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Revision as of 10:05, 13 July 2017

The Team

Our Team


LiU iGEM was founded in 2013 at Linköping University and has been active with different projects ever since. The projects between 2013 and 2015 focused on different biosensors for allergy, while the project for 2016 focused on the production of lipids in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

This year we are a group of 11 students participating in the group, all studying different aspects of biology. Our project can you read about here.


Our team

Max Lindberg

Max Lindberg

Education: 4th year of MSc in Protein Science
Responsible for: Project
Works with: Project leader
Why iGEM? Because synthetic biology is f*cking awesome! :D

Moa Nilsson

Moa Nilsson

Education: 3rd year of BSc in Medical Biology
Works with: Laboratory, sponsorship, human practices
Why iGEM? To increase my knowledge and competence within laboratory work and research in practice.

Jonatan Baggman

Jonatan Baggman

Education: 3rd year of MSc in Engineering Biology
Responsible for: Wiki
Works with: Laboratory, wiki
Why iGEM? To test my experiences from my education and to get a deeper view into the field of synthetic biology.

Johan Larsson

Johan Larsson

Education: 3rd year of BSc in Medical Biology
Responsible for: Laboratory
Works with: Laboratory, sponsorship, human practices
Why iGEM? It seemed like a fun way to spend my summer.

Jonathan Bergqvist

Jonathan Bergqvist

Education: 5th year of MSc in Chemical Biology
Works with: Wiki, modeling, human practices
Why iGEM? The project seemed interesting and I wanted to do something new.

Marie Peterson

Marie Peterson

Education: 3rd year of BSc in Chemical Biology
Works with: Laboratory, wiki, sponsorship and human practice
Why iGEM? The project seemed interesting and I wanted to meet new people.

Sophie Stridh Karppinen

Sophie Stridh Karppinen

Education: 3rd year of MSc in Engineering Biology
Works with: Laboratory, wiki, modeling, human practices
Why iGEM? I wanted to see if my education has taught me anything useful.

Oskar Reinhed Gustafsson

Oskar Reinhed Gustafsson

Education: 3rd year of BSc in Medical Biology
Works with: Laboratory, human practices
Why iGEM? Fun.

Lovisa Karlsson

Lovisa Karlsson

Education: 3rd year of BSc in Medical Biology
Responsible for: Human Practices
Works with: Laboratory, wiki and human practices
Why iGEM? To get more experience in laboratory work and get a more diverse education.

Henrik Karlsson

Henrik Karlsson

Education: 3rd year of MSc in Engineering Biology
Responsible for: Sponsorship
Works with: Laboratory, modeling, sponsorship
Why iGEM? The whole project seemed interesting and a good experience.

Jan Ybrahim

Jan Ybrahim

Education: 4th year of MSc in Engineering Biology
Responsible for: Modeling
Works with: Modeling, sponsorship
Why iGEM? To work with something relevant to my education during the summer.