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                        <h3>Team Lead - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering</h3>
                            Hello! My name is Justin Bartell and I am will be going into my third year at FSU studying Biomedical Engineering. I'm currently pre-med and plan to pursue an MD-PhD in Bioengineering. My goal is to be able to develop novel therapeutic technologies that can be implemented in a clinical setting. I first heard about iGEM from Cesar Rodriguez, our Primary PI, when he discussed the iGEM program in a Biomedical Engineering Society meeting. The idea of synthetic biology--manipulating DNA to develop biological systems--enraptured me. From there, I agreed to work over the summer for iGEM, and have taken on a leadership role since. One random fact about me: I've gone to the FSU home games since I was five with my dad and brother, and we used to dance on top of a van while tailgating.  We still go to the games to this day (we have front row season tickets!), but we save our dancing for the stadium now.
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/b/bc/Ox_Kyle.jpeg"/>
                        I’ve been responsible for the designs behind the kill switches. I’ve contributed in the wet lab, mainly in molecular cloning, and in particular, with the Synbiota parts. Additionally, I’ve been active in our outreach part of the project, making presentations for GCSE students, and writing our blog.
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                        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/32/FSU_TeamPage_William1.png" width=300 length=300/>
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/46/Ox_Helen.jpeg"/>
                        <h3>Associate Team Lead - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering</h3>
                            Hello, my name is William Monroe Hochstedler. I'm a rising Senior in Chemical/Biomedical Engineering. The reason I wanted to join iGEM was because of the awe inspiring possibilities for Genetic Engineering. Biology and Genetics have always interested me, but this is something that is not only life changing, but world changing! How could I pass up such an amazing opportunity to not only learn about this engineered machine, but actually help build it! A random fact about myself might be that is that I want to get into prosthetic development with a focus on integrating robotics.
                        I’ve been working on considerations of project safety, including physical containment and kill switch options, as well as ensuring that lab practices follow the safety protocols outlined by our demonstrator. I’ve also been in the wet lab, focussing mainly on molecular cloning. I’ve helped in outreach as well, helping to create presentations for summer schools, and helping to promote our project on social media. Finally, I’ve helped to code up the wiki.
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/6/67/Ox_Ria.jpeg"/>
                        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/66/FSU_TeamPage_Savannah.png" width=300 length=300 />
                        <h3>Head of Human Practices Team - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering</h3>
                        As chief chemist I have been in charge of making beads to encapsulate the bacteria (and vodka) as well as having far too much fun making up litres and litres of fluorescent solutions. I have been part of the interface between the wet-lab and the modeling by producing experimental data on the diffusion rates out of the beads. Along with my time in the wet-lab I have contributed to ensuring all of our content is coded up for the wiki; as well as taking artsy pictures for the headers.
                            My name is Savannah Shewan, and I am a Junior Engineering student in Chemical-Biomedical Engineering at FSU. I came to iGEM because I have always really enjoyed Biology, Chemistry, and my Engineering degree so I thought that this would be a great opportunity to do something I love. Not to mension that Cesar really sold it for me by framing the summer as a start-up. One fun fact is that I've swam in a waterfall in Guatemala.
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                        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/1/1b/FSU_TEST.png" width=300 length=300 />
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/41/Ox_George.jpeg"/>
                        <h2>Ada<br>Del Cid</h2>
                        <h3>Human Practices Team Member - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering</h3>
                        I am currently a senior majoring in Chemical-Biomedical Engineering. I was born and raised in Honduras and moved to the US for college. I joined iGEM because my goal is to help make people’s lives better and iGEM is the perfect platform to do this. Random fact: I went from wanting to be a singer when I was little to becoming an engineer :)
                        Last summer I spent six weeks interning in a UTI clinic and laboratory, and so this summer I’ve spent 13 weeks attempting to destroy the very part of those those patients’ urine samples that brought me such happiness. In particular, I engaged in Human Practices outreach with Doctors and patients at the only UTI clinic in the country and when not doing that I threw a little of my fairy stardust onto the wet lab in the form of PCRs and Cell culturing as well as secret handshakes.
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                        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/0/09/FSU_TeamPage_Sterling.png" width=300 length=300 />
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/49/Ox_Silas.jpeg" />
                        <h3>Human Practices Team Member - International Affairs</h3>
                          Hello! I’m Sterling Strmel, a senior International Affairs major. I joined iGEM, because I was interested in the importance that iGEM places on human-centered design and in the potential for collaborations between synthetic biology and the social sciences. I was also excited about the chance to work with students from other disciplines and explore a new field that I didn’t know much about! Something random about me is that I know German, French and even a little bit of ASL (American Sign Language).  
                        I've been involved mostly with outreach and public engagement. This has been through the production of videos and visits to a local hospital. I've also been part of the day to day work in the wetlab, as well as helping design assets for the poster, presentation and wiki.
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                        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/fd/FSU_TeamPage_Harrison.png" width=300 length=300 />
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/d/d4/Ox_James.jpeg" />
                        <h3>Human Practices Team Member - Business</h3>
                            I’m a junior Information Systems major. I joined iGEM because I'm passionate about science and I wanted to challenge the status quo of what's expected from business students at FSU. I believe that disruptive technologies like synthetic biology are the future of new growth in global economies with the potential of a huge societal impact. Fun fact...my favorite food is Sushi and sport is football!
                        As our friendly neighbourhood biologist I’ve been looking into how our final product might interact with the ecology of the urinary tract microbiome and the immune system, as well as whether such problems might be tractable within the scope of our project. I have also been working regularly in the wet-lab, with my focus being on toxicity and biofilm assays.
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                        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e5/FSU_TeamPage_Erin.jpeg" width=300 length=300 />
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/b/b6/Ox_June.jpeg" />
                    <h2>June Juyeon<br>Han</h2>
                        <h3>Human Practices Team Member - Animation</h3>
                            My name is Erin Smyth, and I’m a Senior film student at FSU. For this project, I created the different graphics and videos to illustrate the group’s objectives and plans.
                        I’ve been mainly working on culture and image taking of interlab fluorescence microscopy, as well as loading fluorescence and toxicity 96 well assay and retrieving data for them. I have helped in policy &amp; practice section of our project by contacting and meeting synthetic biology experts to comment on our project.
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                        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/thumb/d/d3/FSU_TeamPage_Andrew.png/578px-FSU_TeamPage_Andrew.png" width=300 length=300 />
                        <h3>Head of Design Team - Biological Sciences</h3>
                          My name is Andrew Chacko. I’m a senior studying Biological Sciences. I joined iGEM because I am a part of Cesar(our primary PI)’s lab, who informed me about the team and I was interested from there on. A random fact is that I lived in Sydney, Manchester, and Paris during my childhood.  
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                        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/thumb/0/04/FSU_TeamPage_Nicholas.png/588px-FSU_TeamPage_Nicholas.png" width=300 length=300 />
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/0/0c/Ox_Henry.jpeg" />
                        <h3>Design Team Member - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering</h3>
                          My name is Nicholas Cooper. I am pursuing a Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering. I joined the FSU IGEM team because I wanted to learn more about cell engineering and biotechnology while working in a multi-disciplined group setting. I like indoor rock climbing.
                        I am a member of the modeling duo and have designed and built our team's wiki. Working in the shadow of Will, star of viral sensation; Modeling with Will, I have been producing gene-expression and diffusion models. Additionally, I have helped with outreach and interviews for our practices section.
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                        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/thumb/e/e0/FSU_TeamPage_Alex.jpeg/578px-FSU_TeamPage_Alex.jpeg.png" width=300 length=300 />
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/9/90/Ox_Raffy.jpeg" />
                        <h3>Design Team Member - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering</h3>
                            Hello, my name is Alexander Mangas and I am a senior studying Biomedical and Chemical Engineering at FSU. Before I discovered iGEM and the field of synthetic biology, I always dreamt of creating futuristic, disease-fighting nanoscale robots (huge sci-fi nerd). When it dawned on me that cells can be programmed to function as dedicated machines that perform tasks at a micro level, I was blown away! iGEM presented an incredible opportunity to create living robots that treat diseases as a cell therapy, thereby blurring the line separating science fiction and reality. Random fact about myself: I have a slight obsession with motorcycles, can’t get enough of them really.
                        Leader from the start similar to that of a deity it might be difficult to overstate the contribution made to this project by Raffy. An avid reader of literature during project choice and development and a master biobrick builder on SnapGene Raffy’s contribution continued through to the practical fulfillment of our ideas. Even if she is covert in her acquisition of coffee from Elaine’s office she was not with her hard work in the lab, on the wiki and in organising us as a team.
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                        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/9/9e/FSU_TeamPage_Isabel.png" width=300 length=300/>
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/b/bc/Ox_Leon.jpeg" />
                        <h3>Head of Create Team - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering</h3>
                            My name is Isabel Lamb and I’m a junior studying Biomedical Engineering. I joined the iGEM team because I thought the concept of genetically engineering bacteria sounded really interesting and I wanted to get experience in a lab setting. Something interesting about myself is that I love photography and collect film cameras.
                        Despite his degree designation clearly stating "Chemistry", Leon has long fallen to the dark side since taking iGEM on and now chiefly regards himself as a synthetic biologist through-and-through.<br><br>
                        When Raffy is occupied with other engagements, the helm of the team is typically Leon's to take up, but being the team's resident lab nerd/guru he'd mostly rather be left alone by the bench to think about new experiments. Leon was the mastermind behind the bulk of the experimental molecular and microbiology, having been responsible for the literature review and BioBrick design together with Raffy since the project's inception, all the way through to the planning, delegation, and execution of the characterization experiments for the genetic constructs along with the associated data analyses.  
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/a/a9/Ox_Lychee.jpg" />
                        <h3>Create Team Member - Biochemistry</h3>
                            My name is Westin Kosater. I’m a senior Biochemistry major and I joined  because I had been very interested in the emerging field of synthetic biology, so naturally when I received an email from my advisor telling me about a synthetic biology team forming at FSU, I decided to give it a go. A random fact is that I can name the capital of any country in the world.  
                        When not growing on trees, I am usually somewhere in the lab running microscopy and plate reader experiments for the interlab study and processing the subsequent data. Have also attempted to make contact with teams in other countries for collaboration efforts; these attempts bore fruits on a few occasions as can be viewed on our collaborations page.
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                        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/thumb/8/88/FSU_TeamPage_Megan.png/577px-FSU_TeamPage_Megan.png" width=300 length=300 />
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/4/4b/Ox_Duke.jpeg" />
                        <h3>Create Team Member - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering</h3>
                            Hi! My name is Megan, or Megs for short. I am currently entering my senior year, pursuing a degree in Biomedical and Chemical Engineering. I joined FSU iGEM team because I wanted to learn more about molecular and synthetic biology, and as a way to experience working with people outside of my specific discipline. One random fact about me is that I am a proud cat mom to a beautiful bombay cat named Spooky Mulder.
                        Over the summer I have been working regularly in the wet lab, particularly on cloning procedure and Western Blotting. I have been writing articles for our blog page, including a piece on the first GM human embryo. I have designed our project poster, as well as coded various elements of the wiki. My favourite outreach experience was talking to UNIQ summer school, and seeing what they thought of our project!
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/6/65/Ox_Will.jpeg" />
                    <h2>Will<br>Van Duzer</h2>
                        <h3>Create Team Member - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering</h3>
                            I’m Damilola Ologunagba, a senior in the department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering. I’m from Nigeria. I joined iGEM, because I was inspired by the projects done by teams that competed in the previous years. A random fact about myself is that I love music and movies.  
                        As the second member of the modeling crew - and physicist-in-residence - you’ll either find me preaching to the biochemists about error bars or coding up our gene expression and diffusion models. I also helped present a workshop on synthetic biology.
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                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/d/dc/Ox_Mabel.jpeg" />
                        Thanks to lab experience prior to iGEM, I was the team's chief molecular cloner.  When not reigning as the Miniprep Queen, I made initial contact with local hospitals, taught at the UNIQ summer school workshop and successfully avoided making agarose gels with water.  This holding of royal office culminated in being on BBC Radio for a grand total of 7 minutes on the day of the lab’s electrical shutdown.
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                    <h2>Dr George<br>Wadhams</h2>
                        George Wadhams’ research interests lie in how bacteria sense and integrate environmental information. His group focuses on understanding in a quantitative manner how multiple, homologous pathways operate in individual cells and how the components of these pathways can be used to create synthetic pathways.
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                    <h2>Dr Chris<br>Jones</h2>
                        For optimum growth bacteria must adapt to their environment, one way to do this is by moving towards advantageous conditions. To do this they must be able to both move and to control the direction of that movement. The signaling pathways that control this directionality form into large arrays of receptors and kinases. The best studied arrays contain transmembrane receptors, however many species also contain arrays that are non-transmembrane and therefore in the cytoplasm. My work focuses on the cytoplasmic chemoreceptor array of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Looking at both how the array is formed and stabilised without the presence of a membrane and how the array is split and segregated prior to cell division insuring faithful inheritance of the complete chemotaxis pathway.
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                    <h2>Professor Judy<br>Armitage</h2>
                        Judy Armitage is interested in the dynamics of bacterial sensory transduction and the control of bacterial motility. In particular, her research group focuses on the communication between the sensory and adaption mechanisms of the two pathways as a model for sensory network integration in general..
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                    <h2>Professor Anthony<br>Watts</h2>
                        Anthony Watts’ group is devising solid state NMR methods for determining high-resolution details of information-rich sites within membrane receptors. Recent focus has been on the neurotensin receptor (NTS1), which is now available highly purified and monodispersed in detergent as well as in a ligand-binding form.
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                    <h2>Professor Antonis<br>Papachristodoulou</h2>
                        Antonis Papachristodoulou’s research interests include systems and synthetic biology, network systems, aerospace systems and flow control, and convex optimisation. Furthermore, he works on modern control theory, robust stability analysis and design, as well as nonlinear dynamical systems and Lyapunov stability.
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                        Andreas Harris works on the design and implementation of gene regulatory networks harnessing feedback to increase robustness and tunability. The designs are based around transcriptional networks and attempt to translate well-understood control modules, such as proportional and integral controllers, to biological systems.
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The each picture can be found at:
Except for Alex's which can be found at a .jpeg url

Latest revision as of 01:49, 2 November 2017



Team Lead - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Hello! My name is Justin Bartell and I am will be going into my third year at FSU studying Biomedical Engineering. I'm currently pre-med and plan to pursue an MD-PhD in Bioengineering. My goal is to be able to develop novel therapeutic technologies that can be implemented in a clinical setting. I first heard about iGEM from Cesar Rodriguez, our Primary PI, when he discussed the iGEM program in a Biomedical Engineering Society meeting. The idea of synthetic biology--manipulating DNA to develop biological systems--enraptured me. From there, I agreed to work over the summer for iGEM, and have taken on a leadership role since. One random fact about me: I've gone to the FSU home games since I was five with my dad and brother, and we used to dance on top of a van while tailgating. We still go to the games to this day (we have front row season tickets!), but we save our dancing for the stadium now.


Associate Team Lead - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Hello, my name is William Monroe Hochstedler. I'm a rising Senior in Chemical/Biomedical Engineering. The reason I wanted to join iGEM was because of the awe inspiring possibilities for Genetic Engineering. Biology and Genetics have always interested me, but this is something that is not only life changing, but world changing! How could I pass up such an amazing opportunity to not only learn about this engineered machine, but actually help build it! A random fact about myself might be that is that I want to get into prosthetic development with a focus on integrating robotics.


Head of Human Practices Team - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

My name is Savannah Shewan, and I am a Junior Engineering student in Chemical-Biomedical Engineering at FSU. I came to iGEM because I have always really enjoyed Biology, Chemistry, and my Engineering degree so I thought that this would be a great opportunity to do something I love. Not to mension that Cesar really sold it for me by framing the summer as a start-up. One fun fact is that I've swam in a waterfall in Guatemala.

Del Cid

Human Practices Team Member - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

I am currently a senior majoring in Chemical-Biomedical Engineering. I was born and raised in Honduras and moved to the US for college. I joined iGEM because my goal is to help make people’s lives better and iGEM is the perfect platform to do this. Random fact: I went from wanting to be a singer when I was little to becoming an engineer :)


Human Practices Team Member - International Affairs

Hello! I’m Sterling Strmel, a senior International Affairs major. I joined iGEM, because I was interested in the importance that iGEM places on human-centered design and in the potential for collaborations between synthetic biology and the social sciences. I was also excited about the chance to work with students from other disciplines and explore a new field that I didn’t know much about! Something random about me is that I know German, French and even a little bit of ASL (American Sign Language).


Human Practices Team Member - Business

I’m a junior Information Systems major. I joined iGEM because I'm passionate about science and I wanted to challenge the status quo of what's expected from business students at FSU. I believe that disruptive technologies like synthetic biology are the future of new growth in global economies with the potential of a huge societal impact. Fun fact...my favorite food is Sushi and sport is football!


Human Practices Team Member - Animation

My name is Erin Smyth, and I’m a Senior film student at FSU. For this project, I created the different graphics and videos to illustrate the group’s objectives and plans.


Head of Design Team - Biological Sciences

My name is Andrew Chacko. I’m a senior studying Biological Sciences. I joined iGEM because I am a part of Cesar(our primary PI)’s lab, who informed me about the team and I was interested from there on. A random fact is that I lived in Sydney, Manchester, and Paris during my childhood.


Design Team Member - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

My name is Nicholas Cooper. I am pursuing a Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering. I joined the FSU IGEM team because I wanted to learn more about cell engineering and biotechnology while working in a multi-disciplined group setting. I like indoor rock climbing.


Design Team Member - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Hello, my name is Alexander Mangas and I am a senior studying Biomedical and Chemical Engineering at FSU. Before I discovered iGEM and the field of synthetic biology, I always dreamt of creating futuristic, disease-fighting nanoscale robots (huge sci-fi nerd). When it dawned on me that cells can be programmed to function as dedicated machines that perform tasks at a micro level, I was blown away! iGEM presented an incredible opportunity to create living robots that treat diseases as a cell therapy, thereby blurring the line separating science fiction and reality. Random fact about myself: I have a slight obsession with motorcycles, can’t get enough of them really.


Head of Create Team - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

My name is Isabel Lamb and I’m a junior studying Biomedical Engineering. I joined the iGEM team because I thought the concept of genetically engineering bacteria sounded really interesting and I wanted to get experience in a lab setting. Something interesting about myself is that I love photography and collect film cameras.


Create Team Member - Biochemistry

My name is Westin Kosater. I’m a senior Biochemistry major and I joined because I had been very interested in the emerging field of synthetic biology, so naturally when I received an email from my advisor telling me about a synthetic biology team forming at FSU, I decided to give it a go. A random fact is that I can name the capital of any country in the world.


Create Team Member - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Hi! My name is Megan, or Megs for short. I am currently entering my senior year, pursuing a degree in Biomedical and Chemical Engineering. I joined FSU iGEM team because I wanted to learn more about molecular and synthetic biology, and as a way to experience working with people outside of my specific discipline. One random fact about me is that I am a proud cat mom to a beautiful bombay cat named Spooky Mulder.


Create Team Member - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

I’m Damilola Ologunagba, a senior in the department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering. I’m from Nigeria. I joined iGEM, because I was inspired by the projects done by teams that competed in the previous years. A random fact about myself is that I love music and movies.