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      <h1 id="top-title">Human Practice</h1>
      <h2 id="slogan">Synbio is just a S-Din away!</h2>
      <h3 id="sysu-software-2017">SYSU-Software 2017</h3>
      <!-- CONTENT OF FIRST PAGE -->
      <div class="page-content overview" id="overview_id">
        <p>During our project "S-Din", we brainstormed many aspects concerning our project, and took them into practices to confirm or to overturn our hypothesis. Then, we tried to integrate them into our final project in order to improve the project functions and user experience.</p>
        <p>Through discussions, interviews with professionals or scholars in different fields, and search related policies, we had a better awareness of our project in the context of scientific inspiration, societal attention, safety and security, and legal considerations.</p>
        <p>When designing the project we integrated many fine details into the software. We tried hard to make more positive contributions to scientific and societal practices, and reduce and even eliminate the potential negative impacts.</p>
        <p>Combined with user needs investigation and social promotion, our project is a new product in fact. We wrote a user statement for our product.</p>
        <p>We also communicated with public in our special activities and what we learned from them.</p>
        <p>We also acknowledge all the help and collaborations with other iGEM teams and express our sincere gratitude to them.</p>
<h1>Education and Public Engagement</h1>
<h3>Best Education and Public Engagement Special Prize</h3>
<p>Over the last few years, we have seen teams produce some truly outstanding work in the areas of education and public engagement. Innovative educational tools and public engagement activities have the ability to discuss the science behind synthetic biology, spark new scientific curiosity and establish a public dialogue about synthetic biology from voices/views outside the lab.
    <section class="plain" id="gold">
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>When designing the project we have come up with many fine details for the software. Some came from our original ideas, others came from professionals in different fields. (See <a href="#silver">silver</a>)</p>
        <p>We tried hard to put these inspirational details into application of our software "S-Din". We tried to make more positive contributions to scientific and societal practices, and reduce and even eliminate the potential negative impacts.</p>
      <h3>Integrated database</h3>
      <h4>Inspirations we have learned</h4>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>By communicating with other iGEM teams, and chatting with different bio-lovers, we realized that fragmented data costs a lot of time and energy. We hope to establish such a database in S-Din, in a standard and easy-to-understand format. It will save one's time, which enables one to focus on his project ideas.</p>
      <h4>Integrated into project</h4>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>In S-Din's database, we standardize a new data format for different types of data: parts, projects, key words and papers. Based on this format, our database is integrated into a unity, and accessible to set up interaction network and analysis. The S-Din search engine and S-Din Design are both working under this standard. </p>
        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/3d/T--SYSU-Software--hp_fig6.png" alt="" class="middle centered black-shadowed">
        <p class="fig-ep center">Figure 7: 20 standard parts in S-Din. </p>
        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/87/T--SYSU-Software--hp_fig7.png" alt="" class="middle centered black-shadowed">
        <p class="fig-ep center">Figure 8: Each genetic design uses standard parts and interaction lines.</p>
        <img id="add-part-img" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e9/T--SYSU-Software--hp_fig8.png" alt="" class="middle centered black-shadowed">
        <p class="fig-ep center">Figure 9: According to the standard data format, users can add their new parts to S-Din's database. </p>
      <h3>Key Words Tree &amp; Network Analysis</h3>
      <h4>Inspirations we have learned:</h4>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>We interviewed several lab researchers, and found that how to trigger one’s inspiration is a challenge for us, but several related previous work may create a new idea. To find out related projects and to guide users to a clearer direction, are what we consider to realize in our software. </p>
      <h4>Integrated into project:</h4>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>In order to stimulate one's inspiration in synbio work design, we tried the following explorations: The tree of words, and network analysis.</p>
        <p><b>The tree of words:</b> When you first enter the search engine of S-Din, you could search any word you like, or try selecting a word to explore more! When clicking, You will see the subordinated words. After few repeats, you will finally get the projects that you want. This function is designed to help specify your need, and help you understand your idea better.</p>
        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/4/45/T--SYSU-Software--hp_keyword-hierarchy.png" alt="" class="middle centered black-shadowed">
        <p class="fig-ep center">Figure 10: Keyword Tree.</p>
        <p><span class="bold">network analysis: </span>This function is designed to help you find out potential interaction between two parts, projects or key words. Sometimes the recommendation may be hard to understand, but perhaps it would open a new direction and lots of inspiration for you.</p>
        <img id="ped-fig10" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e5/T--SYSU-Software--hp_fig10.jpg" alt="" class="middle centered black-shadowed">
        <p class="fig-ep center">Figure 11: Our analysis function shows the score of keyword "cell" in different years when searching "cell" in S-Din.</p>
      <h3>S-Din Statements</h3>
      <h4>Inspirations we have learned</h4>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>According to Mr. Li Yuzheng's advice, it is necessary to write a software statement, and show the statement to users when they first use our software. Only when users agree to provide their private information can our software collect and use it. What's more, Prof. He Zhumei reminded us of adding biosafety statements and interactive interface with users. </p>
      <h4>Integrated into project</h4>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>We combined the software statement with biosafety statement, then wrote the integrated S-Din statements. See <a href="./statements.html" target="_blank">statements</a>, which consists of Terms of use, Bio-safety Alerts, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.</p>
    <section class="plain" id="integrated-human-practice">
      <h2>Integrated Human Practice</h2>
      <p>S-Din is a product born for solving synthetic biological problems and serving the biologists and ordinary people who are interested in synthetic biology. In our "Integrated Human Practices" page, we'll show essential human practices work we have done around S-Din, including user needs analysis, function improvement for user feedback, product assessment and public promotion.</p>
      <h3>User needs analysis</h3>
      <h4 id="nju-practice">Study the needs of other iGEM teams &amp; ordinary bio-lovers</h4>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>We helped NJU-China iGEM team solve their problem, and communicated with them about problems they met. ("<a href="./collaboration.html#nju-china">Collaboration</a>" page for more details) We found that their problem was probably based on ----fragmented data.</p>
        <p>We conducted a discussion among our team members about fragmented data. Nowadays data or information online is abundant but scattered. Many people spend much time on integrating them by themselves----In fact, they should spend more time on their ideas for their core work. </p>
        <img class="ui image middle centered" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/5a/T--SYSU-Software--hp_fig12.png">
        <p class="fig-ep center">Figure 12: How a man may assign his time in a project when getting integrated data by himself</p>
        <p>In fact, this trouble is possible to be solved ---- by a dedicated software. If we could establish an integrated database, consisting of unified standard of data composition and data format, we should find out the relationships among the data more easily. Besides, a data format standard makes it more convenient and engineering to store, reuse and combine the data. And engineering work is what computers are good at. </p>
        <p>So our team desired to change the work flow into the figure below: </p>
        <img class="ui image middle centered" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/1/17/T--SYSU-Software--hp_fig13.png">
        <p class="fig-ep center">Figure 13: How a man may assign his time in a project when getting integrated data with a dedicated software.</p>
        <h4>Study the needs of ordinary bio-lovers</h4>
        <p>At the same time, we chatted with some students who are interested in biology work. They told us: </p>
        <p class="quote">"We'll like the software if it shows details of each bio-project, in a way easy to understand."</p>
        <p class="quote">"It would be better if the software can provide basic analysis of the work."</p>
        <p class="quote">"Could you develop a software which can recommend interesting projects of my own?"</p>
        <p class="quote">...</p>
        <p>We found that the needs above are the most popular. To achieve these goals, an enough huge and integrated database is critical. Of course, mathematical algorithms should be equipped in our software. </p>
        <h4>Studying the needs of biology labs</h4>
        <p>During the summer, we visited several biology laboratories of Sun Yat-sen University. Researchers warmly greeted us. Thanks to Prof. Lu Yongjun's help, we finished our interlab task and wet-lab validation in his laboratory. Meanwhile, we chatted with the researchers and conducted a small survey of their project idea. </p>
        <p>By talking with researchers working in the lab, we were surprised that lack of ideas is one of the common problems when they work on a synthetic biology project. </p>
        <p><span class="quote">“A good beginning is half done. That is to say, a good idea of genetic circuit design is half done of the whole project.”</span> A researcher named Dong told us. </p>
        <p>Since ideas are so significant to a project, where do researchers' ideas usually come from? We did a small survey of researchers in several labs. </p>
        <img class="ui image middle centered" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/c6/T--SYSU-Software--hp_idea-source.png" alt="not provide">
        <p class="fig-ep">Figure 14: The sources distribution of researchers' project idea.</p>
        <p>From the figures above, we learned that the majority of researchers’ idea source is professional research articles and journals ---- <span class="bold">they work before, but a novel idea may arouse from them if the researcher reuses their essence and aims to an accessible direction.</span> However, each paper usually describes its design in the author’s own style and standard, which is usually hard to understand and absorb its design ideas for one’s own creative work. </p>
        <p><span class="quote">“We all hope to stand on shoulders of the giant, but it's hard at this stage to combine or transfer the senior's ideas in order to form my own ideas.”</span> Researcher Dong said. </p>
        <p>How to trigger one's inspiration? What if our software could help people with inspiration? This "Inspiration" inspires all of us. However, it is a challenge for us, because “inspiration” is such an abstract concept, and is hard to measure and specify. But hope is still alive: several related previous work may create a new idea. To find out related projects and to guide users to a clearer direction, are what we consider to realize in our software. </p>
        <p>Thanks to the inspiration flashed across our mind, we decided to create an onomatopoeia "S-Din" as our project and software's name, as it sounds like a light bulb lightens suddenly. </p>
      <h3>Needs &amp; Functions Integration</h3>
      <p>Here are S-Din's core functions we developed for users' needs</p>
      <h4>Integrated database</h4>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>In S-Din's database, we standardize a new data format for different types of data: parts, projects, key words and papers. Based on this format, our database is integrated into a unity, and accessible to set up interaction network and analysis. The S-Din search engine and S-Din Design are both working under this standard.</p>
      <h4>Keyword Tree &amp; Network Analysis</h4>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>In order to stimulate one's inspiration in synbio work design, we tried the following explorations: The tree of words, and network analysis.</p>
        <p><b>The tree of words:</b> When you first enter the search engine of S-Din, you could search any word you like, or try selecting a word to explore more! When clicking, You will see the subordinated words. After few repeats, you will finally get the projects that you want. This function is designed to help specify your need, and help you understand your idea better.</p>
        <p><b>Network analysis:</b> This function is designed to help you find out potential interaction between two parts, projects or key words. Sometimes the recommendation may be hard to understand, but perhaps it would open a new direction and lots of inspiration for you.</p>
        <p>To learn more about these functions, check <a href="#gold">gold section</a> for details</p>
      <h3>Project Assessment</h3>
      <h4>Safety assessment</h4>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>We examined all parts in our database, and no part is from chassis of Risk Group 3/4. The "Unknown" parts are examined again with <a href="https://www.dsmz.de/catalogues/catalogue-microorganisms.html" target="_blank">DSMZ Database</a>. They are safe enough.</p>
        <img id="risk-group-img" alt="" class="middle centered" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/fe/T--SYSU-Software--safety_risk-group.png">
        <p class="fig-ep">Figure 15: Risk group distribution of parts in S-Din's database.</p>
        <p>We checked the parts again to judge if it has "Red Flag" tag. Only 26 parts is tagged. Since we are dedicated to providing an open platform for synthetic biology, the user won’t be limited if they search for ‘Red Flag’ parts; However, users will be warned and advised not to do so once they attempt to design new circuits with ‘Red Flag’ parts.</p>
        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/b2/T--SYSU-Software--safety_red-flag.png" alt="" class="middle centered">
        <p class="fig-ep">Figure 16: Red Flag part distribution in S-Din's database.</p>
      <h4>Societal effect assessment</h4>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>Once we had ideas of S-Din, we interviewed professionals or scholars in different fields, and searched related policies. We had a better awareness of our project in the context of scientific inspiration, societal attention, safety and security, and legal considerations.</p>
        <p>When S-Din was finished, we introduced it to the professionals. With their advice and help, we wrote a product statement combined with four parts: Terms of use, Bio-safety Alerts, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.</p>
        <p>See <a href="./statements.html" target="_blank">statements page</a> for more detail</p>
      <h3>Public promotion</h3>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>When S-Din start to take shape, we promoted it to several iGEM teams and biology laboratories. They were interested in our software and tried out, then we were glad to recieve their encouraging user assessment:</p>
        <p class="quote">"Your database is wonderful! Our project may be more smoothly if cooperated with S-Din!" by Hong_Kong_HKUST</p>
        <p class="quote">"An integrated software for synbio community." by SCAU-CHINA</p>
        <p class="quote">"An inspiring try, I like it very much. Hope it will be more perfect in the future, and our lab could really use it." by Researcher Shen from Prof. Lu Yongjun's laboratory</p>
        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/b0/T--SYSU-Software--hp_figxx.png" class="ui image centered middle">
        <p class="fig-ep center">Figure 17: We recommended S-Din to Prof. Lu Yongjun and other researchers. </p>
        <p>Ordinary bio-lovers are also interested in S-Din, especially its name. </p>
        <p><span class="quote">"The name 'S-Din' is cool! I like it!"</span> by Lin</p>
        <p><span class="quote">"The software is smart! How does it know what I really want to search?"</span> by Zheng</p>
        <p><span class="quote">"What if S-Din can recommend some daily headlines, like a newspaper, Synthetic Biology Daily?"</span> by Li</p>
        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/4/45/T--SYSU-Software--hp_figxx2.png" class="ui image centered middle">
        <p class="fig-ep center">Figure 18: We introduced our product S-Din to ordinary students of SCAU. </p>
        <p>We are very excited to witness a hit from public when S-Din first met with them. Although this version of S-Din is still primary, we'll continue to create a better product.</p>
        <p class="center">Synbio is just a S-din away. </p>
    <section class="plain" id="public-engagement">
      <h2>Public Engagement</h2>
      <p>iGEM is not only a competition standing at the front of synthetic biology, but also a good chance and a platform to introduce synthetic biology to the public. Further, we should never “work behind closed doors” — though non-technical individuals may lack knowledge about synbio, they might provide us with many sparkling ideas and inspirations on our projects -- That's also S-Din's goal. More importantly, if our project is hardly understandable to the general public, then it cannot be a successful one. If we can establish a bi-directional communication with the public, we can get more feedbacks on our project and, based on the feedbacks, we can make our project more accessible not only to the scientists but also to the public.</p>
      <h3>Biology Festival: introduction synthetic biology to public</h3>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>Collaborated with SYSU_CHINA iGEM team, we held a parade in the campus to introduce synthetic biology to the public. Our audiences included students of life sciences and many other majors, teachers of different backgrounds, and residents in the campus who are neither students nor teachers. Our parade includes 2 parts: Design a circuit; Project sharing.</p>
        <p>As for the “Design a Circuit” part, we designed a funny game. The participants were allowed to design gene circuit based on the genetic parts provided by us for specific purpose. At first, we thought this game would be very easy. All they need to do is just put the genetic parts in the right orders to complete a circuit. The situation, however, is quite different from what we expected. We explained to them what the promoter is, but it was so hard for them to understand, not to mention completing a circuit. Since most of the students lacked related knowledge, few students attended this game. And those who attended this game required a lot of hints to finish the circuit.</p>
        <p>In terms of the “Project Sharing” part, we presented the project of 2015, CORE. We demonstrated the function of our software. They also gave us some suggestions.</p>
        <p>"Although I can't understand more about synthetic biology, I still feel very interested in your work and ideas." To our surprise, a student told us when the Biology Festival ended.</p>
        <div class="flex-box center">
          <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/67/T--SYSU-Software--hp_figxx3.png" class="ui image group black-shadowed">
          <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/32/T--SYSU-Software--hp_figxx4.png" class="ui image group black-shadowed">
        <p class="fig-ep center">Many people are attracted by our parade in Biology Festival. </p>
      <h3>"Bio-Lab Rescue": game promotion</h3>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>In many people's eyes, synthetic biology is mysterious and hard to understand. We hope to change this situation. We think synthetic biology is also funny and easy to get close to ordinary people — if we integrate the principle of synbio into online games.</p>
        <p>In the summer, our team designed and developed a game "Bio-Lab Rescue". We hope to spread synthetic biology in a funny way. And we promoted the game around our university, and posted its URL on social medias.</p>
        <div class="snake double-pic">
          <div class="pic">
            <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/71/T--SYSU-Software--biolab-rescue.png" alt="" class="centered black-shadowed">
          <div class="pic">
            <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/54/T--SYSU-Software--hp_gameplay.png" alt="" class="centered black-shadowed">
        <p class="fig-ep">Bio-Lab Rescue Game</p>
        <div class="paragraph">
          <p>Obviously many students were attracted by the game. They were very excited and gave many advice to us about improving the game experience. When we asked the players if they realized the topic we wanted to tell them, a player said yes and described what he learned from our game, which encouraged us a lot. However, he is the minority who can understand the game. We should think more about the combination of knowledge and entertainment, and how to spread synthetic biology.</p>
      <h3>Mini lectures for freshmen &amp; high school students</h3>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>We held several mini lectures for freshmen and high school students. In these lectures, we introduced our project this year -- S-Din, as well as principles of synthetic biology. We received their remarks to our project. From communication with them, we found some previous defect of S-Din, and their views help us think more about the project and improve it.</p>
        <img id="mini-lecture" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/7f/T--SYSU-Software--hp_mini-lecture.jpg" alt="" class="centered black-shadowed middle">
        <p class="fig-ep">A mini lecture about iGEM projects for students of Guangzhou No. 2 Middle School.</p>
      <h3>"Synbio Summit" with people from different fields</h3>
      <div class="paragraph">
        <p>What would happen if people from different fields get together to talk about synthetic biology? We decided to have a try -- to hold "Synbio Summit".</p>
        <p>We invited guests majoring in sociology, computer science, environmental science, law and so on. At the beginnning of the summit, we introduced the basic concepts of synthetic biology, and express our previous thinking about what synbio will affect other fields. Participants were the first time to learn about synthetic biology, but they gave their opinions to us, including phrase, puzzles and worries after they realized what synbio may do with everyone's life. </p>
        <p>For 1.5 hours, we talked about lots of topics around synthetic biology, including safety, societal effects, moral ethics and so on. We realized that we were not only the "teacher" in the field of synthetic biology, but also a humble student, for every field could teach us useful lessons.</p>
        <p>Through communication, you'll know how your work affects the world, and how the world affects your work.</p>
        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/54/T--SYSU-Software--hp_synbio-sub.png" class="centered middle black-shadowed">
        <p class="fig-ep">Figure 26: Participants are discussing in "Synbio Summit". </p>
        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/d4/T--SYSU-Software--hp_synbio-sub2.png" class="centered middle black-shadowed">
        <p class="fig-ep">Figure 27: Synbio Summit. </p>
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            <div class="contact-heading">contact</div>
            <div class="contact-value">sysusoftware@126.com</div>
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            <div class="contact-heading">address</div>
            <div class="contact-value">135# Xin'gang Rd(W.)<br>Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China</div>
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Human Practice

Human Practice

Synbio is just a S-Din away!

SYSU-Software 2017


During our project "S-Din", we brainstormed many aspects concerning our project, and took them into practices to confirm or to overturn our hypothesis. Then, we tried to integrate them into our final project in order to improve the project functions and user experience.

Through discussions, interviews with professionals or scholars in different fields, and search related policies, we had a better awareness of our project in the context of scientific inspiration, societal attention, safety and security, and legal considerations.

When designing the project we integrated many fine details into the software. We tried hard to make more positive contributions to scientific and societal practices, and reduce and even eliminate the potential negative impacts.

Combined with user needs investigation and social promotion, our project is a new product in fact. We wrote a user statement for our product.

We also communicated with public in our special activities and what we learned from them.

We also acknowledge all the help and collaborations with other iGEM teams and express our sincere gratitude to them.

Public Engagement

iGEM is not only a competition standing at the front of synthetic biology, but also a good chance and a platform to introduce synthetic biology to the public. Further, we should never “work behind closed doors” — though non-technical individuals may lack knowledge about synbio, they might provide us with many sparkling ideas and inspirations on our projects -- That's also S-Din's goal. More importantly, if our project is hardly understandable to the general public, then it cannot be a successful one. If we can establish a bi-directional communication with the public, we can get more feedbacks on our project and, based on the feedbacks, we can make our project more accessible not only to the scientists but also to the public.

Biology Festival: introduction synthetic biology to public

Collaborated with SYSU_CHINA iGEM team, we held a parade in the campus to introduce synthetic biology to the public. Our audiences included students of life sciences and many other majors, teachers of different backgrounds, and residents in the campus who are neither students nor teachers. Our parade includes 2 parts: Design a circuit; Project sharing.

As for the “Design a Circuit” part, we designed a funny game. The participants were allowed to design gene circuit based on the genetic parts provided by us for specific purpose. At first, we thought this game would be very easy. All they need to do is just put the genetic parts in the right orders to complete a circuit. The situation, however, is quite different from what we expected. We explained to them what the promoter is, but it was so hard for them to understand, not to mention completing a circuit. Since most of the students lacked related knowledge, few students attended this game. And those who attended this game required a lot of hints to finish the circuit.

In terms of the “Project Sharing” part, we presented the project of 2015, CORE. We demonstrated the function of our software. They also gave us some suggestions.

"Although I can't understand more about synthetic biology, I still feel very interested in your work and ideas." To our surprise, a student told us when the Biology Festival ended.

Many people are attracted by our parade in Biology Festival.

"Bio-Lab Rescue": game promotion

In many people's eyes, synthetic biology is mysterious and hard to understand. We hope to change this situation. We think synthetic biology is also funny and easy to get close to ordinary people — if we integrate the principle of synbio into online games.

In the summer, our team designed and developed a game "Bio-Lab Rescue". We hope to spread synthetic biology in a funny way. And we promoted the game around our university, and posted its URL on social medias.

Bio-Lab Rescue Game

Obviously many students were attracted by the game. They were very excited and gave many advice to us about improving the game experience. When we asked the players if they realized the topic we wanted to tell them, a player said yes and described what he learned from our game, which encouraged us a lot. However, he is the minority who can understand the game. We should think more about the combination of knowledge and entertainment, and how to spread synthetic biology.

Mini lectures for freshmen & high school students

We held several mini lectures for freshmen and high school students. In these lectures, we introduced our project this year -- S-Din, as well as principles of synthetic biology. We received their remarks to our project. From communication with them, we found some previous defect of S-Din, and their views help us think more about the project and improve it.

A mini lecture about iGEM projects for students of Guangzhou No. 2 Middle School.

"Synbio Summit" with people from different fields

What would happen if people from different fields get together to talk about synthetic biology? We decided to have a try -- to hold "Synbio Summit".

We invited guests majoring in sociology, computer science, environmental science, law and so on. At the beginnning of the summit, we introduced the basic concepts of synthetic biology, and express our previous thinking about what synbio will affect other fields. Participants were the first time to learn about synthetic biology, but they gave their opinions to us, including phrase, puzzles and worries after they realized what synbio may do with everyone's life.

For 1.5 hours, we talked about lots of topics around synthetic biology, including safety, societal effects, moral ethics and so on. We realized that we were not only the "teacher" in the field of synthetic biology, but also a humble student, for every field could teach us useful lessons.

Through communication, you'll know how your work affects the world, and how the world affects your work.

Figure 26: Participants are discussing in "Synbio Summit".

Figure 27: Synbio Summit.

135# Xin'gang Rd(W.)
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
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Here are a few examples of excellent Education and Public Engagement work:
