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var notes = {'Sep1':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Miniprep PrD-CFP+PSB1C3, PrD-cYFP+PSB1C3, and PrD-YFP+PSB1C3', 'Transform PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP in PSB1C3 into E coli (attempt #2)', 'Make Cm plates', 'Transform PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP in PxP218 into E coli (attempt #2)', 'Transform PrD-cYFP PxP218 into E coli ', 'Incubate  PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP in PSB1C3, in E coli, on Cm plates (attempt #2)', 'Incubate  PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP in PxP218, in E coli, on Amp plates (attempt #2)', 'Incubate  PrD-cYFP in PxP218, in E coli, on Amp plates ', 'Check Cm plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-PSB1C3 (attempt #2)', 'Colony PCR for PrD in PSB1C3, in E coli, using primer #23 and #24 (attempt #2)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD in PSB1C3, in E coli (attempt #2)"],'Sep16':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Check Amp plates', 'Transform PrD-CFP in pXP218 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Incubate PrD-CFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 1)'],'Jul14':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Compile Shad materials on cart', 'Re-run a gel on all of the 1 kb gene rulers to see which ones are good (we lost the image from the last one)', "Dilute 1 kb gene rulers that weren't good to see if they can be salvaged", "Grow-up sample of Leah's transformation in 1 mL LB", 'Test LB broth for contamination', 'Make 1x TAE Buffer', 'Transform PrD in PSB1C3 into E.coli (attempt #2)', 'Incubate PrD in PSB1C3, in E. coli, on Cm plates (attempt # 2)', 'Run diagnostic gel for colony PCR products of PrD-nYFP/pXP218 (attempt 3)', 'Check Amp patch plate for transformed colonies of PrD-nYFP/pXP218 (attempt 3)', 'Make LB plates for SHAD'],'Jul9':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Colony PCR of PrD cYFP attempt', 'Colony PCR of PrD YFP attempt', 'Ligate pXP218 and PrD-nYFP (attempt #3)', 'Transform ligated pXP218 and PrD-nYFP into E.coli cells (attempt #3)', 'PCR of PRD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'Gel extraction of PrD-YFP and pSB1C3', 'PCR of PRD-nYFP (72 C and 75 C)', 'PCR of PrD-CFP (attempt 3)', 'Diagnostic Gel of PrD-CFP/nYFP', 'Digest of PrD-YFP and pSB1C3', "Diagnostic gel of pSB1C3 that got PCR'd yesterday", "PCR cleanup of pSB1C3 that got PCR'd yesterday"],'Jul11':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 2 redo)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP in pXP218, in E. coli, using 2016 Primers #15 and 16 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Test Cm and Amp stock (strains 412 and 45)', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers 2 and 4', 'Make Cm Stock ', 'Gel extract digested PrD (attempt #1, part1)', 'Draw iGEM logo on plate using reporter protein', "Ligate leftover digested PrD-nYFP and digested PXP218 (from Steven's Box) (attempt 3 redo 1)", 'Wash labware', 'PCR of PrD-YFP (attempt #5) with primers #2 and #4 into PSB1C3', 'PCR YFP and nYFP from 41 42 62 66 58 57 65', 'Run Gel on PCR products', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)'],'Jul18':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Move the purple reporter and plain DH5a test tubes from the incubator to the fridge'],'Jul4':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Calibrate eppendorf pipettes', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 1)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 2)', 'Make more CM and LB plates for transformation', 'Transform PrD-YFP into S. cerevisiae (attempt 2)', 'PCR for PRD nYFP for insert into pXP218 (attempt 3) ', 'PCR cleanup of PrD (attempt 2)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-nYFP (attempt 3)", "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 1)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 2)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 2)', 'Digest PrD-cYFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-nYFP using Primers #2 and #4 (attempt 2)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-nYFP (attempt 2)", "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt #2)"],'Jun14':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Inoculate Strain containing PSB1C3', 'PCR PrD using RFC 23 Primers', 'PCR PrD-cYFP using RFC 10 Primers', 'Diagnostic gel of PCR Products', 'Cleanup PCR products', 'Read papers', 'Pour gel'],'Aug28':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', "Inoculate PXP420 from Leah's plate and stab culture into LB w/ amp", 'Streak Plate DH5Alpha from frozen onto LB plate', 'Digest PrD-CFP, PrD-cYFP, and PSB1C3 with EcoR1 and Pst1', 'Inoculate PXP218 into LB Amp', 'PCR PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP with Phusion', 'Order new plasmids', 'PCR Cleanup of PrD-CFP, PrD-cYFP', 'Run gel on digested PrD-cYFP, PrD-CFP, and PSB1C3 (attempt #1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)", 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt #1)', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)'],'Sep20':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'cPCR for PrD-nYFP/pXP216', "Run diagnostic gel for cPCR'd PrD-nYFP/pXP216", 'Transform Ligated PrD-cYFP and PXP 218 (Attempt #2)', "Inoculated Clara's #2, #3 plate grown cells onto liquid LB Culture "],'Jun30':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Gel extract digested pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'Ligate PrD-YFP and pXP218 (attempt 2)', 'Check CM plates for transformed colonies containing pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PRD/PrD-nYFP (attempt 3/2) ", 'PCR for PrD using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 2) ', 'PCR for PrD-nYFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1)', 'Calibrate eppendorf pipettes', 'Clean labware', 'PCR for PrD using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 2)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD/ PrD-nYFP (attempt 2/1)", 'PCR for PrD using primers 6 and 7/8 (attempt 3)'],'Sep6':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', "Miniprep of Calara's samples (6 & 8) + Nanodrop of the samples from Clara's box (from yesterday)", 'Wash dishes- the test tubes ', 'Clean labware ', 'Run gel on left over cPCR products from yesterday (prd-cfp PXP218)', "Redo the gel of the PCR'd cYFP from yesterday.", 'Redo the PCR of cYFP from yesterday but with all three pairs of primers I guess.'],'Sep18':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-CFP in pXP218, in E. coli, using 17 and 18 (attempt 1)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-CFP in pXP218], in E. coli (attempt 1)", "Digest PrD-nYFP (#4) from Cody's Box v2", "Run diagnostic gel for digested PrD-nYFP and miniprepped PrD-nYFP (Shwetha's box #1) (attempt #2)", 'Column purification of digested PrD-nYFP (attempt #2)', 'Fill P10 tip boxes', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP and pXP216 (attempt #2)', 'Run Gel for PCR PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)', 'PCR Clean up of PrD -cYFP ', 'PCR PrD -cYFP (attempt #2)', 'Redo cPCR of PrD-cYFP in PxP216'],'Sep9':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Make frozen stock of PrD-CFP PXP218, PrD-cYFP PSB1C3, and PrD PSB1C3', 'Mini Prep PrD-CFP PXP218, PrD-cYFP PSB1C3, and PrD PSB1C3', 'Innoculate PrD-YFP PSB1C3 and PrD-CFP PSB1C3'],'Jun15':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Reorganize primer box', 'PCR PSB1C3 using new primers', 'Resuspend new primers', 'Inoculate strain containing PSB1C3', 'Miniprep inoculated colonies', 'Digest PSB1C3 using EcoRI and PstI', 'Digest PrD cYFP with EcoRI and PstI then heat kill enzymes at 80 for 20mins', 'Digest PrD nYFP with EcoRI and PstI then heat kill enzymes at 80 for 20mins', 'Make a Gel (x2)', 'Run Gel for Gel Extraction of digested PSB1C3', 'Gel Extract PSB1C3', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and parts', 'Transform assembled plasmid into e. coli using electroporation/heat shock then plate on Cm Plates', 'come up with SID (secret iGEM dance)', 'Lab Meeting 7:00 pm Gleave', 'Inoculate Strain 284 into 5mL with Cm', 'Read the papers'],'Oct3':['Inoculate 423 from frozen into 6 test tubes (with Amp)', "Inoculate Max's spot plate #2 into 2 test tubes (with Amp)", 'Transform PrD-nYFP in pXP216 and pXP420 v2 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Make more Amp plates'],'Sep14':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Clean lab + dishes ', 'Miniprep PrD nYFP/PXP216/PXP420', 'Make Frozen stocks of PrD nYFP/pXP216/pXP420', 'Redo cPCR of PrD-cYFP in PxP216', 'Diagnostic digests of all parts (enzymes tbd full YFP)', 'Digest PrD-cYFP/pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP/pSB1C3 with EcoRI and PstI; and PrD-CFP/pXP218 with SphI and SalI', 'Digest PrD-YFP', 'Dilute Primer #37 (PXP rev new) to 10uM', 'Miniprep cells with constructs (that Cody inoculated)', 'Colony PCR of transformed pXP216/PrD-nYFP (attempt #1)', "Run diagnostic gel for cPCR of pXP216/PrD-nYFP and Shwetha's digest samples", 'Gel extract PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Ligate PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempts 1 and 2)'],'Jun2':['Miniprep Inoculated Colonies', 'Yeast Transformations', 'Make competent cells', 'PCR Plasmid backbones (PSB1C3, PSB1T3, PSB1A3, PSB1K3)', 'PCR cup1 promoter from miniprepped 412 and 413 plasmids'],'Aug1':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - summarized article', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria - researched how to characterize a terminator', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', "Nanodrop PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo) and miniprepped strain 284 (attempt 3)", 'Colony PCR for PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3'],'Jul17':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Inoculate RFP (284), purple reporter (421), and plain DH5a for Shad (118)', 'Compile Shad materials on cart', "Dilute 1 kb gene rulers that weren't good to see if they can be salvaged (redo)", 'Transform PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Digest PrD-YFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 4)', 'Make LB plates ', 'The 3D printing survey has been officially sent off, and we are already receiving feedback\n', 'Progress has been made on the collaboration study and more details will be shared later', 'Work on final preparations for the SHAD workshop', 'Discussion on what kind of questions to ask prion experts for interviews\n'],'Oct14':['Transform PrD-nYFP/pXP216 into E.coli and plate on Amp plates', 'FLOW Cup1 characterization part 3', 'PCR of YFP with primers 25 and 28'],'May25':['Assess Competent Cell Plates', 'Streak 387 and 388 on YPD Agar', 'Read about the Interlab Measurement Study', 'Purify PCR Products if gel works', 'Run gel on PCR products and miniprepped plasmids ', 'Prepare materials to re-make competent cells', 'Read Yeast Protocols'],'Sep19':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Transformation of PrD-nYFP/pXP216 into E.coli (attempt #2)', 'Incubate plates with transformed PrD-nYFP/pXP216 (attempt #2)', 'Fill P1000 tip boxes', 'Wash labware', 'run gel of cPCR PrD-cYFP in PxP218', 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PXP 218 (Attempt #2)', 'Gel extract Digest PrD-cYFP and PXP 218 (Attempt #2)', 'Ligate PrD-cYFP and PXP 218 (Attempt #2)'],'Sep22':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Transform PrD-YFP in pXP216 and pXP420 v2 into ecoli', 'Diagnostic Gel of cPCR PrD-nYFP pxp216', 'Inoculate PrD-YFP PsB1C3', 'Make LB plates for workshop', 'Miniprep PrD-YFP PsB1C3 and PrD-cYFP pxp218 (2/3)', 'Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Inoculate LB with PrD-YFP', "Ligation of PrD-YFP into pXP216 and pXP420 v2 (Leah's samples)", 'PCR of PrD-CFP.pXP218 using primers #22 and #38 as well as primers #18 and #38', 'Diagnostic Gel of primer testing (#22/#38 and #18/38) ', 'cPCR of Pxp216- PrDnYFP with primers #22 and # 38'],'Aug18':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', "PCR PrD cYFP (2017 Box 1, #28) and PrD-CFP (Leah's box, #6), using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1)", 'Redo cPCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primer 23 and 24 (attempt 2 redo redo)', 'Check Cm and Amp test plates', 'Make Cm plates', 'Test Amp stock in LB broth', 'Digest and then ligate PrD-YFP and pXP420'],'Aug17':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'PCR Cleanup of nYFP', 'PCR nYFP using Phusion Polymerase', "Run gel for PCR'd nYFP (w phusion)", 'PCR Cleanup of nYFP (w phusion)', 'Miniprep of PXP420', 'Make LB', 'Resuspend PrD YFP', 'Create Dilutions of other DNA Stocks', "Digest PXP420 and nYFP from Max's box using SphI and SalI", 'PCR PrD YFP Using Q5 and Primer set 2'],'Jun9':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Read papers'],'Oct28':['WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI cry', 'PCR YFP ', 'Flow time points 9am - 11pm every 2 hours '],'Sep23':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Miniprep PrD YFP in pSB1C3', 'Digest PrD YFP in pSB1C3 and pXP216 with SalI and SphI'],'Jun21':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Clean up PCR products of PrD-nYFP PCR', 'Run gel for PCR products (PrD-nYFP, using Taq and Q5) to determine ideal PCR conditions', 'Pick best PCR product for PrD-nYFP and digest with PstI and EcoRI', 'Do another PCR for PrD-nYFP using Taq, and primers 2 and 4', 'Complete gel extraction of digested pSB1C3 backbone from 284', 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PrD', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-cYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-nYFP', 'Make 50x TAE', 'Make 0.5 M EDTA', 'Wash Labware', 'Prepare schedule', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling'],'Sep13':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Nandrop PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Ligation of PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 in pXP218 (attempt 1)', "Digest PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 (Clara's box #21), (attempt 2)", 'Gel extract PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Ligate PrD-CFP and pXP218', 'Restriction Digest PrD-nYFP and Pxp420', 'Gel extract PrD-nYFP and Pxp420', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP in PxP218 (attempt 1)", 'Transform PrD-YFP + PXP216 and PrD-YFP + PXP420 v2 in DH5alpha', 'Incubate Prd-YFP in PXP216, in DH5alpha, on Amp plates (attempt #1)', 'Incubate Prd-YFP in PXP216, in DH5alpha, on Amp plates (attempt #1)', 'Inoculate PXP 420 v2 strain into LB Amp', 'Inoculate PXP 216 strain into LB Amp', 'Make Amp plates and just LB plates', 'Transform PrD-nYFP/pXP216 (attempt #1)', 'Digest PrD-cYFP/pSB1C3, PrD-CFP/pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP/pXP218 with SacI', 'Incubate transformed PrD-nYFP/pXP216 on Amp plates (attempt #1)'],'Aug9':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - summarizing new articles', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Inoculate Addgene plasmid on Amp plate', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli (attempt 2 redo)", 'Restriction enzyme digest of PrD-YFP using enzymes EcoRI-HF and PstI'],'Oct2':['Pls someone make YPD agar and YPD liquid media', 'Make frozen stock of PrD-YFP in pXP216', 'Inoculate more psi- and PSI+ yeast in YPD (from the new plate this time)'],'Jul23':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Digest PrD-nYFP from Box 1, Tube #62 (attempt 3, redo 3)', 'Run diagnostic gel for PSB1C3 (Box 1, #5) and PrD-nYFP (Box 1, #62)', 'Check Amp plates following transformation of PrD-nYFP/PXP218', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP + PSB1C3', 'Nanodrop PSB1C3 backbones from Box 1'],'Jul13':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Check Cm stock test plates', 'Make Cm plates', 'Check Amp plates for transformed pXP218-PrD-nYFP colonies (attempt 3)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 2 redo)', 'Check Amp test plates', 'See if the PCR template for the lab manual fits - if it does, print more', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD (attempt #2)', 'Make LB agar', 'Make LB and Str (4x) plates for Melissa', 'Run colony PCR for transformed PrD-nYFP (attempt #3)', 'Plate colonies on Amp plate (attempt #3)', 'Inoculate Yellow and White colonies into LB for Melissa', 'PCR clean-up of products from PrD-YFP (attempt 4)'],'Oct10':['YPD broth made- left on counter- please autoclave this! ', 'Flow- first reading'],'Jun29':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Linearize pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Gel extract digested pXP218 (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-cYFP (attempt 1.5)", 'PCR amplification of PrD-CFP (attempt 3)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1.5)', 'Transform pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP into E.coli (attempt 1)', 'Plate transformed pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', 'PCR cleanup of PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)', 'Make LB broth', 'Check CM plates for transformed colonies containing pSB1C3 and PrD (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 2)'],'Oct26':['Taking colonies from plate for flow cytometry expeiments ', 'Flow time points 9am - 11pm every 2 hours '],'Sep25':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'cPCR for PrD-nYFP/pXP216 (attempt 2, redo 2)', "Run gel for cPCR'd PrD-nYFP/pXP216"],'Oct4':['Mini-prep 423 test tubes (6) into 3 1.5 ml tubes ', 'Innoculate PrD CFP (423 strain from box 6) 6 samples, 1 control '],'Aug8':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - reading even more articles', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Check Cm for transformed colonies containing PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primer 23 and 24 (attempt 2 redo)'],'Oct29':['Inoculate PrD-YFP in pxp218 and Pxp218', 'PCR YFP (gradient with q5 and PH)', 'PCR M domain '],'Jul20':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Make the 2x 60 mL 1% agarose gels in two flasks for Shad valley'],'Jul27':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', "Cody's research task", 'Make antibiotic tracking sheet', 'Inoculate strain 284 in LB broth w/ Cm to obtain pSB1C3 backbone (attempt 3)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2)", 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Test Colony PCR primers (PXP - 17 and 18, PSB 19 and 20)', 'Dilute Stock Primers (13,14,15,16) to 10uM in 100 uL', 'Clean labware (sink and fume hood)', 'Make LB', 'Throw out biohazardous/liquid waste', 'Transform PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3 into E.coli using Heat Shock (attempt 3, redo 4)', 'Incubate PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3 in E.coli on CM Plates', 'Run gel to test Colony PCR primers (PXP - 17 and 18, PSB 19 and 20)'],'Sep11':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'PCR of PrD-YFP for future uses ', "Digest PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 (Clara's box #22) and pXP218 (Leah's box #16) using SalI and SphI (attempt 1)", 'Run diagnostic gel on PCR of PrD-YFP ', 'Gel extraction of PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Ligation of PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 in pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'cPCR PrD-cYFP in pxp218 (for Clara)', 'PCR of PrD-nYFP for Pxp216 and Pxp420', 'Innoculate yeast ', 'PCR clean-up of PrD-nYFP for Pxp216 and Pxp420', 'PCR clean-up of PrD-YFP ', 'Autoclave 2.0 mL / 0.2 mL microtubes'],'Oct17':['Transform PrD-YFP, PrD-CFP,  PrD-YFP + PrD-CFP into PSI- and PSI+', 'Make Frozen stock of PRD-YFP in PXP216', 'Innoculation of Psi- & Psi- yeast strain 423 (PrD-CFP)', 'Cody & Shwetha mini prep a bunch of stuff (go team)'],'Aug30':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'PCR PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP with primers 1 and 3', 'Miniprep PXP218 ', 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP and PXP218', 'Gel extract PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP and PXP218', 'Ligate PrD-cYFP with PxP218', 'Ligate PrD-CFP with PxP218', 'Transform PrD nYFP and PSB1C3 into DH5alpha', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)", "Run gel on Leah's ligation products ", 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP with EcoR1-HF and Pst1 (attempt #2)', 'Column purify digested PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP (attempt #1)', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt #2)', 'Check Cm plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-cYFP-PSB1C3, and PrD-CFP-PSB1C3 (attempt #1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP each in PSB1C3, in E. coli, using primers #23 and #24 (attempt #1)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP each in PSB1C3, in E. coli, (attempt #1)", 'Column purify digested PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP', 'PCR cleanup of PrD-nYFP (attempt #1)'],'Sep17':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Check Amp plates', 'Transform PrD-CFP in pXP218 into yeast (Attempt 1)'],'Jun19':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Miniprep 284 (1)', 'Miniprep 284 (2)', 'Miniprep 284 (3)', 'Miniprep 284 (4)', 'Miniprep 284 (5)', 'Miniprep 284 (6)', 'PCR of PrD n-YFP using primers 2 and 4', 'Make LB', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Read the papers'],'Jun8':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Miniprep inoculated samples: 284, 412, 413'],'May31':['Make CM, KM, Amp, TC Plates', 'Check Transformation Products', 'Make competent cells', 'Image gel of PSB1C3 + potential Cup1 promoter', 'Column Purify Psb1C3, Psb1K3, Psb1T3, Psb1A3. Nanodrop', 'Aliquot 50mL LB into capped beveled flasks; Autoclave', 'Diagnostic Gel for: Psb1c3, psb1k3, psb1T3, psb1A3'],'Jun22':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Prepare schedule', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Pick best PCR product for PrD-nYFP and digest with PstI and EcoRI', 'Do another PCR for PrD-nYFP using Taq, and primers 2 and 4', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-cYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-nYFP', 'PCR PrD-CFP using primers 2 and 4', 'PCR PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4', 'Make 1x TE Buffer', 'Run gel on PCR products (PrD-nYFP and PrD-CFP)'],'Jun6':['Check Competent Cells', 'Order Supplies (MgSO4, KCl, PEG, Tris base, Tryptone)', 'Inoculate 284 into LB with Cm * 5', 'Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Inoculate 379 into LB with Amp', 'Order primers', 'Take Yeast out of 30 degree incubator and put in fridge.', 'Digest plasmids from miniprepped 412 and 413', 'Gel Extraction on 412 and 413', 'Run Diagnostic Gel on potential Cup1 Promoter', "Run gel on PCR'd Cup1 promoter from plasmids 412 and 413", "Check on Jamie's competent cells later tonight"],'Jul16':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP + pXP218 (attempt 3, redo 2)', 'Wash labware'],'Aug25':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Autoclave LB broth ', 'Make LB agar ', 'Check Cm/Amp test plates', 'Re-test Amp plates', 'Make Amp stock', 'Test Amp stock', 'Run gel on ligated PrD-YFP in pXP420', 'Transform PrD-YFP in pXP420 into E. coli (attempt #1)', 'Miniprep 284 for PSB1C3 with RFP stuffer  '],'Jul24':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Check Cm plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 (attempt 1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using [primer TBD] (attempt 1)', 'PCR PRD nYFP for insert into PSB1C3  (Attempt #4) ', 'Run gel for PCR products ', "Cody's research task", 'All sub-team members have read the iGEM 2016 Judging Handbook for project optics', 'Discuss how the SHAD workshop went and what can be improved on for future years', 'Brainstorm how panelists for the Gender Equity workshop should be chosen\n'],'Jun27':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Get wash buffer', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 2)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'PCR cleanup of PrD-nYFP for pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Digest PrD-nYFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 1)', 'Ligate pXP218 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 1)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Ligation of PrD-CFP (attempt 1) with PXP1c3', 'Linearize pXP218', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt #1)', 'PCR purify PrD-CFP'],'Sep8':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PxP218 with Sal1 and Pst1 (attempt 1)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-cYFP and PxP218 (attempt #1)', 'Gel extract digested PxP218 (attempt #1)', 'Column purify digested PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)', 'Ligate PxP218 and PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)', 'Run gel on cPCR products of PrD-CFP in PXP218', 'Incoculate PrD-CFP PXP218, PrD-cYFP PSB1C3, and PrD PSB1C3'],'Jul19':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP in PXP218, in DH5-alpha, using primers 15 and 16  (attempt #)'],'Jun28':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Linearize pXP218', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'Digest PrD-YFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 2)', 'Transform PrD - pSB1C3 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', 'Wash labware', 'PCR amplification of PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Diagnostic Gel of PCR product of PrD-CFP', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers EcoRI and PstI (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt #2)'],'Sep30':['Miniprep inocculated colonies from yesterday', 'Perform diagnostic digest digest of PrD-YFP in pXP216 and PrD-cYFP in pXP218 with SacI', 'Transform psi- and PSI+ yeast with PrD-YFP, PrD-CFP, and both', 'Prepare PrD-YFP and PrD-cYFP for sequencing'],'Oct30':['miniprep PrD-YFP in pxp218 and Pxp218', 'Digest YFP sal1 & sac1', 'Digest PxP218 sal1 & sac1', 'ligate YFP inot PXP218', 'FRET experiment ', 'WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI'],'Sep29':['Inocculate colonies that potentially contain PrD-YFP in pXP216 and PrD-cYFP in pXP218', 'Ligate PrD-YFP with pXP216 and pXP420 v2', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP with pXP216 and pXP420 v2 (attempt 1)', 'Do cPCR of colonies on plate for ligation of PrD-YFP into pXP216'],'Jun1':['Make competent cells', 'Inoculate strains 412 and 413 into LB w/ Amp from frozen stock', 'Grow up Yeast Colony from plate', 'Inoculate 418 from plate', 'Inoculate 412 and 413 again', 'Make 10x LiAC Solution'],'Aug23':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Transform PrD-nYFP in pXP420 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Incubate PrD-nYFP in pXP420, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 1)', 'Make Cm and Amp plates', 'Make LB broth', 'Digest PrD-YFP and pXP420 using SalI and Sph1 (attempt 2)', 'Colony PCR of PrD-YFP from transformed E.coli colonies ', "Gel of PCR'd PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)", 'Gel of c-PCR of PrD-YFP ', 'PCR clean-up of PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-YFP and pXP420 (attempt 2)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-YFP and pXP420 (attempt 2)', 'Digest pXP420 with XhoI and SalI to make sure it is in fact pXP420'],'Sep3':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Check Cm plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP in PSB1C3] (attempt #2)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP in PSB1C3, in E coli, using primer #23 and #24  (attempt #2)'],'Sep7':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', "Run gel on the PCR'd cYFP from yesterday", 'Inncoculate cPCR colonies that may have worked (PrD-CFP PXP218)', 'Moved items in autoclave to oven', 'PCR for CFP using primers 35 and 36 (attempt 1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-CFP in PXP218, in E coli, using primer #17 and #18  (attempt 2)'],'Aug2':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - Ran BLAST for Sup35 on other yeast strains', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria - Read article involving CYC1 terminator', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Digest PrD-YFP and pSB1C3 using EcoRI-HF and PstI (attempt 2 redo)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-YFP and pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-YFP and pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo)', 'PCR Prd-YFP'],'Jun16':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Inoculate 284 (1)', 'Inoculate 284 (2)', 'Inoculate 284 (3)', 'Inoculate 284 (4)', '31-Dec-1899', 'PCR PSB1C3 using primers 10 and 12', 'Digest Strains 118 and 111 using EcoRI and PstI', 'PCR cleanup of PSB1C3', 'Gel Purification on todays samples', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD cYFP/PrD nYFP together', 'Transform via electroporation (there are some chemically competent cells left as well so heat shock is an option)', 'PCR PrD YFP and PrD CFP using RFC 10 primers (2 and 4)', 'Make Gel for PCR and Gel Extraction (i.e. 2 Gels 1 at 150 and 1 at 75)', 'Review the CSM presentation and give feedback on slides and content', 'Research potential application to using engineered prions as nanofibers', 'Read the papers'],'Aug26':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', "Check on Jamie's re-test on Amp plates, and testing for Amp stock", 'Get our stuff from the oven (bottom rack)', 'Autoclave LB agar (in bottom rack of fridge)'],'Aug31':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Innoculate E. coli with PrD-CFP+PSB1C3 and PrD-YFP+PSB1C3', 'Incubate  PrD in PSB1C3, in E coli, on Cm plates '],'May28':['PCR PSB1C3 from #2 in Box 1 '],'Aug24':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Autoclave LB broth', 'Incubate PrD-nYFP in pXP420, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 1 redo)', 'Make Cm/Amp plates', 'Ligate pXP420 and PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Test Cm/Amp plates ', 'Digest of PrD-cYFP using EcoRI and PstI', 'Make Amp plates of varying concentrations to test pXP420', 'Inoculate E. coli with pXP420, pXP218, and no plasmid on Amp plates of varying concentrations'],'May29':['Read Yeast Protocols', 'Run Diagnostic Gel on PCR Products', 'PCR Cleanup', 'Make Competent Cells', 'Analyze Plates/Parafilm Plates (Yeast, potential e. coli transformants)', 'Inoculate DH5Alpha', 'Digest Cup1 Promoter and PCR Products with PstI and EcoRI ', 'Run Gel on Digested Products', 'Ligate Cup1 and Linear Backbone', 'Transform Ligation into Comp Cells', 'PCR Linearized PSB1C3 using Primers 19 and 20 from 2014 Primers Box', 'Inoculate Cup1 PSB1C3 Colonies into LB', 'Run Diagnostic Gel on PCR Products'],'Sep27':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Digest PrD-YFP/pSB1C3 and pXP216 and PXP420 v2', 'Make more LB Agar', 'Make more LB Agar and also LB Amp plates', "Run gel for cPCR'd PrD-nYFP/pXP216"],'Aug19':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', "PCR diluted PrD-CFP (#6 in Leah's box) using primers #2 and #4 (attempt #1)", 'Transform E. coli with ligated PrD-YFP and pXP420 from yesterday.', 'Digest and then ligate PrD-CFP and pXP218', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-CFP (attempt 1)", "PCR cleanup for PCR'd PrD-CFP (attempt 1)", 'Digest PrD-CFP and PXP218 using Sal1 and Sph1 (attempt 1)'],'May19':['Image diagnostic gel for pcr of linearized plasmids', 'Purify pcr products', 'Make Competent Cells', 'PCR linear plasmids again', 'Run Diagnostic Gel on PCR products'],'Jul30':['Clean labware (sink)', 'Test Colony PCR primers (PXP - 17 & 18, PXP - 21 & 23, PSB 19 and 20, PSB - 22 & 24)'],'Oct18':['Dries out PrD-CFP in PXP & PrD-CFP in PXP in core vaccume oven centriguge thing. Resuspened in 16ul DI H2O', 'cPCR of PrD-nYFP pxp21 (wooooooo!!!!)', 'mini prep PrD-CFP in PXP218'],'Jul5':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3)', 'Transform PrD-YFP into S. cerevisiae (attempt 2)', 'PCR for PrD using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 4)', 'Make Cm stock', 'PCR cleanup of PrD (attempt 3)', 'Diagnostic Gel of PCR PrD-CFP (attempt 3)', 'Clean labware'],'Aug14':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'PCR pSB1C3 with primers 23 and 24 to check for contamination (attempt 2 redo)', "Run gel for PCR'd pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)", 'PCR cleanup of pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Test Cm and Amp stock', 'Redo cPCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primer 23 and 24 (attempt 2 redo redo)', 'Filter-sterilize MQ H2O', 'Resuspend gBlocks'],'May24':['Clear out freezer for more space', 'Miniprep Strain From Yesterday', 'PCR miniprep sample with 2014 primers 19 and 20 and "biobrick" setting', 'Test Competency of Cells', 'Run gel on PCR products', 'Purify PCR Products'],'Oct25':["Checked yeast transofmration all grew except for PSI+ PrD-YFP (Didn't plate much intially so it's not suprising)"],'Aug4':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - reading even more articles', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Transform PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 into E. coli (attempt 2 redo)', 'Run gel of PCR products (PrD-YFP)', 'PCR cleaup of PrD-YFP'],'Sep4':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP in PSB1C3, in E coli (attempt #1)", 'Innoculate E. coli with PrD-CFP+PSB1C3,  PrD-YFP+PSB1C3, and PrD+PSB1C3 ', 'Transform pXP218 with Cup1 + GFP into yeast.', 'Transform ourselves'],'Oct24':['FLOW Psi-, Psi+ y,c,c+y (cry)', 'Gel extract PrD-nYFP and pXP216', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP and pXP216', 'Discuss current responses to the IAT survey and how they may be analyzed\n', 'Discuss validation of the IAT survey from experts knowledgeable with the psychology\n', 'Wash labware lol'],'Jul6':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3 redo)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3 redo)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3 redo)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 4)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 4)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 4)', 'Transform PrD-YFP into S. cerevisiae (attempt 2)', 'Miniprep of PXP218 Samples (4)', 'Rerun gel of PrD cYFP', 'Digest + Gel Extraction of PXP218 and PrD cYFP', 'Ligation of PXP218 vector and Prd cYFP', 'Transformation of PrD cYFP on PXP218 into e. coli', 'Clean labware', 'PCR for PrD using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 5)', 'PCR clean-up of PrD-CFP', 'PCR of PrD YFP (attempt 4)', 'Digest (EcoRI-HF and PstI) + Gel Extraction of PrD-CFP'],'Sep5':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Innoculate colonies 6 and 8 from transformed PrD-PSB1C3', 'Miniprep PrD-PSB1C3 ', 'Streak PrD-PSB1C3 and PrD-YFP-PSB1C3 ', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP/pXP218 from E.coli using primers #17 and #18 (attempt #1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-CFP in PXP218, in E coli, using primer #17 and #18  (attempt #1)', "Run gel on cPCR'd [insert] in [backbone], in [organism] (attempt #)", 'Amplify cYFP for putting it into pXP218'],'Aug11':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Make LB plates', 'Make Cm and Amp stock', 'Redo PCR pSB1C3 with primers 23 and 24 to check whether they work (attempt 2)', "Run gel for PCR'd pSB1C3 (attempt 2)", 'Clean labware (sink)', 'Message people about their samples left in the fridge'],'Jun5':["Make gel with 1 kb ladders to test Kingsley's gel comb vs regular gel comb", 'Research enzymes in side-pathways of metabolism (for potential use as engineered prions).', 'Test competent cells', 'Run diagnostic gel for minipreped 412 and 413 ', 'PCR Cup1 promoter from plasmids 412 and 413', 'PCR clean-up of plasmid backbones (PSB1C3, PSB1T3, PSB1A3, PSB1K3)'],'Sep10':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Nano drop mini prep PrD-CFP PXP218, PrD-cYFP PSB1C3, and PrD PSB1C3', 'Make frozen stock of PrD-YFP PSB1C3 and PrD-CFP PSB1C3', 'Miniprep pXP216 and pXP420 v2'],'Jul8':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'PCR cleanup of PrD-nYP (with primers #6 and #8) (attempt #3)', 'Digest PrD-nYP using Sph1 and Sal1 (attempt #3)', "Digest PXP218 using Sph1 and Sal1 (Cody's Box #4) (attempt #3)", 'Cleanup digested PrD-nYFP and PXP218 (attempt #3)', 'Digest of PrD-YFP and pXP281 using SalI and SphI', 'Cleanup of digested PrD-YFP and pXP218', 'Ligation of PrD-YFP and pXP218', 'Transformation of ligation product into e. coli.', 'PCR of pSB1C3 backbone'],'Jul25':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Colony PCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primers 19 and 20 (attempt 1)', "Cody's research task", 'Digest pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 2)', 'Run gel on digested pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Make 100 uL 10mM oligonucleotides from stock 100mM (VF2, VR, PXP Fwd, PXP Rev)', 'Transformation of PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3 plated on Cm plates (attempt 3, redo 3)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli (attempt 1)", 'Colony PCR for PrD in pSB1C3, in DH5alpha, using primers 19 and 20 (attempt #1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP in PxP218, in DH5alpha, using primers 18 and 17(attempt #1)'],'Aug15':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Check Cm and Amp stock test plates', 'Make Cm and Amp plates', 'Streak  PxP240 on Amp plate', 'Gel extraction of pSB1C3 for insertion of PrD-YFP', 'Ligation of Prd-YFP and pSB1C3', 'PCR  PrD nYFP with second set of new primers'],'Jun23':['Running gel for digested PrD-nYFP and PrD-cYFP', 'Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Prepare schedule', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Make 1x TE Buffer', "PCR cleanup the PCR'd PrD-nYFP and PrD-CFP from yesterday", 'PCR PrD using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 1)', 'PCR cleanup for PrD (attempt 1)', 'Diagnostic gel for PrD (attempt 1)', 'Resuspend PrD-YFP in TE buffer', 'PCR PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1)', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-cYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-nYFP', 'Digest PrD using EcoRI and PstI ', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD', 'Write up protocol for PCR', 'Make 10L of 1x TAE Buffer', 'Wash labware', 'Fix clocks'],'May18':['Make Competent Cells', 'PCR Linear Plasmid Backbones', 'Test 3A Protocols'],'Oct16':['Filter sterilize yeast nutrients (Ura, Ade, Trp, Leu, Hist)', 'Make PEG', 'Make TE (x10 concentration)', 'Make TEL', 'Make PEG-TEL', 'Prepare shipment of biobricks', 'Make WO and YPD plates', 'Inoculate PrD-CFP in pXP and PrD-YFP in pXP.'],'May23':['Read Yeast Protocols', 'Make Competent Cells', 'Make YPD', 'Wash Lab Equipment', 'Inoculate strain containing PSB1C3', 'Make SOC', 'Make LB', 'Run Gel for Purified PCR Product'],'Sep12':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Nandrop PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Ligation of PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 in pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Normalize yeast OD', 'Prepare yeast competent cells', 'Digest PrD-YFP and PXP216 and PXP420 v2', 'Ligation of PrD-YFP in and PXP216 and PXP420 v2 (attempt 1)', 'diagnostic gel to confirm PrD-YFP and PXP216 and PXP420 v2', "Column purification of Leah's PrD-YFP, pXP216, and pXP420 (Leah's Box # 25-31)", "Run diagnostic gel for Vincent's PCR'd PrD-nYFP samples and Clara's samples", "Ligate PrD-nYFP (Leah's box #9) and pXP216 (Leah's box #28) (attempt #1)", 'Make YPD'],'Aug16':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Redo PCR of primer set 1 2 and 3 on PrD nYFP', 'Inoculate PXP420 into LB with Amp', "Gel Extract of PrD nYFP from Monica's PCR"],'Jun3':['Make competent cells', 'Prepare to test competent cells', 'Run gel on PCR Plasmid backbones (PSB1C3, PSB1T3, PSB1A3, PSB1K3)'],'Jul7':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Update reason why second band exists in the lab book', 'Transform PrD-YFP into S. cerevisiae (attempt 2)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Cm plates', 'Gel extraction of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3 redo)', 'Gel extraction of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 4)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD (attempt 4) ", 'PCR for PrD-nYFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt #3)', "Run gel for PCR's PrD-nYFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt #3)", 'Digest + Gel Extraction of PXP218 and PrD cYFP', 'Ligation of PXP218 vector and Prd cYFP', 'Transformation of PrD cYFP on PXP218 into e. coli', 'PCR cleanup of PrD (attempt 4) ', 'Make Amp Plates', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 4) ", 'PCR of PrD YFP (make 2) (attempt 1)', 'Gel of PrD YFP, one half diagnostic, the other half for gel extraction', 'Gel extraction of one of the PrD YFP samples', 'PCR cleanup of the other PrD YFP sample', 'Clean labware'],'Sep15':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Transform PrD-CFP in pXP218 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Make Amp plates', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP in PxP216 ", "Nanodrop Shwetha's miniprepped samples", 'cPCR of transformed pXP216/PrD-nYFP (attempt #2)', "Run diagnostic gel for cPCR'd PrD-nYFP/pXP216", 'Fill and autoclave pipette tips', 'Wash labware', 'Test Amp plates', 'Digest PrD-nYFP, Pxp420', 'Gel Extract PrD-nYFP, Pxp420', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP (2), Pxp420, Pxp216'],'Aug22':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Digest PrD-nYFP and pXP420 using SalI and Sph1 (attempt 1)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-nYFP and pXP420 (attempt 1)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-nYFP and pXP420 (attempt 1)', 'Ligate pXP420 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', 'Digest PrD-YFP and pXP420 using SalI and Sph1 (attempt 1)', 'Make Cm and Amp plates', 'Transformation of PrD-YFP/pSB1C3 into E.coli using heat shock', 'Run gel on digested PrD-YFP and pXP420 (attempt 1)', 'Transformation of PrD-CFP/pXP218 into E.coli using heat shock (attempt 1)', "PCR cleanup leah's PCR'd PrD-YFP (#3)", 'PCR PrD-YFP using primers 33 and 34 (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 1) ", "PCR cleanup of my PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 1)", 'Gel extract digested pXP420 (attempt 1)'],'Aug21':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Gel extract digested PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Ligate PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Redo cPCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primer 23 and 24 (attempt 2 redo redo)', 'Check Amp test broth', 'Make Cm and Amp plates', 'Make TEL media for yeast', 'PCR clean-up of cYFP and PrD-CFP (attempt 1)', 'Miniprep of strain 384 (which contains pXP218 with no insert).'],'May26':['Read Yeast Protocols', 'Calibrate Pipettes', 'Read about Interlab Measurement Study', 'Test #3 Using a Linear PCR Product from 2016 OR 3A Assembly', 'Prepare materials to re-make competent cells', 'Make 50x TAE Buffer'],'Aug10':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Make LB agar', 'Make LB, Amp, and Cm plates', 'PCR pSB1C3 with primers 23 and 24 to check whether they work (attempt 1)'],'Oct23':['FLOW Cup1 characterization part 4 (cry)', 'CRYYYY', 'Digest on PrD-nYFP pxp216 for contamination ', 'Transform YFP  pxp216 into ecolie FAIL'],'Oct5':['Inoculate PrD CFP (423 strain from box 6) 3 samples, 1 control ', "Mini-prep Max's spot plate #2 test tubes and PrD CFP (423 strain from box 6) "],'May20':['Make Competent Cells', 'Run diagnostic gel and Purify PCR Products'],'May30':['Incubate DH5a stock in LB broth', 'Make Competent Cells', 'Transform Ligation into Comp Cells', 'PCR Plasmid backbones (PSB1C3, PSB1T3, PSB1A3, PSB1K3)', 'Miniprep inoculated colonies (PSB1C3) from yesterday, then run gel', 'Make Agar plates with KM '],'Jul21':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Transform PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, on Cm plates (attempt 1)', 'Download Shad photos and upload onto Google Drive', 'Transform PrD-nYFP in pXP218 into E. coli (attempt 3, redo 2)', 'Incubate PrD-nYFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 3, redo 2)', 'Clear cart of Shad materials', 'Clean labware (sink and fume hood)', 'Make a Shad meme', 'PrD-cYFP, Pxp218, PrD-CFP, PsB1C3 Digest ', 'Make Agarose Gel (Agarose M) and run digestion product', 'PrD-cYFP, Pxp218, PrD-CFP, PsB1C3 Gel Extraction'],'Jun7':['Gel extraction on 412 and 413', 'Run gel on 412a digest', 'Miniprep of 379', 'Order supplies (MgSO4, KCL, PEG, Tris base, Tryptone)', 'Inoculate 284 into LB with Cm * 5', 'Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'FIND AN APPLICATION FOR OUR PROJECT', 'Inoculate 412, 413 and a control with Amp '],'Sep2':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Check transformation plates from Friday'],'May17':['Test Task pls ignore'],'May21':['Order Parts', 'Make Competent Cells'],'Jun13':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Make box for new primers', 'PCR PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP using 2017 RFC10 primers f and r', 'Resuspend PrD-nYFP and PrD-cYFP in TE buffer', 'Read papers', 'Pour gel'],'Jun20':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Make gels', 'Run gel for PCR products (PrD-nYFP, using Taq)', 'Clean up PCR products (PrD-nYFP, using Taq)', 'Run PCR for PrD-nYFP using Q5 enzyme at 70 and 72 C', 'Redo PCR for PrD-nYFP using Taq enzyme at 59 and 61 C', 'Digest miniprep 284 (1), 284 (2), and 284 (6) from yesterday with PstI and EcoRI', 'Digest PrD-cYFP, PrD-nYFP, and PrD with PstI and EcoRI', "Run gel for digested 284's and perform gel extraction (for all of them)", 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-nYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-cYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD', 'Complete Benchling lab entry templates', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Read the papers'],'Aug3':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain ', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo)', 'Still testing Primers repeated PCR of pxp218 Primers for cPCR #17 & 18, #21,22', 'Make 1x TAE Buffer'],'Jul15':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Colony PCR Prd-nYFP/pXP218', 'Make Amp patch plate of transformed colonies that were used', 'Check CM plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-PSB1C3 (attempt # 2)', 'Wash labware'],'Oct1':['Make more WO agar, YPD agar, and YPD liquid media.'],'Jul26':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', "Cody's research task", 'Gel extract digested pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Make antibiotic tracking sheet', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP in PXP218, in DH5alpha (attempt #1)", "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD in pSB1C3, in DH5alpha (attempt #1)", 'PCR for PrD-CFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 3)', 'Inoculate strain 118 in LB broth w/ Cm to obtain pSB1C3 backbone (attempt 3)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 2)', 'Digest PrD-nYFP (Box 1, #52) and PSB1C3 with RFP stuffer (Box 1, #38) with EcoR1 and Pst1 (attempt 3, redo 4)', 'Run gel electrophoresis for digested PrD-nYFP and PSB1C3 (attempt 3)', 'Make LB', 'PCR using new primers 17 and 18 on minipreped PXP218 to test if they were diluted properly ', 'Gel extract digested pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 3)', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP and PSB1C3 (attempt 3, redo 3)'],'Jul10':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Update reason why second band exists in the lab book', 'Colony PCR for PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, using 2016 Primers #15 and 16 (attempt 2)', "Gel extract desired band from PCR'd PrD-YFP (#72-74) to make stock", "Gel extract desired band from PCR'd PrD-nYFP to make stock", 'Make Amp stock', 'Learn how to do replica plating', 'Digest PrD using EcoR1 and Pst1 (attempt #2)', 'Check CM plates for transformed colonies of pXP218-PrD-nYFP', 'Make glycerol stock of Bba-K592012', "Gel extract clean up from PCR'd PRD-YFP (#72-74) o make stock ", 'Run gel on digested PrD (attempt #1, part1)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 2 redo)', 'PCR PrD-CFP with gradient annealing temperature for -ve ctrl (attempt 3)', 'Diagnostic Gel of PCR product for PrD-CFP', 'PCR clean up of PrD-CFP (attempt 3 & 4) and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1) + nano-drop '],'Sep26':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Inoculated PrD-cYFP strain #426 in box 6 ', 'Digest pXP216 and pSB1C3 with PrD-YFP insert, ligate the PrD-YFP into pXP216', 'Brainstorm how the format of the wiki should look', 'Decide on plan to get the wiki started well-before the freeze'],'Jul12':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Check plate with iGEM logo drawing', 'Check Cm and Amp stock test plates', 'Test Cm stock again using strains 421 (Cm resistant) and 398 (not Cm resistant)', 'Make Amp plates', 'Test Amp plates using strains 128 (Amp resistant) and 134 (not Amp resistant)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 2 redo)', 'Heat-kill ligation mixtures for leftover PrD-nYFP and PXP218 (attempt 3)', 'Transform leftover ligated PrD-nYFP-PXP218 into E.coli using heat shock (attempt #3)', 'Make mini miniprep kits for Shad', 'Digest PrD-cYFP using EcoR1 and Pst1 (attempt #2)', 'Digest pXP218 using Sal1 and Sph1 (attempt #2)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-cYFP and pXP218 (attempt #2)', 'Make template printouts for PCR lab entries', 'Run Gel on PCR products', 'Run gel on digested PrD (attempt #1, part 2)', 'Gel extract digested[PrD (attempt #1, part2)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-cYFP and pXP218 (attempt #2)', 'Wash labware', 'Ligate pXP218 and PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)', 'Run gel of PCR products PrD-YFP (attempt #5) with primers 2 and 4'],'Aug29':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Miniprep PXP420 (4)', 'Streak PXP420 onto different concentrations of Ampicillin (0-70)', 'Plate PrD YFP -> PSB1C3', 'Inoculate PXP218 onto correct antibiotic (Amp)', 'Miniprep PrD YFP -> PSB1C3', 'Digest PrD YFP -> PSB1C3 with EcoRi and BamHI', 'Transform PrD CFP and PrD cYFP into PSB1C3', 'Incubate PrD CFP and PrD cYF in PSB1C3, in E. coli, on Cm plates (attempt #1)', 'Digest PrD nYFP and PSB1C3 with EcoRI and PstI', 'Gel Extract PrD nYFP and PSB1C3', 'Ligate PrD nYFP and PSB1C3', 'Make Cm Plates', 'Amplify PrD CFP/PrD cYFP (run gel to find out which)', 'Run gel on ligated PrD CFP and PrD cYFP in PSB1C3 to see if ligation worked ', 'Clean-up of digested PrD-cYFP and pXP218', 'Ligation of PrD-cYFP into pXP218', "Run gel of Cody's PCR products (PrD CFP/PrD cYFP)"],'Oct13':['Digest PrD-nYFP (Codys Box v2) and pXP216 (Box 2 - #103 - 105) with Sal1 and Sph1', 'Gel extract PrD-nYFP and pXP216', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP and pXP216', 'Wash labware'],'Jul31':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Fill in order form', 'Make LB', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo)', 'Miniprep strain 284 to obtain pSB1C3 backbone (attempt 3)', 'Clean sink and flow-hood', 'Re-test Colony PCR primers (PXP - 17 & 18, PXP - 21 & 22, PSB 19 and 20, PSB - 23 & 24)', 'Check CM plates following transformation of PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3 into E.coli cells', 'Research on heat shock transformation for Cody'],'Jun26':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Prepare schedule', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'PCR clean-up for PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Diagnostic gel for PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Digest PrD using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 1)', 'Ligate digested PrD with PSB1C3 (attempt 1)', 'Write up protocol for PCR', 'Digest of PrD-CFP using EcoR1 and PstI (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-nYFPusing primers #2 and #4 (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-CFP for pSB1C3 using primer #2 and #4 (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-CFP for pSB1C3 using primers #2 and #4 (attempt 1)", "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)", 'PCR for PrD-YFP for pSBIC3 (attempt 1)'],}
var tasks = {'Jul17':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Inoculate RFP (284), purple reporter (421), and plain DH5a for Shad (118)', 'Compile Shad materials on cart', "Dilute 1 kb gene rulers that weren't good to see if they can be salvaged (redo)", 'Transform PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Digest PrD-YFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 4)', 'Make LB plates '],
'May23':['Read Yeast Protocols', 'Make Competent Cells', 'Make YPD', 'Wash Lab Equipment', 'Inoculate strain containing PSB1C3', 'Make SOC', 'Make LB', 'Run Gel for Purified PCR Product'],
'Jul8':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'PCR cleanup of PrD-nYP (with primers #6 and #8) (attempt #3)', 'Digest PrD-nYP using Sph1 and Sal1 (attempt #3)', "Digest PXP218 using Sph1 and Sal1 (Cody's Box #4) (attempt #3)", 'Cleanup digested PrD-nYFP and PXP218 (attempt #3)', 'Digest of PrD-YFP and pXP281 using SalI and SphI', 'Cleanup of digested PrD-YFP and pXP218', 'Ligation of PrD-YFP and pXP218', 'Transformation of ligation product into e. coli.', 'PCR of pSB1C3 backbone'],
'Aug14':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'PCR pSB1C3 with primers 23 and 24 to check for contamination (attempt 2 redo)', "Run gel for PCR'd pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)", 'PCR cleanup of pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Test Cm and Amp stock', 'Redo cPCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primer 23 and 24 (attempt 2 redo redo)', 'Filter-sterilize MQ H2O', 'Resuspend gBlocks'],
'May18':['Make Competent Cells', 'PCR Linear Plasmid Backbones', 'Test 3A Protocols'],
'Jun9':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Read papers'],
'Sep23':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Miniprep PrD YFP in pSB1C3', 'Digest PrD YFP in pSB1C3 and pXP216 with SalI and SphI'],
'Sep25':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'cPCR for PrD-nYFP/pXP216 (attempt 2, redo 2)', "Run gel for cPCR'd PrD-nYFP/pXP216"],
'Jul12':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Check plate with iGEM logo drawing', 'Check Cm and Amp stock test plates', 'Test Cm stock again using strains 421 (Cm resistant) and 398 (not Cm resistant)', 'Make Amp plates', 'Test Amp plates using strains 128 (Amp resistant) and 134 (not Amp resistant)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 2 redo)', 'Heat-kill ligation mixtures for leftover PrD-nYFP and PXP218 (attempt 3)', 'Transform leftover ligated PrD-nYFP-PXP218 into E.coli using heat shock (attempt #3)', 'Make mini miniprep kits for Shad', 'Digest PrD-cYFP using EcoR1 and Pst1 (attempt #2)', 'Digest pXP218 using Sal1 and Sph1 (attempt #2)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-cYFP and pXP218 (attempt #2)', 'Make template printouts for PCR lab entries', 'Run Gel on PCR products', 'Run gel on digested PrD (attempt #1, part 2)', 'Gel extract digested[PrD (attempt #1, part2)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-cYFP and pXP218 (attempt #2)', 'Wash labware', 'Ligate pXP218 and PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)', 'Run gel of PCR products PrD-YFP (attempt #5) with primers 2 and 4'],
'May30':['Incubate DH5a stock in LB broth', 'Make Competent Cells', 'Transform Ligation into Comp Cells', 'PCR Plasmid backbones (PSB1C3, PSB1T3, PSB1A3, PSB1K3)', 'Miniprep inoculated colonies (PSB1C3) from yesterday, then run gel', 'Make Agar plates with KM '],
'May31':['Make CM, KM, Amp, TC Plates', 'Check Transformation Products', 'Make competent cells', 'Image gel of PSB1C3 + potential Cup1 promoter', 'Column Purify Psb1C3, Psb1K3, Psb1T3, Psb1A3. Nanodrop', 'Aliquot 50mL LB into capped beveled flasks; Autoclave', 'Diagnostic Gel for: Psb1c3, psb1k3, psb1T3, psb1A3'],
'Sep22':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Transform PrD-YFP in pXP216 and pXP420 v2 into ecoli', 'Diagnostic Gel of cPCR PrD-nYFP pxp216', 'Inoculate PrD-YFP PsB1C3', 'Make LB plates for workshop', 'Miniprep PrD-YFP PsB1C3 and PrD-cYFP pxp218 (2/3)', 'Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Inoculate LB with PrD-YFP', "Ligation of PrD-YFP into pXP216 and pXP420 v2 (Leah's samples)", 'PCR of PrD-CFP.pXP218 using primers #22 and #38 as well as primers #18 and #38', 'Diagnostic Gel of primer testing (#22/#38 and #18/38) ', 'cPCR of Pxp216- PrDnYFP with primers #22 and # 38'],
'Aug17':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'PCR Cleanup of nYFP', 'PCR nYFP using Phusion Polymerase', "Run gel for PCR'd nYFP (w phusion)", 'PCR Cleanup of nYFP (w phusion)', 'Miniprep of PXP420', 'Make LB', 'Resuspend PrD YFP', 'Create Dilutions of other DNA Stocks', "Digest PXP420 and nYFP from Max's box using SphI and SalI", 'PCR PrD YFP Using Q5 and Primer set 2'],
'Aug2':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - Ran BLAST for Sup35 on other yeast strains', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria - Read article involving CYC1 terminator', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Digest PrD-YFP and pSB1C3 using EcoRI-HF and PstI (attempt 2 redo)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-YFP and pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-YFP and pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo)', 'PCR Prd-YFP'],
'Jun2':['Miniprep Inoculated Colonies', 'Yeast Transformations', 'Make competent cells', 'PCR Plasmid backbones (PSB1C3, PSB1T3, PSB1A3, PSB1K3)', 'PCR cup1 promoter from miniprepped 412 and 413 plasmids'],
'Jun13':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Make box for new primers', 'PCR PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP using 2017 RFC10 primers f and r', 'Resuspend PrD-nYFP and PrD-cYFP in TE buffer', 'Read papers', 'Pour gel'],
'Sep3':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Check Cm plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP in PSB1C3] (attempt #2)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP in PSB1C3, in E coli, using primer #23 and #24  (attempt #2)'],
'Jun6':['Check Competent Cells', 'Order Supplies (MgSO4, KCl, PEG, Tris base, Tryptone)', 'Inoculate 284 into LB with Cm * 5', 'Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Inoculate 379 into LB with Amp', 'Order primers', 'Take Yeast out of 30 degree incubator and put in fridge.', 'Digest plasmids from miniprepped 412 and 413', 'Gel Extraction on 412 and 413', 'Run Diagnostic Gel on potential Cup1 Promoter', "Run gel on PCR'd Cup1 promoter from plasmids 412 and 413", "Check on Jamie's competent cells later tonight"],
'Sep26':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Inoculated PrD-cYFP strain #426 in box 6 ', 'Digest pXP216 and pSB1C3 with PrD-YFP insert, ligate the PrD-YFP into pXP216'],
'Jun22':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Prepare schedule', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Pick best PCR product for PrD-nYFP and digest with PstI and EcoRI', 'Do another PCR for PrD-nYFP using Taq, and primers 2 and 4', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-cYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-nYFP', 'PCR PrD-CFP using primers 2 and 4', 'PCR PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4', 'Make 1x TE Buffer', 'Run gel on PCR products (PrD-nYFP and PrD-CFP)'],
'Aug9':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - summarizing new articles', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Inoculate Addgene plasmid on Amp plate', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli (attempt 2 redo)", 'Restriction enzyme digest of PrD-YFP using enzymes EcoRI-HF and PstI'],
'Aug28':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', "Inoculate PXP420 from Leah's plate and stab culture into LB w/ amp", 'Streak Plate DH5Alpha from frozen onto LB plate', 'Digest PrD-CFP, PrD-cYFP, and PSB1C3 with EcoR1 and Pst1', 'Inoculate PXP218 into LB Amp', 'PCR PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP with Phusion', 'Order new plasmids', 'PCR Cleanup of PrD-CFP, PrD-cYFP', 'Run gel on digested PrD-cYFP, PrD-CFP, and PSB1C3 (attempt #1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)", 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt #1)', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)'],
'Oct14':['Transform PrD-nYFP/pXP216 into E.coli and plate on Amp plates'],
'Aug30':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'PCR PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP with primers 1 and 3', 'Miniprep PXP218 ', 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP and PXP218', 'Gel extract PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP and PXP218', 'Ligate PrD-cYFP with PxP218', 'Ligate PrD-CFP with PxP218', 'Transform PrD nYFP and PSB1C3 into DH5alpha', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)", "Run gel on Leah's ligation products ", 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP with EcoR1-HF and Pst1 (attempt #2)', 'Column purify digested PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP (attempt #1)', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt #2)', 'Check Cm plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-cYFP-PSB1C3, and PrD-CFP-PSB1C3 (attempt #1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP each in PSB1C3, in E. coli, using primers #23 and #24 (attempt #1)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP each in PSB1C3, in E. coli, (attempt #1)", 'Column purify digested PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP', 'PCR cleanup of PrD-nYFP (attempt #1)'],
'Jun26':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Prepare schedule', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'PCR clean-up for PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Diagnostic gel for PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Digest PrD using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 1)', 'Ligate digested PrD with PSB1C3 (attempt 1)', 'Write up protocol for PCR', 'Digest of PrD-CFP using EcoR1 and PstI (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-nYFPusing primers #2 and #4 (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-CFP for pSB1C3 using primer #2 and #4 (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-CFP for pSB1C3 using primers #2 and #4 (attempt 1)", "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)", 'PCR for PrD-YFP for pSBIC3 (attempt 1)'],
'May26':['Read Yeast Protocols', 'Calibrate Pipettes', 'Read about Interlab Measurement Study', 'Test #3 Using a Linear PCR Product from 2016 OR 3A Assembly', 'Prepare materials to re-make competent cells', 'Make 50x TAE Buffer'],
'May25':['Assess Competent Cell Plates', 'Streak 387 and 388 on YPD Agar', 'Read about the Interlab Measurement Study', 'Purify PCR Products if gel works', 'Run gel on PCR products and miniprepped plasmids ', 'Prepare materials to re-make competent cells', 'Read Yeast Protocols'],
'Sep19':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Transformation of PrD-nYFP/pXP216 into E.coli (attempt #2)', 'Incubate plates with transformed PrD-nYFP/pXP216 (attempt #2)', 'Fill P1000 tip boxes', 'Wash labware', 'run gel of cPCR PrD-cYFP in PxP218', 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PXP 218 (Attempt #2)', 'Gel extract Digest PrD-cYFP and PXP 218 (Attempt #2)', 'Ligate PrD-cYFP and PXP 218 (Attempt #2)'],
'Oct13':['Digest PrD-nYFP (Codys Box v2) and pXP216 (Box 2 - #103 - 105) with Sal1 and Sph1', 'Gel extract PrD-nYFP and pXP216', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP and pXP216', 'Wash labware'],
'Oct5':['Inoculate PrD CFP (423 strain from box 6) 3 samples, 1 control ', "Mini-prep Max's spot plate #2 test tubes and PrD CFP (423 strain from box 6) "],
'Jul13':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Check Cm stock test plates', 'Make Cm plates', 'Check Amp plates for transformed pXP218-PrD-nYFP colonies (attempt 3)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 2 redo)', 'Check Amp test plates', 'See if the PCR template for the lab manual fits - if it does, print more', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD (attempt #2)', 'Make LB agar', 'Make LB and Str (4x) plates for Melissa', 'Run colony PCR for transformed PrD-nYFP (attempt #3)', 'Plate colonies on Amp plate (attempt #3)', 'Inoculate Yellow and White colonies into LB for Melissa', 'PCR clean-up of products from PrD-YFP (attempt 4)'],
'Sep5':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Innoculate colonies 6 and 8 from transformed PrD-PSB1C3', 'Miniprep PrD-PSB1C3 ', 'Streak PrD-PSB1C3 and PrD-YFP-PSB1C3 ', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP/pXP218 from E.coli using primers #17 and #18 (attempt #1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-CFP in PXP218, in E coli, using primer #17 and #18  (attempt #1)', "Run gel on cPCR'd [insert] in [backbone], in [organism] (attempt #)", 'Amplify cYFP for putting it into pXP218'],
'Jul30':['Clean labware (sink)', 'Test Colony PCR primers (PXP - 17 & 18, PXP - 21 & 23, PSB 19 and 20, PSB - 22 & 24)'],
'Jul20':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Make the 2x 60 mL 1% agarose gels in two flasks for Shad valley'],
'Jul11':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 2 redo)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP in pXP218, in E. coli, using 2016 Primers #15 and 16 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Test Cm and Amp stock (strains 412 and 45)', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers 2 and 4', 'Make Cm Stock ', 'Gel extract digested PrD (attempt #1, part1)', 'Draw iGEM logo on plate using reporter protein', "Ligate leftover digested PrD-nYFP and digested PXP218 (from Steven's Box) (attempt 3 redo 1)", 'Wash labware', 'PCR of PrD-YFP (attempt #5) with primers #2 and #4 into PSB1C3', 'PCR YFP and nYFP from 41 42 62 66 58 57 65', 'Run Gel on PCR products', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)'],
'Oct3':['Inoculate 423 from frozen into 6 test tubes (with Amp)', "Inoculate Max's spot plate #2 into 2 test tubes (with Amp)", 'Transform PrD-nYFP in pXP216 and pXP420 v2 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Make more Amp plates'],
'Jun19':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Miniprep 284 (1)', 'Miniprep 284 (2)', 'Miniprep 284 (3)', 'Miniprep 284 (4)', 'Miniprep 284 (5)', 'Miniprep 284 (6)', 'PCR of PrD n-YFP using primers 2 and 4', 'Make LB', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Read the papers'],
'May21':['Order Parts', 'Make Competent Cells'],
'May24':['Clear out freezer for more space', 'Miniprep Strain From Yesterday', 'PCR miniprep sample with 2014 primers 19 and 20 and "biobrick" setting', 'Test Competency of Cells', 'Run gel on PCR products', 'Purify PCR Products'],
'Jul15':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Colony PCR Prd-nYFP/pXP218', 'Make Amp patch plate of transformed colonies that were used', 'Check CM plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-PSB1C3 (attempt # 2)', 'Wash labware'],
'Oct1':['Make more WO agar, YPD agar, and YPD liquid media.'],
'Jul21':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Transform PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, on Cm plates (attempt 1)', 'Download Shad photos and upload onto Google Drive', 'Transform PrD-nYFP in pXP218 into E. coli (attempt 3, redo 2)', 'Incubate PrD-nYFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 3, redo 2)', 'Clear cart of Shad materials', 'Clean labware (sink and fume hood)', 'Make a Shad meme', 'PrD-cYFP, Pxp218, PrD-CFP, PsB1C3 Digest ', 'Make Agarose Gel (Agarose M) and run digestion product', 'PrD-cYFP, Pxp218, PrD-CFP, PsB1C3 Gel Extraction'],
'Sep4':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP in PSB1C3, in E coli (attempt #1)", 'Innoculate E. coli with PrD-CFP+PSB1C3,  PrD-YFP+PSB1C3, and PrD+PSB1C3 ', 'Transform pXP218 with Cup1 + GFP into yeast.', 'Transform ourselves'],
'Jun28':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Linearize pXP218', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'Digest PrD-YFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 2)', 'Transform PrD - pSB1C3 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', 'Wash labware', 'PCR amplification of PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Diagnostic Gel of PCR product of PrD-CFP', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers EcoRI and PstI (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt #2)'],
'Sep16':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Check Amp plates', 'Transform PrD-CFP in pXP218 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Incubate PrD-CFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 1)'],
'Sep27':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Digest PrD-YFP/pSB1C3 and pXP216 and PXP420 v2', 'Make more LB Agar', 'Make more LB Agar and also LB Amp plates', "Run gel for cPCR'd PrD-nYFP/pXP216"],
'Jul24':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Check Cm plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 (attempt 1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using [primer TBD] (attempt 1)', 'PCR PRD nYFP for insert into PSB1C3  (Attempt #4) ', 'Run gel for PCR products ', "Cody's research task"],
'Sep15':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Transform PrD-CFP in pXP218 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Make Amp plates', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP in PxP216 ", "Nanodrop Shwetha's miniprepped samples", 'cPCR of transformed pXP216/PrD-nYFP (attempt #2)', "Run diagnostic gel for cPCR'd PrD-nYFP/pXP216", 'Fill and autoclave pipette tips', 'Wash labware', 'Test Amp plates', 'Digest PrD-nYFP, Pxp420', 'Gel Extract PrD-nYFP, Pxp420', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP (2), Pxp420, Pxp216'],
'Aug19':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', "PCR diluted PrD-CFP (#6 in Leah's box) using primers #2 and #4 (attempt #1)", 'Transform E. coli with ligated PrD-YFP and pXP420 from yesterday.', 'Digest and then ligate PrD-CFP and pXP218', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-CFP (attempt 1)", "PCR cleanup for PCR'd PrD-CFP (attempt 1)", 'Digest PrD-CFP and PXP218 using Sal1 and Sph1 (attempt 1)'],
'Jul4':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Calibrate eppendorf pipettes', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 1)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 2)', 'Make more CM and LB plates for transformation', 'Transform PrD-YFP into S. cerevisiae (attempt 2)', 'PCR for PRD nYFP for insert into pXP218 (attempt 3) ', 'PCR cleanup of PrD (attempt 2)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-nYFP (attempt 3)", "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 1)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 2)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 2)', 'Digest PrD-cYFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-nYFP using Primers #2 and #4 (attempt 2)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-nYFP (attempt 2)", "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt #2)"],
'Sep1':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Miniprep PrD-CFP+PSB1C3, PrD-cYFP+PSB1C3, and PrD-YFP+PSB1C3', 'Transform PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP in PSB1C3 into E coli (attempt #2)', 'Make Cm plates', 'Transform PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP in PxP218 into E coli (attempt #2)', 'Transform PrD-cYFP PxP218 into E coli ', 'Incubate  PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP in PSB1C3, in E coli, on Cm plates (attempt #2)', 'Incubate  PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP in PxP218, in E coli, on Amp plates (attempt #2)', 'Incubate  PrD-cYFP in PxP218, in E coli, on Amp plates ', 'Check Cm plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-PSB1C3 (attempt #2)', 'Colony PCR for PrD in PSB1C3, in E coli, using primer #23 and #24 (attempt #2)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD in PSB1C3, in E coli (attempt #2)"],
'Sep2':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Check transformation plates from Friday'],
'May28':['PCR PSB1C3 from #2 in Box 1 '],
'Jul16':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP + pXP218 (attempt 3, redo 2)', 'Wash labware'],
'Sep30':['Miniprep inocculated colonies from yesterday', 'Perform diagnostic digest digest of PrD-YFP in pXP216 and PrD-cYFP in pXP218 with SacI', 'Transform psi- and PSI+ yeast with PrD-YFP, PrD-CFP, and both', 'Prepare PrD-YFP and PrD-cYFP for sequencing'],
'Jul31':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Fill in order form', 'Make LB', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo)', 'Miniprep strain 284 to obtain pSB1C3 backbone (attempt 3)', 'Clean sink and flow-hood', 'Re-test Colony PCR primers (PXP - 17 & 18, PXP - 21 & 22, PSB 19 and 20, PSB - 23 & 24)', 'Check CM plates following transformation of PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3 into E.coli cells', 'Research on heat shock transformation for Cody'],
'Sep12':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Nandrop PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Ligation of PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 in pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Normalize yeast OD', 'Prepare yeast competent cells', 'Digest PrD-YFP and PXP216 and PXP420 v2', 'Ligation of PrD-YFP in and PXP216 and PXP420 v2 (attempt 1)', 'diagnostic gel to confirm PrD-YFP and PXP216 and PXP420 v2', "Column purification of Leah's PrD-YFP, pXP216, and pXP420 (Leah's Box # 25-31)", "Run diagnostic gel for Vincent's PCR'd PrD-nYFP samples and Clara's samples", "Ligate PrD-nYFP (Leah's box #9) and pXP216 (Leah's box #28) (attempt #1)", 'Make YPD'],
'Aug8':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - reading even more articles', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Check Cm for transformed colonies containing PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primer 23 and 24 (attempt 2 redo)'],
'Sep6':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', "Miniprep of Calara's samples (6 & 8) + Nanodrop of the samples from Clara's box (from yesterday)", 'Wash dishes- the test tubes ', 'Clean labware ', 'Run gel on left over cPCR products from yesterday (prd-cfp PXP218)', "Redo the gel of the PCR'd cYFP from yesterday.", 'Redo the PCR of cYFP from yesterday but with all three pairs of primers I guess.'],
'Aug15':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Check Cm and Amp stock test plates', 'Make Cm and Amp plates', 'Streak  PxP240 on Amp plate', 'Gel extraction of pSB1C3 for insertion of PrD-YFP', 'Ligation of Prd-YFP and pSB1C3', 'PCR  PrD nYFP with second set of new primers'],
'Jun30':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Gel extract digested pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'Ligate PrD-YFP and pXP218 (attempt 2)', 'Check CM plates for transformed colonies containing pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PRD/PrD-nYFP (attempt 3/2) ", 'PCR for PrD using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 2) ', 'PCR for PrD-nYFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1)', 'Calibrate eppendorf pipettes', 'Clean labware', 'PCR for PrD using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 2)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD/ PrD-nYFP (attempt 2/1)", 'PCR for PrD using primers 6 and 7/8 (attempt 3)'],
'Jul6':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3 redo)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3 redo)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3 redo)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 4)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 4)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 4)', 'Transform PrD-YFP into S. cerevisiae (attempt 2)', 'Miniprep of PXP218 Samples (4)', 'Rerun gel of PrD cYFP', 'Digest + Gel Extraction of PXP218 and PrD cYFP', 'Ligation of PXP218 vector and Prd cYFP', 'Transformation of PrD cYFP on PXP218 into e. coli', 'Clean labware', 'PCR for PrD using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 5)', 'PCR clean-up of PrD-CFP', 'PCR of PrD YFP (attempt 4)', 'Digest (EcoRI-HF and PstI) + Gel Extraction of PrD-CFP'],
'May29':['Read Yeast Protocols', 'Run Diagnostic Gel on PCR Products', 'PCR Cleanup', 'Make Competent Cells', 'Analyze Plates/Parafilm Plates (Yeast, potential e. coli transformants)', 'Inoculate DH5Alpha', 'Digest Cup1 Promoter and PCR Products with PstI and EcoRI ', 'Run Gel on Digested Products', 'Ligate Cup1 and Linear Backbone', 'Transform Ligation into Comp Cells', 'PCR Linearized PSB1C3 using Primers 19 and 20 from 2014 Primers Box', 'Inoculate Cup1 PSB1C3 Colonies into LB', 'Run Diagnostic Gel on PCR Products'],
'Aug16':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Redo PCR of primer set 1 2 and 3 on PrD nYFP', 'Inoculate PXP420 into LB with Amp', "Gel Extract of PrD nYFP from Monica's PCR"],
'Aug4':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - reading even more articles', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Transform PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 into E. coli (attempt 2 redo)', 'Run gel of PCR products (PrD-YFP)', 'PCR cleaup of PrD-YFP'],
'Jul23':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Digest PrD-nYFP from Box 1, Tube #62 (attempt 3, redo 3)', 'Run diagnostic gel for PSB1C3 (Box 1, #5) and PrD-nYFP (Box 1, #62)', 'Check Amp plates following transformation of PrD-nYFP/PXP218', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP + PSB1C3', 'Nanodrop PSB1C3 backbones from Box 1'],
'Jun27':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Get wash buffer', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 2)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'PCR cleanup of PrD-nYFP for pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Digest PrD-nYFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 1)', 'Ligate pXP218 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 1)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Ligation of PrD-CFP (attempt 1) with PXP1c3', 'Linearize pXP218', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt #1)', 'PCR purify PrD-CFP'],
'Jun29':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Linearize pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Gel extract digested pXP218 (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-cYFP (attempt 1.5)", 'PCR amplification of PrD-CFP (attempt 3)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1.5)', 'Transform pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP into E.coli (attempt 1)', 'Plate transformed pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', 'PCR cleanup of PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)', 'Make LB broth', 'Check CM plates for transformed colonies containing pSB1C3 and PrD (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 2)'],
'Oct10':['YPD broth made- left on counter- please autoclave this! ', 'Flow- first reading'],
'Sep13':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Nandrop PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Ligation of PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 in pXP218 (attempt 1)', "Digest PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 (Clara's box #21), (attempt 2)", 'Gel extract PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Ligate PrD-CFP and pXP218', 'Restriction Digest PrD-nYFP and Pxp420', 'Gel extract PrD-nYFP and Pxp420', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP in PxP218 (attempt 1)", 'Transform PrD-YFP + PXP216 and PrD-YFP + PXP420 v2 in DH5alpha', 'Incubate Prd-YFP in PXP216, in DH5alpha, on Amp plates (attempt #1)', 'Incubate Prd-YFP in PXP216, in DH5alpha, on Amp plates (attempt #1)', 'Inoculate PXP 420 v2 strain into LB Amp', 'Inoculate PXP 216 strain into LB Amp', 'Make Amp plates and just LB plates', 'Transform PrD-nYFP/pXP216 (attempt #1)', 'Digest PrD-cYFP/pSB1C3, PrD-CFP/pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP/pXP218 with SacI', 'Incubate transformed PrD-nYFP/pXP216 on Amp plates (attempt #1)'],
'Jul14':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Compile Shad materials on cart', 'Re-run a gel on all of the 1 kb gene rulers to see which ones are good (we lost the image from the last one)', "Dilute 1 kb gene rulers that weren't good to see if they can be salvaged", "Grow-up sample of Leah's transformation in 1 mL LB", 'Test LB broth for contamination', 'Make 1x TAE Buffer', 'Transform PrD in PSB1C3 into E.coli (attempt #2)', 'Incubate PrD in PSB1C3, in E. coli, on Cm plates (attempt # 2)', 'Run diagnostic gel for colony PCR products of PrD-nYFP/pXP218 (attempt 3)', 'Check Amp patch plate for transformed colonies of PrD-nYFP/pXP218 (attempt 3)', 'Make LB plates for SHAD'],
'Jun8':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Miniprep inoculated samples: 284, 412, 413'],
'Jul10':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Update reason why second band exists in the lab book', 'Colony PCR for PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, using 2016 Primers #15 and 16 (attempt 2)', "Gel extract desired band from PCR'd PrD-YFP (#72-74) to make stock", "Gel extract desired band from PCR'd PrD-nYFP to make stock", 'Make Amp stock', 'Learn how to do replica plating', 'Digest PrD using EcoR1 and Pst1 (attempt #2)', 'Check CM plates for transformed colonies of pXP218-PrD-nYFP', 'Make glycerol stock of Bba-K592012', "Gel extract clean up from PCR'd PRD-YFP (#72-74) o make stock ", 'Run gel on digested PrD (attempt #1, part1)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 2 redo)', 'PCR PrD-CFP with gradient annealing temperature for -ve ctrl (attempt 3)', 'Diagnostic Gel of PCR product for PrD-CFP', 'PCR clean up of PrD-CFP (attempt 3 & 4) and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1) + nano-drop '],
'Jun20':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Make gels', 'Run gel for PCR products (PrD-nYFP, using Taq)', 'Clean up PCR products (PrD-nYFP, using Taq)', 'Run PCR for PrD-nYFP using Q5 enzyme at 70 and 72 C', 'Redo PCR for PrD-nYFP using Taq enzyme at 59 and 61 C', 'Digest miniprep 284 (1), 284 (2), and 284 (6) from yesterday with PstI and EcoRI', 'Digest PrD-cYFP, PrD-nYFP, and PrD with PstI and EcoRI', "Run gel for digested 284's and perform gel extraction (for all of them)", 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-nYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-cYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD', 'Complete Benchling lab entry templates', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Read the papers'],
'Oct16':['Filter sterilize yeast nutrients (Ura, Ade, Trp, Leu, Hist)', 'Make PEG', 'Make TE (x10 concentration)', 'Make TEL', 'Make PEG-TEL', 'Prepare shipment of biobricks', 'Make WO and YPD plates', 'Inoculate PrD-CFP in pXP and PrD-YFP in pXP.'],
'Jul19':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP in PXP218, in DH5-alpha, using primers 15 and 16  (attempt #)'],
'Aug25':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Autoclave LB broth ', 'Make LB agar ', 'Check Cm/Amp test plates', 'Re-test Amp plates', 'Make Amp stock', 'Test Amp stock', 'Run gel on ligated PrD-YFP in pXP420', 'Transform PrD-YFP in pXP420 into E. coli (attempt #1)', 'Miniprep 284 for PSB1C3 with RFP stuffer  '],
'Sep18':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-CFP in pXP218, in E. coli, using 17 and 18 (attempt 1)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-CFP in pXP218], in E. coli (attempt 1)", "Digest PrD-nYFP (#4) from Cody's Box v2", "Run diagnostic gel for digested PrD-nYFP and miniprepped PrD-nYFP (Shwetha's box #1) (attempt #2)", 'Column purification of digested PrD-nYFP (attempt #2)', 'Fill P10 tip boxes', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP and pXP216 (attempt #2)', 'Run Gel for PCR PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)', 'PCR Clean up of PrD -cYFP ', 'PCR PrD -cYFP (attempt #2)', 'Redo cPCR of PrD-cYFP in PxP216'],
'Jul9':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Colony PCR of PrD cYFP attempt', 'Colony PCR of PrD YFP attempt', 'Ligate pXP218 and PrD-nYFP (attempt #3)', 'Transform ligated pXP218 and PrD-nYFP into E.coli cells (attempt #3)', 'PCR of PRD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'Gel extraction of PrD-YFP and pSB1C3', 'PCR of PRD-nYFP (72 C and 75 C)', 'PCR of PrD-CFP (attempt 3)', 'Diagnostic Gel of PrD-CFP/nYFP', 'Digest of PrD-YFP and pSB1C3', "Diagnostic gel of pSB1C3 that got PCR'd yesterday", "PCR cleanup of pSB1C3 that got PCR'd yesterday"],
'Aug24':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Autoclave LB broth', 'Incubate PrD-nYFP in pXP420, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 1 redo)', 'Make Cm/Amp plates', 'Ligate pXP420 and PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Test Cm/Amp plates ', 'Digest of PrD-cYFP using EcoRI and PstI', 'Make Amp plates of varying concentrations to test pXP420', 'Inoculate E. coli with pXP420, pXP218, and no plasmid on Amp plates of varying concentrations'],
'May20':['Make Competent Cells', 'Run diagnostic gel and Purify PCR Products'],
'Aug3':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain ', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo)', 'Still testing Primers repeated PCR of pxp218 Primers for cPCR #17 & 18, #21,22', 'Make 1x TAE Buffer'],
'Jul27':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', "Cody's research task", 'Make antibiotic tracking sheet', 'Inoculate strain 284 in LB broth w/ Cm to obtain pSB1C3 backbone (attempt 3)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2)", 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Test Colony PCR primers (PXP - 17 and 18, PSB 19 and 20)', 'Dilute Stock Primers (13,14,15,16) to 10uM in 100 uL', 'Clean labware (sink and fume hood)', 'Make LB', 'Throw out biohazardous/liquid waste', 'Transform PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3 into E.coli using Heat Shock (attempt 3, redo 4)', 'Incubate PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3 in E.coli on CM Plates', 'Run gel to test Colony PCR primers (PXP - 17 and 18, PSB 19 and 20)'],
'Sep11':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'PCR of PrD-YFP for future uses ', "Digest PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 (Clara's box #22) and pXP218 (Leah's box #16) using SalI and SphI (attempt 1)", 'Run diagnostic gel on PCR of PrD-YFP ', 'Gel extraction of PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Ligation of PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 in pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'cPCR PrD-cYFP in pxp218 (for Clara)', 'PCR of PrD-nYFP for Pxp216 and Pxp420', 'Innoculate yeast ', 'PCR clean-up of PrD-nYFP for Pxp216 and Pxp420', 'PCR clean-up of PrD-YFP ', 'Autoclave 2.0 mL / 0.2 mL microtubes'],
'Sep29':['Inocculate colonies that potentially contain PrD-YFP in pXP216 and PrD-cYFP in pXP218', 'Ligate PrD-YFP with pXP216 and pXP420 v2', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP with pXP216 and pXP420 v2 (attempt 1)', 'Do cPCR of colonies on plate for ligation of PrD-YFP into pXP216'],
'Aug11':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Make LB plates', 'Make Cm and Amp stock', 'Redo PCR pSB1C3 with primers 23 and 24 to check whether they work (attempt 2)', "Run gel for PCR'd pSB1C3 (attempt 2)", 'Clean labware (sink)', 'Message people about their samples left in the fridge'],
'Sep20':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'cPCR for PrD-nYFP/pXP216', "Run diagnostic gel for cPCR'd PrD-nYFP/pXP216", 'Transform Ligated PrD-cYFP and PXP 218 (Attempt #2)', "Inoculated Clara's #2, #3 plate grown cells onto liquid LB Culture "],
'Sep17':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Check Amp plates', 'Transform PrD-CFP in pXP218 into yeast (Attempt 1)'],
'Aug29':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Miniprep PXP420 (4)', 'Streak PXP420 onto different concentrations of Ampicillin (0-70)', 'Plate PrD YFP -> PSB1C3', 'Inoculate PXP218 onto correct antibiotic (Amp)', 'Miniprep PrD YFP -> PSB1C3', 'Digest PrD YFP -> PSB1C3 with EcoRi and BamHI', 'Transform PrD CFP and PrD cYFP into PSB1C3', 'Incubate PrD CFP and PrD cYF in PSB1C3, in E. coli, on Cm plates (attempt #1)', 'Digest PrD nYFP and PSB1C3 with EcoRI and PstI', 'Gel Extract PrD nYFP and PSB1C3', 'Ligate PrD nYFP and PSB1C3', 'Make Cm Plates', 'Amplify PrD CFP/PrD cYFP (run gel to find out which)', 'Run gel on ligated PrD CFP and PrD cYFP in PSB1C3 to see if ligation worked ', 'Clean-up of digested PrD-cYFP and pXP218', 'Ligation of PrD-cYFP into pXP218', "Run gel of Cody's PCR products (PrD CFP/PrD cYFP)"],
'Jun14':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Inoculate Strain containing PSB1C3', 'PCR PrD using RFC 23 Primers', 'PCR PrD-cYFP using RFC 10 Primers', 'Diagnostic gel of PCR Products', 'Cleanup PCR products', 'Read papers', 'Pour gel'],
'Jul26':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', "Cody's research task", 'Gel extract digested pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Make antibiotic tracking sheet', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP in PXP218, in DH5alpha (attempt #1)", "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD in pSB1C3, in DH5alpha (attempt #1)", 'PCR for PrD-CFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 3)', 'Inoculate strain 118 in LB broth w/ Cm to obtain pSB1C3 backbone (attempt 3)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 2)', 'Digest PrD-nYFP (Box 1, #52) and PSB1C3 with RFP stuffer (Box 1, #38) with EcoR1 and Pst1 (attempt 3, redo 4)', 'Run gel electrophoresis for digested PrD-nYFP and PSB1C3 (attempt 3)', 'Make LB', 'PCR using new primers 17 and 18 on minipreped PXP218 to test if they were diluted properly ', 'Gel extract digested pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 3)', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP and PSB1C3 (attempt 3, redo 3)'],
'Jun5':["Make gel with 1 kb ladders to test Kingsley's gel comb vs regular gel comb", 'Research enzymes in side-pathways of metabolism (for potential use as engineered prions).', 'Test competent cells', 'Run diagnostic gel for minipreped 412 and 413 ', 'PCR Cup1 promoter from plasmids 412 and 413', 'PCR clean-up of plasmid backbones (PSB1C3, PSB1T3, PSB1A3, PSB1K3)'],
'Aug18':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', "PCR PrD cYFP (2017 Box 1, #28) and PrD-CFP (Leah's box, #6), using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1)", 'Redo cPCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primer 23 and 24 (attempt 2 redo redo)', 'Check Cm and Amp test plates', 'Make Cm plates', 'Test Amp stock in LB broth', 'Digest and then ligate PrD-YFP and pXP420'],
'Sep10':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Nano drop mini prep PrD-CFP PXP218, PrD-cYFP PSB1C3, and PrD PSB1C3', 'Make frozen stock of PrD-YFP PSB1C3 and PrD-CFP PSB1C3', 'Miniprep pXP216 and pXP420 v2'],
'Jul5':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3)', 'Transform PrD-YFP into S. cerevisiae (attempt 2)', 'PCR for PrD using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 4)', 'Make Cm stock', 'PCR cleanup of PrD (attempt 3)', 'Diagnostic Gel of PCR PrD-CFP (attempt 3)', 'Clean labware'],
'Aug23':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Transform PrD-nYFP in pXP420 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Incubate PrD-nYFP in pXP420, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 1)', 'Make Cm and Amp plates', 'Make LB broth', 'Digest PrD-YFP and pXP420 using SalI and Sph1 (attempt 2)', 'Colony PCR of PrD-YFP from transformed E.coli colonies ', "Gel of PCR'd PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)", 'Gel of c-PCR of PrD-YFP ', 'PCR clean-up of PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-YFP and pXP420 (attempt 2)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-YFP and pXP420 (attempt 2)', 'Digest pXP420 with XhoI and SalI to make sure it is in fact pXP420'],
'Aug1':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - summarized article', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria - researched how to characterize a terminator', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', "Nanodrop PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo) and miniprepped strain 284 (attempt 3)", 'Colony PCR for PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3'],
'May19':['Image diagnostic gel for pcr of linearized plasmids', 'Purify pcr products', 'Make Competent Cells', 'PCR linear plasmids again', 'Run Diagnostic Gel on PCR products'],
'Aug26':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', "Check on Jamie's re-test on Amp plates, and testing for Amp stock", 'Get our stuff from the oven (bottom rack)', 'Autoclave LB agar (in bottom rack of fridge)'],
'Sep7':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', "Run gel on the PCR'd cYFP from yesterday", 'Inncoculate cPCR colonies that may have worked (PrD-CFP PXP218)', 'Moved items in autoclave to oven', 'PCR for CFP using primers 35 and 36 (attempt 1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-CFP in PXP218, in E coli, using primer #17 and #18  (attempt 2)'],
'Sep8':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PxP218 with Sal1 and Pst1 (attempt 1)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-cYFP and PxP218 (attempt #1)', 'Gel extract digested PxP218 (attempt #1)', 'Column purify digested PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)', 'Ligate PxP218 and PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)', 'Run gel on cPCR products of PrD-CFP in PXP218', 'Incoculate PrD-CFP PXP218, PrD-cYFP PSB1C3, and PrD PSB1C3'],
'Aug31':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Innoculate E. coli with PrD-CFP+PSB1C3 and PrD-YFP+PSB1C3', 'Incubate  PrD in PSB1C3, in E coli, on Cm plates '],
'Jun3':['Make competent cells', 'Prepare to test competent cells', 'Run gel on PCR Plasmid backbones (PSB1C3, PSB1T3, PSB1A3, PSB1K3)'],
'Aug22':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Digest PrD-nYFP and pXP420 using SalI and Sph1 (attempt 1)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-nYFP and pXP420 (attempt 1)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-nYFP and pXP420 (attempt 1)', 'Ligate pXP420 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', 'Digest PrD-YFP and pXP420 using SalI and Sph1 (attempt 1)', 'Make Cm and Amp plates', 'Transformation of PrD-YFP/pSB1C3 into E.coli using heat shock', 'Run gel on digested PrD-YFP and pXP420 (attempt 1)', 'Transformation of PrD-CFP/pXP218 into E.coli using heat shock (attempt 1)', "PCR cleanup leah's PCR'd PrD-YFP (#3)", 'PCR PrD-YFP using primers 33 and 34 (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 1) ", "PCR cleanup of my PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 1)", 'Gel extract digested pXP420 (attempt 1)'],
'Jun7':['Gel extraction on 412 and 413', 'Run gel on 412a digest', 'Miniprep of 379', 'Order supplies (MgSO4, KCL, PEG, Tris base, Tryptone)', 'Inoculate 284 into LB with Cm * 5', 'Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'FIND AN APPLICATION FOR OUR PROJECT', 'Inoculate 412, 413 and a control with Amp '],
'Jun15':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Reorganize primer box', 'PCR PSB1C3 using new primers', 'Resuspend new primers', 'Inoculate strain containing PSB1C3', 'Miniprep inoculated colonies', 'Digest PSB1C3 using EcoRI and PstI', 'Digest PrD cYFP with EcoRI and PstI then heat kill enzymes at 80 for 20mins', 'Digest PrD nYFP with EcoRI and PstI then heat kill enzymes at 80 for 20mins', 'Make a Gel (x2)', 'Run Gel for Gel Extraction of digested PSB1C3', 'Gel Extract PSB1C3', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and parts', 'Transform assembled plasmid into e. coli using electroporation/heat shock then plate on Cm Plates', 'come up with SID (secret iGEM dance)', 'Lab Meeting 7:00 pm Gleave', 'Inoculate Strain 284 into 5mL with Cm', 'Read the papers'],
'Oct2':['Pls someone make YPD agar and YPD liquid media', 'Make frozen stock of PrD-YFP in pXP216', 'Inoculate more psi- and PSI+ yeast in YPD (from the new plate this time)'],
'Aug10':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Make LB agar', 'Make LB, Amp, and Cm plates', 'PCR pSB1C3 with primers 23 and 24 to check whether they work (attempt 1)'],
'Jul25':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Colony PCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primers 19 and 20 (attempt 1)', "Cody's research task", 'Digest pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 2)', 'Run gel on digested pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Make 100 uL 10mM oligonucleotides from stock 100mM (VF2, VR, PXP Fwd, PXP Rev)', 'Transformation of PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3 plated on Cm plates (attempt 3, redo 3)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli (attempt 1)", 'Colony PCR for PrD in pSB1C3, in DH5alpha, using primers 19 and 20 (attempt #1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP in PxP218, in DH5alpha, using primers 18 and 17(attempt #1)'],
'Oct4':['Mini-prep 423 test tubes (6) into 3 1.5 ml tubes ', 'Innoculate PrD CFP (423 strain from box 6) 6 samples, 1 control '],
'May17':['Test Task pls ignore'],
'Jun16':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Inoculate 284 (1)', 'Inoculate 284 (2)', 'Inoculate 284 (3)', 'Inoculate 284 (4)', '31-Dec-1899', 'PCR PSB1C3 using primers 10 and 12', 'Digest Strains 118 and 111 using EcoRI and PstI', 'PCR cleanup of PSB1C3', 'Gel Purification on todays samples', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD cYFP/PrD nYFP together', 'Transform via electroporation (there are some chemically competent cells left as well so heat shock is an option)', 'PCR PrD YFP and PrD CFP using RFC 10 primers (2 and 4)', 'Make Gel for PCR and Gel Extraction (i.e. 2 Gels 1 at 150 and 1 at 75)', 'Review the CSM presentation and give feedback on slides and content', 'Research potential application to using engineered prions as nanofibers', 'Read the papers'],
'Jul7':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Update reason why second band exists in the lab book', 'Transform PrD-YFP into S. cerevisiae (attempt 2)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Cm plates', 'Gel extraction of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3 redo)', 'Gel extraction of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 4)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD (attempt 4) ", 'PCR for PrD-nYFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt #3)', "Run gel for PCR's PrD-nYFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt #3)", 'Digest + Gel Extraction of PXP218 and PrD cYFP', 'Ligation of PXP218 vector and Prd cYFP', 'Transformation of PrD cYFP on PXP218 into e. coli', 'PCR cleanup of PrD (attempt 4) ', 'Make Amp Plates', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 4) ", 'PCR of PrD YFP (make 2) (attempt 1)', 'Gel of PrD YFP, one half diagnostic, the other half for gel extraction', 'Gel extraction of one of the PrD YFP samples', 'PCR cleanup of the other PrD YFP sample', 'Clean labware'],
'Sep14':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Clean lab + dishes ', 'Miniprep PrD nYFP/PXP216/PXP420', 'Make Frozen stocks of PrD nYFP/pXP216/pXP420', 'Redo cPCR of PrD-cYFP in PxP216', 'Diagnostic digests of all parts (enzymes tbd full YFP)', 'Digest PrD-cYFP/pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP/pSB1C3 with EcoRI and PstI; and PrD-CFP/pXP218 with SphI and SalI', 'Digest PrD-YFP', 'Dilute Primer #37 (PXP rev new) to 10uM', 'Miniprep cells with constructs (that Cody inoculated)', 'Colony PCR of transformed pXP216/PrD-nYFP (attempt #1)', "Run diagnostic gel for cPCR of pXP216/PrD-nYFP and Shwetha's digest samples", 'Gel extract PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Ligate PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempts 1 and 2)'],
'Jun23':['Running gel for digested PrD-nYFP and PrD-cYFP', 'Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Prepare schedule', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Make 1x TE Buffer', "PCR cleanup the PCR'd PrD-nYFP and PrD-CFP from yesterday", 'PCR PrD using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 1)', 'PCR cleanup for PrD (attempt 1)', 'Diagnostic gel for PrD (attempt 1)', 'Resuspend PrD-YFP in TE buffer', 'PCR PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1)', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-cYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-nYFP', 'Digest PrD using EcoRI and PstI ', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD', 'Write up protocol for PCR', 'Make 10L of 1x TAE Buffer', 'Wash labware', 'Fix clocks'],
'Jun1':['Make competent cells', 'Inoculate strains 412 and 413 into LB w/ Amp from frozen stock', 'Grow up Yeast Colony from plate', 'Inoculate 418 from plate', 'Inoculate 412 and 413 again', 'Make 10x LiAC Solution'],
'Aug21':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Gel extract digested PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Ligate PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Redo cPCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primer 23 and 24 (attempt 2 redo redo)', 'Check Amp test broth', 'Make Cm and Amp plates', 'Make TEL media for yeast', 'PCR clean-up of cYFP and PrD-CFP (attempt 1)', 'Miniprep of strain 384 (which contains pXP218 with no insert).'],
'Jun21':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Clean up PCR products of PrD-nYFP PCR', 'Run gel for PCR products (PrD-nYFP, using Taq and Q5) to determine ideal PCR conditions', 'Pick best PCR product for PrD-nYFP and digest with PstI and EcoRI', 'Do another PCR for PrD-nYFP using Taq, and primers 2 and 4', 'Complete gel extraction of digested pSB1C3 backbone from 284', 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PrD', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-cYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-nYFP', 'Make 50x TAE', 'Make 0.5 M EDTA', 'Wash Labware', 'Prepare schedule', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling'],
'Sep9':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Make frozen stock of PrD-CFP PXP218, PrD-cYFP PSB1C3, and PrD PSB1C3', 'Mini Prep PrD-CFP PXP218, PrD-cYFP PSB1C3, and PrD PSB1C3', 'Innoculate PrD-YFP PSB1C3 and PrD-CFP PSB1C3'],
'Jul18':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Move the purple reporter and plain DH5a test tubes from the incubator to the fridge'],

Latest revision as of 01:15, 2 November 2017

var notes = {'Sep1':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Miniprep PrD-CFP+PSB1C3, PrD-cYFP+PSB1C3, and PrD-YFP+PSB1C3', 'Transform PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP in PSB1C3 into E coli (attempt #2)', 'Make Cm plates', 'Transform PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP in PxP218 into E coli (attempt #2)', 'Transform PrD-cYFP PxP218 into E coli ', 'Incubate PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP in PSB1C3, in E coli, on Cm plates (attempt #2)', 'Incubate PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP in PxP218, in E coli, on Amp plates (attempt #2)', 'Incubate PrD-cYFP in PxP218, in E coli, on Amp plates ', 'Check Cm plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-PSB1C3 (attempt #2)', 'Colony PCR for PrD in PSB1C3, in E coli, using primer #23 and #24 (attempt #2)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD in PSB1C3, in E coli (attempt #2)"],'Sep16':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Check Amp plates', 'Transform PrD-CFP in pXP218 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Incubate PrD-CFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 1)'],'Jul14':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Compile Shad materials on cart', 'Re-run a gel on all of the 1 kb gene rulers to see which ones are good (we lost the image from the last one)', "Dilute 1 kb gene rulers that weren't good to see if they can be salvaged", "Grow-up sample of Leah's transformation in 1 mL LB", 'Test LB broth for contamination', 'Make 1x TAE Buffer', 'Transform PrD in PSB1C3 into E.coli (attempt #2)', 'Incubate PrD in PSB1C3, in E. coli, on Cm plates (attempt # 2)', 'Run diagnostic gel for colony PCR products of PrD-nYFP/pXP218 (attempt 3)', 'Check Amp patch plate for transformed colonies of PrD-nYFP/pXP218 (attempt 3)', 'Make LB plates for SHAD'],'Jul9':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Colony PCR of PrD cYFP attempt', 'Colony PCR of PrD YFP attempt', 'Ligate pXP218 and PrD-nYFP (attempt #3)', 'Transform ligated pXP218 and PrD-nYFP into E.coli cells (attempt #3)', 'PCR of PRD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'Gel extraction of PrD-YFP and pSB1C3', 'PCR of PRD-nYFP (72 C and 75 C)', 'PCR of PrD-CFP (attempt 3)', 'Diagnostic Gel of PrD-CFP/nYFP', 'Digest of PrD-YFP and pSB1C3', "Diagnostic gel of pSB1C3 that got PCR'd yesterday", "PCR cleanup of pSB1C3 that got PCR'd yesterday"],'Jul11':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 2 redo)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP in pXP218, in E. coli, using 2016 Primers #15 and 16 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Test Cm and Amp stock (strains 412 and 45)', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers 2 and 4', 'Make Cm Stock ', 'Gel extract digested PrD (attempt #1, part1)', 'Draw iGEM logo on plate using reporter protein', "Ligate leftover digested PrD-nYFP and digested PXP218 (from Steven's Box) (attempt 3 redo 1)", 'Wash labware', 'PCR of PrD-YFP (attempt #5) with primers #2 and #4 into PSB1C3', 'PCR YFP and nYFP from 41 42 62 66 58 57 65', 'Run Gel on PCR products', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)'],'Jul18':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Move the purple reporter and plain DH5a test tubes from the incubator to the fridge'],'Jul4':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Calibrate eppendorf pipettes', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 1)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 2)', 'Make more CM and LB plates for transformation', 'Transform PrD-YFP into S. cerevisiae (attempt 2)', 'PCR for PRD nYFP for insert into pXP218 (attempt 3) ', 'PCR cleanup of PrD (attempt 2)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-nYFP (attempt 3)", "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 1)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 2)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 2)', 'Digest PrD-cYFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-nYFP using Primers #2 and #4 (attempt 2)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-nYFP (attempt 2)", "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt #2)"],'Jun14':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Inoculate Strain containing PSB1C3', 'PCR PrD using RFC 23 Primers', 'PCR PrD-cYFP using RFC 10 Primers', 'Diagnostic gel of PCR Products', 'Cleanup PCR products', 'Read papers', 'Pour gel'],'Aug28':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', "Inoculate PXP420 from Leah's plate and stab culture into LB w/ amp", 'Streak Plate DH5Alpha from frozen onto LB plate', 'Digest PrD-CFP, PrD-cYFP, and PSB1C3 with EcoR1 and Pst1', 'Inoculate PXP218 into LB Amp', 'PCR PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP with Phusion', 'Order new plasmids', 'PCR Cleanup of PrD-CFP, PrD-cYFP', 'Run gel on digested PrD-cYFP, PrD-CFP, and PSB1C3 (attempt #1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)", 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt #1)', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)'],'Sep20':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'cPCR for PrD-nYFP/pXP216', "Run diagnostic gel for cPCR'd PrD-nYFP/pXP216", 'Transform Ligated PrD-cYFP and PXP 218 (Attempt #2)', "Inoculated Clara's #2, #3 plate grown cells onto liquid LB Culture "],'Jun30':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Gel extract digested pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'Ligate PrD-YFP and pXP218 (attempt 2)', 'Check CM plates for transformed colonies containing pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PRD/PrD-nYFP (attempt 3/2) ", 'PCR for PrD using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 2) ', 'PCR for PrD-nYFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1)', 'Calibrate eppendorf pipettes', 'Clean labware', 'PCR for PrD using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 2)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD/ PrD-nYFP (attempt 2/1)", 'PCR for PrD using primers 6 and 7/8 (attempt 3)'],'Sep6':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', "Miniprep of Calara's samples (6 & 8) + Nanodrop of the samples from Clara's box (from yesterday)", 'Wash dishes- the test tubes ', 'Clean labware ', 'Run gel on left over cPCR products from yesterday (prd-cfp PXP218)', "Redo the gel of the PCR'd cYFP from yesterday.", 'Redo the PCR of cYFP from yesterday but with all three pairs of primers I guess.'],'Sep18':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-CFP in pXP218, in E. coli, using 17 and 18 (attempt 1)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-CFP in pXP218], in E. coli (attempt 1)", "Digest PrD-nYFP (#4) from Cody's Box v2", "Run diagnostic gel for digested PrD-nYFP and miniprepped PrD-nYFP (Shwetha's box #1) (attempt #2)", 'Column purification of digested PrD-nYFP (attempt #2)', 'Fill P10 tip boxes', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP and pXP216 (attempt #2)', 'Run Gel for PCR PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)', 'PCR Clean up of PrD -cYFP ', 'PCR PrD -cYFP (attempt #2)', 'Redo cPCR of PrD-cYFP in PxP216'],'Sep9':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Make frozen stock of PrD-CFP PXP218, PrD-cYFP PSB1C3, and PrD PSB1C3', 'Mini Prep PrD-CFP PXP218, PrD-cYFP PSB1C3, and PrD PSB1C3', 'Innoculate PrD-YFP PSB1C3 and PrD-CFP PSB1C3'],'Jun15':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Reorganize primer box', 'PCR PSB1C3 using new primers', 'Resuspend new primers', 'Inoculate strain containing PSB1C3', 'Miniprep inoculated colonies', 'Digest PSB1C3 using EcoRI and PstI', 'Digest PrD cYFP with EcoRI and PstI then heat kill enzymes at 80 for 20mins', 'Digest PrD nYFP with EcoRI and PstI then heat kill enzymes at 80 for 20mins', 'Make a Gel (x2)', 'Run Gel for Gel Extraction of digested PSB1C3', 'Gel Extract PSB1C3', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and parts', 'Transform assembled plasmid into e. coli using electroporation/heat shock then plate on Cm Plates', 'come up with SID (secret iGEM dance)', 'Lab Meeting 7:00 pm Gleave', 'Inoculate Strain 284 into 5mL with Cm', 'Read the papers'],'Oct3':['Inoculate 423 from frozen into 6 test tubes (with Amp)', "Inoculate Max's spot plate #2 into 2 test tubes (with Amp)", 'Transform PrD-nYFP in pXP216 and pXP420 v2 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Make more Amp plates'],'Sep14':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Clean lab + dishes ', 'Miniprep PrD nYFP/PXP216/PXP420', 'Make Frozen stocks of PrD nYFP/pXP216/pXP420', 'Redo cPCR of PrD-cYFP in PxP216', 'Diagnostic digests of all parts (enzymes tbd full YFP)', 'Digest PrD-cYFP/pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP/pSB1C3 with EcoRI and PstI; and PrD-CFP/pXP218 with SphI and SalI', 'Digest PrD-YFP', 'Dilute Primer #37 (PXP rev new) to 10uM', 'Miniprep cells with constructs (that Cody inoculated)', 'Colony PCR of transformed pXP216/PrD-nYFP (attempt #1)', "Run diagnostic gel for cPCR of pXP216/PrD-nYFP and Shwetha's digest samples", 'Gel extract PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Ligate PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempts 1 and 2)'],'Jun2':['Miniprep Inoculated Colonies', 'Yeast Transformations', 'Make competent cells', 'PCR Plasmid backbones (PSB1C3, PSB1T3, PSB1A3, PSB1K3)', 'PCR cup1 promoter from miniprepped 412 and 413 plasmids'],'Aug1':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - summarized article', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria - researched how to characterize a terminator', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', "Nanodrop PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo) and miniprepped strain 284 (attempt 3)", 'Colony PCR for PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3'],'Jul17':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Inoculate RFP (284), purple reporter (421), and plain DH5a for Shad (118)', 'Compile Shad materials on cart', "Dilute 1 kb gene rulers that weren't good to see if they can be salvaged (redo)", 'Transform PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Digest PrD-YFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 4)', 'Make LB plates ', 'The 3D printing survey has been officially sent off, and we are already receiving feedback\n', 'Progress has been made on the collaboration study and more details will be shared later', 'Work on final preparations for the SHAD workshop', 'Discussion on what kind of questions to ask prion experts for interviews\n'],'Oct14':['Transform PrD-nYFP/pXP216 into E.coli and plate on Amp plates', 'FLOW Cup1 characterization part 3', 'PCR of YFP with primers 25 and 28'],'May25':['Assess Competent Cell Plates', 'Streak 387 and 388 on YPD Agar', 'Read about the Interlab Measurement Study', 'Purify PCR Products if gel works', 'Run gel on PCR products and miniprepped plasmids ', 'Prepare materials to re-make competent cells', 'Read Yeast Protocols'],'Sep19':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Transformation of PrD-nYFP/pXP216 into E.coli (attempt #2)', 'Incubate plates with transformed PrD-nYFP/pXP216 (attempt #2)', 'Fill P1000 tip boxes', 'Wash labware', 'run gel of cPCR PrD-cYFP in PxP218', 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PXP 218 (Attempt #2)', 'Gel extract Digest PrD-cYFP and PXP 218 (Attempt #2)', 'Ligate PrD-cYFP and PXP 218 (Attempt #2)'],'Sep22':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Transform PrD-YFP in pXP216 and pXP420 v2 into ecoli', 'Diagnostic Gel of cPCR PrD-nYFP pxp216', 'Inoculate PrD-YFP PsB1C3', 'Make LB plates for workshop', 'Miniprep PrD-YFP PsB1C3 and PrD-cYFP pxp218 (2/3)', 'Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Inoculate LB with PrD-YFP', "Ligation of PrD-YFP into pXP216 and pXP420 v2 (Leah's samples)", 'PCR of PrD-CFP.pXP218 using primers #22 and #38 as well as primers #18 and #38', 'Diagnostic Gel of primer testing (#22/#38 and #18/38) ', 'cPCR of Pxp216- PrDnYFP with primers #22 and # 38'],'Aug18':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', "PCR PrD cYFP (2017 Box 1, #28) and PrD-CFP (Leah's box, #6), using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1)", 'Redo cPCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primer 23 and 24 (attempt 2 redo redo)', 'Check Cm and Amp test plates', 'Make Cm plates', 'Test Amp stock in LB broth', 'Digest and then ligate PrD-YFP and pXP420'],'Aug17':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'PCR Cleanup of nYFP', 'PCR nYFP using Phusion Polymerase', "Run gel for PCR'd nYFP (w phusion)", 'PCR Cleanup of nYFP (w phusion)', 'Miniprep of PXP420', 'Make LB', 'Resuspend PrD YFP', 'Create Dilutions of other DNA Stocks', "Digest PXP420 and nYFP from Max's box using SphI and SalI", 'PCR PrD YFP Using Q5 and Primer set 2'],'Jun9':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Read papers'],'Oct28':['WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI cry', 'PCR YFP ', 'Flow time points 9am - 11pm every 2 hours '],'Sep23':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Miniprep PrD YFP in pSB1C3', 'Digest PrD YFP in pSB1C3 and pXP216 with SalI and SphI'],'Jun21':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Clean up PCR products of PrD-nYFP PCR', 'Run gel for PCR products (PrD-nYFP, using Taq and Q5) to determine ideal PCR conditions', 'Pick best PCR product for PrD-nYFP and digest with PstI and EcoRI', 'Do another PCR for PrD-nYFP using Taq, and primers 2 and 4', 'Complete gel extraction of digested pSB1C3 backbone from 284', 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PrD', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-cYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-nYFP', 'Make 50x TAE', 'Make 0.5 M EDTA', 'Wash Labware', 'Prepare schedule', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling'],'Sep13':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Nandrop PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Ligation of PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 in pXP218 (attempt 1)', "Digest PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 (Clara's box #21), (attempt 2)", 'Gel extract PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Ligate PrD-CFP and pXP218', 'Restriction Digest PrD-nYFP and Pxp420', 'Gel extract PrD-nYFP and Pxp420', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP in PxP218 (attempt 1)", 'Transform PrD-YFP + PXP216 and PrD-YFP + PXP420 v2 in DH5alpha', 'Incubate Prd-YFP in PXP216, in DH5alpha, on Amp plates (attempt #1)', 'Incubate Prd-YFP in PXP216, in DH5alpha, on Amp plates (attempt #1)', 'Inoculate PXP 420 v2 strain into LB Amp', 'Inoculate PXP 216 strain into LB Amp', 'Make Amp plates and just LB plates', 'Transform PrD-nYFP/pXP216 (attempt #1)', 'Digest PrD-cYFP/pSB1C3, PrD-CFP/pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP/pXP218 with SacI', 'Incubate transformed PrD-nYFP/pXP216 on Amp plates (attempt #1)'],'Aug9':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - summarizing new articles', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Inoculate Addgene plasmid on Amp plate', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli (attempt 2 redo)", 'Restriction enzyme digest of PrD-YFP using enzymes EcoRI-HF and PstI'],'Oct2':['Pls someone make YPD agar and YPD liquid media', 'Make frozen stock of PrD-YFP in pXP216', 'Inoculate more psi- and PSI+ yeast in YPD (from the new plate this time)'],'Jul23':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Digest PrD-nYFP from Box 1, Tube #62 (attempt 3, redo 3)', 'Run diagnostic gel for PSB1C3 (Box 1, #5) and PrD-nYFP (Box 1, #62)', 'Check Amp plates following transformation of PrD-nYFP/PXP218', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP + PSB1C3', 'Nanodrop PSB1C3 backbones from Box 1'],'Jul13':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Check Cm stock test plates', 'Make Cm plates', 'Check Amp plates for transformed pXP218-PrD-nYFP colonies (attempt 3)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 2 redo)', 'Check Amp test plates', 'See if the PCR template for the lab manual fits - if it does, print more', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD (attempt #2)', 'Make LB agar', 'Make LB and Str (4x) plates for Melissa', 'Run colony PCR for transformed PrD-nYFP (attempt #3)', 'Plate colonies on Amp plate (attempt #3)', 'Inoculate Yellow and White colonies into LB for Melissa', 'PCR clean-up of products from PrD-YFP (attempt 4)'],'Oct10':['YPD broth made- left on counter- please autoclave this! ', 'Flow- first reading'],'Jun29':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Linearize pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Gel extract digested pXP218 (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-cYFP (attempt 1.5)", 'PCR amplification of PrD-CFP (attempt 3)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1.5)', 'Transform pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP into E.coli (attempt 1)', 'Plate transformed pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', 'PCR cleanup of PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)', 'Make LB broth', 'Check CM plates for transformed colonies containing pSB1C3 and PrD (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 2)'],'Oct26':['Taking colonies from plate for flow cytometry expeiments ', 'Flow time points 9am - 11pm every 2 hours '],'Sep25':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'cPCR for PrD-nYFP/pXP216 (attempt 2, redo 2)', "Run gel for cPCR'd PrD-nYFP/pXP216"],'Oct4':['Mini-prep 423 test tubes (6) into 3 1.5 ml tubes ', 'Innoculate PrD CFP (423 strain from box 6) 6 samples, 1 control '],'Aug8':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - reading even more articles', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Check Cm for transformed colonies containing PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primer 23 and 24 (attempt 2 redo)'],'Oct29':['Inoculate PrD-YFP in pxp218 and Pxp218', 'PCR YFP (gradient with q5 and PH)', 'PCR M domain '],'Jul20':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Make the 2x 60 mL 1% agarose gels in two flasks for Shad valley'],'Jul27':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', "Cody's research task", 'Make antibiotic tracking sheet', 'Inoculate strain 284 in LB broth w/ Cm to obtain pSB1C3 backbone (attempt 3)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2)", 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Test Colony PCR primers (PXP - 17 and 18, PSB 19 and 20)', 'Dilute Stock Primers (13,14,15,16) to 10uM in 100 uL', 'Clean labware (sink and fume hood)', 'Make LB', 'Throw out biohazardous/liquid waste', 'Transform PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3 into E.coli using Heat Shock (attempt 3, redo 4)', 'Incubate PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3 in E.coli on CM Plates', 'Run gel to test Colony PCR primers (PXP - 17 and 18, PSB 19 and 20)'],'Sep11':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'PCR of PrD-YFP for future uses ', "Digest PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 (Clara's box #22) and pXP218 (Leah's box #16) using SalI and SphI (attempt 1)", 'Run diagnostic gel on PCR of PrD-YFP ', 'Gel extraction of PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Ligation of PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 in pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'cPCR PrD-cYFP in pxp218 (for Clara)', 'PCR of PrD-nYFP for Pxp216 and Pxp420', 'Innoculate yeast ', 'PCR clean-up of PrD-nYFP for Pxp216 and Pxp420', 'PCR clean-up of PrD-YFP ', 'Autoclave 2.0 mL / 0.2 mL microtubes'],'Oct17':['Transform PrD-YFP, PrD-CFP, PrD-YFP + PrD-CFP into PSI- and PSI+', 'Make Frozen stock of PRD-YFP in PXP216', 'Innoculation of Psi- & Psi- yeast strain 423 (PrD-CFP)', 'Cody & Shwetha mini prep a bunch of stuff (go team)'],'Aug30':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'PCR PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP with primers 1 and 3', 'Miniprep PXP218 ', 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP and PXP218', 'Gel extract PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP and PXP218', 'Ligate PrD-cYFP with PxP218', 'Ligate PrD-CFP with PxP218', 'Transform PrD nYFP and PSB1C3 into DH5alpha', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)", "Run gel on Leah's ligation products ", 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP with EcoR1-HF and Pst1 (attempt #2)', 'Column purify digested PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP (attempt #1)', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt #2)', 'Check Cm plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-cYFP-PSB1C3, and PrD-CFP-PSB1C3 (attempt #1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP each in PSB1C3, in E. coli, using primers #23 and #24 (attempt #1)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP each in PSB1C3, in E. coli, (attempt #1)", 'Column purify digested PrD-cYFP and PrD-CFP', 'PCR cleanup of PrD-nYFP (attempt #1)'],'Sep17':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Check Amp plates', 'Transform PrD-CFP in pXP218 into yeast (Attempt 1)'],'Jun19':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Miniprep 284 (1)', 'Miniprep 284 (2)', 'Miniprep 284 (3)', 'Miniprep 284 (4)', 'Miniprep 284 (5)', 'Miniprep 284 (6)', 'PCR of PrD n-YFP using primers 2 and 4', 'Make LB', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Read the papers'],'Jun8':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Miniprep inoculated samples: 284, 412, 413'],'May31':['Make CM, KM, Amp, TC Plates', 'Check Transformation Products', 'Make competent cells', 'Image gel of PSB1C3 + potential Cup1 promoter', 'Column Purify Psb1C3, Psb1K3, Psb1T3, Psb1A3. Nanodrop', 'Aliquot 50mL LB into capped beveled flasks; Autoclave', 'Diagnostic Gel for: Psb1c3, psb1k3, psb1T3, psb1A3'],'Jun22':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Prepare schedule', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Pick best PCR product for PrD-nYFP and digest with PstI and EcoRI', 'Do another PCR for PrD-nYFP using Taq, and primers 2 and 4', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-cYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-nYFP', 'PCR PrD-CFP using primers 2 and 4', 'PCR PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4', 'Make 1x TE Buffer', 'Run gel on PCR products (PrD-nYFP and PrD-CFP)'],'Jun6':['Check Competent Cells', 'Order Supplies (MgSO4, KCl, PEG, Tris base, Tryptone)', 'Inoculate 284 into LB with Cm * 5', 'Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Inoculate 379 into LB with Amp', 'Order primers', 'Take Yeast out of 30 degree incubator and put in fridge.', 'Digest plasmids from miniprepped 412 and 413', 'Gel Extraction on 412 and 413', 'Run Diagnostic Gel on potential Cup1 Promoter', "Run gel on PCR'd Cup1 promoter from plasmids 412 and 413", "Check on Jamie's competent cells later tonight"],'Jul16':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP + pXP218 (attempt 3, redo 2)', 'Wash labware'],'Aug25':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Autoclave LB broth ', 'Make LB agar ', 'Check Cm/Amp test plates', 'Re-test Amp plates', 'Make Amp stock', 'Test Amp stock', 'Run gel on ligated PrD-YFP in pXP420', 'Transform PrD-YFP in pXP420 into E. coli (attempt #1)', 'Miniprep 284 for PSB1C3 with RFP stuffer '],'Jul24':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Check Cm plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 (attempt 1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using [primer TBD] (attempt 1)', 'PCR PRD nYFP for insert into PSB1C3 (Attempt #4) ', 'Run gel for PCR products ', "Cody's research task", 'All sub-team members have read the iGEM 2016 Judging Handbook for project optics', 'Discuss how the SHAD workshop went and what can be improved on for future years', 'Brainstorm how panelists for the Gender Equity workshop should be chosen\n'],'Jun27':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Get wash buffer', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 2)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'PCR cleanup of PrD-nYFP for pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Digest PrD-nYFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 1)', 'Ligate pXP218 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 1)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Ligation of PrD-CFP (attempt 1) with PXP1c3', 'Linearize pXP218', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt #1)', 'PCR purify PrD-CFP'],'Sep8':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Digest PrD-cYFP and PxP218 with Sal1 and Pst1 (attempt 1)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-cYFP and PxP218 (attempt #1)', 'Gel extract digested PxP218 (attempt #1)', 'Column purify digested PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)', 'Ligate PxP218 and PrD-cYFP (attempt #1)', 'Run gel on cPCR products of PrD-CFP in PXP218', 'Incoculate PrD-CFP PXP218, PrD-cYFP PSB1C3, and PrD PSB1C3'],'Jul19':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP in PXP218, in DH5-alpha, using primers 15 and 16 (attempt #)'],'Jun28':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Linearize pXP218', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (attempt 2)', 'Digest PrD-YFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 2)', 'Transform PrD - pSB1C3 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', 'Wash labware', 'PCR amplification of PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Diagnostic Gel of PCR product of PrD-CFP', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers EcoRI and PstI (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-cYFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt #2)'],'Sep30':['Miniprep inocculated colonies from yesterday', 'Perform diagnostic digest digest of PrD-YFP in pXP216 and PrD-cYFP in pXP218 with SacI', 'Transform psi- and PSI+ yeast with PrD-YFP, PrD-CFP, and both', 'Prepare PrD-YFP and PrD-cYFP for sequencing'],'Oct30':['miniprep PrD-YFP in pxp218 and Pxp218', 'Digest YFP sal1 & sac1', 'Digest PxP218 sal1 & sac1', 'ligate YFP inot PXP218', 'FRET experiment ', 'WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI WIKI'],'Sep29':['Inocculate colonies that potentially contain PrD-YFP in pXP216 and PrD-cYFP in pXP218', 'Ligate PrD-YFP with pXP216 and pXP420 v2', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP with pXP216 and pXP420 v2 (attempt 1)', 'Do cPCR of colonies on plate for ligation of PrD-YFP into pXP216'],'Jun1':['Make competent cells', 'Inoculate strains 412 and 413 into LB w/ Amp from frozen stock', 'Grow up Yeast Colony from plate', 'Inoculate 418 from plate', 'Inoculate 412 and 413 again', 'Make 10x LiAC Solution'],'Aug23':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Transform PrD-nYFP in pXP420 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Incubate PrD-nYFP in pXP420, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 1)', 'Make Cm and Amp plates', 'Make LB broth', 'Digest PrD-YFP and pXP420 using SalI and Sph1 (attempt 2)', 'Colony PCR of PrD-YFP from transformed E.coli colonies ', "Gel of PCR'd PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)", 'Gel of c-PCR of PrD-YFP ', 'PCR clean-up of PrD-cYFP (attempt 1)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-YFP and pXP420 (attempt 2)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-YFP and pXP420 (attempt 2)', 'Digest pXP420 with XhoI and SalI to make sure it is in fact pXP420'],'Sep3':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Check Cm plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP in PSB1C3] (attempt #2)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP in PSB1C3, in E coli, using primer #23 and #24 (attempt #2)'],'Sep7':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', "Run gel on the PCR'd cYFP from yesterday", 'Inncoculate cPCR colonies that may have worked (PrD-CFP PXP218)', 'Moved items in autoclave to oven', 'PCR for CFP using primers 35 and 36 (attempt 1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-CFP in PXP218, in E coli, using primer #17 and #18 (attempt 2)'],'Aug2':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - Ran BLAST for Sup35 on other yeast strains', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria - Read article involving CYC1 terminator', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Digest PrD-YFP and pSB1C3 using EcoRI-HF and PstI (attempt 2 redo)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-YFP and pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-YFP and pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo)', 'PCR Prd-YFP'],'Jun16':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Inoculate 284 (1)', 'Inoculate 284 (2)', 'Inoculate 284 (3)', 'Inoculate 284 (4)', '31-Dec-1899', 'PCR PSB1C3 using primers 10 and 12', 'Digest Strains 118 and 111 using EcoRI and PstI', 'PCR cleanup of PSB1C3', 'Gel Purification on todays samples', 'Ligate PSB1C3 and PrD cYFP/PrD nYFP together', 'Transform via electroporation (there are some chemically competent cells left as well so heat shock is an option)', 'PCR PrD YFP and PrD CFP using RFC 10 primers (2 and 4)', 'Make Gel for PCR and Gel Extraction (i.e. 2 Gels 1 at 150 and 1 at 75)', 'Review the CSM presentation and give feedback on slides and content', 'Research potential application to using engineered prions as nanofibers', 'Read the papers'],'Aug26':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', "Check on Jamie's re-test on Amp plates, and testing for Amp stock", 'Get our stuff from the oven (bottom rack)', 'Autoclave LB agar (in bottom rack of fridge)'],'Aug31':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Innoculate E. coli with PrD-CFP+PSB1C3 and PrD-YFP+PSB1C3', 'Incubate PrD in PSB1C3, in E coli, on Cm plates '],'May28':['PCR PSB1C3 from #2 in Box 1 '],'Aug24':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Autoclave LB broth', 'Incubate PrD-nYFP in pXP420, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 1 redo)', 'Make Cm/Amp plates', 'Ligate pXP420 and PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Test Cm/Amp plates ', 'Digest of PrD-cYFP using EcoRI and PstI', 'Make Amp plates of varying concentrations to test pXP420', 'Inoculate E. coli with pXP420, pXP218, and no plasmid on Amp plates of varying concentrations'],'May29':['Read Yeast Protocols', 'Run Diagnostic Gel on PCR Products', 'PCR Cleanup', 'Make Competent Cells', 'Analyze Plates/Parafilm Plates (Yeast, potential e. coli transformants)', 'Inoculate DH5Alpha', 'Digest Cup1 Promoter and PCR Products with PstI and EcoRI ', 'Run Gel on Digested Products', 'Ligate Cup1 and Linear Backbone', 'Transform Ligation into Comp Cells', 'PCR Linearized PSB1C3 using Primers 19 and 20 from 2014 Primers Box', 'Inoculate Cup1 PSB1C3 Colonies into LB', 'Run Diagnostic Gel on PCR Products'],'Sep27':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Digest PrD-YFP/pSB1C3 and pXP216 and PXP420 v2', 'Make more LB Agar', 'Make more LB Agar and also LB Amp plates', "Run gel for cPCR'd PrD-nYFP/pXP216"],'Aug19':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', "PCR diluted PrD-CFP (#6 in Leah's box) using primers #2 and #4 (attempt #1)", 'Transform E. coli with ligated PrD-YFP and pXP420 from yesterday.', 'Digest and then ligate PrD-CFP and pXP218', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-CFP (attempt 1)", "PCR cleanup for PCR'd PrD-CFP (attempt 1)", 'Digest PrD-CFP and PXP218 using Sal1 and Sph1 (attempt 1)'],'May19':['Image diagnostic gel for pcr of linearized plasmids', 'Purify pcr products', 'Make Competent Cells', 'PCR linear plasmids again', 'Run Diagnostic Gel on PCR products'],'Jul30':['Clean labware (sink)', 'Test Colony PCR primers (PXP - 17 & 18, PXP - 21 & 23, PSB 19 and 20, PSB - 22 & 24)'],'Oct18':['Dries out PrD-CFP in PXP & PrD-CFP in PXP in core vaccume oven centriguge thing. Resuspened in 16ul DI H2O', 'cPCR of PrD-nYFP pxp21 (wooooooo!!!!)', 'mini prep PrD-CFP in PXP218'],'Jul5':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3)', 'Transform PrD-YFP into S. cerevisiae (attempt 2)', 'PCR for PrD using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 4)', 'Make Cm stock', 'PCR cleanup of PrD (attempt 3)', 'Diagnostic Gel of PCR PrD-CFP (attempt 3)', 'Clean labware'],'Aug14':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'PCR pSB1C3 with primers 23 and 24 to check for contamination (attempt 2 redo)', "Run gel for PCR'd pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)", 'PCR cleanup of pSB1C3 (attempt 2 redo)', 'Test Cm and Amp stock', 'Redo cPCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primer 23 and 24 (attempt 2 redo redo)', 'Filter-sterilize MQ H2O', 'Resuspend gBlocks'],'May24':['Clear out freezer for more space', 'Miniprep Strain From Yesterday', 'PCR miniprep sample with 2014 primers 19 and 20 and "biobrick" setting', 'Test Competency of Cells', 'Run gel on PCR products', 'Purify PCR Products'],'Oct25':["Checked yeast transofmration all grew except for PSI+ PrD-YFP (Didn't plate much intially so it's not suprising)"],'Aug4':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain - reading even more articles', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Transform PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 into E. coli (attempt 2 redo)', 'Run gel of PCR products (PrD-YFP)', 'PCR cleaup of PrD-YFP'],'Sep4':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP in PSB1C3, in E coli (attempt #1)", 'Innoculate E. coli with PrD-CFP+PSB1C3, PrD-YFP+PSB1C3, and PrD+PSB1C3 ', 'Transform pXP218 with Cup1 + GFP into yeast.', 'Transform ourselves'],'Oct24':['FLOW Psi-, Psi+ y,c,c+y (cry)', 'Gel extract PrD-nYFP and pXP216', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP and pXP216', 'Discuss current responses to the IAT survey and how they may be analyzed\n', 'Discuss validation of the IAT survey from experts knowledgeable with the psychology\n', 'Wash labware lol'],'Jul6':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3 redo)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3 redo)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3 redo)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 4)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 4)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 4)', 'Transform PrD-YFP into S. cerevisiae (attempt 2)', 'Miniprep of PXP218 Samples (4)', 'Rerun gel of PrD cYFP', 'Digest + Gel Extraction of PXP218 and PrD cYFP', 'Ligation of PXP218 vector and Prd cYFP', 'Transformation of PrD cYFP on PXP218 into e. coli', 'Clean labware', 'PCR for PrD using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 5)', 'PCR clean-up of PrD-CFP', 'PCR of PrD YFP (attempt 4)', 'Digest (EcoRI-HF and PstI) + Gel Extraction of PrD-CFP'],'Sep5':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Innoculate colonies 6 and 8 from transformed PrD-PSB1C3', 'Miniprep PrD-PSB1C3 ', 'Streak PrD-PSB1C3 and PrD-YFP-PSB1C3 ', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP/pXP218 from E.coli using primers #17 and #18 (attempt #1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-CFP in PXP218, in E coli, using primer #17 and #18 (attempt #1)', "Run gel on cPCR'd [insert] in [backbone], in [organism] (attempt #)", 'Amplify cYFP for putting it into pXP218'],'Aug11':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Make LB plates', 'Make Cm and Amp stock', 'Redo PCR pSB1C3 with primers 23 and 24 to check whether they work (attempt 2)', "Run gel for PCR'd pSB1C3 (attempt 2)", 'Clean labware (sink)', 'Message people about their samples left in the fridge'],'Jun5':["Make gel with 1 kb ladders to test Kingsley's gel comb vs regular gel comb", 'Research enzymes in side-pathways of metabolism (for potential use as engineered prions).', 'Test competent cells', 'Run diagnostic gel for minipreped 412 and 413 ', 'PCR Cup1 promoter from plasmids 412 and 413', 'PCR clean-up of plasmid backbones (PSB1C3, PSB1T3, PSB1A3, PSB1K3)'],'Sep10':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Nano drop mini prep PrD-CFP PXP218, PrD-cYFP PSB1C3, and PrD PSB1C3', 'Make frozen stock of PrD-YFP PSB1C3 and PrD-CFP PSB1C3', 'Miniprep pXP216 and pXP420 v2'],'Jul8':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'PCR cleanup of PrD-nYP (with primers #6 and #8) (attempt #3)', 'Digest PrD-nYP using Sph1 and Sal1 (attempt #3)', "Digest PXP218 using Sph1 and Sal1 (Cody's Box #4) (attempt #3)", 'Cleanup digested PrD-nYFP and PXP218 (attempt #3)', 'Digest of PrD-YFP and pXP281 using SalI and SphI', 'Cleanup of digested PrD-YFP and pXP218', 'Ligation of PrD-YFP and pXP218', 'Transformation of ligation product into e. coli.', 'PCR of pSB1C3 backbone'],'Jul25':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Colony PCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primers 19 and 20 (attempt 1)', "Cody's research task", 'Digest pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 2)', 'Run gel on digested pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Make 100 uL 10mM oligonucleotides from stock 100mM (VF2, VR, PXP Fwd, PXP Rev)', 'Transformation of PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3 plated on Cm plates (attempt 3, redo 3)', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli (attempt 1)", 'Colony PCR for PrD in pSB1C3, in DH5alpha, using primers 19 and 20 (attempt #1)', 'Colony PCR for PrD-cYFP in PxP218, in DH5alpha, using primers 18 and 17(attempt #1)'],'Aug15':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Check Cm and Amp stock test plates', 'Make Cm and Amp plates', 'Streak PxP240 on Amp plate', 'Gel extraction of pSB1C3 for insertion of PrD-YFP', 'Ligation of Prd-YFP and pSB1C3', 'PCR PrD nYFP with second set of new primers'],'Jun23':['Running gel for digested PrD-nYFP and PrD-cYFP', 'Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Prepare schedule', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Make 1x TE Buffer', "PCR cleanup the PCR'd PrD-nYFP and PrD-CFP from yesterday", 'PCR PrD using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 1)', 'PCR cleanup for PrD (attempt 1)', 'Diagnostic gel for PrD (attempt 1)', 'Resuspend PrD-YFP in TE buffer', 'PCR PrD-YFP using primers 2 and 4 (attempt 1)', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-cYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-nYFP', 'Digest PrD using EcoRI and PstI ', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD', 'Write up protocol for PCR', 'Make 10L of 1x TAE Buffer', 'Wash labware', 'Fix clocks'],'May18':['Make Competent Cells', 'PCR Linear Plasmid Backbones', 'Test 3A Protocols'],'Oct16':['Filter sterilize yeast nutrients (Ura, Ade, Trp, Leu, Hist)', 'Make PEG', 'Make TE (x10 concentration)', 'Make TEL', 'Make PEG-TEL', 'Prepare shipment of biobricks', 'Make WO and YPD plates', 'Inoculate PrD-CFP in pXP and PrD-YFP in pXP.'],'May23':['Read Yeast Protocols', 'Make Competent Cells', 'Make YPD', 'Wash Lab Equipment', 'Inoculate strain containing PSB1C3', 'Make SOC', 'Make LB', 'Run Gel for Purified PCR Product'],'Sep12':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Nandrop PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Ligation of PrD-CFP in pSB1C3 in pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Normalize yeast OD', 'Prepare yeast competent cells', 'Digest PrD-YFP and PXP216 and PXP420 v2', 'Ligation of PrD-YFP in and PXP216 and PXP420 v2 (attempt 1)', 'diagnostic gel to confirm PrD-YFP and PXP216 and PXP420 v2', "Column purification of Leah's PrD-YFP, pXP216, and pXP420 (Leah's Box # 25-31)", "Run diagnostic gel for Vincent's PCR'd PrD-nYFP samples and Clara's samples", "Ligate PrD-nYFP (Leah's box #9) and pXP216 (Leah's box #28) (attempt #1)", 'Make YPD'],'Aug16':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Redo PCR of primer set 1 2 and 3 on PrD nYFP', 'Inoculate PXP420 into LB with Amp', "Gel Extract of PrD nYFP from Monica's PCR"],'Jun3':['Make competent cells', 'Prepare to test competent cells', 'Run gel on PCR Plasmid backbones (PSB1C3, PSB1T3, PSB1A3, PSB1K3)'],'Jul7':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Update reason why second band exists in the lab book', 'Transform PrD-YFP into S. cerevisiae (attempt 2)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Cm plates', 'Gel extraction of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 3 redo)', 'Gel extraction of PrD-YFP (test for optimal PCR conditions, part 4)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD (attempt 4) ", 'PCR for PrD-nYFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt #3)', "Run gel for PCR's PrD-nYFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt #3)", 'Digest + Gel Extraction of PXP218 and PrD cYFP', 'Ligation of PXP218 vector and Prd cYFP', 'Transformation of PrD cYFP on PXP218 into e. coli', 'PCR cleanup of PrD (attempt 4) ', 'Make Amp Plates', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 4) ", 'PCR of PrD YFP (make 2) (attempt 1)', 'Gel of PrD YFP, one half diagnostic, the other half for gel extraction', 'Gel extraction of one of the PrD YFP samples', 'PCR cleanup of the other PrD YFP sample', 'Clean labware'],'Sep15':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Transform PrD-CFP in pXP218 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Make Amp plates', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP in PxP216 ", "Nanodrop Shwetha's miniprepped samples", 'cPCR of transformed pXP216/PrD-nYFP (attempt #2)', "Run diagnostic gel for cPCR'd PrD-nYFP/pXP216", 'Fill and autoclave pipette tips', 'Wash labware', 'Test Amp plates', 'Digest PrD-nYFP, Pxp420', 'Gel Extract PrD-nYFP, Pxp420', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP (2), Pxp420, Pxp216'],'Aug22':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Digest PrD-nYFP and pXP420 using SalI and Sph1 (attempt 1)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-nYFP and pXP420 (attempt 1)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-nYFP and pXP420 (attempt 1)', 'Ligate pXP420 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)', 'Digest PrD-YFP and pXP420 using SalI and Sph1 (attempt 1)', 'Make Cm and Amp plates', 'Transformation of PrD-YFP/pSB1C3 into E.coli using heat shock', 'Run gel on digested PrD-YFP and pXP420 (attempt 1)', 'Transformation of PrD-CFP/pXP218 into E.coli using heat shock (attempt 1)', "PCR cleanup leah's PCR'd PrD-YFP (#3)", 'PCR PrD-YFP using primers 33 and 34 (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 1) ", "PCR cleanup of my PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 1)", 'Gel extract digested pXP420 (attempt 1)'],'Aug21':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Gel extract digested PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Ligate PrD-CFP and pXP218 (attempt 1)', 'Redo cPCR for PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, using primer 23 and 24 (attempt 2 redo redo)', 'Check Amp test broth', 'Make Cm and Amp plates', 'Make TEL media for yeast', 'PCR clean-up of cYFP and PrD-CFP (attempt 1)', 'Miniprep of strain 384 (which contains pXP218 with no insert).'],'May26':['Read Yeast Protocols', 'Calibrate Pipettes', 'Read about Interlab Measurement Study', 'Test #3 Using a Linear PCR Product from 2016 OR 3A Assembly', 'Prepare materials to re-make competent cells', 'Make 50x TAE Buffer'],'Aug10':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Make LB agar', 'Make LB, Amp, and Cm plates', 'PCR pSB1C3 with primers 23 and 24 to check whether they work (attempt 1)'],'Oct23':['FLOW Cup1 characterization part 4 (cry)', 'CRYYYY', 'Digest on PrD-nYFP pxp216 for contamination ', 'Transform YFP pxp216 into ecolie FAIL'],'Oct5':['Inoculate PrD CFP (423 strain from box 6) 3 samples, 1 control ', "Mini-prep Max's spot plate #2 test tubes and PrD CFP (423 strain from box 6) "],'May20':['Make Competent Cells', 'Run diagnostic gel and Purify PCR Products'],'May30':['Incubate DH5a stock in LB broth', 'Make Competent Cells', 'Transform Ligation into Comp Cells', 'PCR Plasmid backbones (PSB1C3, PSB1T3, PSB1A3, PSB1K3)', 'Miniprep inoculated colonies (PSB1C3) from yesterday, then run gel', 'Make Agar plates with KM '],'Jul21':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Transform PrD-YFP in pSB1C3 into E. coli (attempt 1)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pSB1C3, in E. coli, on Cm plates (attempt 1)', 'Download Shad photos and upload onto Google Drive', 'Transform PrD-nYFP in pXP218 into E. coli (attempt 3, redo 2)', 'Incubate PrD-nYFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 3, redo 2)', 'Clear cart of Shad materials', 'Clean labware (sink and fume hood)', 'Make a Shad meme', 'PrD-cYFP, Pxp218, PrD-CFP, PsB1C3 Digest ', 'Make Agarose Gel (Agarose M) and run digestion product', 'PrD-cYFP, Pxp218, PrD-CFP, PsB1C3 Gel Extraction'],'Jun7':['Gel extraction on 412 and 413', 'Run gel on 412a digest', 'Miniprep of 379', 'Order supplies (MgSO4, KCL, PEG, Tris base, Tryptone)', 'Inoculate 284 into LB with Cm * 5', 'Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'FIND AN APPLICATION FOR OUR PROJECT', 'Inoculate 412, 413 and a control with Amp '],'Sep2':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Check transformation plates from Friday'],'May17':['Test Task pls ignore'],'May21':['Order Parts', 'Make Competent Cells'],'Jun13':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Make box for new primers', 'PCR PrD-CFP and PrD-cYFP using 2017 RFC10 primers f and r', 'Resuspend PrD-nYFP and PrD-cYFP in TE buffer', 'Read papers', 'Pour gel'],'Jun20':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Make gels', 'Run gel for PCR products (PrD-nYFP, using Taq)', 'Clean up PCR products (PrD-nYFP, using Taq)', 'Run PCR for PrD-nYFP using Q5 enzyme at 70 and 72 C', 'Redo PCR for PrD-nYFP using Taq enzyme at 59 and 61 C', 'Digest miniprep 284 (1), 284 (2), and 284 (6) from yesterday with PstI and EcoRI', 'Digest PrD-cYFP, PrD-nYFP, and PrD with PstI and EcoRI', "Run gel for digested 284's and perform gel extraction (for all of them)", 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-nYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD-cYFP', 'Ligate together pSB1C3 backbone from 284 and PrD', 'Complete Benchling lab entry templates', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Read the papers'],'Aug3':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain ', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria ', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo)', 'Still testing Primers repeated PCR of pxp218 Primers for cPCR #17 & 18, #21,22', 'Make 1x TAE Buffer'],'Jul15':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Colony PCR Prd-nYFP/pXP218', 'Make Amp patch plate of transformed colonies that were used', 'Check CM plates for transformed colonies containing PrD-PSB1C3 (attempt # 2)', 'Wash labware'],'Oct1':['Make more WO agar, YPD agar, and YPD liquid media.'],'Jul26':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', "Cody's research task", 'Gel extract digested pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Ligate pSB1C3 and PrD-CFP (attempt 2)', 'Make antibiotic tracking sheet', "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD-cYFP in PXP218, in DH5alpha (attempt #1)", "Run gel on cPCR'd PrD in pSB1C3, in DH5alpha (attempt #1)", 'PCR for PrD-CFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 3)', 'Inoculate strain 118 in LB broth w/ Cm to obtain pSB1C3 backbone (attempt 3)', 'PCR for PrD-YFP using primers 6 and 8 (attempt 2)', 'Digest PrD-nYFP (Box 1, #52) and PSB1C3 with RFP stuffer (Box 1, #38) with EcoR1 and Pst1 (attempt 3, redo 4)', 'Run gel electrophoresis for digested PrD-nYFP and PSB1C3 (attempt 3)', 'Make LB', 'PCR using new primers 17 and 18 on minipreped PXP218 to test if they were diluted properly ', 'Gel extract digested pSB1C3 and PrD-nYFP (attempt 3)', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP and PSB1C3 (attempt 3, redo 3)'],'Jul10':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Update reason why second band exists in the lab book', 'Colony PCR for PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, using 2016 Primers #15 and 16 (attempt 2)', "Gel extract desired band from PCR'd PrD-YFP (#72-74) to make stock", "Gel extract desired band from PCR'd PrD-nYFP to make stock", 'Make Amp stock', 'Learn how to do replica plating', 'Digest PrD using EcoR1 and Pst1 (attempt #2)', 'Check CM plates for transformed colonies of pXP218-PrD-nYFP', 'Make glycerol stock of Bba-K592012', "Gel extract clean up from PCR'd PRD-YFP (#72-74) o make stock ", 'Run gel on digested PrD (attempt #1, part1)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 2 redo)', 'PCR PrD-CFP with gradient annealing temperature for -ve ctrl (attempt 3)', 'Diagnostic Gel of PCR product for PrD-CFP', 'PCR clean up of PrD-CFP (attempt 3 & 4) and PrD-nYFP (attempt 1) + nano-drop '],'Sep26':['Have bronze (fun medal requirement)', 'Inoculated PrD-cYFP strain #426 in box 6 ', 'Digest pXP216 and pSB1C3 with PrD-YFP insert, ligate the PrD-YFP into pXP216', 'Brainstorm how the format of the wiki should look', 'Decide on plan to get the wiki started well-before the freeze'],'Jul12':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Check plate with iGEM logo drawing', 'Check Cm and Amp stock test plates', 'Test Cm stock again using strains 421 (Cm resistant) and 398 (not Cm resistant)', 'Make Amp plates', 'Test Amp plates using strains 128 (Amp resistant) and 134 (not Amp resistant)', 'Incubate PrD-YFP in pXP218, in E. coli, on Amp plates (attempt 2 redo)', 'Heat-kill ligation mixtures for leftover PrD-nYFP and PXP218 (attempt 3)', 'Transform leftover ligated PrD-nYFP-PXP218 into E.coli using heat shock (attempt #3)', 'Make mini miniprep kits for Shad', 'Digest PrD-cYFP using EcoR1 and Pst1 (attempt #2)', 'Digest pXP218 using Sal1 and Sph1 (attempt #2)', 'Run gel on digested PrD-cYFP and pXP218 (attempt #2)', 'Make template printouts for PCR lab entries', 'Run Gel on PCR products', 'Run gel on digested PrD (attempt #1, part 2)', 'Gel extract digested[PrD (attempt #1, part2)', 'Gel extract digested PrD-cYFP and pXP218 (attempt #2)', 'Wash labware', 'Ligate pXP218 and PrD-cYFP (attempt #2)', 'Run gel of PCR products PrD-YFP (attempt #5) with primers 2 and 4'],'Aug29':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Miniprep PXP420 (4)', 'Streak PXP420 onto different concentrations of Ampicillin (0-70)', 'Plate PrD YFP -> PSB1C3', 'Inoculate PXP218 onto correct antibiotic (Amp)', 'Miniprep PrD YFP -> PSB1C3', 'Digest PrD YFP -> PSB1C3 with EcoRi and BamHI', 'Transform PrD CFP and PrD cYFP into PSB1C3', 'Incubate PrD CFP and PrD cYF in PSB1C3, in E. coli, on Cm plates (attempt #1)', 'Digest PrD nYFP and PSB1C3 with EcoRI and PstI', 'Gel Extract PrD nYFP and PSB1C3', 'Ligate PrD nYFP and PSB1C3', 'Make Cm Plates', 'Amplify PrD CFP/PrD cYFP (run gel to find out which)', 'Run gel on ligated PrD CFP and PrD cYFP in PSB1C3 to see if ligation worked ', 'Clean-up of digested PrD-cYFP and pXP218', 'Ligation of PrD-cYFP into pXP218', "Run gel of Cody's PCR products (PrD CFP/PrD cYFP)"],'Oct13':['Digest PrD-nYFP (Codys Box v2) and pXP216 (Box 2 - #103 - 105) with Sal1 and Sph1', 'Gel extract PrD-nYFP and pXP216', 'Ligate PrD-nYFP and pXP216', 'Wash labware'],'Jul31':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'Research on orthogonal prion domain', 'Research on a part to characterize for Bronze level criteria', 'Research on a part to improve for Gold level criteria', 'Fill in order form', 'Make LB', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo)", 'PCR cleanup of PrD-YFP (attempt 2 redo)', 'Miniprep strain 284 to obtain pSB1C3 backbone (attempt 3)', 'Clean sink and flow-hood', 'Re-test Colony PCR primers (PXP - 17 & 18, PXP - 21 & 22, PSB 19 and 20, PSB - 23 & 24)', 'Check CM plates following transformation of PrD-nYFP/PSB1C3 into E.coli cells', 'Research on heat shock transformation for Cody'],'Jun26':['Have fun (bronze medal requirement)', 'Prepare schedule', 'Transfer lab book to Benchling', 'PCR clean-up for PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Diagnostic gel for PrD-YFP (attempt 1)', 'Digest PrD using EcoRI and PstI (attempt 1)', 'Ligate digested PrD with PSB1C3 (attempt 1)', 'Write up protocol for PCR', 'Digest of PrD-CFP using EcoR1 and PstI (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-nYFPusing primers #2 and #4 (attempt 1)', 'PCR for PrD-CFP for pSB1C3 using primer #2 and #4 (attempt 1)', "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-CFP for pSB1C3 using primers #2 and #4 (attempt 1)", "Run gel for PCR'd PrD-nYFP (attempt 1)", 'PCR for PrD-YFP for pSBIC3 (attempt 1)'],}