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<h1 class="centered">
    <img class="logo-vigne" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/fb/Ionis-paris-hp-team.jpg"></img>
    Softer Shock Team
    <img class="logo-vigne" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/fb/Ionis-paris-hp-team.jpg"></img>
<div class="parallax-bandeau marged" style="background-position: 0% 60%; background-image: url('https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/a/ad/Ionis-paris-team.jpg')"></div>
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<h2 class="name">Alicia Magnanon<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/30/Magnanon-alicia.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Project leader</p>
<p class="key-point">Laboratory - Human & Integrate Practice</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
iGEM is a unique opportunity, in which we can prove our skills, learn and discover
new ones. Bring new ideas and improve science working together. This competition
means a lot to me, I had the opportunity to learn how to become a chef leader,
listen to the group, make decisions and exploit my passion for synthetic biology.
<p class="citation"></p>
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<h2 class="name">Antoine Arvor<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/bd/Arvor-antoine.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Research & Development member</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
I joined the IGEM IONIS because IGEM is a unique experience  both scientific
and human. It’s a great opportunity to improve my lab and communication skills
and my scientific knowledges.
A long project as IGEM project is very different of projects I did previously
and it’s a good overview what we may expect in our future professional activities.
<p class="citation"></p>
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<h2 class="name">Mr Hugo Beisser<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/fa/Mr-hugo.jpg"/>
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<p class="key-point">Computer engineer</p>
<p class="key-point">EPITA</p>
<p class="description">
Hi! I am the <del>geek</del> computer scientist of the iGEM IONIS team.
I am an amateur filmmaker, determined traveler, and a martial art lover.
I choose to be part of the IGEM adventure this year in order to enhance my connections
with others IONIS schools.
<p class="citation">"Waaaouuh hèèè ! Que s'passe-t-il ? Qui suis-je ? Pourquoi suis-je ici ? " Le cachalot de Douglas Adams.</p>
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<h2 class="name">Gaëtan Christien<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/1/1c/Christien-gaetan.jpg"/>
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<p class="key-point">Modeling Team</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
What attracted me in the iGEM competition was the liberty we have as students to
construct a project from scratch! It was a very interesting experience that allowed
me to improve my teamwork skills and also to learn a lot in the molecular modeling field.
<p class="citation">“Stand back! I’m trying to try science!”</p>
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<h2 class="name">Pauline Coudert<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/c8/Coudert-pauline.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Research & Development manager</p>
<p class="key-point">Laboratory organization</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 Production - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
I decided to participate to the competition because they had cookies. It was also because
being part of such a big competition was a personal challenge for me, I wanted to learn
many things and to improve my skills. Team working is not easy every day but it makes
the little successes even more greater!
<p class="citation"></p>
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<h2 class="name">Nicolas Delettre<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/d3/Delettre-nicolas.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Modeling team member and modeling project co-initiator</p>
<p class="key-point">Bibliography, laboratory</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
I chose to participate in the project as it was a unique experience. It made me learn
what working as a team really meant, as well as improving my skills and discovering new
methods and scientific tools. I wanted to bring something complementary to the project,
something we did not see at Sup’Biotech. That was modeling.
<p class="citation">“Thinking differently to bring new opportunities.”</p>
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<h2 class="name">Camille Dury<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/f2/Dury-camille.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Communication and Marketing</p>
<p class="key-point">Treasurer and fundraising</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 Marketing - Paris</p>
<p class="key-point">Master of wool</p>
<p class="description">
I’m glad I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of this team, and to handle the whole
marketing and fundraising part of it. It has been a real challenge, and I enjoyed
every moment of it.
<p class="citation">“I didn’t trust anyone, and thought I’d rather pay my holidays with the team’s money. “ Just kidding.. or am I?</p>
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<h2 class="name">Maryne Follenfant<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e6/Follenfant-maryne.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Research and Development team</p>
<p class="key-point">Laboratory experiments</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
I am part of the R&D team and I mainly work in the lab. I like trying to find
solutions to problems that we have during our experiments. I chose to do that
because I love molecular biology and I wanted to learn more about it. I also
love travelling and eating chocolate.
<p class="citation"></p>
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<h2 class="name">Zoe Guiot<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/3c/Guiot-zoe.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Project leader</p>
<p class="key-point">Fundraising: Private companies, Sporting events</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 Production - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
iGEM is a way to challenge myself with studies and sport at the same time.
Also, it is a unique and formative experience because we are 20 persons in this
team which make us a small enterprise. Being responsible of the marketing team
was a great opportunity and allowed me to develop new skills.
<p class="citation"></p>
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<h2 class="name">Julie Henry<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/3a/Henry-julie.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Communication / Community manager</p>
<p class="key-point">Conference + Event organisation</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
I chose to participate to this amazing once in a lifetime experience. This taught
me to work efficiently in a group, improve my skills in a field I had never worked
in before. I chose to be in the marketing team to discover how to communicate with
companies, to organise event for a scientific purpose.
<p class="citation"></p>
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<h2 class="name">Marie Huissier<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/df/Huissier-marie.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Human Practices member</p>
<p class="key-point">Applied design, laboratory</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
I decided to participate to this competition because it is a huge opportunity to grow
and learn what is the professional world. And also because it is a human and scientific
experience that we can live only once !
<p class="citation"></p>
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<h2 class="name">Eliott Lafon<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/a/a8/Lafon-eliott.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Research & Development member</p>
<p class="key-point">Part of the safety and applied design, laboratory</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
The field of synthesis biology is very interesting and I wanted to invest myself into
this kind of project from the beginning to the end. It is the first time I work on a
project we lead to concrete results through bibliography and fundraising  and that we
carry out by our own.
<p class="citation">“I was just delivering tacos and then BAM I am here.”</p>
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<h2 class="name">Agathe Lermant<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/0/0b/Lermant-agathe.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Research and Development team</p>
<p class="key-point">Laboratory experiments and applied design</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
I am convinced that Nature is the best engineer in the world, and find it
fascinating how humans can use its genius to solve problems through synthetic
biology. And even more when it comes to our dear precious French wine. That
is why I chose to put my efforts into this wonderful experience, which leads
us to be creative and to push our own ideas further !
<p class="citation">“We didn’t know it was impossible. So we did it.”</p>
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<h2 class="name">Thomas Lhernould<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e0/Lhernould-thomas.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Modeling Team</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="key-point">Beer &amp; vodka lover</p>
<p class="description">
Hey there, my name is Thomas, part of the modelling dream team ! I joined the IGEM
project as a science one, to discover that’s a human project with scientific problems
and crazy people in it !
<p class="citation">"Sometimes science is a lot more art, than science. A lot of people don't get that."</p>
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<h2 class="name">Paul Lubrano<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e1/Lubrano-paul.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Research and development team</p>
<p class="key-point">Applied design</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
iGEM was for me an excellent way to test my skills and improve myself. This competition
brought a lot to me and I will never forget the great moments and experiences I lived through it.
With the iGEM I learned to imply myself entirely in a project dear to me and to integrate and
exploit what I have learnt with my passion for science.
<p class="citation"></p>
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<h2 class="name">Fanny Richard<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/5d/Richard-fanny.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Human Practices member</p>
<p class="key-point">Applied design, laboratory</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
I chose to participate to this once in a lifetime experience to prove even if we are students
we can show the skills of engineers, be professional and overcome difficulties to carry out the project.
<p class="citation">“Who dares wins.”</p>
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<h2 class="name">Alexandra Silvain<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/71/Silvain-alexandra.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Communication and Marketing</p>
<p class="key-point">Crowdfunding responsible</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 Marketing - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
I joined iGEM as I am very interested in the entrepreneur world. iGEM represents a fabulous experience
to built a project from the to the conception to the fabrication of the product.
<p class="citation">“Found out iGEM could be as interesting as eating chocolate”</p>
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<h2 class="name">Maxime Sportich<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/6a/Sportich-maxime.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Human Practices member</p>
<p class="key-point">Applied design, laboratory</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
I decided to join IGEM because I was thinking it means Image Generator Encrypted Memes.
<p class="citation">“My salty level is so high that I create osmose movement around me”</p>
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<h2 class="name">Gabrielle Vuillaume<h2>
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<img class="imag" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/84/Vuillaume-gabrielle.jpg"/>
<div class="col-md-7">
<p class="key-point">Research & Development manager</p>
<p class="key-point">Safety, Laboratory, Applied Design</p>
<p class="key-point">Memes watcher and ass kicker</p>
<p class="key-point">Sup’Biotech - Master 2 R&D - Paris</p>
<p class="description">
I chose to be R&D team manager in order to have a first  experience managing a group, and
to increase my laboratory skills. It is not always easy to make people work together but
with many effort and time it is so rewarding to have a real result.
<p class="citation">“I love manipulating people but I prefer manipulating plasmids”</p>

Revision as of 11:10, 1 November 2017