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            <h4>It’s not only what happens in the lab, but also what happens in our community.</h4>
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            <h1 class="name">HUMAN PRACTICES SUMMARY</h1>
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            <h4 class="para">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eligendi quos aliquam quod sed, eum. Recusandae quia eligendi, deleniti perspiciatis perferendis aut beatae nesciunt voluptatum, molestias veritatis vitae, minus similique. Ducimus beatae ipsam sequi aspernatur amet est, minus eligendi magnam! Ut aut maiores, commodi tempore molestias vel odio nulla! Perspiciatis quo, animi ducimus neque labore cupiditate illum illo odit harum beatae dolore eius fuga consequatur dicta, hic architecto placeat pariatur? Saepe pariatur sequi beatae quis quos, aut, impedit rem assumenda cupiditate ratione a est, quae dolorem nisi et? Perspiciatis atque aperiam pariatur, aut, et aliquam adipisci iusto optio nulla ratione odio!</h4>
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                        <a href="#NYMU" class="pageNavBig">NYMU_TAIPEI</a>
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                        <a href="#CGU" class="pageNavBig">CGU_Taiwan</a>
                        <a href="#lambert" class="pageNavBig">LAMBERT_GA</a>
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        <h1 id="title2">RESEARCH</h1>
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                        <h1 class="name col-lg-12">COLLABORATIONS</h1>
                    <h1 class="section-title">Apex Nanotek</h1>
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                        To learn more about the functions of nanoparticles, we visited a nanotech company that uses silver nanoparticles to make various antimicrobial products. The main researcher at Apex Nanotek introduced us to their main product, which is crystallized nanosilver antimicrobial activated carbon. Pure activated carbon, commonly used to treat sewage and industrial exhaust, is prone to bacterial growth. To overcome this problem, they integrate crystallized nanosilver into the activated carbon for their antimicrobial effects. One of their products is a showerhead, with nanosilver-activated carbon filters to kill bacteria when water flows through the showerhead. <br><br>
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                        <h1 class="title2 col-lg-12">NYMU_TAIPEI</h1>
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                            We have continued and strengthened our long-standing partnership with National Yang Ming University (NYMU_Taipei). They troubleshooted our cloning procedure and design of primers, gave us protocols for assaying biofilm production, and trained our future iGEMers (Leona and Catherine). <br><br>
We tested the product by comparing SEM images between tap water and filtered water from the showerhead. The showerhead successfully decreased the number of bacteria and larger particles from tap water! However, we also observed more nanoparticles in the filtered water sample, which will flow into wastewater.
In return, we helped add to the characterization of their lactose-induced suicide mechanism: the Holin-Endolysin-NrtA system (<a href="http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K2350021">BBa_K2350021</a>). We measured the population of their kill-switch bacteria in different lactose concentrations, and find that our results are consistent with their findings.
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                            <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/71/T--TAS_Taipei--NYMU_Logo.png" alt="test" id="group">
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                            <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/21/T--TAS_Taipei--Kill_Switch_Graph_.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
                            <h4 class="subtitle">We independently tested the function of NYMU_Taipei’s lactose-induced kill-switch system. Different concentrations (0-250 mM) of lactose were tested for their effects on bacteria population. <span class="subCred">Experiment: Yvonne Wei</span>
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                            Additionally, this year two members from TAS (Catherine and Leona) are members on both NYMU and TAS teams. They learned the cloning cycle from TAS and helped run experiments and human practices for NYMU throughout the year. In Boston, they will also help NYMU present their project at the Giant Jamboree.
                    <div class="row" id="CGU">
                        <h1 class="title2 col-lg-12">CGU_Taiwan</h1>
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                            We first met the CGU_Taiwan team at the end of our presentation for the Asia Pacific iGEM Conference hosted at National Chiao Tung University (NCTU). <br><br>
They were excited that our biofilms were able to trap nanoparticles, and wondered if they could trap ink particles as well. CGU_Taiwan is working on improving the procedure to manufacture reprocessed paper. They found that a process called “flotation,” typically used to de-ink paper, could cause significant paper fiber loss. They wondered if biofilm could potentially replace the current flotation process to preserve paper fibers. We offered to test this for CGU_Taiwan. We used a similar experimental procedure as our preliminary biofilm trapping experiment. The results suggest that <b>our biofilm can trap ink particles</b>. As shown below, the relative absorbance of ink decreased by approximately 50% when mixed with biofilm.
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/b3/T--TAS_Taipei--Shower_Head-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
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                            <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/5d/T--TAS_Taipei--CGU_Ink-min.jpeg" alt="test" id="group">
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                            <h4 class="subtitle">From left to right: control (biofilm only), control (ink only), biofilm mixed with 0.1x ink solution. More ink was pulled down when mixed with biofilm, and the color of the supernatant is clearer than the supernatant of the ink only group. <span class="subCred">Experiment: William Chen, Yvonne Wei</span>
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/1/1e/T--TAS_Taipei--SEM_comparison_Tap_vs._Showerhead.png" alt="test" id="group2">
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                    <h1 class="section-title">Dr. Eric Lee</h1>
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                         Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quis soluta aspernatur, aut pariatur debitis odio nemo autem delectus, accusantium nihil hic praesentium nesciunt. Similique velit illum sunt, cupiditate eaque dolores consequuntur, corrupti, soluta impedit aliquam ex? Hic nisi cumque dolore quidem placeat quo impedit ab soluta mollitia! Ratione, veniam. Quasi!
                            <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/70/T--TAS_Taipei--CGU_DATA_.jpg.png" alt="test" id="group">
                            <h4 class="subtitle">When ink was mixed with biofilm, we saw a 50% decrease in absorbance, compared to a sample containing only ink. <span class="subCred">Experiment: William Chen, Yvonne Wei</span>
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                     <h1 class="section-title">Dr. Gwo-Dong Roam</h1>
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                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quis soluta aspernatur, aut pariatur debitis odio nemo autem delectus, accusantium nihil hic praesentium nesciunt. Similique velit illum sunt, cupiditate eaque dolores consequuntur, corrupti, soluta impedit aliquam ex? Hic nisi cumque dolore quidem placeat quo impedit ab soluta mollitia! Ratione, veniam. Quasi!
                        <h4 class="para col-lg-12">
                            In return, CGU_Taiwan helped us independently verify that overexpression of OmpR234 (BBa_K2229200) produces more biofilms than control (BBa_K342003).
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/0/0d/T--TAS_Taipei--Roam-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/4/46/T--TAS_Taipei--Roam_Info-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
                            <h4 class="subtitle"><b>A)</b> Our experimental results showed that <i>E. coli</i> overexpressing OmpR234 (BBa_K2229200) is producing more biofilm than a control which does not overexpress OmpR234 (BBa_K342003). <b>B)</b> CGU_Taiwan independently tested our constructs using crystal violet, a dye commonly used to quantify biofilm formation. BBa_K2229200 showed higher absorbance compared to the control BBa_K342003, reflecting the formation of more biofilm, which matches our results.
<span class="subCred">Experiment: Yvonne Wei</span>
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                    <h1 class="section-title">Dr. Barnard</h1>
                    <h4 class="para">
                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quis soluta aspernatur, aut pariatur debitis odio nemo autem delectus, accusantium nihil hic praesentium nesciunt. Similique velit illum sunt, cupiditate eaque dolores consequuntur, corrupti, soluta impedit aliquam ex? Hic nisi cumque dolore quidem placeat quo impedit ab soluta mollitia! Ratione, veniam. Quasi!
                    <div class="row" id="lambert">
                        <h1 class="title2 col-lg-12">LAMBERT_GA</h1>
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                    <h1 class="section-title">Bioethics Panel</h1>
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                            We received and 3D printed LAMBERT_GA’s Chrome-Q device. We used this device with our synthetic biology class when they started to clone DNA constructs that expressed GFP.  Students monitored the effect of temperature on GFP degradation at 25, 37, 60 and 100 deg C.   We also had a great video chat  with their entire team in May 2017 to share project ideas & topics, summer plans, iGEM HS life, etc. We always enjoy seeing them at the jamboree!!
                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quis soluta aspernatur, aut pariatur debitis odio nemo autem delectus, accusantium nihil hic praesentium nesciunt. Similique velit illum sunt, cupiditate eaque dolores consequuntur, corrupti, soluta impedit aliquam ex? Hic nisi cumque dolore quidem placeat quo impedit ab soluta mollitia! Ratione, veniam. Quasi!
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                    <h1 class="section-title">Survey Results</h1>
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                         Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quis soluta aspernatur, aut pariatur debitis odio nemo autem delectus, accusantium nihil hic praesentium nesciunt. Similique velit illum sunt, cupiditate eaque dolores consequuntur, corrupti, soluta impedit aliquam ex? Hic nisi cumque dolore quidem placeat quo impedit ab soluta mollitia! Ratione, veniam. Quasi!
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                    <h1 class="section-title">Nanoparticle Waste Collectors</h1>
                            <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/8e/T--TAS_Taipei--LambertVideo-min.JPG" alt="test" id="group">
                    <h4 class="para">
                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quis soluta aspernatur, aut pariatur debitis odio nemo autem delectus, accusantium nihil hic praesentium nesciunt. Similique velit illum sunt, cupiditate eaque dolores consequuntur, corrupti, soluta impedit aliquam ex? Hic nisi cumque dolore quidem placeat quo impedit ab soluta mollitia! Ratione, veniam. Quasi!
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                    <h1 class="section-title">Tap Water Musuem</h1>
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                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quis soluta aspernatur, aut pariatur debitis odio nemo autem delectus, accusantium nihil hic praesentium nesciunt. Similique velit illum sunt, cupiditate eaque dolores consequuntur, corrupti, soluta impedit aliquam ex? Hic nisi cumque dolore quidem placeat quo impedit ab soluta mollitia! Ratione, veniam. Quasi!
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/fd/T--TAS_Taipei--Tap_Water_Musuem-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
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                     <h1 class="section-title">Dihua Wastewater Treatment Plant</h1>
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                         Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quis soluta aspernatur, aut pariatur debitis odio nemo autem delectus, accusantium nihil hic praesentium nesciunt. Similique velit illum sunt, cupiditate eaque dolores consequuntur, corrupti, soluta impedit aliquam ex? Hic nisi cumque dolore quidem placeat quo impedit ab soluta mollitia! Ratione, veniam. Quasi!
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/ce/T--TAS_Taipei--Dihua_Tank-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/35/T--TAS_Taipei--Dihua_Brochure-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
                 <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMcDWQjiBKA" class="btn btn-info" target="_blank"><b>Click here</b> to see a part of our trip!</a>
        <h1 id="title2">OUTREACH</h1>
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                    <h1 class="section-title">Kindergarten Science Experiments</h1>
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                        Our iGEM team also hosted several kindergarten sessions to teach kindergarteners the power of observation and the basics of science. For example, we taught them how to use microscopes to look at bills and coins, and how to use refraction lenses to see that white light is made up of various colours.
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/73/T--TAS_Taipei--Kindergarten-Group.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/59/T--TAS_Taipei--Kindergarten-AS.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
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                    <h1 class="section-title">7th Grade Introduction to Synthetic Biology</h1>
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                        We held several teaching sessions, where we introduced iGEM and the basics of synthetic biology, such as transcription and translation, to young scientists in seventh grade. They learned how to use micropipettes, as well as how to load and run dyes through an agarose gel. We also gave students different real world problems. Using paper biobrick parts, students put together constructs that would solve the given problems.
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e1/T-TAS_Taipei--HP-7-1.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
                    <!-- <h4 class="subtitle"><b>Figure 1-1 Paul:</b> perception without comprehension is a dangerous combination.</h4> -->
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/dc/T-TAS_Taipei--HP-7-2.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
                    <!-- <h4 class="subtitle"><b>Figure 1-2 KT:</b> Two seniors, both alike in dignity, In fair kindergarten, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. </h4> -->
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/38/T--TAS_Taipei--HP_Jumbo.jpg" alt="test" id="group2">
                    <!-- <h4 class="subtitle"><b>Figure 1-2 KT:</b> Two seniors, both alike in dignity, In fair kindergarten, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. </h4> -->
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                    <h1 class="section-title">Research Symposium</h1>
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                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem officia sit amet omnis deleniti veritatis ut. Placeat reprehenderit quas in non a quidem vitae aspernatur, nihil vero pariatur rerum nobis est eum, minima aliquid neque quaerat quibusdam quis. Repellendus neque voluptas reiciendis, id dolorum, asperiores dolores debitis libero autem quibusdam.
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/c3/T--TAS_Taipei--Symposium-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
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                    <h1 class="section-title">Spring Fair</h1>
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                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem officia sit amet omnis deleniti veritatis ut. Placeat reprehenderit quas in non a quidem vitae aspernatur, nihil vero pariatur rerum nobis est eum, minima aliquid neque quaerat quibusdam quis. Repellendus neque voluptas reiciendis, id dolorum, asperiores dolores debitis libero autem quibusdam.
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/53/T--TAS_Taipei--Spring_Fair-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/61/T--TAS_Taipei--Spring_Fair_Sage-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/a/a4/T--TAS_Taipei--Spring_Fair_NP-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
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                    <h1 class="section-title">Survey Day</h1>
                    <h4 class="para">
                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem officia sit amet omnis deleniti veritatis ut. Placeat reprehenderit quas in non a quidem vitae aspernatur, nihil vero pariatur rerum nobis est eum, minima aliquid neque quaerat quibusdam quis. Repellendus neque voluptas reiciendis, id dolorum, asperiores dolores debitis libero autem quibusdam.
                <div class="image_container">
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/f9/T--TAS_Taipei--Survey_Trip_Gran-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
                <div class="image_container">
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/8b/T--TAS_Taipei--Survey_Trip_Jesse-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
                <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Iolmu-H034" class="btn btn-info" target="_blank"><b>Click here</b> to see a part of our day!</a>
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                    <h1 class="section-title">NCTU Conference</h1>
                    <h4 class="para">
                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem officia sit amet omnis deleniti veritatis ut. Placeat reprehenderit quas in non a quidem vitae aspernatur, nihil vero pariatur rerum nobis est eum, minima aliquid neque quaerat quibusdam quis. Repellendus neque voluptas reiciendis, id dolorum, asperiores dolores debitis libero autem quibusdam.
                <div class="job" id="top">
                    <h1 class="section-title">Collaboration with other teams</h1>
                    <h4 class="para">
                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem officia sit amet omnis deleniti veritatis ut. Placeat reprehenderit quas in non a quidem vitae aspernatur, nihil vero pariatur rerum nobis est eum, minima aliquid neque quaerat quibusdam quis. Repellendus neque voluptas reiciendis, id dolorum, asperiores dolores debitis libero autem quibusdam.
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                    <h1 class="section-title">Social Media</h1>
                    <h4 class="para">
                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem officia sit amet omnis deleniti veritatis ut. Placeat reprehenderit quas in non a quidem vitae aspernatur, nihil vero pariatur rerum nobis est eum, minima aliquid neque quaerat quibusdam quis. Repellendus neque voluptas reiciendis, id dolorum, asperiores dolores debitis libero autem quibusdam.
        <h1 id="title2">IMPACT</h1>
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                    <h1 class="section-title">Lunch Sales</h1>
                    <h4 class="para">
                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem officia sit amet omnis deleniti veritatis ut. Placeat reprehenderit quas in non a quidem vitae aspernatur, nihil vero pariatur rerum nobis est eum, minima aliquid neque quaerat quibusdam quis. Repellendus neque voluptas reiciendis, id dolorum, asperiores dolores debitis libero autem quibusdam.
                <div class="image_container">
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/68/T--TAS_Taipei--Sale_Making-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
                <div class="image_container">
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/1/12/T--TAS_Taipei--Sale_Poster-min.jpg" alt="test" id="group">
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                    <h1 class="section-title">Ash's Policy thingy</h1>
                    <h4 class="para">
                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Vel ipsum distinctio consequatur similique fuga necessitatibus debitis modi deserunt quidem nihil veritatis voluptates mollitia corporis iure maxime, consectetur ab tenetur. Laudantium ipsam explicabo mollitia pariatur optio, ut ab tempore, temporibus perferendis doloribus dolor fugiat, natus totam. Adipisci culpa ad nulla nisi.
        $("a").on('click', function(event) {
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                    scrollTop: $(hash).offset().top
                }, 300, function() {
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Latest revision as of 12:21, 1 November 2017






Human Practice


About Us





We have continued and strengthened our long-standing partnership with National Yang Ming University (NYMU_Taipei). They troubleshooted our cloning procedure and design of primers, gave us protocols for assaying biofilm production, and trained our future iGEMers (Leona and Catherine).

In return, we helped add to the characterization of their lactose-induced suicide mechanism: the Holin-Endolysin-NrtA system (BBa_K2350021). We measured the population of their kill-switch bacteria in different lactose concentrations, and find that our results are consistent with their findings.


We independently tested the function of NYMU_Taipei’s lactose-induced kill-switch system. Different concentrations (0-250 mM) of lactose were tested for their effects on bacteria population. Experiment: Yvonne Wei

Additionally, this year two members from TAS (Catherine and Leona) are members on both NYMU and TAS teams. They learned the cloning cycle from TAS and helped run experiments and human practices for NYMU throughout the year. In Boston, they will also help NYMU present their project at the Giant Jamboree.


We first met the CGU_Taiwan team at the end of our presentation for the Asia Pacific iGEM Conference hosted at National Chiao Tung University (NCTU).

They were excited that our biofilms were able to trap nanoparticles, and wondered if they could trap ink particles as well. CGU_Taiwan is working on improving the procedure to manufacture reprocessed paper. They found that a process called “flotation,” typically used to de-ink paper, could cause significant paper fiber loss. They wondered if biofilm could potentially replace the current flotation process to preserve paper fibers. We offered to test this for CGU_Taiwan. We used a similar experimental procedure as our preliminary biofilm trapping experiment. The results suggest that our biofilm can trap ink particles. As shown below, the relative absorbance of ink decreased by approximately 50% when mixed with biofilm.


From left to right: control (biofilm only), control (ink only), biofilm mixed with 0.1x ink solution. More ink was pulled down when mixed with biofilm, and the color of the supernatant is clearer than the supernatant of the ink only group. Experiment: William Chen, Yvonne Wei


When ink was mixed with biofilm, we saw a 50% decrease in absorbance, compared to a sample containing only ink. Experiment: William Chen, Yvonne Wei

In return, CGU_Taiwan helped us independently verify that overexpression of OmpR234 (BBa_K2229200) produces more biofilms than control (BBa_K342003).


A) Our experimental results showed that E. coli overexpressing OmpR234 (BBa_K2229200) is producing more biofilm than a control which does not overexpress OmpR234 (BBa_K342003). B) CGU_Taiwan independently tested our constructs using crystal violet, a dye commonly used to quantify biofilm formation. BBa_K2229200 showed higher absorbance compared to the control BBa_K342003, reflecting the formation of more biofilm, which matches our results. Experiment: Yvonne Wei


We received and 3D printed LAMBERT_GA’s Chrome-Q device. We used this device with our synthetic biology class when they started to clone DNA constructs that expressed GFP. Students monitored the effect of temperature on GFP degradation at 25, 37, 60 and 100 deg C. We also had a great video chat with their entire team in May 2017 to share project ideas & topics, summer plans, iGEM HS life, etc. We always enjoy seeing them at the jamboree!!

