Difference between revisions of "Team:UCSC/Attributions"

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<p>We would like to thank all of the people who have helped make this project possible. For the past four years, undergraduates at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) have participated in iGEM and that would be impossible without significant support. This year, the team is composed of students studying Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Bioelectronics, Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental (MCD) Biology, and Chemical Engineering. This wide array of disciplines is crucial for the creative process behind using synthetic biology to advance solutions to problems. Modern engineering demands collaboration between individuals and pushes them to think critically and work efficiently. Through synthetic biology, the 2017 UCSC iGEM team is creating effective solutions and developing models for future success.</p>
    <img class="ourbeautifulfaces" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/d2/UcscAttributions.png">
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        <h3>UCSC iGEM 2017</h3>
        <p>Conducted project brainstorming, researched medicine production of essential medicines and supplements in cyanobacteria, researched causes for inadequate access to essential medicines and supplements, conducted modeling, conducted funding, designed parts and necessary primers,  conducted wet lab experiments and analysis, built the team wiki page, and conducted outreach events to educate and raise awareness about synthetic biology and the issue of inadequate access to essential medicines and supplements.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. David Bernick</b>, Assistant Adjunct Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Biomolecular Engineering</div>
<p>Guided our team and offered valuable insight and advice through each stage of the project. He also helped the team manage funding, finances, and logistical tasks.</p>
                    margin-left: 5%;
<div class="person"><b>Logan Mulroney</b>, PhD Candidate, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Biomolecular Engineering</div>
                    margin-right: 5%;
<p>Guided us and provided valuable advice on gene design and wet lab experiments.</p>
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<h3>Research Support</h3>
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<div class="person"><b>Elliot Roth</b>, Founder and CEO at Spira</div>
                        border-radius: 8px;
<p>Spoke with us about his experience working with Spirulina and provided insight into working with the genetics of Spirulina.</p>
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<div class="person"><b>Dr. Susan S. Golden</b>, Professor at Howard Hughs Medical Institute, Director at the Center for Circadian Biology, Chancellor’s Associates Chair (III) in Molecular Biology, Distinguished Professor at University of California, San Diego</div>
<p>Provided us with pAM1573.</p>
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<div class="person"><b>Dr. Donald Bryant</b>, Ernest C. Pollard Professor in Biotechnology, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Pennsylvania State University</div>
<p>Provided us with <i>Synechococcus</i> sp. PCC 7002 and advice regarding the best plates to grow cyanobacteria.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. J. Christopher Anderson</b>, Associate Professor, Bioengineering at the University of California, Berkeley</div>
<p>Pioneered Acetaminophen production in <i>E. coli</i> and <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> and is working with UCSC iGEM to extend the IP to photosynthetic organisms.</p>
<div class="person"><b>UCSC iGEM 2016</b></div>
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<p>Members of the UCSC iGEM 2016 team provided us with valuable advice on project planning and execution.</p>
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<h3>★  ALERT! </h3>
<p>This page is used by the judges to evaluate your team for the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Judging/Medals">medal criterion</a> or <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Judging/Awards"> award listed above</a>. </p>
<p> Delete this box in order to be evaluated for this medal criterion and/or award. See more information at <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Judging/Pages_for_Awards"> Instructions for Pages for awards</a>.</p>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Rohinton T. Kamakaka & Members of the Kamakaka Lab</b>, Department of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology at the University of California, Santa Cruz</div>
<p>Provided our team with lab materials, access to UV gel dock (check name), access to Thermo ScientificTM NanoDropTM 2000/2000c (check), and providing valuable suggestions and guidance on troubleshooting experiments.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Anne M. Ruffing</b>, Senior Member of the Technical Staff, Bioenergy and Defense Technologies Department, Sandia National Labs</div>
<p>Spoke with us about her experience working with cyanobacteria, specifically <i>Synechococcus elongatus</i> PCC 7942. Dr. Ruffing advised about optimizing growth conditions of our <i>S. elongatus</i> cultures.</p>
<div class="column full_size">
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Chris Vollmers & Members of the <a href="https://vollmerslab.soe.ucsc.edu/">Vollmers Lab</b></a>, Department of Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz</b></div>
<p>Donated pipet tips and gloves and provided suggestions for troubleshooting issues with gel extraction.</p>
<p> Each team must clearly attribute work done by the student team members on this page. The team must distinguish work done by the students from work done by others, including the host labs, advisors, instructors, and individuals not on the team roster.
This is a bronze medal requirement. Please see the <a href="https://2017.igem.org/Judging/Medals">Medals requirements page</a> for more details.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Chad Saltikov & Members of the Saltikov Lab</b>, Department of Environmental Toxicology, University of California, Santa Cruz</div>
<p>Donated DPN1.</p>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="person"><b>Haussler Lab, <a href="https://hausslergenomics.ucsc.edu/"></b> Genomics Institute </a>, University of California, Santa Cruz</b></div>
<p>Donated gloves, gel extraction kits, and provided us with temporary lab space.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Olof Einarsdottir</b>, Professor, Physical & Biological Sciences—Chemistry & Biochemistry Department</div>
<p>Provided us with advice on modeling.</p>
<div class="column half_size">
<h5> Why is this page needed? </h5>
<p>The Attribution requirement helps the judges know what you did yourselves and what you had help with. We don't mind if you get help with difficult or complex techniques, but you must report what work your team did and what work was done by others.</p>
For example, you might choose to work with an animal model during your project. Working with animals requires getting a license and applying far in advance to conduct certain experiments in many countries. This is difficult to achieve during the course of a summer, but much easier if you can work with a postdoc or PI who has the right licenses.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Grant Hartzog & Members of the Hartzog Lab</b>, Department of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz</div>
<p>Donated monobasic potassium phosphate.</p>
<div class="column half_size">
<h5> What should this page have?</h5>
<div class="person"><b>Heather Tyra</b>, Integrated DNA Technologies, Product Support Specialist for the IDT Synthetic Biology Group</div>
<li>General Support</li>
<p>Assisted our team in ordering the parts needed for the riboswitch component of our project.</p>
<li>Project support and advice</li>
<li>Fundraising help and advice</li>
<li>Lab support</li>
<li>Difficult technique support</li>
<li>Project advisor support</li>
<li>Wiki support</li>
<li>Presentation coaching</li>
<li>Human Practices support</li>
<li> Thanks and acknowledgements for all other people involved in helping make a successful iGEM team</li>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="person"><b>UC Berkeley DNA Sequencing Facility</b></div>
<p>Sequenced our samples of pAM2991, pAM1573, <i>ssuE, 4ABH, bluB,</i> and <i>nhoA</i>.</p>
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<div class="person"><b>Dr. John MacMillan</b>, Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz, Physical & Biological Sciences—Chemistry & Biochemistry Department</div>
<h5> Can we base our project on a previous one? </h5>
<p>Provided us training, time and lab space to use HPLC in testing for acetaminophen and vitamin B<sub>12</sub>.</p>
<p>Yes! You can have a project based on a previous team, or based on someone else's idea, <b>as long as you state this fact very clearly and give credit for the original project.</b> </p>
<div class="column half_size">
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Marc T. Faccioti</b>, Associate Professor, University of California, Davis, Biomedical Engineering Department</div>
<p>Advised us on iGEM team logistics based on his past experience mentoring the UC Davis iGEM team.</p>
<p>Take a look at what other teams have done:</p>
<li><a href="https://2011.igem.org/Team:Imperial_College_London/Team">2011 Imperial College London</a> (scroll to the bottom)</li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Exeter/Attributions">2014 Exeter </a></li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Melbourne/Attributions">2014 Melbourne </a></li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Valencia_Biocampus/Attributions">2014 Valencia Biocampus</a></li>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Somen Nandi</b>, University of California, Davis, Department of Chemical Engineering</div>
<p>Advised us on implementing our project. Discussed cost-benefit analysis in bioreactor design related to implementation in remote areas.</p>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="column half_size">
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Maria L. Marco</b>, Associate Professor, University of California, Davis, Food Science and Technology</div>
<p>Gave us a tour of the Marco Lab at UC Davis and advised us on the genetics of <i>Lactobacillus plantarum</i>.</p>
<h5>Team training and Project start</h5>
<p>Tell us if your institution teaches an iGEM or synthetic biology class and when you started your project:</p>
<h3>Lab support</h3>
<li>Does your institution teach an iGEM or synthetic biology course?</li>
<div class="person"><b>Russ Evans & Baskin Engineering Lab Support <a href="https://bels.soe.ucsc.edu/">(BELS)</a> Staff</b></div>
<li>When did you start this course?</li>
<p>Provided technical support and handled incoming shipments for the Biomolecular Engineering Teaching Lab.</p>
<li>Are the syllabus and course materials freely available online?</li>
<li>When did you start your brainstorming?</li>
<li>When did you start in the lab?</li>
<li>When did you start working on  your project?</li>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Hugh E. Olsen</b>, Lab Manager at UCSC Biomolecular Engineering Teaching Labs; Project Scientist, Biomolecular Engineering; Lecturer, Biomolecular Engineering</div>
<p>Provided assistance with autoclave-training, general laboratory safety training, obtaining materials and maintaining equipment in the Biomolecular Engineering (BME) Teaching Lab.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Scott Lokey and Dr. Walter Bray</b>, Chemical Screening Center</div>
<p>Provided us with the necessary training and access to the Perkin-Elmer EnVision instrument for InterLab study measurements at the Chemical Screening Center, University of California, Santa Cruz</p>
<div class="person"><b>Brandy Baird</b>, Staff Research Associate II at UCSC Biology Teaching Labs</div>
<p>Assisted with obtaining necessary reagents and lab materials needed to make the growth media and to conduct experiments.</p>
        <h3>Wiki support</h3>
<div class="person"><b>Austin York</b></div>
<p>As a member of the 2016 UCSC iGEM team and as a main contributor to his team's wiki, Austin provided us with initial guidance and advice, emphasizing the importance of getting started on the wiki early on!</p>
<div class="person"><b>Matt Coats</b></div>
<p>Matt, a recent graduate from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, is highly experienced with computer science and web development. Matt provided expert advice and helpful explanations, especially with respect to better understanding CSS and JavaScript. Matt is not only genuinely appreciated for his help along the way, but is also a beloved friend.</p>
<h3>Human Practices support</h3>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Wil Johnson</b>, Medical Physician, Founder, President, Director of Global Medical Training (GMT)</div>
<p>Corresponded with us about the potential importance of our project and connected us with multiple international physicians in the program.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Lubin</b>, Healthcare Practitioner, Haiti/Dominican Republic</div>
<p>Corresponded with us about the needs of potential recipients of our project in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Omar Antonio Murillio Abarca</b>, Medical Director, GMT Nicaragua</div>
<p>Corresponded with us about the needs of potential recipients of our project in Nicaragua.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Jacquelin Zublaga</b>, Medical Director, GMT Peru</div>
<p>Corresponded with us about the needs of potential recipients of our project in Peru.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Samuel Rivera</b>, AP Environmental Sciences Teacher, Leland High School</div>
<p>Gave our team the opportunity to present about the Marshall Islands, our project, and policies and ethics surrounding genetic engineering to Juniors and Seniors in his high school AP Environmental class at Leland High School.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Patrick Luu & Hung Do</b>, Lasalle Community Center Summer Camp Coordinators</div>
<p>Gave our team the opportunity to teach students between grades two through eight about genetics and the basics of genetic engineering.</p>
<h3>Funding Support</h3>
<div class="person"><b>UCSC iGEM 2016</b></div>
<p>Provided monetary support for our team.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Sandy Ashley</b>, Research Analyst, Business Office, Jack Baskin School of Engineering</div>
<p>Aided with managing our finances.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Jenna Elyse Hurley</b>, Assistant Director of Annual Giving, University Relations, University of California, Santa Cruz</div>
<p>Assisted us with our Giving Day and Crowdfunding fundraising campaigns.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Todd Lowe</b>, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Biomolecular Engineering</div>
<p>Provided monetary support for our team.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Bill Saxton</b>, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology</div>
<p>Provided monetary support for our team.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Scott A. Brandt</b>, Vice Chancellor for Research</div>
<p>Provided monetary support for our team.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dean Alexander L. Wolf</b>, Dean of the Baskin School of Engineering</div>
<p>Provided monetary support for our team.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Roger Trippel</b>, Senior Director of Development, University Relations, Baskin School of Engineering</div>
<p>Assisted with expanding our funding opportunities within the Baskin School of Engineering.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Ilan Benjamin</b>, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Physical and Biological Sciences—Chemistry & Biochemistry</div>
<p>Provided monetary support for our team.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dean Paul L. Koch</b>, University of California, Santa Cruz, Dean of Physical and Biological Sciences</div>
<p>Provided monetary support for our team.</p>
<div class="person"><b>All Crowdfunding and Giving Day Donors</b></div>
<p>Provided monetary support for our team.</p>
<h3>General Support</h3>
<div class="person"><b>Brandon Houng</b>, Second year Film and Digital Media Major, University of California, Santa Cruz</div>
<p>Filmed and edited our team video.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Jeff Jackson</b>, Director, Intellectual Property Management at the University of California, Santa Cruz</div>
<p>Advised on matters regarding intellectual property and patents.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Dr. Grant Hartzog</b>, Professor and Curriculum Chair, Department of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz</div>
<p>We would like to thank Dr. Hartzog for his work to help iGEM BME188 coursework satisfy the MCD disciplinary communication requirement.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Debbie Evers</b></div>
<p>Embroidered our team jackets as a gift to UCSC iGEM 2017.</p>
<h3>Industry Sponsors</h3>
<div class="person"><b>New England BioLabs Inc.</b></div>
<p>Donated Gibson Assembly Kits, OneTaq, and Chemi-Competent DH5a cells.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Biosolutions</b></div>
<p>Provided use of and assistance with High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Geneious</b></div>
<p>Provided our team with Geneious licenses.</p>
<div class="person"><b>SnapGene</b></div>
<p>Provided our team with SnapGene licenses.</p>
<div class="person"><b>VWR</b></div>
<p>Provided our team with lab notebooks.</p>
<div class="person"><b>Zymo Research</b></div>
<p>Provided our team with Zyppy™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit, 400 preps and DNA Clean & Concentrator™, 200 preps.</p>
<div class="person"><b>California Custom</b></div>
    <p>Provided our team with team t-shirts.</p>

Latest revision as of 07:14, 1 November 2017


We would like to thank all of the people who have helped make this project possible. For the past four years, undergraduates at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) have participated in iGEM and that would be impossible without significant support. This year, the team is composed of students studying Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Bioelectronics, Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental (MCD) Biology, and Chemical Engineering. This wide array of disciplines is crucial for the creative process behind using synthetic biology to advance solutions to problems. Modern engineering demands collaboration between individuals and pushes them to think critically and work efficiently. Through synthetic biology, the 2017 UCSC iGEM team is creating effective solutions and developing models for future success.

UCSC iGEM 2017

Conducted project brainstorming, researched medicine production of essential medicines and supplements in cyanobacteria, researched causes for inadequate access to essential medicines and supplements, conducted modeling, conducted funding, designed parts and necessary primers, conducted wet lab experiments and analysis, built the team wiki page, and conducted outreach events to educate and raise awareness about synthetic biology and the issue of inadequate access to essential medicines and supplements.


Dr. David Bernick, Assistant Adjunct Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Biomolecular Engineering

Guided our team and offered valuable insight and advice through each stage of the project. He also helped the team manage funding, finances, and logistical tasks.

Logan Mulroney, PhD Candidate, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Biomolecular Engineering

Guided us and provided valuable advice on gene design and wet lab experiments.

Research Support

Elliot Roth, Founder and CEO at Spira

Spoke with us about his experience working with Spirulina and provided insight into working with the genetics of Spirulina.

Dr. Susan S. Golden, Professor at Howard Hughs Medical Institute, Director at the Center for Circadian Biology, Chancellor’s Associates Chair (III) in Molecular Biology, Distinguished Professor at University of California, San Diego

Provided us with pAM1573.

Dr. Donald Bryant, Ernest C. Pollard Professor in Biotechnology, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Pennsylvania State University

Provided us with Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 and advice regarding the best plates to grow cyanobacteria.

Dr. J. Christopher Anderson, Associate Professor, Bioengineering at the University of California, Berkeley

Pioneered Acetaminophen production in E. coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is working with UCSC iGEM to extend the IP to photosynthetic organisms.

UCSC iGEM 2016

Members of the UCSC iGEM 2016 team provided us with valuable advice on project planning and execution.

Dr. Rohinton T. Kamakaka & Members of the Kamakaka Lab, Department of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology at the University of California, Santa Cruz

Provided our team with lab materials, access to UV gel dock (check name), access to Thermo ScientificTM NanoDropTM 2000/2000c (check), and providing valuable suggestions and guidance on troubleshooting experiments.

Dr. Anne M. Ruffing, Senior Member of the Technical Staff, Bioenergy and Defense Technologies Department, Sandia National Labs

Spoke with us about her experience working with cyanobacteria, specifically Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942. Dr. Ruffing advised about optimizing growth conditions of our S. elongatus cultures.

Dr. Chris Vollmers & Members of the Vollmers Lab, Department of Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz

Donated pipet tips and gloves and provided suggestions for troubleshooting issues with gel extraction.

Dr. Chad Saltikov & Members of the Saltikov Lab, Department of Environmental Toxicology, University of California, Santa Cruz

Donated DPN1.

Haussler Lab, Genomics Institute , University of California, Santa Cruz

Donated gloves, gel extraction kits, and provided us with temporary lab space.

Dr. Olof Einarsdottir, Professor, Physical & Biological Sciences—Chemistry & Biochemistry Department

Provided us with advice on modeling.

Dr. Grant Hartzog & Members of the Hartzog Lab, Department of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz

Donated monobasic potassium phosphate.

Heather Tyra, Integrated DNA Technologies, Product Support Specialist for the IDT Synthetic Biology Group

Assisted our team in ordering the parts needed for the riboswitch component of our project.

UC Berkeley DNA Sequencing Facility

Sequenced our samples of pAM2991, pAM1573, ssuE, 4ABH, bluB, and nhoA.

Dr. John MacMillan, Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz, Physical & Biological Sciences—Chemistry & Biochemistry Department

Provided us training, time and lab space to use HPLC in testing for acetaminophen and vitamin B12.

Dr. Marc T. Faccioti, Associate Professor, University of California, Davis, Biomedical Engineering Department

Advised us on iGEM team logistics based on his past experience mentoring the UC Davis iGEM team.

Dr. Somen Nandi, University of California, Davis, Department of Chemical Engineering

Advised us on implementing our project. Discussed cost-benefit analysis in bioreactor design related to implementation in remote areas.

Dr. Maria L. Marco, Associate Professor, University of California, Davis, Food Science and Technology

Gave us a tour of the Marco Lab at UC Davis and advised us on the genetics of Lactobacillus plantarum.

Lab support

Russ Evans & Baskin Engineering Lab Support (BELS) Staff

Provided technical support and handled incoming shipments for the Biomolecular Engineering Teaching Lab.

Dr. Hugh E. Olsen, Lab Manager at UCSC Biomolecular Engineering Teaching Labs; Project Scientist, Biomolecular Engineering; Lecturer, Biomolecular Engineering

Provided assistance with autoclave-training, general laboratory safety training, obtaining materials and maintaining equipment in the Biomolecular Engineering (BME) Teaching Lab.

Dr. Scott Lokey and Dr. Walter Bray, Chemical Screening Center

Provided us with the necessary training and access to the Perkin-Elmer EnVision instrument for InterLab study measurements at the Chemical Screening Center, University of California, Santa Cruz

Brandy Baird, Staff Research Associate II at UCSC Biology Teaching Labs

Assisted with obtaining necessary reagents and lab materials needed to make the growth media and to conduct experiments.

Wiki support

Austin York

As a member of the 2016 UCSC iGEM team and as a main contributor to his team's wiki, Austin provided us with initial guidance and advice, emphasizing the importance of getting started on the wiki early on!

Matt Coats

Matt, a recent graduate from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, is highly experienced with computer science and web development. Matt provided expert advice and helpful explanations, especially with respect to better understanding CSS and JavaScript. Matt is not only genuinely appreciated for his help along the way, but is also a beloved friend.

Human Practices support

Dr. Wil Johnson, Medical Physician, Founder, President, Director of Global Medical Training (GMT)

Corresponded with us about the potential importance of our project and connected us with multiple international physicians in the program.

Dr. Lubin, Healthcare Practitioner, Haiti/Dominican Republic

Corresponded with us about the needs of potential recipients of our project in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Dr. Omar Antonio Murillio Abarca, Medical Director, GMT Nicaragua

Corresponded with us about the needs of potential recipients of our project in Nicaragua.

Dr. Jacquelin Zublaga, Medical Director, GMT Peru

Corresponded with us about the needs of potential recipients of our project in Peru.

Dr. Samuel Rivera, AP Environmental Sciences Teacher, Leland High School

Gave our team the opportunity to present about the Marshall Islands, our project, and policies and ethics surrounding genetic engineering to Juniors and Seniors in his high school AP Environmental class at Leland High School.

Patrick Luu & Hung Do, Lasalle Community Center Summer Camp Coordinators

Gave our team the opportunity to teach students between grades two through eight about genetics and the basics of genetic engineering.

Funding Support

UCSC iGEM 2016

Provided monetary support for our team.

Sandy Ashley, Research Analyst, Business Office, Jack Baskin School of Engineering

Aided with managing our finances.

Jenna Elyse Hurley, Assistant Director of Annual Giving, University Relations, University of California, Santa Cruz

Assisted us with our Giving Day and Crowdfunding fundraising campaigns.

Dr. Todd Lowe, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Biomolecular Engineering

Provided monetary support for our team.

Dr. Bill Saxton, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology

Provided monetary support for our team.

Dr. Scott A. Brandt, Vice Chancellor for Research

Provided monetary support for our team.

Dean Alexander L. Wolf, Dean of the Baskin School of Engineering

Provided monetary support for our team.

Roger Trippel, Senior Director of Development, University Relations, Baskin School of Engineering

Assisted with expanding our funding opportunities within the Baskin School of Engineering.

Dr. Ilan Benjamin, University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Physical and Biological Sciences—Chemistry & Biochemistry

Provided monetary support for our team.

Dean Paul L. Koch, University of California, Santa Cruz, Dean of Physical and Biological Sciences

Provided monetary support for our team.

All Crowdfunding and Giving Day Donors

Provided monetary support for our team.

General Support

Brandon Houng, Second year Film and Digital Media Major, University of California, Santa Cruz

Filmed and edited our team video.

Jeff Jackson, Director, Intellectual Property Management at the University of California, Santa Cruz

Advised on matters regarding intellectual property and patents.

Dr. Grant Hartzog, Professor and Curriculum Chair, Department of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz

We would like to thank Dr. Hartzog for his work to help iGEM BME188 coursework satisfy the MCD disciplinary communication requirement.

Debbie Evers

Embroidered our team jackets as a gift to UCSC iGEM 2017.

Industry Sponsors

New England BioLabs Inc.

Donated Gibson Assembly Kits, OneTaq, and Chemi-Competent DH5a cells.


Provided use of and assistance with High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography.


Provided our team with Geneious licenses.


Provided our team with SnapGene licenses.


Provided our team with lab notebooks.

Zymo Research

Provided our team with Zyppy™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit, 400 preps and DNA Clean & Concentrator™, 200 preps.

California Custom

Provided our team with team t-shirts.