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        <img class="img-fluid" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/24/T--Berlin_diagnostX--_zirkel_grafik-01.png">
            <h3 class="text-center igem_blue mt-4"><strong>Project Management</strong></h3>
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        <h2 class="text-center igem_blue">Project Management</h2>
        <p class="text-justify mb-3">Our team consists of more than 30 members who are involved into very different parts of the project. Of course, the larger part of the team is involved into the lab work at some point, but other tasks have to be covered: financial resources need to be acquired, collaborations have to be set up, digital solutions demand programming and networking, and last but not least our immense focus on science communication and public relations required some manpower (or womanpower) behind it. </p>
        <img class="d-inline pfeilg mb-2" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e4/T--Berlin_diagnostX--Pfeile.png"> <h5 class="d-inline pl-3 my-3"> How can such a large team work?</h5>
    <p class="mt-5 text-justify"> As a first and most important basic rule, we took the dictum “divide and conquer” to heart: no one can do everything, and even more, no one likes to do everything. Every member of our team thus associated to one or several subteams he or she personally felt most enticing. These subteams included the following affiliations: </p>
        <li>Science Team, further divided into <ol>
            <li>In Vitro RNA sensor design (Team 0)</li>
            <li>Sensor synthesis (Team 1)</li>
            <li>Sensor screening/Cell free expression (Team 2)</li>
            <li>Fundraising Team</li>
            <li>Entrepreneurship Team</li>
            <li>Public Relations & Collaborations Team</li>
    <p class="text-justify mb-3">We embraced a strategy of low hierarchies: Henrik Sadlowski was named project leader, and each subteam also had a team leader. However, each team member had high personal responsibility and the authority to independently make decisions in his or her field of expertise. </p>
    <p class="text-justify">In order to ensure the individual team members in their subteams working as interlocking parts towards one goal, another key feature was required: <strong>communication</strong>. Throughout the months, we set up several interlocking strategies in order to keep information flowing between and within subteams. One part of the communication took place online – Trello, a free web-based project management application, helps to divide tasks and set deadlines. Furthermore, the Science team used Benchling, a life science data management and collaboration platform, as means of a digital lab notebook. The digital communication in place, we also set up strategies for actual face-to-face communication. <br> <br>
In the first phase of the project, concerned primarily with planning and raising funds, fortnightly team leader meetings would allow for the debates needed to propel an idea towards its realization, while the day-to-day work took place in the subteams. Later, when the project was at full speed and everyone was working on very specific tasks, we replaced the team leader meetings by a “diagnost-x co-working” – every Tuesday and Thursday night, we would work at the same time in the laboratories, offices and even in the kitchen of Prof. Schuelkes facilities. These co-workings ensured many questions could be solved at the same time, not requiring everyone to follow each and every problem.
You can find out about the detailed work of the Science Team <a class="igem_blue" href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:Berlin_diagnostX/Design">here</a>.
The Entrepreneur Team shows its work <a class="igem_blue" href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:Berlin_diagnostX/Entrepreneurship">here</a>, and the results of the Collaborations and Public Relations Teams can be found <a class="igem_blue" href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:Berlin_diagnostX/Collaborations">here</a> and <a class="igem_blue" href="https://2017.igem.org/Team:Berlin_diagnostX/Human_Practices">here</a>. In order not to omit a part of work without which this project could not have existed, we lay open our funding strategy below.</p>
<div class="row mt-5"><div class="col-12"><h3 class="text-center igem_blue">Fundraising: How we financed one year of diagnost-x</h3>
    <p class="text-justify">The basic principles of our project can be divided into three aspects:</p>
        <li>Humanitarian Aid</li>
        <li>Establishment of new technology</li>
        <li>Encouraging young scientists</li>
    <p class="text-justify mt-3">All of these aspects are of interest for different technological as well as charitable institutions. <br>
We approached these institutions by presenting on the one hand the global challenge of T.solium infection and on the other hand the opportunities that go along with the toehold switch technology. In this respect, we aimed to show potential sponsors and promoters how this technology could revolutionize field diagnostics – and to present the advantages of a team consisting of young, motivated scientists who are not yet primed to think inside their silos. <br> <br>
By this approach, we were able to convince different institutions to sponsor different aspects of our project. Whereas corporates of the biotechnological sector supported us with equipment, finance and consulting corporates were convinced of our team structure, and would support our participation in the iGEM competition. Institutional funding would often be given for international collaborations such as our project with India, or our participation in the Cystinet conference. </p>
    <img class="img-fluid mt-5" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/1/1d/T--Berlin_diagnostX--Kuchen_neu.png">
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             <li>Preparation of sensors for iGEM Submission (Mutagenesis & Cloning)</li>
             <li>Preparation of sensors for iGEM Submission (Mutagenesis & Cloning)</li>
        <p class="mt-4"><strong>Please find detailed protocols under the "Protocol" Section</strong></p>      
    <p class="mt-4"><strong>Please find detailed protocols under the "Protocol" Section</strong></p>
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         <h3 class="text-center igem_blue mt-4 mb-1">Other Experiments</h3>
         <h4 class="text-center mb-2">Preparation of nucleic acids</h5>
        <h5 class="text-center mb-2">Preparation of nucleic acids</h5>
         <p class="text-justify">For our experiments, a large set of different DNAs and RNAs - primers, templates, targets and controls – are required in varied concetrations. Thus, a set of standardized but easily adaptable protocols to extract and purify nucleic acids was established.</p>
         <p class="text-justify">For our experiments, a large set of different DNAs and RNAs - primers, templates, targets and controls – are required in varied concetrations. Thus, a set of standardized but easily adaptable protocols to extract and purify nucleic acids was established.</p>
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         <h5 class="igem_blue text-center pb-1">In vitro transcription</h5>
         <h5 class="igem_blue text-center pb-1">RNA purification</h5>
         <p class="text-justify">We require high RNA concentrations to minimize the volume we have to add to the cell free expression system – too high dilutions significantly decrease its efficiency. <br> <br> To ensure RNA yields with maximal concentration and purity of salts/contaminants, we don’t use column purification systems but rather rely on phenol-chloroform extraction. This method efficiently separates organic and inorganic phases to get rid of any unwanted salt contamination. Moreover the final yield is much higher than with column purification, which mostly reduces final concentration considerably due to column occlusion by contaminants. </p>
         <p class="text-justify">We require high RNA concentrations to minimize the volume we have to add to the cell free expression system – too high dilutions significantly decrease its efficiency. <br> <br> To ensure RNA yields with maximal concentration and purity of salts/contaminants, we don’t use column purification systems but rather rely on phenol-chloroform extraction. This method efficiently separates organic and inorganic phases to get rid of any unwanted salt contamination. Moreover the final yield is much higher than with column purification, which mostly reduces final concentration considerably due to column occlusion by contaminants. </p>
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        <h3 class="text-center igem_blue mt-4">Optimizing the Screening Pipeline</h3>
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        <p class="text-justify"><strong>Goal:</strong>Establishing the PureExpress® cell free protein expression kits (PureExpress®, NEB) as our main tool for RNA detection and assess its capabilities.</p>
        <p class="text-justify"><strong>Description</strong>The PureExpress®-System is composition of completely recombinant molecules to effectively transcribe any form of DNA into mRNA and then translate this into a protein. To use this system for field diagnostics, it has to meet the following requirements:</p>
            <li>Heat stability up to a temperature of 50°C</li>
            <li>High efficiency even with low volumes of reagents and/or low concentrations</li>
            <li>Stability towards changes in electrolyte concentration/ addition of foreign molecules</li>
            <li>Long-term storability.</li>
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        <p class="text-justify">We verified this by evaluating the kinetics of sensor reactions in different experimental conditions, including different temperatures, different reactant concentrations, changes in buffer as well as re-measurements after storage.<br><br>We could show that the system meets all these requirements. Especially noteworthy, we were able to create significant color change in a volume of 2,5 uL which is only 10% of the volume recommended by the manufacturer. Furthermore, we could show that the system is still highly active in concentrations of 40-50%. This makes it possible to use the system with patient samples of only estimated concentration without risking reduced functionality. Last but not least, the system is not vulnerable to possibly interfering molecules, as for example the chlor-phenol-red used  as a reporter dye.
        <br> <br> We concluded that the PureExpress® - System is most suitable for our essay; also due to the fact, that it composed of recombinant parts instead of cell lysate and so has very few variability</p>
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        <h5 class="text-center mb-2">Preparation of sensors for iGEM Submission</h5>
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        <h5 class="text-left mb-2 igem_blue">Mutagenesis</h5>
        <p class="text-justify"><strong>Goal:</strong>Introduce a silent mutation at position (3181;G>A) in lacZ to remove EcoRI restriction site.</p>
        <p class="text-justify"><strong>Description</strong>We used Q5 mutagenesis kit (NEB) and designed primers using NEBaseChanger software. The software recommended a forward-primer introducing the mutation and a reverse primer with suitable tm to complete the plasmid. Since the software neither provided a ranking of other primer pairs nor detailed information on how the primers are chosen, we designed two more primer pairs introducing the mutation. Mutagenesis was carried out according to the manufacturers protocol with 1ng, 8ng and 20ng of plasmid being used for each primer pair. Successful mutagenesis was confirmed by sequencing.</p>
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         <h5 class="text-left mb-2 igem_blue">Cloning into pSB1C</h5>
         <h4 class="text-left mb-2 igem_blue">Cloning into pSB1C</h5>
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        <li><a class="igem_blue" href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/4/47/T--Berlin_diagnostX--Protocol_RNA_Iso_Seq.pdf">RNA Isolation and Sequencing</a></li>
        <li><a class="igem_blue" href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/76/T--Berlin_diagnostX--12_Extension_PCR%2C_Gel_electrophoresis_%26_DNA_Clean_UP.pdf">Extension PCR, Electrophoresis and DNA Clean-Up</a></li>
        <li><a class="igem_blue" href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/4/49/T--Berlin_diagnostX--NESTED.pdf">Nested PCR</a></li>
        <li><a class="igem_blue" href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/a/a2/T--Berlin_diagnostX--Protocol_Colony_PCR.pdf">Colony PCR</a></li>
        <li><a class="igem_blue" href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/6a/T--Berlin_diagnostX--Sensor_Screening.pdf">Toehold Switch Sensor – High troughput screening</a></li>
        <li><a class="igem_blue" href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/37/T--Berlin_diagnostX--Protocol_Mutagenesis.pdf">Sensor Mutagenesis and Cloning</a></li>
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Latest revision as of 01:17, 16 December 2017
