidation Mine forms a part of the Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site. After collapsing in 1992, it has been abandoned and currently contains approximately 220 000 m3 of tailings (mine waste). Numerous controlled water risk assessments show that the site is causing pollution of waters by leaching of arsenic, cadmium, copper, chromium, iron, lead, nickel and zinc through the lower lagoon (the site consists of two lagoons separated by three dams) into the St. Day stream. The stream is a tributary of the Carnon River, carrying the harmful metals across Cornwall and, potentially, into the English Channel. It is in close proximity to numerous footpaths, commonly used by walkers and mountain bikers, whose inhalation, ingestion and dermal absorption pathways are under threat. Although the mine was proven to be a harmful site after an environmental quality inspection conducted by the Environment Agency in 2007, not much has been done in order to decrease its influence on the surrounding areas.

The current methods of purification of the mine’s waters rely on pumps located over 60m below the surface, transporting at least 110 litres a second to special tanks. Contaminated water is then treated with lime in order to neutralise its acidity. However, when it reaches nearby lakes and rivers, the concentration of metals still significantly exceeds the safe limits. The operation costs the government about 1.5m pounds a year to run. Also, the import of limestone from Derbyshire is very unsustainable. Not to mention the fact that most of the metals stay unused in grounds, while they could potentially be reclaimed.

As students of the University of Exeter, we consider ourselves to be a part of the South West’s Community. We believe that we can make the biggest difference and get the most out of our project if we choose to focus on a local issue. That is why we decided to run a synthetic biology project that would target remediation of harmful waters spreading from the Consolidation Mine Site, significantly influencing the neighbouring areas inhabited by our Community. The information about our research at the site and the analysis of the water samples we collected can be found here.

When viewing numerous past iGEM projects that could potentially inspire us, we discovered that the results of the BactoGrip project run by Harvard's 2015 iGEM team could become a solid basis for our research. That is why we intended to genetically modify bacterial pili so that they could attach to metals and, if in a form of a closed filter preventing the GM organisms from escaping to the natural environment, safely decrease the concentration of metal pollutants in the waters released from the mine site.

Pili are small hair-like structures found on bacteria. They have a natural ability to attach to eukaryotic cell surface mannose molecules due to specific binding sites within FimH, the terminal protein. By investigating adhesion mechanisms involved in type 1 pili we aimed to repurpose the structures by introducing new metal-binding domains within the pili of our E.coli. You can find out about methods we used and the results of our research if you are interested.

The Applied Design aspect of our project involved building a prototype of a filter that could potentially be used to treat water from the mines. The prototype consists of three components, one of which is a 3D printed hydrocyclone that successfully separates sediment from water. In order to search for the best methods of inserting E.coli into the system, we visited the Taunton Aquarium and purchased a Fluidised Media Reactor, forming one of the next components of the filter. The use of the JMP statistical software, along with numerous experiments we conducted on the Reactor, provided us with required information including the optimal volume of the Reactor or the type of media the bacteria should grow on. The filter is also equipped with components ensuring quality and safety of the whole process, including bactericidal mechanisms preventing the transfer of GM organisms into the natural environment. The design of the filter, at all stages of its development, was carefully discussed with potential stakeholders, including the South West Water company, to insure it would meet the current standards. The full description of the design can be found here.

In order to optimize the performance of our filter and to measure the efficiency of water purification in various conditions, we constructed a mathematical model which can be found here along with its detailed description. The model, when given information about the metal to be extracted, initial concentration, flow rate, fluidised media reactor volume and target efficiency, calculates the expected efficiency, output concentration of the metal, time required to run the water through the filter and the mass of the metal reclaimed. It determines whether the whole process, assuming the variables given, would be successful and if there is no need for any changes in the initial settings.

The biology of our project is complex and we are aware of the fact that not everybody may be willing to understand it in depth. That is why we have released a mobile phone app that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. The app is a simple visualization of biological fundamentals underlying the design of our research and it contains trivia related to the world of synthetic biology as an educative function.

Experiments were not the only component of our project. During our work, we collaborated with numerous researchers, stakeholders and universities to make sure that our Human Practices were integrated with our project and that specialists could inspire and influence the direction of our work with their experience. All of our Human Practices have been executed according to the European Responsible Research and Innovation Framework. More details about our Integrated Human Practices can be found here.


  • Andersson, M. et al., Dynamic Force Spectroscopy of E.coli P Pili, Biophysical Journal, Volume 91, 2717-2725 (2006)
  • Harvard BioDesign, iGEM 2015: https://2015.igem.org/Team:Harvard_BioDesign
  • Miller, E. et al., The Mechanical Properties of E.coli Type 1 Pili Measured by Atomic Force Microscopy Techniques, Biophysical Journal, Volume 91, 3848-3856 (2006)
  • Munera, D. et al., Recognitiion of the N-terminal lectin domain of FimH adhesin by the usher FimD is required for type 1 pilus biogenesis, Molecular Biology, 64(2), 333-346 (2007)
  • Pallesen, L. et al., Chimeric FimH adhesin of type 1 fimbriae: a bacterial surface display system for heterologous sequences, Microbiology, Volume 141, 2839-2848 (1995)