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<h1 class="text-center title">Protocal</h1><br />
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    <h2>Preparing LB and LB agar</h2>
<ul class="page-anchors">
<li><a href="#a1">Protocal</a>
<li><a href="#a2">Preparing LB and LB agar</a>
<li><a href="#a3">PCR PrimeStar DNA polymerase</a>
<li><a href="#a4">Recycle the plasmids from PCR products</a>
<li><a href="#a5">Ligation</a>
<li><a href="#a6">Product from Alkaline Lysis recycle</a>
<li><a href="#a7">DNA Electrophoresis</a>
<li><a href="#a8">Sodium dodecyle sulfate poluacrylamide gel electrophoresis</a>
<li><a href="#a9">Mimic osmotic pressure</a>
<div id="my-adjust-content">
<div class="first-level" id="a1"  >Protocal</div>
<div class="second-level" id="a2" >Preparing LB and LB agar</div>
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
     <td width="150">Materials</td>
     <td width="250">Materials</td>
     <td width="150">Amount</td>
     <td width="250">Amount</td>
     <td width="150">Yeast Extract</td>
     <td width="250">Yeast Extract</td>
     <td width="150">5 g</td>
     <td width="250">5 g</td>
     <td width="150">Tryptone></td>
     <td width="250">Tryptone></td>
     <td width="150">10 g</td>
     <td width="250">10 g</td>
     <td width="150">NaCl</td>
     <td width="250">NaCl</td>
     <td width="150">10 g</td>
     <td width="250">10 g</td>
     <td width="150">ddH<sub>2</sub>O</td>
     <td width="250">ddH<sub>2</sub>O</td>
     <td width="150">To 1 L</td>
     <td width="250">To 1 L</td>
     <td width="150">Ampicillin (20 μg/mL in H2O)</td>
     <td width="250">Ampicillin (20 μg/mL in H2O)</td>
     <td width="150">200 μL</td>
     <td width="250">200 μL</td>
     </table><br />
     </table><br />
<p class="my-content" >1.Add the materials above in a conical flask.</p>
    1. Add the materials above in a conical flask.  
<p class="my-content" >2.Shake the conical flask till all the materials were dissolved.</p>
<br />2. Shake the conical flask till all the materials were dissolved.  
<p class="my-content" >3.Autoclave the conical flask at 15 psi for 15 min to sterilize on liquid cycle.</p>
<br />3. Autoclave the conical flask at 15 psi for 15 min to sterilize on liquid cycle.
    <br />
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
     <caption>LB agar</caption>
     <caption>LB agar</caption>
     <td width="150">Materials</td>
     <td width="250">Materials</td>
     <td width="150">Amount</td>
     <td width="250">Amount</td>
     <td width="150">Yeast Extract</td>
     <td width="250">Yeast Extract</td>
     <td width="150">5 g</td>
     <td width="250">5 g</td>
     <td width="150">Tryptone</td>
     <td width="250">Tryptone</td>
     <td width="150">10 g</td>
     <td width="250">10 g</td>
     <td width="150">NaCl</td>
     <td width="250">NaCl</td>
     <td width="150">10 g</td>
     <td width="250">10 g</td>
     <td width="150">Agar</td>
     <td width="250">Agar</td>
     <td width="150">15 g</td>
     <td width="250">15 g</td>
     <td width="150">ddH<sub>2</sub>O</td>
     <td width="250">ddH<sub>2</sub>O</td>
     <td width="150">To 1 L</td>
     <td width="250">To 1 L</td>
     </table><br />
     </table><br />
<p class="my-content" >1.Add the materials above in a conical flask.</p>
    1. Add the materials above in a conical flask.  
<p class="my-content" >2.Shake the conical flask till all the materials were dissolved.</p>
<br />2. Shake the conical flask till all the materials were dissolved.  
<p class="my-content" >3.Autoclave the conical flask at 15 psi for 15 min to sterilize on a liquid cycle.</p>
<br />3. Autoclave the conical flask at 15 psi for 15 min to sterilize on a liquid cycle.  
<p class="my-content" >4.Then swirl the conical flask gently. After it cool down to 50~60°C, add antibiotics, Ampicillin. Swirl the flask to mix them up.</p>
<br />4. Then swirl the conical flask gently. After it cool down to 50~60°C, add antibiotics, Ampicillin. Swirl the flask to mix them up.
<p class="my-content" >5.Pour the LB agar in the conical flask on plates before it solidified.</p>
<br />5. Pour the LB agar in the conical flask on plates before it solidified.
<div class="second-level" id="a3" >PCR PrimeStar DNA polymerase</div>
<p class="my-content" >1.Prepare the reaction mix in PCR tube:</p>
    <br /><br />
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
    <h2>PCR PrimeStar DNA polymerase</h2>
    1. Prepare the reaction mix in PCR tube:
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">      
     <td width="150">Template DNA</td>
     <td width="250">Template DNA</td>
     <td width="150">1 μL</td>
     <td width="250">1 μL</td>
     <td width="150">Enzyme (prime STAR)</td>
     <td width="250">Enzyme (prime STAR)</td>
     <td width="150">1 μL</td>
     <td width="250">1 μL</td>
     <td width="150">Forward Primer</td>
     <td width="250">Forward Primer</td>
     <td width="150">2 μL</td>
     <td width="250">2 μL</td>
     <td width="150">Reverse Primer</td>
     <td width="250">Reverse Primer</td>
     <td width="150">2 μL</td>
     <td width="250">2 μL</td>
     <td width="150">Easy Jag Mix</td>
     <td width="250">Easy Jag Mix</td>
     <td width="150">25 μL</td>
     <td width="250">25 μL</td>
     <td width="150">ddH<sub>2</sub>O</td>
     <td width="250">ddH<sub>2</sub>O</td>
     <td width="150">19 μL</td>
     <td width="250">19 μL</td>
     </table><br />
    <strong>Note: We used two types of template DNA with the volume of 1.5 μL</strong>
<p class="my-content" ><strong>Note: We used two types of template DNA with the volume of 1.5 μL</strong></p>
<p class="my-content" >2.Set the program of thermal cycle:</p>
    <br />
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
    2. Set the program of thermal cycle:
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
     <td width="150">1x</td>
     <td width="250">1x</td>
     <td width="150">95˚C</td>
     <td width="250">95˚C</td>
     <td width="150">5 min</td>
     <td width="250">5 min</td>
     <td width="150">30x</td>
     <td width="250">30x</td>
     <td width="150">95˚C</td>
     <td width="250">95˚C</td>
     <td width="150">30 s</td>
     <td width="250">30 s</td>
     <td width="150">30x</td>
     <td width="250">30x</td>
     <td width="150">55˚C></td>
     <td width="250">55˚C></td>
     <td width="150">30 s</td>
     <td width="250">30 s</td>
     <td width="150">30x</td>
     <td width="250">30x</td>
     <td width="150">72˚C</td>
     <td width="250">72˚C</td>
     <td width="150">1.5 min</td>
     <td width="250">1.5 min</td>
     <td width="150">1x</td>
     <td width="250">1x</td>
     <td width="150">72˚C</td>
     <td width="250">72˚C</td>
     <td width="150">10 min</td>
     <td width="250">10 min</td>
     <td width="150">1x</td>
     <td width="250">1x</td>
     <td width="150">16˚C</td>
     <td width="250">16˚C</td>
     <td width="150">15 min</td>
     <td width="250">15 min</td>
    <br /><br />
<div class="second-level" id="a4" >Recycle the plasmids from PCR products</div>
    <h2>Recycle the plasmids from PCR products</h2>
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
     <td width="150">BL Buffer</td>
     <td width="250">BL Buffer</td>
     <td width="150">500 μL</td>
     <td width="250">500 μL</td>
     <td width="150">PB Buffer</td>
     <td width="250">PB Buffer</td>
     <td width="150">250 μL</td>
     <td width="250">250 μL</td>
     <td width="150">PW Buffer (with 100% ethyl alcohol)</td>
     <td width="250">PW Buffer (with 100% ethyl alcohol)</td>
     <td width="150">600 μL</td>
     <td width="250">600 μL</td>
     <td width="150">EB Buffer</td>
     <td width="250">EB Buffer</td>
     <td width="150">40 μL</td>
     <td width="250">40 μL</td>
     <td width="150">PCR product system</td>
     <td width="250">PCR product system</td>
     <td width="150">50 μL</td>
     <td width="250">50 μL</td>
<p class="my-content" >1. Add BL buffer into spin column CB2 (with collection tube of 2 mL) and centrifuge it for 1 min at 12000 rpm. Remove the discard from the collection tube.</p>
    1. Add BL buffer into spin column CB2 (with collection tube of 2 mL) and centrifuge it for 1 min at 12000 rpm. Remove the discard from the collection tube.  
<p class="my-content" >2. Add the PCR product and PB buffer in the CB2 and mix them evenly. (Notice: If the PCR product system is XμL, add 5XμL PB buffer)</p>
<br />2. Add the PCR product and PB buffer in the CB2 and mix them evenly. (Notice: If the PCR product system is XμL, add 5XμL PB buffer)
<p class="my-content" >3. Leave the mixture for 2 min and then centrifuge it for 1 min at 12000 rpm. Remove the discard from the collection tube. (Notice: The max volume of column is 800 μL, if the sample volume is more than 800 μL, you can repeat step 3)</p>
<br />3. Leave the mixture for 2 min and then centrifuge it for 1 min at 12000 rpm. Remove the discard from the collection tube. (Notice: The max volume of column is 800 μL, if the sample volume is more than 800 μL, you can repeat step 3)
<p class="my-content" >4. Add 600μl of Buffer PW to column CB2. Centrifuge it at 12,000 rpm for 30-60 sec in a microfuge. Pour the discard solution from the tubes; put columns CB2 back to the tube. Store the tube at room temperature for 2-5 min.</p>
<br />4. Add 600μl of Buffer PW to column CB2. Centrifuge it at 12,000 rpm for 30-60 sec in a microfuge. Pour the discard solution from the tubes; put columns CB2 back to the tube. Store the tube at room temperature for 2-5 min.
<p class="my-content" >5. Repeat step 4 once.</p>
<br />5. Repeat step 4 once.
<p class="my-content" >6. Centrifuge the tube at 12,000 rpm for 2 min, pour the discard solution. Store the tube at room temperature for 5 min, open the tube to leave the column as dry as possible. Take the DNA solution in the collection tube to carry out gel electrophoresis.</p>
<br />6. Centrifuge the tube at 12,000 rpm for 2 min, pour the discard solution. Store the tube at room temperature for 5 min, open the tube to leave the column as dry as possible. Take the DNA solution in the collection tube to carry out gel electrophoresis.
<div class="second-level" id="a5" >Ligation</div>
     <br /><br />
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
    <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
     <td width="150">10×Loading Buffer</td>
     <td width="250">10×Loading Buffer</td>
     <td width="150">2.5 μL</td>
     <td width="250">2.5 μL</td>
     <td width="150">Ligase</td>
     <td width="250">Ligase</td>
     <td width="150">2.5 μL</td>
     <td width="250">2.5 μL</td>
     <td width="150">AD plasmid fragment</td>
     <td width="250">AD plasmid fragment</td>
     <td width="150">10 μL</td>
     <td width="250">10 μL</td>
     <td width="150">BD SOS fragment</td>
     <td width="250">BD SOS fragment</td>
     <td width="150">10 μL</td>
     <td width="250">10 μL</td>
     <td width="150">Total</td>
     <td width="250">Total</td>
     <td width="150">25 μL</td>
     <td width="250">25 μL</td>
     </table><br />
     </table><br />
<p class="my-content" >1.Mix the materials above in a 0.2 mL microfuge tube.</p>
    1. Mix the materials above in a 0.2 mL microfuge tube.
<p class="my-content" >2.Incubate the mixture at 4 ̊C overnight or at 16 ̊C for 2-3 hrs.</p>
<br />2. Incubate the mixture at 4 ̊C overnight or at 16 ̊C for 2-3 hrs.
<div class="second-level" id="a6" >Product from Alkaline Lysis recycle</div>
    <br /><br />
    <h2>Product from Alkaline Lysis recycle</h2>
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
     <td width="150">Template</td>
     <td width="250">Template</td>
     <td width="150">1400 μL*2</td>
     <td width="250">1400 μL*2</td>
     <td width="150">P1</td>
     <td width="250">P1</td>
     <td width="150">1 μL</td>
     <td width="250">1 μL</td>
     <td width="150">P2</td>
     <td width="250">P2</td>
     <td width="150">2 μL</td>
     <td width="250">2 μL</td>
     <td width="150">P3</td>
     <td width="250">P3</td>
     <td width="150">2 μL</td>
     <td width="250">2 μL</td>
     <td width="150">Washing Buffer</td>
     <td width="250">Washing Buffer</td>
     <td width="150">19 μL</td>
     <td width="250">19 μL</td>
     <td width="150">Elution Buffer</td>
     <td width="250">Elution Buffer</td>
     <td width="150">1 μL</td>
     <td width="250">1 μL</td>
     </table><br />
    <strong>Note: Templates include carrier with target gene (<i>gltB</i>, <i>ScTPS1</i> and <i>SpTPS1</i>)</strong>
<p class="my-content" ><strong>Note: Templates include carrier with target gene (<i>gltB</i>, <i>ScTPS1</i> and <i>SpTPS1</i>)</strong></p>
<p class="my-content" >1.Pour 1400 μL of the culture into a microfuge tube. Centrifuge the mixture at 12,000 rpm for 1 min in a microfuge. Pour the discard solution, leaving the leftover as dry as possible.</p>
<p class="my-content" >2.Repeat step 1 once.</p>
<p class="my-content" >3.Add 400 μL solutions P1 into the microfuge tube, wait until all deposition dissolves.</p>
<p class="my-content" >4.Add 400 μL solutions P2 to the microfuge tube; mix the content by inverting the tube rapidly for five times.</p>
<p class="my-content" >5.Add 560 μL solutions P3 to the mixture, wait until all deposition dissolves.</p>
<p class="my-content" >6.Centrifuge the microfuge at 12,000 rpm for 10 min. Transfer the supernatant into a fresh column which is in a tube.</p>
<p class="my-content" >7.Centrifuge the supernatant at 12,000 rpm for 1 min in a microfuge. Discard the solution in tube.</p>
<p class="my-content" >8.Add 700 μL Washing buffer (PB) to the column, then centrifuge the mixture at 12,000 rpm for 1 min. Pour the discard solution in tube.</p>
<p class="my-content" >9.Add 500 μL Washing buffer (PB) to the column, then centrifuge the mixture at 12,000 rpm for 1 min. Pour the discard solution in tube.</p>
<p class="my-content" >10.Centrifuge the tube at 12,000 rpm for 2 min, then open the tube and dry the column.</p>
<p class="my-content" >11.Transfer the column to a fresh microfuge tube, then add 80 μL Elution buffer (EB), store it at room temperature for 5 min.</p>
<p class="my-content" >12.Centrifuge the microfuge tube at 12,000 rpm for 1 min, and then discard the column.</p>
<p class="my-content" >13.Collect the leftover in tube after centrifuge, which was the plasmid DNA</p>
<div class="second-level" id="a7" >DNA Electrophoresis</div>
<p class="my-content" >1.Mix 0.25 g of agarose with 25 g of TAE solution, and then heat the mixture until the agarose is fully dissolved.</p>
<p class="my-content" >2.Pour the mixture into a square mould. Plug in the comb, and wait until the mixture solidifies.</p>
<p class="my-content" >3.Put the gel into the electrophoresis apparatus, and then fill it with TAE solution.</p>
<p class="my-content" >4.Add 1 μL of loading buffer and 1 μL of SYBR Gold into 5 μL of the sample.</p>
<p class="my-content" >5.Load the sample and marker into the gel. Connect two sides with the electric source. Set the voltage at 120 V and then wait for 30-40 min.</p>
<p class="my-content" >6.Take the gel out, and observe the results under UV transillumination.</p>
<div class="second-level" id="a8" >Sodium dodecyle sulfate poluacrylamide gel electrophoresis</div>
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
    1. Pour 1400 μL of the culture into a microfuge tube. Centrifuge the mixture at 12,000 rpm for 1 min in a microfuge. Pour the discard solution, leaving the leftover as dry as possible.
<br />2. Repeat step 1 once.
<br />3. Add 400 μL solutions P1 into the microfuge tube, wait until all deposition dissolves.
<br />4. Add 400 μL solutions P2 to the microfuge tube; mix the content by inverting the tube rapidly for five times.
<br />5. Add 560 μL solutions P3 to the mixture, wait until all deposition dissolves.
<br />6. Centrifuge the microfuge at 12,000 rpm for 10 min. Transfer the supernatant into a fresh column which is in a tube.
<br />7. Centrifuge the supernatant at 12,000 rpm for 1 min in a microfuge. Discard the solution in tube.
<br />8. Add 700 μL Washing buffer (PB) to the column, then centrifuge the mixture at 12,000 rpm for 1 min. Pour the discard solution in tube.
<br />9. Add 500 μL Washing buffer (PB) to the column, then centrifuge the mixture at 12,000 rpm for 1 min. Pour the discard solution in tube.
<br />10. Centrifuge the tube at 12,000 rpm for 2 min, then open the tube and dry the column.
<br />11. Transfer the column to a fresh microfuge tube, then add 80 μL Elution buffer (EB), store it at room temperature for 5 min.
<br />12. Centrifuge the microfuge tube at 12,000 rpm for 1 min, and then discard the column.
<br />13. Collect the leftover in tube after centrifuge, which was the plasmid DNA
    <br /><br />
    <caption>Separating gel (12%)</caption>
    <h2>DNA Electrophoresis</h2>
    1. Mix 0.25 g of agarose with 25 g of TAE solution, and then heat the mixture until the agarose is fully dissolved.
<br />2. Pour the mixture into a square mould. Plug in the comb, and wait until the mixture solidifies.
<br />3. Put the gel into the electrophoresis apparatus, and then fill it with TAE solution.
<br />4. Add 1 μL of loading buffer and 1 μL of SYBR Gold into 5 μL of the sample.
<br />5. Load the sample and marker into the gel. Connect two sides with the electric source. Set the voltage at 120 V and then wait for 30-40 min.
<br />6. Take the gel out, and observe the results under UV transillumination.
    <br /><br />
    <h2>Sodium dodecyle sulfate poluacrylamide gel electrophoresis</h2>
    <h3>Separating gel (12%)</h3>
    <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
     <td width="150">dd water</td>
     <td width="250">dd water</td>
     <td width="150">3.92 mL</td>
     <td width="250">3.92 mL</td>
     <td width="150">30% Acr-Bis</td>
     <td width="250">30% Acr-Bis</td>
     <td width="150">4.80 mL</td>
     <td width="250">4.80 mL</td>
     <td width="150">1.5M Tris (pH 8.8)</td>
     <td width="250">1.5M Tris (pH 8.8)</td>
     <td width="150">3.04 mL</td>
     <td width="250">3.04 mL</td>
     <td width="150">10% SDS</td>
     <td width="250">10% SDS</td>
     <td width="150">120.00 μL</td>
     <td width="250">120.00 μL</td>
     <td width="150">10% ammonium persulfate</td>
     <td width="250">10% ammonium persulfate</td>
     <td width="150">120.00 μL</td>
     <td width="250">120.00 μL</td>
     <td width="150">TEMED</td>
     <td width="250">TEMED</td>
     <td width="150">4.8 μL</td>
     <td width="250">4.8 μL</td>
     </table><br />
    <strong>Note: waiting 40min until it become solid</strong>
<p class="my-content" ><strong>Note: waiting 40min until it become solid</strong></p>
     <br />
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
    <h3>Stacking gel (5%)</h3>
    <caption>Stacking gel (5%)</caption>
    <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
     <td width="150">dd water</td>
     <td width="250">dd water</td>
     <td width="150">2.04 mL</td>
     <td width="250">2.04 mL</td>
     <td width="150">30% Acr-Bis</td>
     <td width="250">30% Acr-Bis</td>
     <td width="150">0.51 mL</td>
     <td width="250">0.51 mL</td>
     <td width="150">1.0M Tris (pH 6.8)</td>
     <td width="250">1.0M Tris (pH 6.8)</td>
     <td width="150">0.375 mL</td>
     <td width="250">0.375 mL</td>
     <td width="150">10% SDS</td>
     <td width="250">10% SDS</td>
     <td width="150">30 μL</td>
     <td width="250">30 μL</td>
     <td width="150">10% ammonium persulfate</td>
     <td width="250">10% ammonium persulfate</td>
     <td width="150">30 μL</td>
     <td width="250">30 μL</td>
     <td width="150">TEMED</td>
     <td width="250">TEMED</td>
     <td width="150">3 μL</td>
     <td width="250">3 μL</td>
     </table><br />
    <strong>Note: waiting 40min until it become solid</strong>
<p class="my-content" >Note: waiting 40min until it become solid</p>
<p class="my-content" >1.Assemble the gel into the electrophoresis apparatus, and then fill the inner chamber with buffer.</p>
<p class="my-content" >2.Remove the comb carefully, then load the sample and marker. The volume of each specimen is 10-15 μL.</p>
<p class="my-content" >3.Fill the bottom of the outer chamber from the top of the gel box.</p>
<p class="my-content" >4.Attach the power supply, set the voltage at 80 V, after 20 min until the sample move into the separating gel, and then change it into 100 V. When the bromophenol blue reach the bottom, stop it.</p>
<div class="second-level" id="a9" >Mimic osmotic pressure</div>
     <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
    1. Assemble the gel into the electrophoresis apparatus, and then fill the inner chamber with buffer.
<br />2. Remove the comb carefully, then load the sample and marker. The volume of each specimen is 10-15 μL.
<br />3. Fill the bottom of the outer chamber from the top of the gel box.
<br />4. Attach the power supply, set the voltage at 80 V, after 20 min until the sample move into the separating gel, and then change it into 100 V. When the bromophenol blue reach the bottom, stop it.
    <br /><br />
    <h2>Mimic osmotic pressure</h2>
    <h3>YPD agar</h3>
    <caption>YPD agar</caption>
    <table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
     <td width="150">Materials</td>
     <td width="250">Materials</td>
     <td width="150">Amount</td>
     <td width="250">Amount</td>
     <td width="150">1% Yeast Extract</td>
     <td width="250">1% Yeast Extract</td>
     <td width="150">10 g</td>
     <td width="250">10 g</td>
     <td width="150">2% Peptone</td>
     <td width="250">2% Peptone</td>
     <td width="150">20 g</td>
     <td width="250">20 g</td>
     <td width="150">2% Dextrose</td>
     <td width="250">2% Dextrose</td>
     <td width="150">100ml</td>
     <td width="250">100ml</td>
     <td width="150">Agar</td>
     <td width="250">Agar</td>
     <td width="150">20 g</td>
     <td width="250">20 g</td>
     <td width="150">ddH<sub>2</sub>O</td>
     <td width="250">ddH<sub>2</sub>O</td>
     <td width="150">To 1 L</td>
     <td width="250">To 1 L</td>
     <td width="150">salinity</td>
     <td width="250">salinity</td>
     <td width="150">0%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, 1.25%</td>
     <td width="250">0%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, 1.25%</td>
     </table><br />
     </table><br />
    1. Add the materials above in a conical flask (except the dextrose).
<br />2. Shake the conical flask till all the materials were dissolved.
<br />3. Autoclave the conical flask at 121°C for 20 min to sterilize on a liquid cycle.
<br />4. Then swirl the conical flask gently. After it cool down to 50~60°C, add dextrose. Swirl the flask to mix them up.
<br />5. Pour the LB agar in the conical flask on plates before it solidified.
<br />6. Culture yeast that with our target gene and the yeast without our target gene. Couple days later, then test the survival rate of both kinds of yeasts.
<p class="my-content" >1.Add the materials above in a conical flask (except the dextrose).</p>
<p class="my-content" >2.Shake the conical flask till all the materials were dissolved.</p>
<p class="my-content" >3.Autoclave the conical flask at 121°C for 20 min to sterilize on a liquid cycle.</p>
<p class="my-content" >4.Then swirl the conical flask gently. After it cool down to 50~60°C, add dextrose. Swirl the flask to mix them up.</p>
<p class="my-content" >5.Pour the LB agar in the conical flask on plates before it solidified.</p>
<p class="my-content" >6.Culture yeast that with our target gene and the yeast without our target gene. Couple days later, then test the survival rate of both kinds of yeasts.</p>
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Latest revision as of 05:33, 29 October 2017

Preparing LB and LB agar
Materials Amount
Yeast Extract 5 g
Tryptone> 10 g
NaCl 10 g
ddH2O To 1 L
Ampicillin (20 μg/mL in H2O) 200 μL

1.Add the materials above in a conical flask.

2.Shake the conical flask till all the materials were dissolved.

3.Autoclave the conical flask at 15 psi for 15 min to sterilize on liquid cycle.

LB agar
Materials Amount
Yeast Extract 5 g
Tryptone 10 g
NaCl 10 g
Agar 15 g
ddH2O To 1 L

1.Add the materials above in a conical flask.

2.Shake the conical flask till all the materials were dissolved.

3.Autoclave the conical flask at 15 psi for 15 min to sterilize on a liquid cycle.

4.Then swirl the conical flask gently. After it cool down to 50~60°C, add antibiotics, Ampicillin. Swirl the flask to mix them up.

5.Pour the LB agar in the conical flask on plates before it solidified.

PCR PrimeStar DNA polymerase

1.Prepare the reaction mix in PCR tube:

Template DNA 1 μL
Enzyme (prime STAR) 1 μL
Forward Primer 2 μL
Reverse Primer 2 μL
Easy Jag Mix 25 μL
ddH2O 19 μL

Note: We used two types of template DNA with the volume of 1.5 μL

2.Set the program of thermal cycle:

1x 95˚C 5 min
30x 95˚C 30 s
30x 55˚C> 30 s
30x 72˚C 1.5 min
1x 72˚C 10 min
1x 16˚C 15 min
Recycle the plasmids from PCR products
BL Buffer 500 μL
PB Buffer 250 μL
PW Buffer (with 100% ethyl alcohol) 600 μL
EB Buffer 40 μL
PCR product system 50 μL

1. Add BL buffer into spin column CB2 (with collection tube of 2 mL) and centrifuge it for 1 min at 12000 rpm. Remove the discard from the collection tube.

2. Add the PCR product and PB buffer in the CB2 and mix them evenly. (Notice: If the PCR product system is XμL, add 5XμL PB buffer)

3. Leave the mixture for 2 min and then centrifuge it for 1 min at 12000 rpm. Remove the discard from the collection tube. (Notice: The max volume of column is 800 μL, if the sample volume is more than 800 μL, you can repeat step 3)

4. Add 600μl of Buffer PW to column CB2. Centrifuge it at 12,000 rpm for 30-60 sec in a microfuge. Pour the discard solution from the tubes; put columns CB2 back to the tube. Store the tube at room temperature for 2-5 min.

5. Repeat step 4 once.

6. Centrifuge the tube at 12,000 rpm for 2 min, pour the discard solution. Store the tube at room temperature for 5 min, open the tube to leave the column as dry as possible. Take the DNA solution in the collection tube to carry out gel electrophoresis.

10×Loading Buffer 2.5 μL
Ligase 2.5 μL
AD plasmid fragment 10 μL
BD SOS fragment 10 μL
Total 25 μL

1.Mix the materials above in a 0.2 mL microfuge tube.

2.Incubate the mixture at 4 ̊C overnight or at 16 ̊C for 2-3 hrs.

Product from Alkaline Lysis recycle
Template 1400 μL*2
P1 1 μL
P2 2 μL
P3 2 μL
Washing Buffer 19 μL
Elution Buffer 1 μL

Note: Templates include carrier with target gene (gltB, ScTPS1 and SpTPS1)

1.Pour 1400 μL of the culture into a microfuge tube. Centrifuge the mixture at 12,000 rpm for 1 min in a microfuge. Pour the discard solution, leaving the leftover as dry as possible.

2.Repeat step 1 once.

3.Add 400 μL solutions P1 into the microfuge tube, wait until all deposition dissolves.

4.Add 400 μL solutions P2 to the microfuge tube; mix the content by inverting the tube rapidly for five times.

5.Add 560 μL solutions P3 to the mixture, wait until all deposition dissolves.

6.Centrifuge the microfuge at 12,000 rpm for 10 min. Transfer the supernatant into a fresh column which is in a tube.

7.Centrifuge the supernatant at 12,000 rpm for 1 min in a microfuge. Discard the solution in tube.

8.Add 700 μL Washing buffer (PB) to the column, then centrifuge the mixture at 12,000 rpm for 1 min. Pour the discard solution in tube.

9.Add 500 μL Washing buffer (PB) to the column, then centrifuge the mixture at 12,000 rpm for 1 min. Pour the discard solution in tube.

10.Centrifuge the tube at 12,000 rpm for 2 min, then open the tube and dry the column.

11.Transfer the column to a fresh microfuge tube, then add 80 μL Elution buffer (EB), store it at room temperature for 5 min.

12.Centrifuge the microfuge tube at 12,000 rpm for 1 min, and then discard the column.

13.Collect the leftover in tube after centrifuge, which was the plasmid DNA

DNA Electrophoresis

1.Mix 0.25 g of agarose with 25 g of TAE solution, and then heat the mixture until the agarose is fully dissolved.

2.Pour the mixture into a square mould. Plug in the comb, and wait until the mixture solidifies.

3.Put the gel into the electrophoresis apparatus, and then fill it with TAE solution.

4.Add 1 μL of loading buffer and 1 μL of SYBR Gold into 5 μL of the sample.

5.Load the sample and marker into the gel. Connect two sides with the electric source. Set the voltage at 120 V and then wait for 30-40 min.

6.Take the gel out, and observe the results under UV transillumination.

Sodium dodecyle sulfate poluacrylamide gel electrophoresis
Separating gel (12%)
dd water 3.92 mL
30% Acr-Bis 4.80 mL
1.5M Tris (pH 8.8) 3.04 mL
10% SDS 120.00 μL
10% ammonium persulfate 120.00 μL
TEMED 4.8 μL

Note: waiting 40min until it become solid

Stacking gel (5%)
dd water 2.04 mL
30% Acr-Bis 0.51 mL
1.0M Tris (pH 6.8) 0.375 mL
10% SDS 30 μL
10% ammonium persulfate 30 μL

Note: waiting 40min until it become solid

1.Assemble the gel into the electrophoresis apparatus, and then fill the inner chamber with buffer.

2.Remove the comb carefully, then load the sample and marker. The volume of each specimen is 10-15 μL.

3.Fill the bottom of the outer chamber from the top of the gel box.

4.Attach the power supply, set the voltage at 80 V, after 20 min until the sample move into the separating gel, and then change it into 100 V. When the bromophenol blue reach the bottom, stop it.

Mimic osmotic pressure
YPD agar
Materials Amount
1% Yeast Extract 10 g
2% Peptone 20 g
2% Dextrose 100ml
Agar 20 g
ddH2O To 1 L
salinity 0%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, 1.25%

1.Add the materials above in a conical flask (except the dextrose).

2.Shake the conical flask till all the materials were dissolved.

3.Autoclave the conical flask at 121°C for 20 min to sterilize on a liquid cycle.

4.Then swirl the conical flask gently. After it cool down to 50~60°C, add dextrose. Swirl the flask to mix them up.

5.Pour the LB agar in the conical flask on plates before it solidified.

6.Culture yeast that with our target gene and the yeast without our target gene. Couple days later, then test the survival rate of both kinds of yeasts.