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<span>HFLS<span class="blue">&amp;</span>H2Z</span>
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<div class="title">What do we do</div>
<div class="article">
Sodium Nitrate is a commonly used food addictive in salted food such as bacon, sausages to provide the desirable reddish color. It is also the byproduct of the fermentation process to make pickled vegetables. The research reveals that excessive NO2 can leads to cardiovascular diseases, and potentially cancer. It is also a usually seen pollutant in river system.
We devise a way to reduce nitrate ion into its elements using genetic circuit that exresses relevant enzymes. To avoid possible formation in enzyme reaction, we investigate the relationships between individual enzymes and its substrates to find out the optimal environment for NO2 reaction.
We made questionaires to find out people's acceptance of having bacterium in food production, and the results show most people will only accept bacterium in food if they are probiotics.
So to follow the preference of the market, we decided to place our device in L. lactis plasmid, and transform L.lactis with such plasmid. And according to our research, L. lactis is a major factor that causes excessive NO2 in pickled vegetable.
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<div class="title">Members</div>
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<div class="block" style="background: rgba(250, 250, 250, 1);">
<!-- <button class="ui black button learn-more-btn" style="height: 5rem; width: 15rem; font-size: 1.5rem;">Learn more</button> -->
<div style="font-size: 300%;">More coming soon</div>
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Revision as of 02:02, 27 June 2017