<p class="question">20. Are there parts of your project which you think may have ethical, safety or security concerns that are not fully covered by current rules and standards?</p>
<p class="question">21. Who have you worked with to resolve any uncertainties or gaps in how you ensure the safety of your project and how difficult have they been to contact?</p>
<textarea rows="4" name="any concernss who did you work with" data-form-field="any_uncertainties_who" placeholder="Please comment"></textarea>
<p> This part of the of the form is for you to tell us about the parts you have developed during your project. It summarises information that might already have been submitted through check-in forms.
Please visit this page to download a blank copy of the spreadsheet for this question. (If you need a CSV version instead of XLSX, visit this page.)
Complete the spreadsheet. Include all new or highly modified protein coding parts that you are using. If you submitted a Check-In for an organism or part, you should still include it in this spreadsheet.
You may omit non-protein-coding parts (except if they are known virulence factors – you should undertake a literature search to determine if they are), and you may omit parts that were already in the Registry if you are using them without significant modifications. For more information on virulence factors see the Safety Policy page and the White List. Please contact the Safety Committee by emailing safety AT igem DOT org
<DIV class="highlightBoxB">
<a href="#" class="click_expand">Click here to show/hide instructions for completing the spreadsheet</a>
<p><strong>Remember to change the filename of your spreadsheet! Put your team's name in place of "TeamName".</strong></p>
<ol style="list-style-type:upper-alpha">
<li><strong>Species name (including strain):</strong> For an organism, give the scientific name of the species. Include a strain name or number (such as "K-12" for E. coli K-12) if there is one. For a part, give the name and strain of the organism that the part originally came from.</li>
<li><strong>Risk Group:</strong> Give the Risk Group of the organism in column A. You may use a categorization according to your home country, according to the USA, or according to the WHO. If the organism falls into an 'in-between' or special category such as 2+ or 2-Agricultural, explain this category in the Notes column. If you cannot find any Risk Group categorization for this organism, write "N/A" and explain in the Notes column. (Multicellular organisms generally do not have a Risk Group.)</li>
<li><strong>Risk Group Source:</strong> Cite the source from which you obtained the Risk Group information. See <a target="_blank" href="https://2017.igem.org/Safety/Risk_Groups#HowToFindRiskGroup">Risk Group Guide</a> for recommended sources. If you got the information from the Canadian PSDS, from the NIH Guidelines, or from the DSMZ catalogue, you may simply write "PSDS", "NIH", or "DSMZ". Otherwise, please give a web link or a full citation for your source.</li>
<li><strong>Disease risk to humans?:</strong> Does this organism cause any disease in humans? If yes, what disease does it cause?</li>
<li><strong>Part number/name:</strong> For a part: If it has a Registry part number (like BBa_XXXXX), write that number. If it has no Registry part number, give a short name for the part. (For example: "Actin", "Alcohol Dehydrogenase".) For a whole organism, leave this column blank.</li>
<li><strong>Natural function of part:</strong> For a part: Briefly describe what the part does in its parent organism. (If it is an enzyme, what reaction does it catalyze? If it is a receptor, what molecules does it bind to? Etc.) For a whole organism, leave this column blank.</li>
<li><strong>How did you acquire it?:</strong> Describe how you acquired the organism/part. If you have not acquired it yet, describe how you plan to acquire it. (For example: did you receive the part DNA from another lab? Did you order the part DNA from a synthesis company? Did you use PCR to isolate the part from genomic DNA of its parent organism? Did you order the cell line from a company?)</li>
<li><strong>How will you use it?:</strong> Describe how you are using the organism/part in the lab. (For example: "This organism is our chassis." "This part senses when the cells are exposed to glucose." "This organism is the source for a part that we are isolating by PCR." "This part produces the toxin which our bio-sensor is designed to detect.")</li>
<li><strong>Notes:</strong> Use this column to give any additional information that is necessary.</li>
<br />
<p><strong><a href="" target="_blank" id="spreadsheet_upload"><button type="button">Upload Spreadsheet</button></a> -- Please do not change the "Destination Filename"!</strong> [File:<em>TeamName</em> Safety2017 Spreadsheet.xls]</p>
<p>You may upload multiple versions of your spreadsheet, using the same Destination Filename. The wiki software will keep track of different versions, and list them in chronological order.</p>
<p><strong><a href="" target="_blank" id="spreadsheet_view">Click here to VIEW your spreadsheet</a></strong></p>
<br />
Revision as of 15:14, 29 March 2017
Final Safety Form
This form is for you to tell us all about your project, the organisms/parts you are using, the potential risks of your project, and what you are doing to reduce those risks.
We encourage STUDENTS, instead of instructors, to complete this form. However, you will need an Instructor or PI to sign and submit this form.
While you type, this form will remember your answers. When you are finished, press the "Submit" button at the bottom to send your form to the iGEM Safety Committee.
Submit this form by September 1.
If you will not be able to complete this form before the deadline, please email us (safety AT igem DOT org) and tell us about your situation.