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<!-- Reference Subsection -->
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<h2 class="text-cyan">References</h2>
<li id="ref1">Canadian Biosafety Standards and Guidelines - <a href="https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/canadian-biosafety-standards-guidelines.html">https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/canadian-biosafety-standards-guidelines.html</a></li>
<li id="ref2">Biosafety Team in the Office of Environmental Health and Safety - <a href="https://ehs.utoronto.ca/our-services/biosafety/">https://ehs.utoronto.ca/our-services/biosafety/</a></li>
<li id="ref3">NIH Guidelines - <a href="https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/laboratory-biosafety-biosecurity/pathogen-safety-data-sheets-risk-assessment.html">https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/laboratory-biosafety-biosecurity/pathogen-safety-data-sheets-risk-assessment.html</a></li>
<li id="ref4">iGEM Risk Groups - <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Safety/Risk_Groups">https://2017.igem.org/Safety/Risk_Groups</a></li>
<!-- Reference Subsection END -->

Revision as of 01:18, 1 November 2017


Submitted Parts

pSB1C3 Registry number Type Length (bp) Function Assembly Method UNS
LacILOV-mCherry BBa_K2469003 Composite 1615 Light regulated reporter Digestion and ligation 2, 3
HIS-AcrIIA4 BBa_K2469002 Basic 398 Inhibits the function of S. pyogenes Cas9 and dCas9. Gibson assembly of amplified AcrIIA4 from G-block and amplified pSB1C3 backbone from LacILOV-mCherry Construct in pSB1C3 2, 3
LacILOV BBa_K2469001 Basic 728 A fusion protein of the light, oxygen and voltage-sensitive domain of the Avena Sativa phototropin 1 (LOV2) and the LacI domain. This transcriptional regulator represses promoters under control of LacI. In the presence of blue light this protein will act as a repressor, and in its absence the protein will dissociate from the promoter Gibson assembly of amplified LacILOV part from LacILOV-mCherry construct in pKDL071 and pSB1C3 backbone from LacILOV-mCherrt construct in pSCB1C3 2, 3
reporter construct BBa_K2469004 Composite 3253 Light regulated reporter switch, alternating between mCherry and YFP flourescence Gibson assembly of amplified reporter construct out of pkDL071 and amplified pSB1C3 backbone from the LacILOV-mCherry construct in pSB1C3 2, 3
Figure 1.1: Parts

Other Parts

pKDLO71 Type Length Function Assembly Method UNS
LacILOV-mCherry Composite 1615 Light regulated reporter Gibson g-Block + Backbone with UNS 2, 3
reporter mCherry reporter construct, consisting of the CI repressor (with LVA degradation tag) and mCherry under the control of the Ptrc-2 promoter; used as a negative control in the sgRNA assay Gibson g-Block + Backbone with UNS 2, 4
reporter mCherry + sgRNA Half of the full construct, to test the function of the sgRNA (ensure it is targetting the correct sequence) Gibson assembly of sgRNA g-Block into reporter mCherry, with UNS 5 extension on backbone 4, 5
reporter mCherry + sgRNA+ AcrIIA4 Incorporation of the Anti-CRISPR protein into the sgRNA construct to have both expressed simultaneously and test the function of the Anti-CRISPR Gibson assemly of AcrIIA4 g-block into reporter mCherry + sgRNA, with UNS 6 extension on backbone 4, 6
reporter construct Composite 3253 Light regulated reporter switch, alternating between mCherry and YFP flourescence Gibson assembly of reporter YFP (LacILOV + YFP) into reporter mCherry with UNS 3 extension on backbone 3, 2
full construct Light-regulated switch controlling the activity of the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Gibson assembly of AcrIIA4 subpart (LacILOV + AcrIIA4 + YFP) into reporter mCherry + sgRNA, with UNS 3 extension on bacbone 3, 6
Figure 1.1: Other parts