Difference between revisions of "Template:Greece/Javascript8"

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//Source of images
//Source of images
//img.attr('src', 'pages/' +  (page-2) + '.png');
//img.attr('src', 'pages/' +  (page-2) + '.png');
        console.log('Page: ' + (page-2));
img.attr('src', 'http://users.auth.gr/komodromo/iGEM%20Greece%202017/Flipbook/pages/' +  (page-2) + '.jpg');
img.attr('src', 'http://users.auth.gr/komodromo/iGEM%20Greece%202017/Flipbook/pages/' +  (page-2) + '.jpg');

Revision as of 15:54, 15 October 2017

/* Documentation sample */

function loadPage(page) {

var img = $('<img />'); img.load(function() { var container = $('.sample-docs .p'+page); img.css({width: container.width(), height: container.height()}); img.appendTo($('.sample-docs .p'+page)); container.find('.loader').remove(); }); //Source of images //img.attr('src', 'pages/' + (page-2) + '.png');

       console.log('Page: ' + (page-2));

img.attr('src', 'http://users.auth.gr/komodromo/iGEM%20Greece%202017/Flipbook/pages/' + (page-2) + '.jpg');


function addPage(page, book) {

var id, pages = book.turn('pages');

var element = $('<div />', {});

if (book.turn('addPage', element, page)) { if (page <= pages) {


loadPage(page); }else{ console.log('Error on line 28: page > 28 ? Page: '+page) } } }

function updateTabs() { //The numbers next to the tab names is the page where the tabs change dynamically var tabs = {7: 'Protocols', 12:'Experiments', 14:'Timeline'}, left = [], right = [], book = $('.sample-docs'), actualPage = book.turn('page'), view = book.turn('view');

for (var page in tabs) { var isHere = $.inArray(parseInt(page, 10), view)!=-1;

if(tabs[page] != 'Timeline'){ if (page > actualPage && !isHere)

<a href="#page/' + page + '">' + tabs[page] + '</a>

else if (isHere) {

<a href="#page/' + page + '" class="on">' + tabs[page] + '</a>

} else

<a href="#page/' + page + '">' + tabs[page] + '</a>


<svg id='sticky_note' class='svg-graphic' width='250' height='250' viewBox='0 0 250 250' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' version='1.1'>" +

"<g><clipPath id='hexagonal-mask'><polygon points='0,187 0,250 250,250 250,0 120,0 116,175 115,177 114,179 113,180 112,181' style='fill:lime;stroke:purple;stroke-width:1'/></clipPath></g>" + "<image x='0' y='0' clip-path='url(#hexagonal-mask)' height='250px' width='250px' xlink:href='https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/5b/GreeKom_post_it.png' /></svg>" +

"<a id='secondLink' href='#page/" + page + "'>" + tabs[page] + "</a>

if(isHere){ $('#secondLink').addClass('on'); } } } $('.sample-docs .tabs .left').html(left.join()); $('.sample-docs .tabs .right').html(right.join());


function numberOfViews(book) { return book.turn('pages') / 2 + 1; }

function getViewNumber(book, page) { return parseInt((page || book.turn('page'))/2 + 1, 10); }

function moveBar(yes) { if (Modernizr && Modernizr.csstransforms) { $('#slider .ui-slider-handle').css({zIndex: yes ? -1 : 10000}); } }

function setPreview(view) {

var previewWidth = 115, previewHeight = 73, previewSrc = 'pics/preview.jpg', preview = $(_thumbPreview.children(':first')), numPages = (view==1 || view==$('#slider').slider('option', 'max')) ? 1 : 2, width = (numPages==1) ? previewWidth/2 : previewWidth;

_thumbPreview. addClass('no-transition'). css({width: width + 15, height: previewHeight + 15, top: -previewHeight - 30, left: ($($('#slider').children(':first')).width() - width - 15)/2 });

preview.css({ width: width, height: previewHeight });

if (preview.css('background-image')=== || preview.css('background-image')=='none') {

preview.css({backgroundImage: 'url(' + previewSrc + ')'});

setTimeout(function(){ _thumbPreview.removeClass('no-transition'); }, 0);


preview.css({backgroundPosition: '0px -'+((view-1)*previewHeight)+'px' }); }