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     <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/37/T--newcastle--zw-team_pic_2.png" class="img-fluid border border-dark rounded float-right" style="margin-top: 1%; margin-bottom: 2%; margin-left: 1%; max-width: 30%;" alt="">
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       <p style="float: center; margin-bottom: 2%">This year our team consisted of 8 molecular biologists, a life scientist, a computer scientist, a forensic scientist, a chemical engineer and an English student. We bring different branches of expertise together and are a true example of an interdisciplinary team. We decided on our project idea during April, after months of intense and independent discussions. Unless otherwise stated, all the experiments, constructs, code, wiki and results documented on our Wiki were performed, written and collected by the Sensynova team.</p>
       <p style="clear: both; margin-bottom: 2%">This year our team consisted of 8 molecular biologists, a life scientist, a computer scientist, a forensic scientist, a chemical engineer and an English student. We bring different branches of expertise together and are a true example of an interdisciplinary team. We decided on our project idea during April, after months of intense and independent discussions. Unless otherwise stated, all the experiments, constructs, code, wiki and results documented on our Wiki were performed, written and collected by the Sensynova team.</p>
       <p style="float: left; margin-bottom: 2%">Team Leader: Jessica Birt</p>
       <p style="float: left; margin-bottom: 2%"><b>Team Leader</b>: Jessica Birt</p>
       <p style="float: right; margin-bottom: 2%">Vice Team Leader: Declan Kohl</p>
       <p style="float: right; margin-bottom: 2%"><b>Vice Team Leader</b>: Declan Kohl</p>
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         <a class="nav-item nav-link active" id="nav-experimental-tab" data-toggle="tab" href="#nav-experimental" role="tab" aria-controls="nav-experimental" aria-selected="true">Team Members</a>
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         <p class="text-left" style="font-family: Rubik; margin-top: 2%">
         <b>Human Practices Lead<\b>: Declan Kohl</br>
         <b>Human Practices Lead</b>: Declan Kohl</br>
         <b>Integrated HP<\b>: Declan Kohl, Jessica Birt </br>
         <b>Integrated HP</b>: Declan Kohl, Jessica Birt </br>
         <b>Outreach and Education<\b>: Zoe Wilson (lead), Declan Kohl, Sophie Badger, Marcia Pryce </br>
         <b>Outreach and Education</b>: Zoe Wilson (lead), Declan Kohl, Sophie Badger, Marcia Pryce </br>
         <b>Scientific Communication Analysis<\b>: Zoe Wilson, Declan Kohl</br>  
         <b>Scientific Communication Analysis</b>: Zoe Wilson, Declan Kohl</br>  
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         <p class="text-left" style="font-family: Rubik; margin-top: 2%">
         <b>Modelling Lead<\b>: Jessica Birt</br>  
         <b>Modelling Lead</b>: Jessica Birt</br>  
         <b>Simbiotics<\b>: Jessica Birt, Bradley Brown </br>  
         <b>Simbiotics</b>: Jessica Birt, Bradley Brown </br>  
         <b>Design of Experiments for CFPS<\b>: Bradley Brown </br>  
         <b>Design of Experiments for CFPS</b>: Bradley Brown </br>  
         <b>Microfluidics Software<\b>: Jack Cooper</br>  
         <b>Microfluidics Software</b>: Jack Cooper</br>  
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         <p class="text-left" style="font-family: Rubik; margin-top: 2%">
         <b>Wiki Coding and Design<\b>: Jack Cooper, Bradley Brown</br>
         <b>Wiki Coding and Design</b>: Jack Cooper, Bradley Brown</br>
         <b>Poster Development<\b>: All Team Members</br>
         <b>Poster Development</b>: All Team Members</br>
         <b>Presentation<\b>: Declan Kohl, Sophie Badger and Zoe Wilson</br>
         <b>Presentation</b>: Declan Kohl, Sophie Badger and Zoe Wilson</br>
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         <p class="text-left" style="font-family: Rubik; margin-top: 2%">
         All supervisors and advisors gave advice to the team over a range of areas, including the initial project idea and help in the laboratory.</br></br>
         All supervisors and advisers gave advice to the team over a range of areas, including the initial project idea and help in the laboratory.</br></br>
         Anil Wipat: PI - general advice</br>
         <b>Anil Wipat</b>: PI - general advice</br>
         Thomas Howard: Second PI - general advice</br>
         <b>Thomas Howard</b>: Second PI - general advice</br>
         Jon Marles-Wright: Instructor - general advice</br>
         <b>Jon Marles-Wright</b>: Instructor - general advice</br>
         Dana Ofiteru: Instructor - general advice</br>
         <b>Dana Ofiteru</b>: Instructor - general advice</br>
         Angel Goñi-Moreno: Instructor - modelling advice</br>
         <b>Angel Goñi-Moreno</b>: Instructor - modelling advice</br>
         Wendy Smith: Advisor - general and laboratory advice</br>
         <b>Wendy Smith</b>: Adviser - general and laboratory advice</br>
         Michael White: Advisor - laboratory advice</br>
         <b>Michael White</b>: Adviser - laboratory advice</br>
         Alice Banks: Advisor - laboratory advice</br>
         <b>Alice Banks</b>: Adviser - laboratory advice</br>
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         Jonny Naylor: Help with the modelling aspect of the project, specifically with his Simbiotics software (which he customised to our needs!)</br>
         <b>Jonny Naylor</b>: Help with the modelling aspect of the project, specifically with his Simbiotics software (which he customised to our needs!)</br>
         James McLaughlin: Assisted us with the technical aspects of our wiki</br>
         <b>James McLaughlin</b>: Assisted us with the technical aspects of our wiki.</br>
         Exeter iGEM 2017: Analysed our deGFP construct for us using their fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting machine</br>
         <b>Exeter iGEM 2017</b>: Analysed our deGFP construct for us using their fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting machine.</br>
         Evry Paris-Saclay 2017: collaborated with us to test their novel synthetic promoter regulated by psicose in our Sensynova framework</br>
         <b>Evry Paris-Saclay 2017</b>: collaborated with us to test their novel synthetic promoter regulated by psicose in our Sensynova framework.</br>
Dr Chris French, Dr Martin Peacock, Dr Karen Polizzi and Dr Oliver Purcell for their invaluable insight into biosensor development and their help in influencing our project.</br>
<b>Dr Chris French, Dr Martin Peacock, Dr Karen Polizzi</b> and <b>Dr Oliver Purcell</b> for their invaluable insight into biosensor development and their help in influencing our project.</br>
Ivy Wellman from DEFRA: For her insight into the legislative procedure deliberate release of GMOs into the environment.</br>
<b>Ivy Wellman from DEFRA</b>: For her insight into the legislative procedure deliberate release of GMOs into the environment.</br>
Jasmine Bird: Took time to help proof-read the wiki and suggest improvements<br />
<b>Jasmine Bird</b>: Took time to help proof-read the wiki and suggest improvements.<br />
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Latest revision as of 21:24, 16 November 2017



This year our team consisted of 8 molecular biologists, a life scientist, a computer scientist, a forensic scientist, a chemical engineer and an English student. We bring different branches of expertise together and are a true example of an interdisciplinary team. We decided on our project idea during April, after months of intense and independent discussions. Unless otherwise stated, all the experiments, constructs, code, wiki and results documented on our Wiki were performed, written and collected by the Sensynova team.

Team Leader: Jessica Birt

Vice Team Leader: Declan Kohl