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Revision as of 10:27, 23 July 2017


What would you do if we gave you the power to control cells through light?

3D structures from E. Coli?

Making stereolithography live: we are using light to stick cells to each other in 3D and then produce PHB. Two light systems are proposed: one that produces and transports the cell adhesion proteins to the outer membrane surface; and an instantaneous photocaged non-natural amino acid that upon exposure to light instantaneously allows cells to adhere. The strong covalent bond formed between SpyTag and SpyCatcher is our „glue“ and intimin, an outer membrane protein, will ensure the surface display. Light-induced PHB production is the cherry on the top, achieving a technology similar to stereolithography.

or print organs and regenerate tissue?

Mammalian cells can be equally engineered with light. We will use light in two ways: provide a standardised photo activated dCas9 system to trigger the transcription of desired genes; and design a photocaged cadherin blocker, which in contact with light will allow the instantaneous adhesion between cells.

a bacterial lightbulb?

We aim to produce a more efficient, longer-lasting and reliable light bulb that does not require electricity, mechanical input or continuous nutrient input. To achieve this, we are developing a “smart-bulb” comprised of E. coli cells that can detect sunlight changes and luminesce at night time. To guarantee a constant food source, the E.coli cells will be co-cultured with cyanobacteria that can continuously produce and secrete glucose.