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<h1 style= "color:black; margin-top: 181px;">
<h1 style= "color:black; margin-top: 181px;font-size: 30px;">
Descripción del Proyecto
Description of the project
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
Este proyecto consiste en que modificaremos la bacteria Escherichia coli, a través de la
This project consists in modifying a bacterium called Escherichia coli, through synthetic biology, which is based on the creation and modification of organisms that already exist, managing that they have the characteristics that we want. These organisms will sense the high levels of alpha and beta particles, gamma and x-ray emitted, factors that cause a mutation in the DNA of the already said bacterium, which will give a purple coloring and a lemon scent.
Biología Sintética, que se basa en la creación o modificación de organismos ya existentes,  
logrando que tengan las características que deseamos. Este organismo sensará los altos niveles de
partículas alfa, beta, rayos gamma y rayos X emitidos, factores que provocan una mutación en el
To validate that the investigation is necessary and it is supported by different specialists in the area, we made a survey to radiologist’s students, medical technologists, and workers of radiological centers, obtaining an 83% of approval about the need of better dosimeters with trustworthy results.
ADN de dicha bacteria que dará una coloración morada y el aroma a limón.  
Para validar que la investigación es necesaria y apoyada por los especialistas del área, se realizó
una encuesta a estudiantes de radiología, tecnólogos médicos y trabajadores de centros
radiológicos, obteniendo un 83% de aprobación, sobre la necesidad de mejores dosímetros que
sean de resultado confiable.
<h1 style= "color:black; margin-top: 181px;font-size: 17px;">El sensor y sus partes</h1>  
<h1 style= "color:black; margin-top: 181px;font-size: 30px;"> The sensor and its parts</h1>  
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
Para esto a través de una investigación científica, se diseñó un sensor que se basa en un switch
For this, through a scientific investigation, a sensor was designed, which is based on a biphasic switch, device that can be turned off or on according to the concentration of the input. This switch naturally regulates lambda phage, which in this case, when the pRM promoter is activated, gives a rise to the transcription of the Cl repressor, which in turn will provoke inhibition of the Pr promoter and will not be able to transcribe Cro, LuxR and LuxI. In contrast, if DNA damage is detected with the help of the RecA protein, the Cl repressor is removed and the pRM promoter ceases of being activated, giving a rise to pR (promoter) activation and to the transcription of Cro, LuxR and LuxI. (Plasmid 1)  
bifásico, dispositivo que puede ser apagado o encendido de acuerdo a la concentración del imput.  
Dicho switch regula naturalmente fago lambda, que en este caso al activarse el Promotor pRM da
paso a la transcripción del represor Cl, que a su vez provocará la inhibición del promotor Pr y no
se podrán transcribir Cro, LuxR y LuxI. En cambio, si se detecta el daño del ADN, con ayuda de
la proteína RecA, se separa el represor Cl y deja de activarse el promotor pRM, dando paso a la
activación de pR (promotor) y a la transcripción de Cro, LuxR y LuxI. (Plásmido 1)  
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<img src="">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/c/c1/Plasmidojpg2.png" style="display: block;margin: auto;margin-top: 100px;width: 50%;">
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
Este circuito se basa en el virus bacteriófago (fago) lambda lisogénico, de ADN bicatenario que infecta a la E. Coli y fue descubierto en 1951 por Esther Lederberg. Sus extremos cohesivos del material genético, hace que tras la infección su genoma se haga circular, y si sigue con el ciclo lisogénico se comporta como un plásmido aprovechando las enzimas de la recombinación de la bacteria integrándose al genoma de esta.
This circuit is based on the bacteriophage (phage) lambda lysogenic, double-stranded DNA that infects E. coli and was discovered in 1951 by Esther Lederberg. Its cohesive ends of the genetic material, after the infection, causes its genome to be circulated, and if it continues with the lysogenic cycle, it behaves like a plasmid taking advantage of the enzymes of the recombination of the bacterium integrating itself into the genome of the latter.
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<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
En el ciclo lisogénico, el virus se inserta en un punto concreto del genoma de la bacteria y se replica cuando esta lo hace, pasando sus genes a las E. coli duplicadas. El virus sintetiza a partir del represor Cl, que inhibe la expresión del resto de los genes, donde en condiciones de estrés celular la bacteria activa la respuesta SOS, actuando RecA para inhibir la actividad del represor Cl que desemboca una respuesta en cascada que hace al virus integrado pasar a vía lítica. Es aquí donde habitualmente se infecta a célula, produciendo partículas virales que son liberadas al medio, una vez que la bacteria hospedadora es lisada (se rompe la membrana celular), matándola en el proceso.
In the lysogenic cycle, the virus is inserted at a specific point in the genome of the bacterium and replicated when it does so, passing its genes to duplicate E. coli. The virus synthesizes (object) from the Cl repressor, which inhibits the expression of the rest of the genes, where in conditions of cellular stress the bacterium activates the SOS response, acting RecA to inhibit the activity of the Cl repressor that ends a chain reaction that causes the virus is integrated into lithic route. It is here where the cell is usually infected, producing viral particles that are released into the medium, once the host bacterium is lysed the cell membrane breaks, killing it in the process.
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<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
Con la activación de RecA y la transcripción de los genes Cro, LuxR y LuxI, se dará paso a la activación del segundo plásmido con el promotor LuxR/HSL, el cual permitirá que se transcriban de igual manera la cromoproteína que dará el color morado, y el gen con olor a limón. Esto será la señal de alerta para nuestro especialista. (Plásmido 2)
With the activation of RecA and the transcription of the Cro, LuxR and LuxI genes, the activation of the second plasmid with the LuxR / HSL promoter will be given, which will allow the color to be transcribed in the same way as the purple color, and the lemon-smelling gene. This will be the warning signal for our specialist. (Plasmid 2)
<img src="">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/4/41/Plasmidojpg.png" style="display: block;margin: auto;margin-top: 100px;width: 60%;">
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
El funcionamiento del circuito, tiene como inspiración el trabajo ya realizado por el grupo de IGEM 2011, Penn States, que, de igual manera detectan los índices dañinos de radiación, pero a diferencia del nuestro, RecA detecta el daño, evita la reparación y conecta a un reportero para saber dónde está el ADN dañado. (States, 2011)
The operation of the circuit was taken from the work already done by a group of IGEM 2011, Penn States, which, similarly detect the harmful radiation rates, but unlike ours, RecA detects damage, prevents repair and connects to a reporter to know where the damaged DNA is. (States, 2011)
<img src="">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/thumb/c/c6/Regiones_Or.png/800px-Regiones_Or.png" style="display: block;margin: auto;margin-top: 61px;">
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<h1 style= "color:black; margin-top: 181px;font-size: 17px;"> ¿Por qué nos sirve la proteína RecA? </h1>  
<h1 style= "color:black; margin-top: 181px;font-size: 30px;"> Why does the RecA protein serve us? </h1>  
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
RecA es una proteína multifuncional, que es esencial para diferentes procesos biológicos. La regulación coordinada de expresión de genes no vinculados en respuesta al ADN dañado, también conocida como respuesta SOS, es el que importa para este proyecto.
RecA is a multifunctional protein, which is essential for different biological processes. Coordinated regulation of unrelated gene expression in response to damaged DNA, also known as SOS response, is what matters for this project.
El rol regulador de RecA, trabaja con un operón SOS de aproximadamente 20 genes no vinculados inducibles por la sobreexposición a agentes que dañan el ADN. Las enzimas codificadas que inducen estos genes funcionan para cortar el ADN dañado y facilitar la reparación de los posibles daños que ocurren en la recombinación de ADN.
<img src="">
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/thumb/c/c7/RecA.png/246px-RecA.png" style="display: block;margin: auto;margin-top: 61px;" title="Crystal">
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
La expresión de los genes SOS es controlada por el represor LexA que reprime su respuesta, se une al grupo de los genes SOS inducibles y limita su transcripción. Después de que el evento con altos índices de radiación ha ocurrido, la actividad co-proteasa de RecA se activa, debido a la generación de un ADN de solo una hebra, ya sea por la acción de las nucleasas o porque la horquilla de replicación está estancada. <br>
The regulatory role of RecA works with an SOS operon of approximately 20 unrelated genes inducible by overexposure to DNA damaging agents. The encoded enzymes that induce these genes work to cut out the damaged DNA and facilitate the repair of possible damage occurring in DNA recombination.
Este ADN de solo una hebra (ssDNA) se une a RecA en presencia de ATP, promoviendo la formación de una nucleoproteína que separa el represor LexA e induce los genes SOS, incluyendo la misma RecA. Los genes que se unen débilmente a LexA, son los primeros que se expresan completamente. Si el daño persiste o es muy alto, la concentración de la proteína RecA aumenta, y otros operones se ven afectados al estar unidos a LexA. <br>
Expression of the SOS genes is controlled by the LexA repressor that represses its response, binds to the group of inducible SOS genes and limits its transcription. After the event with high levels of radiation has occurred, the co-protease activity of RecA is activated, due to the generation of a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), either by the action of the nucleases or because the replication fork is stagnant.
Normalmente, RecA es reprimida a un nivel basal de 1000 moléculas por célula. Una vez que se separa el represor LexA, se ve incrementado rápidamente en 20 veces la cantidad de la proteína (10 moléculas por segundo), alcanzando su máximo en una hora desde que ocurrió el evento de daño. Las cantidades de la proteína RecA vuelven a sus niveles basales dentro de 4 a 6 horas, desde el suceso. Esta disminución, provoca la remoción de la señal inducida por la reparación del daño de ADN, eliminando el agente que activa la proteína RecA, resultando en la incrementación de la concentración del represor LexA. Se reestablece la represión del sistema SOS y la célula vuelve a su estado inicial. (Bianco & Kowalczykowski, 1998)
This single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binds to RecA in the presence of ATP, promoting the formation of a nucleoprotein that separates the repressor LexA and induces the SOS genes, including RecA. Genes that weakly bind to LexA are the first to be fully expressed. If the damage persists or is very high, the concentration of the RecA protein increases and other operons are affected by being linked to LexA.
Normally, Reca is repressed at a basal level of 1000 molecules per cell. Once the LexA repressor is separated, is rapidly increased by 20 times the amount of the protein (10 molecules per second), reaching its maximum in an hour since the damage event occurred. Quantities of the RecA protein return to basal levels within 4 to 6 hours since the event. This decrease causes the elimination of signal-induced repair of DNA damage by removing the agent that activates the RecA protein, resulting in an increase of the concentration of lexA repressor. The repression of the SOS system is restored and the cell returns to its initial state. (Bianco & Kowalczykowski, 1998)
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<section id="cinco">
<h1 style= "color:black; margin-top: 181px;font-size: 17px;"> Por qué se eligió trabajar en este proyecto</h1>  
<h1 style= "color:black; margin-top: 181px;font-size: 30px;"> Why did we choose to work on this project?
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
<p style="text-align: justify;font-size: 15px;    margin: 101px 200px 11px 200px; line-height: 2;">
El interés por mejorar el sistema de detección de radiación para personas que trabajan en el área de Salud, se debió a que  integrantes del grupo les interesaba la idea de estudiar Tecnología Médica o Radiología, por lo cual, la mayoría sabía de los riesgos y protocolos de seguridad que se debían mantener para minimizar al máximo las posibilidades de sufrir daños graves respecto a la radiación emitida por los equipos utilizados, como la utilización de dosímetros, los cuales miden la radiación expuesta en el medio. Pero a través de investigaciones descubrimos una necesidad en esta área, debido a que estos instrumentos mencionados anteriormente son muy sensibles a la luz, humedad y calor; factores que alterarían sus resultados. Además el punto más importante fue que no había una entrega inmediata de información del dispositivo, ya que, según la legislación chilena, los dosímetros utilizados en los laboratorios se envían a revisar a la SEREMI, mensual, trimestral e incluso semestralmente, dependiendo de la institución y que, en caso de haber una sobreexposición, será un aviso atrasado y ya se habrá provocado un daño. Agregando información a esto, los dosímetros de mejor calidad tienen actualmente un valor muy alto en el mercado, por lo que no todos los laboratorios pueden acceder a estos dispositivos.
The interest to improve the system of detection of radiation for people who work in the health area, it was mainly because there were some students of the team who were interested in the idea of studying medical technology or radiology, whereby, the majority know the risks and protocols of security which have to be maintained to minimize the possibilities of suffering serious damages due to the radiation emitted from the usage of medical devices, such as the utilization of dosimeters, which measure the radiation of the medium. Thanks to this investigation, we have discovered that this area is the one that needs more help, because the devices already mentioned are very sensitive to the light, humidity and heath, factors that will modify the results.  
También el vacío existente en la seguridad para los radiólogos y tecnólogos médicos, incentivó también a nuestro equipo a crear el sistema que proporcionara una información precisa que advertirá al profesional que está bajo peligro.
Also, the most important point was that there was not an immediate delivery of information from the device, because, according to the Chilean Legislation, the dosimeters utilized in the laboratories have to be checked for the SEREMI, monthly, quarterly or even biannually, depending on the institution. And, in the case of the overexposure, will be a late advice and there will be a damage. In addition to information, the dosimeters of the best quality actually have a very high value, so not the most of the laboratories can be access to the devices.
La bacteria detecta radiación ionizante a niveles dañinos y al producirse esto emite un olor a limón y un pigmento violeta, alertando al especialista de que se encuentra en un ambiente con niveles de radiación dañina para su organismo y también pueda evacuar la zona a tiempo para reducir la cantidad de daños posibles.
In addition, the empty in the security for the radiologists and medical technologists, incentivized the team to create the system that will provide accurate information that will warn if the professional is at risk.
The bacteria detect ionizing radiation in harmful levels, and when this happens, a lemon scent and a purple coloring is emitted, warning the specialist is in a medium with harmful radiation for the body, and to evacuate the zone in time to minimize the quantity of possible damages.
<h1 style= "color:black; margin-top: 70px;font-size: 30px;" id="arriba"> Parts utilized in the project</h1><a name="arriba"></a>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/9/94/Tabla222.jpg" style="display: block;margin: auto;margin-top: 61px;" title="Crystal">

Latest revision as of 01:53, 2 November 2017

Description of the project

This project consists in modifying a bacterium called Escherichia coli, through synthetic biology, which is based on the creation and modification of organisms that already exist, managing that they have the characteristics that we want. These organisms will sense the high levels of alpha and beta particles, gamma and x-ray emitted, factors that cause a mutation in the DNA of the already said bacterium, which will give a purple coloring and a lemon scent.

To validate that the investigation is necessary and it is supported by different specialists in the area, we made a survey to radiologist’s students, medical technologists, and workers of radiological centers, obtaining an 83% of approval about the need of better dosimeters with trustworthy results.

The sensor and its parts

For this, through a scientific investigation, a sensor was designed, which is based on a biphasic switch, device that can be turned off or on according to the concentration of the input. This switch naturally regulates lambda phage, which in this case, when the pRM promoter is activated, gives a rise to the transcription of the Cl repressor, which in turn will provoke inhibition of the Pr promoter and will not be able to transcribe Cro, LuxR and LuxI. In contrast, if DNA damage is detected with the help of the RecA protein, the Cl repressor is removed and the pRM promoter ceases of being activated, giving a rise to pR (promoter) activation and to the transcription of Cro, LuxR and LuxI. (Plasmid 1)

This circuit is based on the bacteriophage (phage) lambda lysogenic, double-stranded DNA that infects E. coli and was discovered in 1951 by Esther Lederberg. Its cohesive ends of the genetic material, after the infection, causes its genome to be circulated, and if it continues with the lysogenic cycle, it behaves like a plasmid taking advantage of the enzymes of the recombination of the bacterium integrating itself into the genome of the latter.

In the lysogenic cycle, the virus is inserted at a specific point in the genome of the bacterium and replicated when it does so, passing its genes to duplicate E. coli. The virus synthesizes (object) from the Cl repressor, which inhibits the expression of the rest of the genes, where in conditions of cellular stress the bacterium activates the SOS response, acting RecA to inhibit the activity of the Cl repressor that ends a chain reaction that causes the virus is integrated into lithic route. It is here where the cell is usually infected, producing viral particles that are released into the medium, once the host bacterium is lysed the cell membrane breaks, killing it in the process.

With the activation of RecA and the transcription of the Cro, LuxR and LuxI genes, the activation of the second plasmid with the LuxR / HSL promoter will be given, which will allow the color to be transcribed in the same way as the purple color, and the lemon-smelling gene. This will be the warning signal for our specialist. (Plasmid 2)

The operation of the circuit was taken from the work already done by a group of IGEM 2011, Penn States, which, similarly detect the harmful radiation rates, but unlike ours, RecA detects damage, prevents repair and connects to a reporter to know where the damaged DNA is. (States, 2011)

Why does the RecA protein serve us?

RecA is a multifunctional protein, which is essential for different biological processes. Coordinated regulation of unrelated gene expression in response to damaged DNA, also known as SOS response, is what matters for this project.

The regulatory role of RecA works with an SOS operon of approximately 20 unrelated genes inducible by overexposure to DNA damaging agents. The encoded enzymes that induce these genes work to cut out the damaged DNA and facilitate the repair of possible damage occurring in DNA recombination.

Expression of the SOS genes is controlled by the LexA repressor that represses its response, binds to the group of inducible SOS genes and limits its transcription. After the event with high levels of radiation has occurred, the co-protease activity of RecA is activated, due to the generation of a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), either by the action of the nucleases or because the replication fork is stagnant.

This single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binds to RecA in the presence of ATP, promoting the formation of a nucleoprotein that separates the repressor LexA and induces the SOS genes, including RecA. Genes that weakly bind to LexA are the first to be fully expressed. If the damage persists or is very high, the concentration of the RecA protein increases and other operons are affected by being linked to LexA.

Normally, Reca is repressed at a basal level of 1000 molecules per cell. Once the LexA repressor is separated, is rapidly increased by 20 times the amount of the protein (10 molecules per second), reaching its maximum in an hour since the damage event occurred. Quantities of the RecA protein return to basal levels within 4 to 6 hours since the event. This decrease causes the elimination of signal-induced repair of DNA damage by removing the agent that activates the RecA protein, resulting in an increase of the concentration of lexA repressor. The repression of the SOS system is restored and the cell returns to its initial state. (Bianco & Kowalczykowski, 1998)

Why did we choose to work on this project?

The interest to improve the system of detection of radiation for people who work in the health area, it was mainly because there were some students of the team who were interested in the idea of studying medical technology or radiology, whereby, the majority know the risks and protocols of security which have to be maintained to minimize the possibilities of suffering serious damages due to the radiation emitted from the usage of medical devices, such as the utilization of dosimeters, which measure the radiation of the medium. Thanks to this investigation, we have discovered that this area is the one that needs more help, because the devices already mentioned are very sensitive to the light, humidity and heath, factors that will modify the results.
Also, the most important point was that there was not an immediate delivery of information from the device, because, according to the Chilean Legislation, the dosimeters utilized in the laboratories have to be checked for the SEREMI, monthly, quarterly or even biannually, depending on the institution. And, in the case of the overexposure, will be a late advice and there will be a damage. In addition to information, the dosimeters of the best quality actually have a very high value, so not the most of the laboratories can be access to the devices.
In addition, the empty in the security for the radiologists and medical technologists, incentivized the team to create the system that will provide accurate information that will warn if the professional is at risk.
The bacteria detect ionizing radiation in harmful levels, and when this happens, a lemon scent and a purple coloring is emitted, warning the specialist is in a medium with harmful radiation for the body, and to evacuate the zone in time to minimize the quantity of possible damages.

Parts utilized in the project