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If you want to know more about the collaborations which grow out of our card game<a
If you want to know more about the collaborations which grow out of our card game<a
href=/collaboration.php#cardgame> have a look here! </a>
href=/collaboration.php#cardgame> have a look here! </a>
<br>If you are interested you can also check out
<br>You can also check out
<a target = "_blank" href="https://pathomon.ddns.net/files/CardGameRules.pdf"> the rules of our card game</a>
<a target = "_blank" href="https://pathomon.ddns.net/files/CardGameRules.pdf"> the rules of our card game</a>
and <a target = "_blank" href="https://pathomon.ddns.net/files/CardGame.pdf">download all cards</a></p>
and <a target = "_blank" href="https://pathomon.ddns.net/files/CardGame.pdf">download all cards!</a></p>

Revision as of 16:03, 31 October 2017

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Our HP projects this year were diverse and palpably profound. All team members engaged in those projects with great enthusiasm and we think that we did some great work presenting the field of synthetic biology and the iGEM competition in general to the public.

Integrated Human Practice

Throughout our Human Practice projects starting from lab courses at school to presentation of our work to a broad community at the “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften” we received a strong feedback from the people, what we must consider and how we can improve our project. Overall, visualization of our project was challenging in the first place. Here the school children showed us multiple ways, how people can understand our project better, without using to complex terms, which can only be understood by scientists. The Lego brick concept was convenient to demonstrate the working principle of our catcher tag system as well as the formation of our polymer and was further well- understood by non-scientists. Out trip to the “Bionicum” gave us an impression how nature fulfills motion and how we have to adjust our system to work as a muscle. Here, we realized that our attempt of a light-driven muscle is inferior to our electric device as the thickness of our muscle system limits the transmitting light. Hence, we focused more on the development and the pattern how we can fold the DEAs to reach high strength with low amounts of material. Finally, we have demonstrated the principle of our work at the “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften” to a broad community. We could apply, what we have learnt during our Human Practice and our work in the lab. We were faced with many questions and bright ideas how to scale up the process and the purification by secretion of the protein instead of lyses to create a continuous supply. It was a crucial factor for the evaluation of our gaming app, where we benefited from the enthusiastic crowd of people.

This year we visited local schools to introduce pupils to practical biological work. We decided to do so, because in this lab-workshop we saw the biggest potential for us to be helpful and make an impact. A few years ago the German school system was reformed and the former nine years of “Gymnasium” were cut short to just eight years. We, the Team Franconia, live in Bavaria, a federal state who executed this reform as one of the first, fourteen years ago. This brought with it a lot of changes in the curricula of all grades, especially the last two years before graduation. To get most of the important topics into only eight instead of nine years, practical work experience was nearly completely withdrawn from curriculum. So, before graduation most pupils in Germany know the theory behind modern biological work in laboratories, but have never done it nor seen it in practice. To change that and fascinate soon-to- be university students in natural sciences we decided to visit local schools and do a small workshop about biological work.

Since we were planning to do the workshop in the school building– not in our laboratory at the university – almost every experiment was unsuitable because of safety aspects. After long brainstorming sessions, we found three interesting experiments, neither demanding too little nor too much from the pupils: a simple DNA- extraction from strawberries, a gel electrophoresis of a plasmid in different conformations with a harmless DNA-dye and our “microcakes”, mixing ingredients, usually used to bake cakes, in Eppendorf tubes by using microliter pipettes, micro scales and vortexers. After contacting two schools in Erlangen, discussing the possibilities with the responsible biology teachers, planning the experiments and preparing the workshop, we held our very first workshop on the 24th of May 2017 at the Marie-Therese- Gymnasium Erlangen.

Marie-Therese- Gymnasium Erlangen

The teachers assembled a group of 13 interested pupils from their 11 th grade biology courses who were willing to spend their – usually free – Wednesday afternoon learning about iGEM, synthetic biology and how to work in laboratories. We prepared the DNA extraction, the gel electrophoresis and a power point presentation about us and the theory of the two experiments, everything being photographed by Alex. Starting the afternoon Alena told the pupils about iGEM, synthetic biology, our own project and why we do the workshop. Then Ariane took over to give them the theory behind the soon-to- be done experiments, covering what a gel electrophoresis is, how it works, why biologists use it that often, what one has to do to extract DNA and where the difficulties lay.

After these theoretical 20 minutes, we started the practical work, supervised by Hannah, Bastian, Leonard and Ariane from our team, with preparing the gel run. We poured the gels before the workshop started, as this would have taken too long to have it done by the pupils. First the pupils had to be introduced to the microliter pipettes and train their pipetting skills. Therefore, we gave every student a stripe of parafilm with three drops of water on it, which they had to pipette up and down until they felt secure enough to take on the task of loading the gel with our DNA sample. After adding the loading dye to every sample, each pupil had to fill two gel pockets and the last to do so also had to start the gel run. While the gel ran, the DNA extraction was to be done. To get good results and as much visual DNA as possible, we decided to use strawberries, an octoploid organism. The protocol we used, was given to us by Dr. Hanh Nguyen, an employee at our university, who has already done this experiments at a school and could share her experiences with us. For this we want to thank her. In contrary to the gel electrophoresis, which had been done in groups of three to four, did their own DNA extraction. We proceeded step-by- step, every step followed by an explanation and depiction of what has been done and what it has been done for. Right in time to stop the gel run, we finished the DNA extraction, luckily, or probably more because of great work by the pupils, with good results, seeing strawberry DNA in almost every experiment. To visualize the results of the gel electrophoresis, we used an UV-transilluminator. Ending this afternoon of practical biological work, the pupils analyzed the DNA samples and determined the length of the plasmid used. After tidying up and cleaning all the tables, the pupils gave us their feedback about the workshop. All in all, this was a very successful afternoon, we learned a lot from it ourselves, had fun and hope that we helped the pupils getting an insight in the occupational field of genetic engineering. We want to say thank you to the Marie- Therese- Gymnasium Erlangen and the biology teachers for letting us organize this workshop, being so helpful with and enthusiastic about the idea. Of course, we were mindful of safety, too. We worked in a biology room, where eating and drinking is prohibited. Every student had to wear safety goggles and gloves, they had to change at least two times, during the whole workshop. We used no harmful substances and had safety sheets put on display.

Christian-Ernst- Gymnasium Erlangen

On Juli 11th, 2017 members of our iGEM team then visited the Christian-Ernst- Gymnasium in Erlangen, giving a workshop on iGEM and genetic engineering. Alena, Ann-Sophie, Benedikt, Hannah, Steffen, Ariane, Luise, Eva, Alex and Jonas met at 7:30am to get all the last minute preparations done. After Alena, Ariane and Steffen informed the students about iGEM, genetical engineering and therefore ist risks and benefits. But the workshop should not stay as theoretical is that – basic biologic work techniques were coached by our team with the aid of a micro cake recipe: The students were able to “bake” a cake under laboratory like circumstances. Afterwards, our team members provided the students with information about university life and possible courses of study. All in all: a verysuccessful human practice project!

Marie-Therese- Gymnasium Erlangen 2.0

On July 13th 2017 we once again used the chance to promote our iGEM-project to the greater public: Again we visited the Marie-Therese- Gymnasium in Erlangen to offer our DNA extraction workshop. But not we were standing in front of the crowd to explain – but rather the students with whom we had held our workshop in May were pointing out the important steps to the visitors of the school’s Project Day “TraumVision 2017”. Our team members and students of MTG worked together as a “teaching team” to carry out the DNA extraction with parents, teachers of other subjects, siblings and other interested individuals. Not only small inquiries but also bigger problems could be solved by the teaching teams. Everybody was concentrated and the biological work flow could not be stopped, whether it would have been due to the heat (it was a very hot summer day) or due to loud music being played by the school’s marching band in the adjacent schoolyard. In the end everybody helped to clean up the classroom – all in all: another very successful Human Practice project and we also got featured on the school’s website


In order to give the public a chance of enjoying biology without first having to hitting the books for hours and days we thought it would be a great idea to design a card game that let’s you learn about biology effortlessly. Viruses and cures have to be deployed intelligently to win. We let other iGEM teams translate it into many other languages so we’d be happy if you came by our stand at the Giant Jamboree – check it out, it’s worth a game! If you want to know more about the collaborations which grow out of our card game have a look here!
You can also check out the rules of our card game and download all cards!

After our interview with the blog „meineFAU“ from the FAU has been released, we received a very nice email from one the employees at the “Bionicum” in Nuremberg. The Bionicum is an institution of the Bavarian Environment Agency, dedicated to bionic, with a visitor centre in the Nuremberg Zoo. They cooperate with different research groups, that work on movement mechanism borrowed from the animal or plant kingdom. One of these research groups works on developing bionic Dielectric Elastomer Actuators, which is why they took notice of us and our work. After exchanging some emails about our project and their work, our team was invited to visit the Bionicum. On a sunny day in August six of our team members drove to the Nuremberg Zoo and were warmly welcomed by the employees of the Bionicum. After showing us around the visitor centre and providing us with very interesting insights into the world of bionic, we sat down to drink a coffee and talk – all between giraffes and meerkats!

After explaining our project, we learned about their experiences with bionic research and their public engagement. We received great feedback on how we could use what we already know from nature in our project. Thereby, we i. A. realised that for our chemical approach to achieve muscle like movement of the tissue, a molecular machine triggered by a voltage – as it is in all animals – instead of light would be more effective. We also heard how they teach school classes about bionic and connect with the public on this topic. After this very productive exchange, we explored the interactive exhibition in the visitor centre, where we learned a lot about mechanisms in nature that are used in technology. We realized, that the basic idea of bionic – making technology that resembles nature – is the exact inverse of the idea of synthetic biology and iGEM – making biology that resembles technology. This is precisely the reason why the combination of both should lead to a successful implementation, as it combines what already works in nature with individual adjustments. Our tour through the visitor centre ended with a very enjoyable performance of Nao, the sweetest robot we have ever seen. Here, we were told that after 15 minutes of performance he had to be charged for at least two hours to refill its batteries. Thus, we experienced the drawbacks of currently used robot drives, having a very high energy consumption, that we prior only knew theoretically.

To sum up, we had a very interesting and good time at the Bionicum. We learned a whole lot of things, many of which we could integrate into our project. We can very much recommend visiting the Bionicum in the Nuremberg Zoo to anyone, as it has a very thought-through and fascinating exhibition. Finally, we again want to thank the Bionicum and its employees for inviting us, talking to us and doing such great work. We really hope that we can plan a public engagement project together next year with the iGEM 2018 team!

Scientific institutions holding lectures and demonstrations for the general public – that’s the main concept of what in Germany is called a “Long Night of the Sciences”. From 6 p.m. to 1 a.m., the public can visit campuses, lecture halls and other premises of the universities and get to know about current research topics and results. In the area of Franconia’s cities of Nuremberg, Fuerth and Erlangen there is also one of these “Nights of the Sciences” – in which our iGEM-team was able to participate this year regarding a presentation of iGEM itself, our project and our results. We were able to get the whole team to look after our stand and tell the general public about our time with iGEM. It also served as some kind of rehearsal for our presentation at the iGEM Giant Jamboree. Team members from Erlangen presented the biological and chemical parts of our work as well as our engagement in collaborations and Human Practise projects – our colleagues from Würzburg presented their app and enacted a survey about what they could improve in the app for the presentation at the Giant Jamboree. Our project met with great interest and many visitors wished us the best of luck for the Giant Jamboree.

As our system can be implemented in multiple devices outside the lab it is a crucial factor to guarantee that it will not cause damage to the environment. A crucial factor is to prevent the genetically modified microorganisms from entering the environment. As we were working with two stems Geobacter sulfurreducens and Escherichia coli we had to rely on two different approaches for this goal. As Geobacter sulfurreducens can only survive under strictly anaerobic conditions, that task is simple to achieve as the culture dies immediately when exposed to the atmosphere.
For E. coli we chose a cell-free approach for our tissue to prevent contamination of the environment. This consideration takes into account that cells in the tissue lower the performance of our azo-dye based muscle as the cells in the tissue will not be contracted but remain as buffer likely preventing a strong contraction. In the dielectric elastomer actuator tissue the E. coli cells will not survive the mechanical stress in the tissue, which will rapidly lead to ruptures in the device. A further aspect to work with a cell-free material is to prevent damage to the material by the bacteria themselves as they may consume a significant amount of the proteins.
To obtain this cell-free protein material lyses of the E. coli cells is necessary followed by purification via nickel NTA column chromatography. This procedure leads to pure protein solutions, which can further be manufactured to the desired tissue.

Species name
(including strain)
Risk Group Risk Group
Disease risk to humans? Part number/name Natural function of part How did you acquire it? How will you use it?
E. coli DH5 alpha MCR 1 2014.igem.org/safety/
None Spytag-Streptavidin-ELP5-SnoopCatcher None; artificial production IDT Monomer for biopolymer matrix; tag for cross-linking
molecular machines with the monomer
E. coli DH5 alpha MCR 1 2014.igem.org/safety/
None HisTag-Snooptag-ELP5-Spycatcher None; artificial production IDT Monomer for elastomeric protein structures of the
dielectric elastomer actuator and
the molecular machines tissue
E. coli DH5 alpha MCR 1 2014.igem.org/safety/
None Spytag-Streptavidin-ELP5-SnoopCatcher None; artificial production IDT Monomer for biopolymer matrix; tag for cross-linking
molecular machines with the monomer
E. coli DH5 alpha MCR 1 2014.igem.org/safety/
None Kationisch kurz None; artificial production IDT Conductive monomer for tissue development
E. coli DH5 alpha MCR 1 2014.igem.org/safety/
None Spytag-Streptavidin-ELP5-SnoopCatcher Anionisch kurz IDT Conductive monomer for tissue development
E. coli DH5 alpha MCR 1 2014.igem.org/safety/
None Spytag-Streptavidin-ELP5-SnoopCatcher None; artificial production IDT Monomer for biopolymer matrix; tag for cross-linking
molecular machines with the monomer
E. coli DH5 alpha MCR 1 2014.igem.org/safety/
None W51W54 None; artificial production IDT Conductive monomer for tissue development
E. coli DH5 alpha MCR 1 None Electroconductive Pili Gift from University of Massachusetts
Amherst, Departement of Microbiology
Electroconductive layer of the
E. coli DH5 alpha MCR 1 None Electroconductive Pili Gift from University of Massachusetts
Amherst, Departement of Microbiology
Electroconductive layer of the

